4.1 - Imperialism Why did Americans show little interest in expanding their nation’s territory and international power in the years immediately following the Civil War? They were focused on reconstructing the South, building up the nation’s industries and settling the West. 2. What is imperialism? Economic and political domination of a strong nation over other weaker nations 1. What part did tariffs play in European expansion in the later 1800s? They reduced trade between industrial countries, forcing companies to look overseas for places to sell their products 4. What is a protectorate? the imperial power allowed local rulers to stay in control and protected them against rebellion and invasion 3. • In exchange for protection rulers had to accept advice on how to govern their countries. • (Think of this like a hug from a big brother) 5. How did Social Darwinism justify the idea of expanding American power overseas? Many supporters of S.D. argued that nations competed with each other politically, economically and militarily, and that only the strongest nations would survive. 6. How did Anglo-Saxonism fit with the idea of Manifest Destiny? Anglo-Saxonism idea that English-speaking nations had superior character, ideas and government, and were destined to dominate the planet. Manifest Destiny As a result, many Americans believed that it was our destiny to expand overseas and spread our civilization to other people. 7. How did the minister Josiah Strong convince many Americans to support imperialism? By linking missionary work to Anglo-Saxonism 8. Why did Japan’s rulers not want to open trade with the US and other countries in the west? Japan’s rulers believed that excessive contact with the United States would destroy the Japanese culture. Japan was impressed by American technology and fire power (they had never seen steam ships) 9. How did Japan respond to the forced trade with the United States, and what was the result by the 1890’s? Japanese leaders concluded that the time had come to remake their society. They adopted Western technology and launched their own industrial revolution. Turning point in history: This puts Japan on a path to become a world power This will be important when we get to WWII. As trade with China and Japan grew, many Americans became interested in Hawaii. American settlers quickly discovered the climate and soil was suitable for growing sugar cane. Economic changes forced Hawaii to be more dependent on sugar planters, who gained more power. 10. What were the elements of the new Hawaiian constitution forced by a group of prominent planters? The king’s authority was sharply limited, and the power of the planters increased. 11. Queen L. ascended the throne in 1891. She disliked the influence that American settlers had gained in Hawaii, and tried unsuccessfully to impose a new constitution that reasserted her authority as ruler of the Hawaiian people. Queen Liliuokalani 12.From where did Latin Americans buy most of their manufactured goods? • Europe. Latin America 13. What was the purpose of a customs union? A customs union would require all of the American nations to reduce their tariffs (taxes) against each other and to treat each other equally in trade. 14. What three ideas, combined by Alfred T. Mahan, convinced Congress to pay for the construction of a modern navy? Business • Wanted new markets overseas Manifest Destiny • Americans believed they were destined to take over the world Security • Growing European imperialism threatened America’s security Chapter 4.2 Where was the USS Maine when it exploded in 1898? In the harbor in Havana, Cuba. The sinking of the Maine How did Americans regard Cuba at the time of the explosion? The Cuban people were fighting for independence from Spain, and many Americans regarded the Spanish as tyrants and supported the Cubans in their struggle. Who was José Martí? An exiled Cuban writer and poet (living in the US) who organized other exiles and raised funds from sympathetic Americans, purchased weapons, and trained troops in preparation for and invasion of Cuba. José Martí How did the US and Cuba become closely linked economically? CUBA Cuba exported much of its sugar to the US US invested $50 million in Cuba’s mines, railroads and sugar plantations US 5. What prompted most Americans to side with the Cuban rebels against Spain? The dramatic and gruesome stories of Spanish atrocities in the New York Journal and the New York World. Plantations Sugar Mills #6-Targets of Cuban Guerrillas Railroad tracks Supply depots 7. Why did President McKinley finally send the USS Maine to Havana? He was worried that American citizens might be attacked and need to be evacuated. #8- How were the Spanish not prepared for war? Weakened soldiers due to disease and fighting Warships were old Ship crews were poorly trained 9. Where did both sides know the war would ultimately be fought? At sea 10. Why was defeating the Spanish fleet of importance to the US? If the US could defeat Spain’s fleet, the Spanish would not be able to get supplies to its troops in Cuba. Eventually, the would have to surrender. #11Who defeated the Spanish in the Philippines? Commodore George Dewey 12. How many Americans died in training camps compared to those killed in battle in Cuba? More Americans died in the training camps than in actual battle. #13Who were the Rough Riders? A volunteer cavalry regiment from the American West, made up of cowboys, miners and law officers. Rough Riders #14Who were the commanders of the Rough Riders? Colonel Leonard Wood and Theodore Roosevelt General Joseph Wheeler, Leonard Wood and Theodore Roosevelt, Cuba, 1898 15. Why did some Americans support annexing the Philippines? Some wanted a naval base in Asia as a stopover on the way to China, and a large market for American goods ($$$) Others believed America had a duty to teach “less civilized” peoples how to live properly Puerto Rico “Unincorporated Territory” US Congress Puerto Ricans No could pass were not Constitutional whatever laws citizens Rights it wanted