Contrat d’élève: français 1 Unité 1 I will be able to:

Contrat d’élève: français 1
Unité 1
In what ways is learning another language beneficial?
I will be able to:
1a introduce myself and
respond to an introduction, tell
my name
Greet others, talk about
where French is spoken in the
world and who makes up the
French-speaking population
1b Ask how things are going
and tell how I am am
Use expressions to say goodbye, discuss la rentrée in
France and specific areas in
Europe and North Africa
where French is spoken
1c Invite someone and accept
or refuse an invitation
Discuss teens in France and
where French is spoken in
sub-Saharan Africa and the
Date d’interro
Contrat d’élève: français 1
Unité 2 Les passé-temps
I will be able to:
Date d’interro
2a ask what someone likes
to do and say what I like to
Talk about Pari Roller, the
birth of the modern
Olympics, Paris, the Tour de
France, and ice hockey in
Use subject pronouns, tell
when to use to or vous, form
sentences using regular –er
verbs, and recognize
2b Say how much I like to do
Talk about Lyon and the game
Use adverbs and know where
to place them in a sentence
2c Ask about and state
preferences, and agree and
Talk about Rachid Taha and
World Music, Corneille, and
la Fête de la Musique
Identify masculine and
feminine nouns, use definite
articles, the verb préférer, and
ne...pas to make sentences
What do activities and pastimes reveal about a culture?
Contrat d’élève: français 1
Unité 3 À l’école How does education shape individuals and societies?
I will be able to:
Date d’interro
3a Say what I and others
need, and give prices
Talk about Carrefour,
French school supplies, the
euro, and e-learning in
Use indefinite articles, the
plural forms of nouns and
articles, the irregular verb
avoir, and the expression
avoir besoin de (d’)
3b Describe my teachers and
classes and ask for
Talk about French school
schedules, courses and exams
the naming of francophone
schools, and French Polynesia
Tell time and use the irregular
verb être
3c Ask
quand/où/pourquoi/avec qui
questions and set a time and
place to meet
Talk about lunches in French
school cafeterias and use
Use the irregular verb aller,
the preposition à with definite
articles, and form questions
using est-ce que
Contrat d’élève: français 1
Unité 4 Le weekend ensemble
I will be able to:
Date d’interro Score/Strengths/Weaknesses
4a make plans, setting the
time and place to do
4a talk about soccer in
France and a famous French
soccer player
4a talk about the future
Aller + infinitive and form
questions using inversion
and n’est-ce pas
4b Order food and drinks in a
café and ask for the bill
4b Talk about le fast-food and
famous cafés in France
4b Use the verb prendre (to
take) and the expressions
avoir faim (hunger)/soif
4c Make and respond to
4c Talk about the history of
cinema in France and some
popular comedies
4c Use all forms of quel
(which) and voir (to see)
What activities do friends in other countries do together?
Contrat d’élève: français 1
Unité 5 Les gens que je connais
I will be able to:
What is the nature of relationships in other cultures?
Date d’interro Score/Strengths/Weaknesses
5a propose something to eat
and ask if I look like
5a name measurements in
the metric system and talk
about Martinique
5a use possessive adjectives
5b ask someone’s age and tell
my age, tell what gift I’m
giving, and plan a party
5b discuss holidays in
francophone countries
5b Use regular -ir verbs and
the verb offrir in the present
tense, the expression
avoir…ans, and give dates
5c ask what someone’s
profession is, ask where
someone is from, and tell what
country I’m from
5c discuss French-speaking
Africa and performers
Amadou and Mariam
5c Use c’est and il/elle est, the
verb venir, and de+definite
articles (le/la/les)
Contrat d’élève: français 1
Unité 6 La rue commerçante
I will be able to:
How is shopping different in other countries?
Date d’interro Score/Strengths/Weaknesses
6a shop for clothes
6a talk about shopping
online in France, French flea
markets, designers, and
clothing in West Africa
6a use the verbs acheter
and vouloir and
demonstrative adjectives
6b sequence activities
6b talk about French stores,
cheeses, and metric
6b Use regular –re verbs and
expressions of quantity
6c make purchases at the
6c talk about French and
North African markets and the
slow food movement in
6c use the partitive in
affirmative and negative