Routing in Sensor Networks

Routing in Sensor Networks
Why Routing?
– Routing means carrying data packets from a source node to a
destination node (usually called sinks in sensor networks
– Such routing paths helps to create energy-efficient data
dissemination paths between sources (sensors) and sinks (global
processing unit or human interface devices)
– Two kinds of routing: single-path and multi-path
– Since energy efficiency is the most essential factor, routing
algorithms must be robust to failures and secure against the
compromised and malicious nodes to ensure data delivery without
impacting the lifetime of the network
Algorithm for Robust Routing in Volatile
Environments (ARRIVE)
[Karlof+, 2002]
Probabilistic algorithm and makes packet forwarding decisions based on
localized information
Based on a tree-like topology rooted at the sink of the network
Uses forward approach to contribute to end-to-end reliability
Avoids packet loss by sending multiple packets of the single event
Three sources of packets loss expected:
Isolated link
Patterned node failures
Malicious or misbehaving nodes
[Karlof+, 2002]
Event: Identified by [SourceID, EventID]
Level: Each node has unique level indicating distance from source to sink (in terms
of hops)
Parents: Nodes one level closer to the sink
Neighbors: Nodes on the same level and be able hear each other
Push: Push packet to one of the neighbors
Forward: Forward packet to one of the parents
Forwarding Probability: Included in the packet header and used to probabilistically
select whether to push or forward
Reputation History: Each node keeps this information for each of its parents and
Convergence: Prevents multiple packets of the same event being sent to same
source of failure
[Karlof+, 2002]
Achieves diversity in paths in two ways:
Upon receiving a packet, the next hop is selected probabilistically
based on link reliability and node reputation
When more than two or more packets of the same event are
processed, these packets are ensured to follow different outgoing links
Takes advantage of passive participation and needs to be used cautiously
Each nodes keeps the following information:
Neighbors list
Parents list
Reputation history of neighbors and parents
Convergence history of specific events
[Karlof+, 2002]
The networks is assumed to be dense enough that sufficient multiplicity of paths
between sources and sink for algorithm to perform well
The network is almost considered as a static network
Sensors are considered to have a low per-node cost
Routes used by the packets are unlikely to be optimal due to the probabilistic nature
of the algorithm
Messages flow from nodes to sink, not the other way around
There is only one sink available
Performance Metrics
Event delivery ratio
Three other metrics measuring the cost of deploying ARRIVE
[Karlof+, 2002]
Algorithm Description
Bread first search rooted at sink is used to initialize level, parents, neighbors state
information at each node
When a nodes hears a packets, it checks to see if the packet is addressed for it
If so, threshold processing takes place. Nodes are filtered by their reputation and
convergence history of the neighbors and parents
A decision needs to be made to either to choose to forward the packet to a parent or
push it to one of its neighbors with the probability value found in the packet header.
This is randomly determined by the forwarding probability function Pr(f).
Each node is weighed by their reputation. The destination is randomly selected from
the rest of the nodes (since bad reputation nodes are eliminated)
If the the packet is forwarded to one of the parents, Pr(f) is not changed; however, its
value is increased
Algorithm for Robust Routing in Volatile
Environments (ARRIVE) [Karlof+, 2002]
Figure 0: Overview of ARRIVE
Adapted from [Karlof+ 2002]
[Karlof+, 2002]
High end-to-end reliability
Provides security by eliminating the compromised or malicious nodes
By using multiple paths to forward the same event, the probability of the
event reaching sink is increased and this also ensures to avoid packets
being forwarded to the same broken link
Reputation history assists in establishing a reliable path
[Karlof+, 2002]
Extra power consumption for inactive nodes (passive listeners) are not
Better mechanism to take care problems caused by passive listening
There is only one sink, packets are sent from sources to sink and not the
other way around
Sensor may have storage problems due to maintaining information
about its neighbors and parents (reputation history)
Maintaining multiple paths requires more resources
[Karlof+, 2002]
Suggestions/Improvements/Future Work:
Beneficial to measure how much passive listening affects energy use
Nodes can be mobile during the simulation instead of static
If there is a significant mobility, state information should be updated using a
better mechanism than flooding
Explanation of how multiple packets are generated
How much redundant data is sufficient to optimize the network
Energy-awareness needs to be taken into consideration
Possibly use energy level parameter in the decision making
Include probabilistic analysis of the algorithm
Study the tradeoff the communication cost of ARRIVE vs. its robustness
Consider load balancing issues such that nodes near the sink deplete their
resources sooner than nodes farther away
Lack of quantitative analysis of passive participation for security reasons
Experiment with larger number of events
Rumor Routing Algorithm for Sensor Networks
[Braginsky+ 2002]
Each node has its neighbor list, and an events table, with forwarding
information to all the events it knows.
