“If you study to remember- you will forget, but if... To: Students, Parents, and Guardians

Mr. Joel Francisco
Mills Middle School
363-6544 ext. 121
School Year 2015-2016
Course Title: English Language Arts 7 (HONORS)
“If you study to remember- you will forget, but if you study to understand – you will remember.”
To: Students, Parents, and Guardians
Welcome to Mills Middle School! I hope that you are very excited to start the school year. I know that we can accomplish
the goals that we set and I feel confident that this year will be a wonderful learning experience for all of us. I also
strongly feel that students learn much better when they are well-prepared for class. I would like to ask the parents and
guardians to encourage their children to attend classes daily and complete all assignments on time. The following
information will answer many questions that you have about English Language Arts 7.
Course Description
English Language Arts 7 is designed to provide a complete curriculum for common core state standards-based instruction
in vocabulary, reading, literature, writing, speaking, and listening. Students will read classic and contemporary literature,
expository text, magazines, newspapers, online information, speeches, essays, poetry, and consumer/ workplace
documents. Students will speak both formally and informally to deliver narrative presentations, oral responses,
persuasive presentations, and participate in Socratic seminars.
Student Writing Component
Throughout the school year, students will write fictional or autobiographical narratives, informative/explanatory essays,
argumentative, and research paper related to college readiness and career development in order to address the common
core state standards in writing.
Holt Literature and Language Arts, Second Course (7th grade)
Selected District-Approved Novels
Holt Handbook, Second Course (7th grade)
Other Materials to Support the Common Core State Standards
(Textbooks and other school materials will be provided by the school. However, a student will be held financially
responsible for any lost or damaged textbook, school material, or equipment.)
Classroom Rules and Expectations
School rules may be found in the student conduct code in the student’s planner. These rules cover most situations that
may arise in a classroom. Infractions of classroom and school rules will result in lowering the citizenship grade.
1st Offense – Verbal Warning
4th Offense – Classroom Suspension
2 Offense – Detention (15 minutes)
5th Offense - Vice Principal Referral
3 Offense – Detention/Parent Contact (30 minutes)
General Classroom Rules:
1. Be in class and in your seat when the bell rings.
5. Listen and follow directions.
2. Have all materials ready to use when the bell rings.
6. Sharpen your pencils before the class begins.
3. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
7. No food or drinks other than water.
4. Raise your hand to ask permission to speak.
8. Do not run or shout in class.
*Whenever a guest teacher is present and a student causes any type of disruption, then that student will automatically be
suspended upon my return.
Homework/Assignments/Tests/Make-Up Policy
At any time you want to re-take a test you did poorly on, please come see Mr. Francisco in the morning or afternoon.
There will be homework every week in this class: Spelling, Latin/Greek roots, grammar assignments, writing projects, and
nightly reading for the Accelerated Reader program, etc.. It is your responsibility to complete all homework on time. Late
assignments will be docked 10% each day it is late. If a student does not turn the work in after 5 days, the work will
reflect a zero in the grade book. Students who show diligence on their tests, but score below 50% on any
summative assessment will be awarded 50% credit.
Method of Evaluation: Weighted Grading Scale
A+= 97-100%
A = 93-96%
A- = 90-92%
B+= 87-89%
B = 83-86%
B- = 80-82%
C+ = 77-79%
C = 73-76%
C- = 70-72%
D+ = 67-69%
D = 63-66%
D- = 60-62%
F = 59% or less
Honors Class
If an Honors class student does not receive a C+ or better at the end of a trimester, that student will be dropped from
the Honors class and will be enrolled into a regular English Language Arts class for the remainder of the school year.
There will be zero tolerance with plagiarism and cheating. This means that your work, whether on an
assignment/exam/test/quiz must be your own. If you are caught plagiarizing or cheating, you will receive a zero for the
assignment/exam/test/quiz without the opportunity for make-up. Acts of academic dishonesty will be the subject of
serious disciplinary action with the discretion of the Mills administration team.
If a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to find out what was missed. If a student is absent on a day when
a portfolio or a large project is due, the work is due upon his/her return. If a test is missed, it is the student’s
responsibility to schedule a make-up time before school, after school, or at lunch. If the make-up time is missed the
grade will reflect a zero in the grade book. Late work will reflect a 10% deduction each day it is late. After 5 days of
being late the assignment is no longer accepted and will reflect a zero in the grade book.
Citizenship is based on participation, behavior, attendance, and attitude.
O= Outstanding
N=Needs improvement
Extra Credit
Opportunities for extra credit will occur periodically throughout the semester for the entire class.
Recommended Materials
Some of the classroom materials will be provided to the students, however, it will be very useful if parents can provide
the following:
a). binder paper
c). 2-inch binder
e). blue or black pens
b). sharpened pencils
d). AR book
f). notebook
BEST WAY TO COMMUNICATE WITH INSTRUCTOR: Please make use of the school’s PowerSchool program to
check in on your student. My e-mail address is jfrancis@fcusd.org.
I understand that it may be necessary, during the course of the school year, to show movies and video clips that have a
rating of PG-13 or above. Some examples might include The Outsiders, The Giver, etc.
I have read and discussed the 7th grade syllabus. I accept this syllabus and will do all I
can to follow the policies and be prepared to learn.
Student’s Name: __________________________________
Signature: ___________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name: ___________________________
Signature: ___________________________________
Parent/Guardian Email: ___________________________
Phone No.: ___________________________________