Dive Trip

Dive Trip
Filename: dive
The Problem
Your good friend Bob is an avid scuba diver. He’s trying to plan a dive trip. Bob wants to
know how long he will stay down on each dive so that he can plan his trip.
Bob knows that you can figure out how much compressed air is in a tank by multiplying
the compression ratio by the size of the tank, but he’s not very good at math. He wants
you to help him out.
The Input
There will be one line of input containing two floating-point values followed by an
integer value. The first of the three values is the rate at which that diver uses air,
expressed in cubic feet per minute. The second value will be the volume of that diver’s
tank in cubic feet. The third value is the pressure in that diver’s tank, expressed in PSI
(pounds per square inch).
Hint: Normal, uncompressed air is at 14 PSI. The compression ratio of a tank is the
pressure of that tank divided by the pressure of normal air.
The Output
The output will consist of one line, displaying how long, in hours, Bob will stay down.
Sample Input
1.0 1.5 2800
Sample Output