After a node witnesses an event, an agent may be created, which is a
long-lived packet and travels around the network. Each agent contains
an events table, including the routing information for all events it knows.
Since an event happens in a zone, composed of several or many
nodes, it’s possible more than one agents are created from the zone
and moving in the network.
Rumor Routing Algorithm for Sensor Networks
[Braginsky+ 2002]
Algorithm Description
 When a node observes an event, it will add the event to its event table
and may also create an agent
 An agent will travel in the network and its routing table will be updated if
there is a shorter path to an event within the routing table of the node it
is visiting
In a similar way, the routing table of the currently visited node will be
updated if its route to an event is more costly than the agent’s
 Any node may generate a query for a particular event. If it knows the
route to the event, it will transmit the query. Otherwise, the query will be
sent in a random direction, and this continues until the query reach a
node which has a route to the event
Rumor Routing Algorithm for Sensor Networks
[Braginsky+ 2002]
Adapted from [Braginsky+ 2002]
Rumor Routing Algorithm for Sensor Networks
[Braginsky+ 2002]
Figure 3: The agent modifies the exist path (left)
to a more optimal one (right)
Adapted from [Braginsky+ 2002]
Rumor Routing Algorithm for Sensor Networks
[Braginsky+ 2002]
Deliver queries to events in large networks with less average
cumulative hops and lower energy requirements than simple flooding.
The algorithm can handle node failure gracefully, degrading its delivery
rate linearly with the number of failed nodes.
Rumor Routing Algorithm for Sensor Networks
[Braginsky+ 2002]
 The path found by the agent sometimes is not the shortest and could be
unavailable if one of the links of the path is broken.
 The agent may carry lots of routing information of events even some events
have disappeared.
 No hints from the paper about the number of agents which should be created
from the event zone.
 Can the nodes make a query for an event if no such event is existing in the
 It seems that each event should have an id, but no information is provided in the
 Optimization is not considered
A Stream Enabled Routing (SER) Protocol for Sensor
[Weilian+, 2002]
SER protocol allows sources to choose the routes based on the instruction
(or task) provided by the sinks
An instruction is a predefined as an identifier value instead of attributes being
assigned to task as in the case of directed diffusion [Intanagonwiwat + 2000].
