F OECD / IOPS GLOBAL FORUM ON PRIVATE PENSIONS agmeedah Petersen Lurie Independent Actuary Pensions Governance Investment Long Term investors? Pension funds and insurers represent significant savings Drivers of development of Listed and unlisted capital markets Especially in developing countries – biggest source of capital for diversified, third party investments Pension Funds are Asset Allocators relative to liabilities Pension fund liabilities – Clearly long to very long term for DB F agmeedah Petersen Lurie Independent Actuary Pensions Governance Investment Long Term investors? Mature DB fund has DMT of around 7yrs for pensioner members (NRA 60), 18yrs for active members (salary-weighted average age 40) Opportunity to invest for very long term, e.g. unlisted equity held to maturity (IPO) What is risk for a long term investor? Volatility is noise Valuations are academic Liquidity is irrelevant F agmeedah Petersen Lurie Independent Actuary Pensions Governance Investment Long Term investors? Primary measure of risk not in sentiment (market F volatility), but real capital at risk Patient capital unlocks growth potential and offers opportunity for long term growth In Developing countries, with young populations, and immature pension funds (I.e. very young average age of membership), opportunity to invest for very long term. Opportunity for Treasuries to issue debt along full yield curve, even very long term 30 years plus, as observed in SA (stable inflation or inflation-indexation) agmeedah Petersen Lurie Independent Actuary Pensions Governance Investment Or a series of short terms? Manage funding to triennial valuation reporting, solvency illustrated for Regulators Solvency reserves need funding, trustees need to learn to accept fluctuations in funding level. Investment performance monitoring 1/4ly, yearly, 3 yearly. Drives churn in market in pursuit of dubious value opportunities – about 60% of listed equities portfolio holding churned per year Use longer term performance periods (in surveys, for performance fees calculations) Regulation limits “more risky” unlisted investments. Limits gradually being relaxed F agmeedah Petersen Lurie Independent Actuary Pensions Governance Investment Or a series of short terms? “Previous trustees did a bad job” Lack of expertise on part of trustees, coupled with trustee liability – aversion for complex long term investments – default to listed investments with good information Compulsory investment skill to exist within board Cash payouts on exit: Fund becomes short term savings account Valuation, liquidity, volatility become important Legislate compulsory preservation F agmeedah Petersen Lurie Independent Actuary Pensions Governance Investment Driving market efficiency Gravitate towards listed investments Improve integrity of market Less government interference Demutualisation Regulation Increased demand for capital market services leads to increase in capital investments in market services IT – speed of processing, reporting, settlement Increased regulation – increased knowledge in market Increased competition as providers seek market share Improve efficiency F agmeedah Petersen Lurie Independent Actuary Pensions Governance Investment Driving market efficiency DB funds (and insurers) create demand for Index-linked bonds Creates critical mass for certain markets – e.g. derivatives market created by demand for effective TAA Foreign (developed market investors) seeking alternative alpha Demanding fledgling capital