EECS 373 Final Exam Answers Winter 2011 Name: ____________________________________ unique name: _______________ Sign the honor code: I have neither given nor received aid on this exam nor observed anyone else doing so. ___________________________________ Scores: Problem # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total Points /10 /15 /12 /13 /6 /8 /10 /6 /8 /4 /8 /100 NOTES: There are 13 pages including this one. Closed book, closed notes. Calculators are allowed, but no PDAs, Portables, Cell phones, etc. Don’t spend too much time on any one problem and be sure you get to the design problem with plenty of time to spare. You have about 120 minutes for the exam. Be sure to show work and explain what you’ve done when asked to do so. Getting partial credit without showing work will be rare. 1) Fill-in-the-blank [10, -1 per wrong or blank answer, minimum 0] a) If a given message scheme allows for two bits of error correction, the Hamming distance of the underlying code must be at least 4/5/6/7/8/9. If the scheme could correct any two-bit error and simultaneously detect any four-bit error, the Hamming distance of the underlying code must be at least 4/5/6/7/8/9. b) In Verilog an @(posedge clock) block would be used when creating a MUX / adder / FLIP -FLOP / priority encoder. c) Direct Memory Access (DMA) is an alternative to PROGRAMMED IO / Direct Disk Access / synchronous interrupts. One factor that limits the use of DMA is that processors using it must support synchronous interrupts / you need virtual timers / THE MEMORY BUS MUST SUPPORT ARBITRATION . d) With respect to PCBs, a “via” is part of the rat’s nest / A PLATED HOLE IN THE BOARD USED TO CONNECT DIFFERENT LAYERS / a pad to solder surface-mount parts to. e) “Bit stuffing” is used to send data more quickly over a wire by inserting extra bits between clock edges. ADD TRANSITIONS ON A SERIAL BUS SO THE RECEIVER CAN SYNCHRONIZE ITS CLOCK . add error correction bits to error-correction algorithms. increase the Hamming distance of a code. f) A principle advantage of storing music digitally is that ERROR CORRECTION IS MUCH EASIER. digital data doesn’t suffer from quantization issues. analog data typically requires a much more complex processor to be able to actually playback the data. g) A clock that has a duty cycle of 25% and a frequency of 2MHz will have a period of ___500_______ ns. h) Consider a 5-bit digital to analog converter that has an INL of no more than ±¼ LSB and a Vref of 8V. Say an input of “00000” should (ideally) generate an output of ⅛V. The range of values you could reasonably expect for an input of “10111” is _93/16_______V to ___95/16_______ V. 2) Consider the following C function. int max(unsigned char w[], int z) // Find the max of the first z elements of the array w. // print and return that value. All values are positive { int i, max=0; for(i=0;i<z;i++) if(w[i]>max) max=w[i]; printit(max); // a function which prints the value return(max); } Rewrite the above code in ARM assembly while following the ABI and being reasonably efficient about your use of stack space. You are to assume the char data type is 8-bits and that printit has the following prototype: [15 points] int printit(int); push {r4,r5,lr} mov r5, #0 mov r4,#0 for: cmp r4, r1 bge end ldrb r2, [r0,r4] add r4, #1 cmp r5, r2 blt for mv r5, r2 b for end: mv r0, r5 bl printit mv r0, r5 pop {r4,r5,pc} // max // i //can safely increment here. 3) Short answer [12 points] a) Many serial buses use differential signaling to reduce the impact of noise on the data (and thus the error rates). What is differential signaling? [2] The signal is the difference between two wires. For example, rather than having the two states be “high” or a “low” relative to ground we might have one state be “wire A having a higher potential than wire B” and the other state be “wire A having a lower potential than wire B”. Why does differential signaling help with noise reduction? [2] Because external interference should impact both wires equally, causing the relative voltage levels (and thus the state) to be unchanged. b) If a given ADC is non-monotonic, what does this imply about its differential non-linearity (DNL)? [3] DNL > 1LSB. c) Both the AHB and PCI buses are designed to work with fairly fast and complex peripherals. The PCI bus uses a shared Address/Data bus while the AHB bus not only has separate address and data buses but has two different data buses. What design considerations caused such radically different design decisions? [5] The AHB is implemented purely on die, so wires are nearly free. On the other hand, the PCI bus is an external bus that needs real wires that cost real money. PCI would benefit from the separate buses just as AHB does, but it was too expensive. 4) Your design team has been asked to create a “positive edge detector”. That is, there is some glitch-free signal (Bin), which is not synchronized to the system clock (a debounced push button perhaps) and you are to detect when the button is pressed (with some small amount of delay being acceptable). When that happens you are to output a “1” for one or two periods of the system clock (sysclock). You output should be labeled as Pdetect. [13 points] a) One member of your team implemented the following design, but it isn’t working at all. Explain the expected behavior of this circuit. Recall that “R” implies a synchronous reset. [3] D Flip-Flop 1 Bin Each rising edge causes Pdetect to change state rather than be high for a cycle or two. An additional problem is that Pdetect isn’t synchronized to the system clock. D Q Pdetect Clock R b) Another teammate created this design and