Therefore, only identifier is sent rather than the attribute list, resulting in
memory conservation
It takes into account the available energy of the sensor nodes, QoS
requirements of the instruction, memory limitation of nodes, and the localized
effect of dense nodes
Sinks can give new instructions to the sources without establishing another
[Weilian+, 2002]
Benefits of dynamic set-up of routes include:
Periodic updates of routes is not needed
Adapts to failures and cope with topology changes
No routing table is needed at each sensor node
New sensor nodes can be added into the route selection
The routes are determined based on the QoS requirements of sources
Four types of communications are allowed: one-to-one, one-to-many,
many-to-one and many-to-many
Four types of messages are used:
Scout message (S-message)
Information message (I-message)
Neighbor-neighbor message (N-message)
Update message (U-message)
[Weilian+, 2002]
SER Overview
SER has seven phases:
Source Discovery
Route Selection
Route Establishment
Route Reconnection
I-message Transmission
Instruction Update
Task Termination
S-message is used during the source discovery to determine sources that will
process the instruction (or task) specified in the S-message
Sources decide the type and level of the routes needed by the instruction
There are four types of routes, each with two levels (i.e., level-1 and level-2)
The µ value is the radius of the level-2 routes
[Weilian+, 2002]
SER Overview
Stream: Identified by both the type and the level of route
Each level-2 stream includes level-1 stream
In level-2, the size of the radius µ of the stream can be determined based on QoS
specified in the instruction
Combination of types and levels creates different kinds of QoS for a stream
After streams are chosen, the source sends N-message to establish the streams
back to the sink
The repairs of streams are accomplished via N-message and S-message
Once the streams are accomplished, data travels from sources to the sink through
either level-1 or level-2 stream with I-message
The sink can update the instruction (or task) at the sources through either level-1 or
level-2 stream using U-message
Both sources and sink can terminate the streams using U-message
[Weilian+, 2002]
1. Source Discovery
A sink broadcasts an S-message to find routes from sink to source
S-message contains the following fields:
TID: Task ID
NAP: Network Access Point (indicates where the instruction is originated; represents a
unique sink)
LID: Local ID (each node has a local ID that is randomly selected from a set)
NH: Number of hops from the sink
AE: Average energy of a route
AE =
NHi-1 * AEi-1 + Ei
NHi-1 + 1
[Weilian+, 2002]
1. Source Discovery
TID has the following fields:
LI: Length indicator
MT: Message type (MT=0 (S-message); MT=1 (I-message); MT=2 (U-message);
MT=3 (N-message);
INS: Instruction (Maps a numeric value to a specific instruction)
TLOC: Targeted location
When a sensor node receives an S-message, it determines if the instruction (INS)
is intended for the node
If the INS in the S-message is not intended for the node, the node stores the fields
of S-message in a connection-tree (C-tree)
[Weilian+, 2002]
1. Source Discovery
C-tree is a logical tree which represents possible connections through the node. Ctree maintains the node’s neighbors that can participate in a routing back to sink
DSP: Downlink Sensor Problem (indicates if the downlink sensor node is having
problem in routing I-message)
NS: Node Selected (indicates if the node is selected for routing)
DLID: LID of downlink sensor node (store the LID value of neighbor node which will
route the I-message back to sink)
ULID: LID of uplink sensor node (U-message can be forwarded to sources from the
sink or route reconnection is possible using N-message)
A sensor node in an established route knows the LID values of both uplink and
downlink nodes
Initially, DLID and ULID values are not set and DSP and NS values are set to OFF
Updated values of AE, NH and LID fields of S-message is broadcast to neighbors
[Weilian+, 2002]
1. Source Discovery
If sensor node receive the same S-message from its neighbors, it dismisses it
The sources store S-message in a task-tree (T-tree)
T-tree has XDLID values since source can select up to XLIDs to route I-message
back to the sink based on QoS requirement
The max value of x is the number of neighbor nodes
Each DLID value corresponds to a DSP indicator
In the T-tree, the leaf nodes has no ULID and NS indicator since sources are
destination of S-message
A source can receive xS-message since it has x neighbors
Route associated with the first received S-message is considered shortest route
Sources selects neighbor node to send I-message back to sink based on the QoS
requirement of INS
[Weilian+, 2002]
2. Route Selection
Once the sources receive the S-message, they determine the QoS requirement of
task in the S-message
There are four types of streams for communication between sources and sinks and
each stream can either be level-1 or level-2:
Type 1: Time Critical But Not Data Critical
Type 2: Data Critical But Not Time Critical
Type 3: Not Time and Data Critical
Type 1: Data and Time Critical
After the sources select the neighbor nodes, the sources broadcast an N-message
to their neighbors indicating the level and size of the stream
N-message contains the following fields:
SLID: Selected ID
MES: Message
[Weilian+, 2002]
2. Route Selection
If stream is level-1, µ = 0 (width of the stream)
At level-1, messages are routed back to the sink via hop-by-hop
communication. Message are sent to only one node
