Target: I will be able to know the warning signs for suicide
and describe the relationships between substance use and
suicide and sexual assault
Suicide: the act or an instance of taking one's own life
voluntarily and intentionally
• 4th leading cause of death for 5-14 year olds and
the 2nd leading cause for 15-24 year olds in the
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• 90% of people who kill themselves have a
diagnosable mental disorder, most commonly
depression or a substance abuse disorder.
• In the U.S. alone, suicide kills more than 32,000
people a year. That’s the equivalent of a death by
suicide every 16 minutes.
Risk Factors:
• Family history of suicide
• Previous suicide attempts
• Prolonged depression
• Financial difficulties
• Serious illness in oneself or a loved one
• Loss of a loved one through death or rejection
• Excessive drug and alcohol use
• Alcohol and drug abuse are second only to
depression and other mood disorders when it
comes to risk factors for suicide.
• Sexual assault or Sexual Abuse
• Research has consistently provided evidence that
sexual assault is associated with increased risk for
suicidal ideation, attempts, and death.
Warning Signs:
• Recent loss and inability to let go of grief
• History of depression
• Change in personality (sadness, withdrawal,
irritability, anxiety, tiredness, indecisiveness, or
• Change in behavior (inability to concentrate, loss
of interest in classes/work, unexplained
demonstration of happiness following a period of
• Sexual dysfunction or diminished sexual interest
• Expressions of self-hated and excessive risk-taking
(“I don’t care what happens to me” attitude)
• Change in sleep patterns and/or eating habits
• A direct statement about committing suicide (Ex: “I
might as well end it all”)
• An indirect statement about suicide (ex: “You won’t
have to worry about me anymore”)
• Final preparations such as writing a will, giving
away prized possessions, or writing revealing
• Preoccupation with themes of death
• Marked changes in personal appearance
Preventing Suicide: On the FIB notebook insert… fill
in the following…
• Monitor the warning signals- keep an eye out for
that person; don’t leave them alone
• Take threats seriously- don’t brush them off as “just
• Let the person know how much you care- Tell them
you’re there to help
• Listen- Try not to discredit or be shocked by what
the person says. Empathize, sympathize, and keep
the person talking
• Ask questions- Ask directly “Are you thinking of
hurting or killing yourself?”
• Do not belittle the person’s feelings- Don’t tell the
person that they don’t really mean it or couldn’t
succeed at suicide.
• Help the person think about alternatives to suicideOffer to go for help along with the person, call the
hotline, use all available community resources
• Tell someone- Do not keep your suspicions to
yourself; do not let a suicidal friend talk you into
keeping your discussions confidential.
Write a letter to someone you know (real or fictitious) who might
be considering suicide or who has had a previous suicide attempt.
• Be open and honest and describe the following:
• What risk factor(s) they have
• What warning signs you have seen
• How their decision to end their life would impact others
• How you can help them
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