Francais 1 Madame Verspieren Vista Del Lago HS

Francais 1
Madame Verspieren
Vista Del Lago HS
Term 2, 2015-2016 academic year
janvier 2016
Bienvenue à la classe de français 1!
Tips for success in French class:
Enthusiastically complete class activities – singing, speaking, reading, listening, drawing,
videos, partner conversations and anything else included.
Do your homework everyday! Daily practice of the language in addition to classtime is essential
to making progress. Homework is assigned from the workbook (wb) and is posted in the
classroom and on my web page. It is due the following day when the bell rings (late ½ credit)
Try to understand but don’t worry if you don’t understand everything I say. I conduct the
majority of the class in French. You will be surprised at how quickly you learn!
Use the textbook website (French/teb2014) and pre-tests posted on my teacher web page.
Listen and don’t speak when I am speaking. Write everything I write on the whiteboard in your
Plug in to French media: download as much French music as possible on your ipod/computer/etc. so that you are hearing the language as much as possible. Watch French tv
(tv5, available on satellite/cable) Check websites such as or
daily. Add French language learning apps such as quizlet/ mindsnacks/duolingo on your
phone! Set your cellphone language to French!
PLEASE keep backpacks and purses on the floor and under your chair or desk at all times.
Keep all cellphones or other electronic devices out of reach (i.e. zipped in backpack) at all
times. Visible cellphones will go to the vice-principal’s office immediately.
No chewing gum and no eating in class! Only water is allowed!
Materials necessary for French class:
1. T’es branché Fr. 1 textbook (provided)
2. T’es branché Fr. 1 workbook (important: pick up at student accounts - $20 check or cash
;also on online at textbook website)
3. 3-ring binder with dividers: divided into 7 sections: Classwork, unite 1, unite 2,…..unite 6
4. 2 dry erase markers and an eraser (keep in binder)
5. 1 box of Kleenex or roll of paper towels (to be kept in classroom)
6. 3-hole notebook punch and stapler (keep in binder)
7. 2 red pens for correcting in addition to black or blue pens and pencils
Student grade is updated weekly on powerschool and will be based upon:
Exams (one per unit)- 20%
Quizzes - 20%
Final - 20%
Homework - 20%
Projects - 10%
Classwork/Participation - 10%
Course Description:
French 1 focuses on developing proficiency in the four basic language skills – reading, writing,
listening and speaking – in a context that emphasizes communicating in real-life situations.
Grammar is a particularly important component of French 1 since it teaches students how to
combine words into sentences and serves as a building block for stronger language proficiency.
Within French 1 the class will also be learning about the culture of France and other Frenchspeaking countries.
Quizzes (3 per unit) and unit exams (6 per term) are given on a regular basis throughout the term.
Homework, posted in the classroom and on teacher web page, is assigned daily from the
Workbook and must be completed by the beginning of the next class period for full credit.
Thereafter assignments may be submitted for half-credit. If a student is absent, they must
submit missing assignments within two days of returning unless special arrangements have been
Absences and Make-up Policy. Students with excused absences are responsible for meeting with me
and making arrangements to make up assignments. Any work assigned before the student’s
absence and due on the day of the absence is due the first day the student returns to school unless
other arrangements have been made. For any new work assigned, I will allow the student a
minimum of one day for each day missed to make up any work assigned during a student’s
absence. Regardless, it is the student’s responsibility to meet with me to arrange for make-up
work. All missed quizzes and tests must be made up within one week at lunch or advisory.
Tutoring: Please make an appointment to see me any day before school or during lunch or on
Wednesdays during advisory if you would like extra assistance.
Classwork: Students are expected to communicate actively in French in class work and
assignments, and to ask questions when in doubt. The classwork grade will reflect students'
contribution to and participation in individual, pair and group activities. Inattentiveness,
including talking out of turn (i.e. when I am speaking to the class or when another student is
speaking), reading material from another class, not coming to class with completed assignments,
etc. will result in a lower classwork grade.
Extra Credit (school wide policy): In order to insure accurate, fair and consistent grades, extra credit
will only be offered to students who have completed all assignments at a proficient level and
only for standards-based work
FOOD IN CLASS. ONLY WATER is allowed in class; any other type of liquid will be taken
away and the participation grade will be lowered. ANY VISIBLE CELL PHONE is confiscated
and taken to the vice-principal immediately. VIOLATIONS of the cell phone policy will result
in a lower classwork grade.
Tardiness is not acceptable and the Vista tardy policy will be enforced in the classroom.
Please refer to the Vista website or student handbook for specifics. Tardiness disrupts class,
is unfair to students who are on time, reflects negative attitude toward the instructor and develops
a habit which could make future employment and academic success difficult. Students who are
not in their assigned seats when the bell rings are considered late.
Academic Dishonesty Policy. See website for a copy of the Academic Integrity Contract.
All Vista students are expected to adhere to the rules of responsible scholarship, requiring
student grades to be earned honestly through hard work and good study habits. Students who
violate Vista’s Academic Honesty Agreement will be suspended or assigned Saturday School
and required to complete an assigned project on the consequences of academic and workplace
dishonesty. The student will receive a lowered citizenship grade in that class which may impact
the student’s ability to participate in extracurricular activities, including athletics and school
events. All teachers will be notified and a notation will be made in the student’s record. In
addition, the student will be expected to complete and resubmit the assignment or
test, which will be considered late and subject to Vista’s late work policy.
Please sign below to indicate that you have read and understood the course expectations for French 1, Term 2,
2015-2016 academic year. Also please indicate if you are possibly interested in taking a trip to France in
Spring 2017. More details to follow depending on level of interest. Merci!
Trip to France during Spring Break 2017! Interested yes /no? Cost is approximately $3500. ____yes ____no
Student Name _________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ Parent signature __________ Date
________________________________________________Student signature ___________Date