Level-2 stream contains level-1 stream which serves as a backbone in setting up
level-2 stream
The value of µ is the number of hops away from the nodes in the level-1 stream
Messages can flow downhill to the sink or uphill to the sources by flooding through
only the nodes that are part of the stream
I-message flows downhill from sources to sink by using NH value stored in each
node in the C-tree
The nodes near to the sources have higher NH values
U-message flows uphill from sink to sources by using the negative of NH value
The nodes near to the sources have higher negative NH values
[Weilian+, 2002]
3. Route Establishment
N-message is used by a sensor node to inform neighbors about its local information
The source sends an N-message to establish stream back to the sink
Sensor nodes that are not part of a stream delete all data associated with Nmessage from C-tree
If intermediate nodes between the sources and sinks have not received an Nmessage in response to S-message in a set time interval, the sensor node deletes
the C-tree branch that is associated to S-message
After the N-message arrives to the sink, the minimum delay or maximum average
energy stream is established
Sources can start sending I-messages to the sink
I-message contains the following fields:
CNH Payload
Flow Indicator (message going uphill or downhill)
Current number of hops
Payload: Description
[Weilian+, 2002]
4. I-message Transmission
The neighbor nodes can determine if they need to route the I-message by the TID
since each neighbor nodes maintain a C-tree
When a source broadcasts I-message, it sends CNH field with the value from T-tree
Intermediate nodes between sources and sink use C-tree
FI and CNH fields are only used when the stream is level-2
Each node only rebroadcasts once to avoid a node from broadcasting the same
message over again
After an I-message is received, the sensor nodes turns OFF the receiver for some
amount of time if the sleep mode operation is ON such that the node can avoid
listening neighbors broadcasting the same I-message
C-tree indicates which instructions the sensor nodes need to route
[Weilian+, 2002]
5. Route Reconnection
If a sensor node is low on energy or there is too much noise around when
transmitting at level-1, it can broadcast an N-message by setting up reconnect
message indicator
Once the neighbors receive N-message, they check their C-tree to decide if there
are possible alternate routes
N-message will be broadcasted until the alternate route is found
Sudden Death of Route
If the stream suddenly terminates, sink cannot get the I-messages
The sink sends out a new S-message with higher QoS requirement version of the
same instruction (higher QoS INS value)
New streams can be found to avoid broken paths
Multiple streams of level-2 can be setup between source and sink to improve
robustness of I-message routing
[Weilian+, 2002]
6. Instruction Update
U-message allows sink to update its instruction to the sources
The U-message from the sink to the sources flow uphill while it flows downhill from
sources to the the sink when streams are level-2
U-message contains the following fields:
7. Task Termination
A task at the sources are terminated in two ways:
Sources have finished the task associated with the instruction given by sink
Sink decides to terminate the instruction
U-message with the task completed instruction indicator is broadcast by sources
U-message with the task termination instruction indicator is set by the sink
The streams are torn down by removing C-tree braches at the intermediate nodes and Ttree at the sources
[Weilian+, 2002]
QoS requirements of the instruction is considered
Average energy of the routes are taken into consideration in routing
Robustness is achieved through selection of level-1 and level-2 streams
After the route is established, sink can give new instructions to the
sources without setting up another route
Four types of communication is supported: one-to-one, one-to-many,
many-to-one, and many-to-many
Storage and computation cost at the nodes
Loops can form in level-2 streams
How to set the value of µ
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
This paper proposes a multipath routing to increase resilience to node failure
Even though multipath routing techniques have been discussed in the
literature, application of multipath routing to sensor networks that permit
data-centric routing with localized path setup has not been studied too much
Two different approaches to construct multipaths between two nodes have
been considered
Classical node-joint multipath adopted by prior work, where the alternate
paths do not intersect the original path or each other. The disjoint
property ensures that when k alternate paths are constructed, no set of
k node failures can eliminate all the paths
Another approach is building many braided paths. With this approach,
there are usually no completely disjoint paths, instead, there may be
many partially disjoint alternate paths
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
Two issues are addressed:
The paper defines localized algorithms for the construction of alternate
paths. In order to achieve robustness and energy-efficiency, sensor
network data dissemination mechanisms use localized decisions for
path setup and recovery from failure
The relative performance of disjoint and braided multipaths are
evaluated using two metrics: resilience and maintenance overhead. The
resilience of a scheme measures the possibility of when the shortest
path has fails, an alternate path is available between source and sink.