it works, but only erratically. Explain why. You should assume the reset is connected to ground. [4] D Flip-Flop Bin D sysclock Q Pdetect Clock Pdetect R Bin isn’t yet synchronized to the system clock. That means that sysclock and B in could change at, or at least nearly at, the same time. Thus we could get setup and hold time problems with the flipflop. The output of the AND gate would be erratic. (Continued from the previous page) c) Now design a positive edge detector that will work reliably. You may use flip-flops, gates, and standard MSI logic devices (comparators etc.) as needed. Use the same input and output names as the previous designs (sysclock, Bin, Pdetect). Be sure to clearly label all parts that aren’t standard gates. [6] There are a number of answers here. The key is to synchronize B in to sysclock. D Flip-Flop Bin D Flip-Flop D D sysclock D Flip-Flop Q Clock D sysclock Q sysclock Q Clock Clock R R R Pdetect 5) Answer the following questions using the above figures. Assume Vref=8V and that all converters have a INL of ± 1/8 LSB. There may be more than one possible answer (or a range or ranges of possible answers). Provide all possible answers! a) If 2.1V is put into the ADC and Dout is connected to Din of of DAC#2, what is/are the value(s) that could be found on Vout of the DAC? [3] either in the range of {.75V to 1.25V} or { 2.75V to 3.25V}. b) If the value “01” is put into DAC#2 and the Vout of the DAC is connected to the Vin of the ADC, what value(s) might you find on the Dout of the ADC? [3] 01 6) You are working on a design for our SmartFusion which has 5 interrupt sources: A, B, C, D, and E. Recall that the SmartFusion only implements the 5 highest priority bits, the other 3 are ignored. You want the following to be true: A should be able to preempt all the other interrupts. B should be able to preempt C, D and E. C, D and E should be unable to preempt any interrupt. C should have a higher priority than D or E, and E should have the lowest priority of all. a) List all PRIGROUP setting or settings you could use in this case. Assume no two interrupts can be assigned the same priority. Provide your answer in 3-digit binary and explain. [4] b101, b100 b) Indicate, in 8-bit binary, what priorities you will assign to each interrupt. Let us know which PRIGROUP setting you are using (mainly if you have more than one PRIGROUP listed above). Again, no two interrupts may be assigned the same priority. [4] THERE ARE MANY CORRECT ANSWERS. PRIGROUP=_____101______________ (3-digit binary) A priority= ______00000000__________________ (8-digit binary) B priority= ______01000000__________________ (8-digit binary) C priority= ______10000000__________________ (8-digit binary) D priority= ______10001000__________________ (8-digit binary) E priority= ______10010000__________________ (8-digit binary) 7) Consider the following data being that has been received. It was originally sent using the Viterbi algorithm as described in class. Data 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 Parity 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 Show a table/chart similar to the one drawn in class that would show how the errors, if any, would be corrected. Clearly show your work to get any credit. [10 points] No Answer provided. 8) Write ARM assembly code which performs the same task as the following code segment. Your code must be no longer than 10 assembly instructions. [6 points] uint32_t *reg = (uint32_t *)0x40003340; *reg =*reg+*reg; movw movt ldr add str r0, #3340 r0, #4000 r1,[r0] r1,r1 r1,[r0] 9) Write a C function void clear_pending(int x) that clears interrupt source x. You are to not check if the value x is reasonable. The table below may prove useful.[8 points] void clear_pending(int x) { uint32_t * ICPR = (uint32_t *) 0xE000E280; ICPR+x/32; (*ICPR) = 1<<(x%32); } 10) In lab 4 you had the following Verilog code: // swregwrp.v module swregwrp( PCLK, PENABLE, PSEL, PRESERN, PWRITE, PREADY, PSLVERR, PWDATA, PRDATA, SWCON, TPS); input PCLK,PENABLE, PSEL, PRESERN, PWRITE; input [7:0] PWDATA; input [1:0] SWCON; output [7:0] PRDATA; output PREADY, PSLVERR; output [4:0] TPS;//test points wire rd_enable; wire wr_enable; assign rd_enable = (!PWRITE && PSEL); //Data is ready during first cycle to make it availble on the bus when PENABLE is asserted swreg swreg_0 (.clk(PCLK), .nreset(PRESERN), .rd_en(rd_enable), .data_out(PRDATA), .sw_port(SWCON)); assign PREADY = 1'b1; assign PSLVERR = 1'b0; assign assign assign assign assign TPS[0] TPS[1] TPS[2] TPS[3] TPS[4] = = = = = PCLK; PWRITE; PSEL; PENABLE; PREADY; endmodule Why is it we aren’t using the APB address bus in this code? [4 points] The PSEL line will only be asserted if this device This device only has one function, so the address doesn’t matter. 11) Consider a packet consisting of 11 bits. There are 7 data bits (A-G) and 4 parity bits (W-Z) in the packet. So a packet looks as follows: A B C D E F G W X Y Z The intent of the scheme is to be able to correct one bit of error (one bit-flip) in the packet. Let the function P() return a 1 if there are an odd number of 1s provided as arguments, otherwise it is a zero. So P(0,1,0,0) would return a “1”, while P(0,1,1,0) would return a “0”. Say that W, X, and Y are computed as follows: W=P(A, B, C, D, E) X=P(A, B, F) Y=P(A, B, C, D, G) In order to be able to correct any one-bit error (in the data or parity bits) what should the function for “Z” be? (If there is more than one correct answer, you must provide just one of them!) [8 points] Answer must include: Exactly one of A or B Exactly one of C or D E, F, G Z=(A, C, E, F, G) is therefore one legal answer.