markets grow up Increases efficiency F agmeedah Petersen Lurie Independent Actuary Pensions Governance Investment Crowding out unlisteds Listed’s get disproportionate allocation of capital flows Listed’s hothouse – valuations and consensus forecasts don’t support price Listed’s management fees high, despite number of listed’s service providers Lucrative, high margin listed fees disincentivises unlisted investment management Trustees need to negotiate more GDP’s &market caps in Africa Country Currency South Africa ZAR 467.80 18.8% 361.53 64.6% Egypt EGP 405.40 16.3% 52.71 9.4% Nigeria NGN 296.10 11.9% 46.24 8.3% Morocco MAD 125.00 5.0% 62.62 11.2% Tunisia TND 76.07 3.1% 4.71 0.8% Kenya KES 61.22 2.5% 8.82 1.6% Tanzania TZS 51.07 2.1% 1.48 0.3% Côte d'Ivoire (BRVM) XOF 32.85 1.3% 5.04 0.9% Ghana GHS 31.13 1.3% 5.53 1.0% Uganda UGX 29.13 1.2% 0.49 0.1% Botswana BWP 26.04 1.0% 1.27 0.2% Zambia ZMK 16.10 0.6% 3.79 0.7% Mauritius MUR 14.27 0.6% 2.43 0.4% Namibia NAD 10.69 0.4% 1.47 0.3% Malawi MWK 10.59 0.4% 1.33 0.2% Swaziland SZL 5.36 0.2% 0.10 0.0% TOTALS 1,658.82 66.7% 559.56 GDP of continent 2,485.70 F GDP US$bn GDP% of Continent agmeedah Petersen Lurie Independent Actuary Pensions Governance Investment market cap US$bn % of market cap 100.0% Country Currency South Africa ZAR 467.80 18.8% 361.53 64.6% Egypt EGP 405.40 16.3% 52.71 9.4% Nigeria NGN 296.10 11.9% 46.24 8.3% Morocco MAD 125.00 5.0% 62.62 11.2% Tunisia TND 76.07 3.1% 4.71 0.8% Kenya KES 61.22 2.5% 8.82 1.6% Tanzania TZS 51.07 2.1% 1.48 0.3% Côte d'Ivoire (BRVM) XOF 32.85 1.3% 5.04 0.9% Ghana GHS 31.13 1.3% 5.53 1.0% Uganda UGX 29.13 1.2% 0.49 0.1% Botswana BWP 26.04 1.0% 1.27 0.2% Zambia ZMK 16.10 0.6% 3.79 0.7% Mauritius MUR 14.27 0.6% 2.43 0.4% Namibia NAD 10.69 0.4% 1.47 0.3% Malawi MWK 10.59 0.4% 1.33 0.2% Swaziland SZL 5.36 0.2% 0.10 0.0% TOTALS 1,658.82 66.7% 559.56 GDP of continent 2,485.70 F GDP US$bn GDP% of Continent agmeedah Petersen Lurie Independent Actuary Pensions Governance Investment market cap US$bn % of market cap 100.0% Country Currency South Africa ZAR 467.80 18.8% 361.53 64.6% Egypt EGP 405.40 16.3% 52.71 9.4% Nigeria NGN 296.10 11.9% 46.24 8.3% Morocco MAD 125.00 5.0% 62.62 11.2% Tunisia TND 76.07 3.1% 4.71 0.8% Kenya KES 61.22 2.5% 8.82 1.6% Tanzania TZS 51.07 2.1% 1.48 0.3% Côte d'Ivoire (BRVM) XOF 32.85 1.3% 5.04 0.9% Ghana GHS 31.13 1.3% 5.53 1.0% Uganda UGX 29.13 1.2% 0.49 0.1% Botswana BWP 26.04 1.0% 1.27 0.2% Zambia ZMK 16.10 0.6% 3.79 0.7% Mauritius MUR 14.27 0.6% 2.43 0.4% Namibia NAD 10.69 0.4% 1.47 0.3% Malawi MWK 10.59 0.4% 1.33 0.2% Swaziland SZL 5.36 0.2% 0.10 0.0% TOTALS 1,658.82 66.7% 559.56 GDP of continent 2,485.70 F GDP US$bn GDP% of Continent agmeedah Petersen Lurie Independent Actuary Pensions Governance Investment market cap US$bn % of market cap 100.0% Investors driving markets Pension funds demand infrastructure and greenfields F investments – increased packaging / preparation of investment opportunities Unfortunately very few venture capital opportunities offered – deal pipeline restriction for private equity type of investments Uncertain / opaque private equity investments and vehicles create mistrust on part of willing long term investors, especially in less developed markets in Africa Need to be seen as more mainstream Regulator to provide guidelines Regulators and market entities need to share information and expertise, and platforms, both in the private and listed space agmeedah Petersen Lurie Independent Actuary Pensions Governance Investment