The maintenance overhead of a scheme is a measure of the energy
required to maintain these alternate paths using period keep-alives.
There is a tradeoff between these two metrics – becoming more resilient
generally consumes more energy
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
Disjoint and Braided Multipaths
A. Sensor Networks:
Due to compact form factor of the sensor nodes and their low cost, packed
cluster of sensor nodes can be densely deployed, near the phenomena to be
The advantage would be to still obtain high SNR (signal generated by any
physical phenomena attenuates with distance) with cheap sensors.
Additionally, an individual sensor may not have to frequently perform multitarget resolution (i.e., distinguish between different targets such as
individuals and vehicles)
Such multi-target resolution can involve complex deconvolution algorithms
requiring non-trivial processing capability [Pottie+ 2000]
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
Disjoint and Braided Multipaths
A. Sensor Networks:
Three criteria drive the design of large-scale sensor networks:
These networks may involve thousands of nodes
Wireless communication can have much higher energy cost than
computation [Pottie+ 2000]
To environmental effects and link failures
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
Disjoint and Braided Multipaths
B. The Problem:
Previous work, directed diffusion [Intanagonwiwat + 2000] constructs
dissemination paths from multiple sinks to multiple sources. Here, multipath
dissemination from a single source to a single sink is considered
The solution which constructs energy-efficient paths on-demand works as
A source of sensory data periodically broadcasts (at a low rate) about
events describing the detection of the external phenomena that is being
Upon receiving multiple copies of these events, the sink sends a
reinforcement message to one of its neighbors stating that it prefers to
receive notification of detection of events at a higher frequency from this
neighbor (Figure 4(a))
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
Disjoint and Braided Multipaths
B. The Problem:
This enforcement message is propagated to the source via hop-by-hop.
Each node makes and independent, local decision about which of its
neighbors it chooses to forward the reinforcement (Figure 4(b)). As it
propagates, the reinforcement message implicitly sets up a data path in
the reverse direction. At each node, the reinforcement message sets up
state that forwards matching data towards the previous hop
When a node in the reinforcement path fails (Figure 4(c)), the sink
detects an absence of detection events and reinitiates reinforcement.
The sink must periodically send reinforcement messages
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
Disjoint and Braided Multipaths
B. The Problem:
Figure 4: A Simplified schematic for Directed Diffusion
Adapted from [Ganesan+ 2002]
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
Disjoint and Braided Multipaths
B. The Problem:
The main problems considered in this paper are:
For energy-efficiency reasons, paths are constructed on-demand rather
than proactively
For robustness reasons, a periodic low-rate flooding scheme notifies the
sink and other nodes of available alternate paths. The periodicity of
flooding determines the temporal accuracy of alternate path
The major drawback of this scheme, from energy-efficiency point of view, is
the periodic flooding of low-rate events
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
Disjoint and Braided Multipaths
B. The Problem:
This paper considers mechanisms that allow restoration of paths from source
to sink without the periodic flooding
These mechanisms are based on some observations: while setting up the
path between a source and sink, it may be possible to set up and maintain
alternate paths in advance (with some extra energy) to minimize the
possibility of having to invoke data flooding for alternate path discovery
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
Multipath Routing
The multipath routing allows the establishment of multiple paths between
source and destination
The reasons for classical multipath routing are:
Load balancing -- traffic between a source-destination pair is divided
across multiple (partially or completely) disjoint paths
Increase the possibility of reliable data delivery
In these approaches, the multiple copies of data are sent along different paths
Both of these reasons of classical multipath are still applicable in wireless
sensor networks
load balancing can distribute energy utilization across nodes in the
network, possibly resulting in longer lifetimes
duplicate data delivery along multiple paths allows more accurate
tracking in surveillance application with an additional energy usage
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
Multipath Routing
The focus of this paper is to find alternate paths between source and sink with
the help of multipath routing
The rationale of using multipath can be described as:
The goal of localized reinforcement based mechanisms is to empirically
(i.e., by measuring short-time traffic characteristics) establish best path
(i.e., low latency, low packet loss, etc).
