I. Combat in World War I

I. Combat in World War I
A. Both sides began with massive artillery
barrages. Then bayonet-wielding
soldiers would scramble out of the
trenches, race across no man’s land, and
hurl grenades into the other trenches.
B. The artillery barrages rarely destroyed
the enemy defenses, and as the troops
raced across no man’s land, they were
easily stopped by enemy machine guns
and rifle fire.
I. Combat in World War I
C. It became clear that charging enemy
trenches could bring only limited
success at great cost, so new
technology was needed to break
through enemy lines.
D. April 15; Second Battle of Ypres
E. Tanks and airplanes
Renault FT tanks being operated by the US Army in France. Light tanks with a crew of
only two, these were mass-produced during World War I.
II. The Americans and Victory
A. Admiral William S. Sims
B. Sims proposed that merchant ships and
troop transports be gathered into groups,
called convoys, and escorted across the
Atlantic by warships. If submarines
wanted to attack the merchant ships and
troop transports, they would have to get
past the warships protecting them.
II. The Americans and Victory
C. To pull Russia out of the war and
concentrate on establishing a
Communist state
D. The Battle of Meuse-Argonne; General
E. At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the
11th month, 1918
A. Known now as Veteran’s Day
War Casualties
Mobilized- total # of soldiers
Casualties= total # of killed, wounded &
Total % of casualties = Casualties/Mobilized
War Casualties- Predict
• Total mobilized and % of casualties for each:
• Allied Powers (as a whole)
• Russia
• France
• US
• Britain
• Central Powers (as a whole)
• Germany
• Austria-Hungary
War Casualties- Compare
Answer the following ON YOUR OWN:
1. Compare your predictions to the chart.
Where were you close, where were you
far off?
2. What surprised you the most about the
data in the table?
3. Speculate why certain countries had
such high casualty %.
Allied Powers Casualties
Central Powers Casualties
Total Casualties by Side
III. A Flawed Peace
A. The “Big Four,” the leaders of the Allied
nations: President Wilson (US), Prime Minister
Lloyd (Britain), Premier Clemenceau (France)
& Prime Minister Orlando (Italy)
B. It called for the creation of a “general
association of nations” known as the League
of Nations. The League’s member nations
would help preserve peace and prevent future
wars by pledging to respect and protect each
other’s territory and political independence.
III. A Flawed Peace
C. They criticized it as too lenient toward
D. Germany was stripped of its armed forces and
made to pay reparations, or war damages to
the Allies, in the amount of $33 billion ($4
trillion today). This sum was far beyond
Germany’s financial means. The treaty also
required Germany to acknowledge guilt for the
outbreak of and devastation caused by WWI.
A. Eventually will lead to the rise of Hitler & the
III. A Flawed Peace
E. They feared that the League might
supersede the power of Congress to
declare war and thus might force the
United States to fight in numerous
foreign conflict.
Analyzing Wilson’s 14 Points
• Read through Wilson’s 14 points document on
p. 998 in your text book.
• For each of the 14 points, summarize and
identify the important ideas.
• You may work together to figure out each
point, but everyone must participate and have
their own notes.
• Complete “Words you need to know” first by
looking them up in the dictionary on your
Wilson’s 14 Points p. 998
Additional notes
Summarize point
Save this space to
one and identify the add information when
important idea.
I go over the 14
points with the class.
Vocabulary Words
• Covenant- a binding agreement made by two or more
parties (an alliance)
• Diplomacy- The art or practice of conducting
international relations, as in negotiating alliances,
treaties & agreements
• Armaments- weapons and equipment of war
• Sovereignty- total independence and self-government
• Self-determination- freedom of people of a given area
to choose their own political status.
• Autonomous – independent of the laws of another
state or government
Wilson’s 14 Points p. 998
1. No more secret agreements (“Open
covenants openly arrived at”).
2. Free navigation of all seas.
3. An end to all economic barriers
between countries. (free trade)
4. Countries to reduce weapon numbers.
5. All decisions regarding the colonies
should be impartial (end to
Wilson’s 14 Points p. 998
6. The German army is to be removed from
Russia. Russia should be left to develop her
own political set-up. (Self-determination)
7. Belgium should be independent like before
the war.
8. France should be fully liberated and allowed
to recover Alsace-Lorraine
9. All Italians are to be allowed to live in Italy.
Italy’s borders are to be “along clearly
recognisable lines of nationality.”
Wilson’s 14 Points p. 998
10. Self-determination should be allowed for all
those living in Austria-Hungary.
11. Self-determination and guarantees of
independence should be allowed for the
Balkan states.
12. The Turkish people should be governed by
the Turkish government. Non-Turks in the
old Turkish Empire should govern
Wilson’s 14 Points p. 998
13. An independent Poland should be
created which should have access to
the sea.
14. A League of Nations should be set up
to guarantee the political and territorial
independence of all states.
End to all secret diplomacy.
Freedom of the seas in peace and war.
General reduction of armaments.
Self-determination all of nations. (an
end to imperialism)
• Creation of the League of Nations
Notebook Check & Chapter Test
Block Day (2/4)
• Notes:
• Ch. 5 Concept Notes
• Wilson’s Diplomacy
• Causes of WWI
• 6.1 lecture Guide
• 6.2 Preview Questions*
• 6.2 Lecture Guide
• 6.3 & 6.4 Study Guide
• 6.4 Lecture Guide (Fri.)
*= own paper
• Activities:
• Muckrakers
• WWI Europe Map
• Zimmerman Telegram
• Wilson’s 14 Points
• Time NB Assign. (Mon.)
• Video Guides
• CAT: Episode 1
• Martin Luther King
• CAT: Shell Shocked
Take Home Test
• Due FRIDAY – No Exceptions!!
• Worth 50 points
• Must be typed and in MLA format for full
• Academic Honesty Policy will be strictly
• Cheating = 0 on assignment and you
will be turned in to the VP’s