Primary path is used to represent this best path. From the application’s
perspective, the goal is to deliver data along this primary path.
To recover from failure of this primary path, a small number of alternative
paths are constructed and maintained without using period flooding in
case the primary path fails
When the primary path is set up, the network also sets up the multipaths
along which data is sent at a low-rate
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
Multipath Routing
This low-rate data represent energy expended for maintaining multipaths
and the term maintenance overhead denotes this energy. The low-rate
data represent keep-alives on the alternate paths
When failure is detected on the primary path, nodes can rapidly reinforce
an alternate path without initiating route discovery thru flooding
In case of the failures on the primary path and on all the alternate paths
simultaneously, the source or sink initiates network-wide flooding of data
to re-establish the multipath
This paper considers two possible multipath routing:
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
Multipath Routing
This paper addresses two issues:
It is not obvious what localized mechanisms may be used to construct
disjoint and braided paths
Disjoint and braided multipath trade energy for resilience differently
Disjoint Multipaths
Construct a small number of alternate paths that are node-disjoint with the
primary path and with each other
These alternate paths are independent of the failures on the primary path;
however, they can be less desirable (i.e., high latency, low throughput, etc)
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
Disjoint Multipaths
The definition of k node-disjoint multipath is:
Construct the primary path P between source and sink
The first alternate disjoint path P1 is the best path node-joint with P
The second alternate disjoint path P2 is the best path that is a nodedisjoint with P and P1, and so on
This definition assumes global knowledge of topology and network
characteristics; there this is called idealized algorithm for constructing disjoint
paths and the corresponding multipath is called idealized k-disjoint multipath
The question is how can we obtain node disjoint multipaths using local
information only without global topology information?
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
Disjoint Multipaths
Assume that some low-rate sample have initially been flooded throughout the
network (Figure 5(a))
The sink has some empirical information about which of its neighbors can
provide it with the highest quality of data (lowest loss or lowest latency)
Low-rate samples
(a) Low-rate samples
Figure 5: Construction of Localized Disjoint Paths
Adapted from [Ganesan+ 2002]
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
Disjoint Multipaths
To this most preferred neighbor, it sends out a primary-path reinforcement
(Figure 5(b))
Similar to basic directed diffusion scheme, that neighbor locally determines its
most preferred neighbor in the direction of the source and so on
(b) Primary-path P
Figure 5: Construction of Localized Disjoint Paths
Adapted from [Ganesan+ 2002]
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
Disjoint Multipaths
After it starts receiving data along the primary path or after sending the
primary-path reinforcement, the sink sends an alternate path reinforcement to
its next most preferred neighbor. This neighbor A propagates the alternate
path reinforcement to its most preferred neighbor B in the direction of the
(c) Alternate-path Negative Reinforcement
Figure 5: Construction of Localized Disjoint Paths
Adapted from [Ganesan+ 2002]
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
Disjoint Multipaths
If B can determine from local state that it is already on the primary path
between source and sink, it sends a negative reinforcement to A (Figure 5(c))
A then selects its next best preferred neighbor; otherwise, B propagates the
alternate path reinforcement to its most preferred neighbor and so on
(Figure 5(d))
(d) Alternate-path P1
Figure 5: Construction of Localized Disjoint Paths
Adapted from [Ganesan+ 2002]
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
Disjoint Multipaths
Nodes other than sink do not originate alternate path reinforcements
This mechanism described can be extended to construct k disjoint multipaths,
by sending out k alternate path reinforcement from the sink, each separated
from the next by a small delay
In this case, each node is constrained to receive only one reinforcement of
either type-primary path, or alternate path
If it receives more than one reinforcement, the node negatively reinforces
these, ensuring disjointed-ness
This is called localized disjoint multipaths
In the idealized algorithm, the first alternate path is the primary path which is
node-disjoint with the primary path. Since localized construction has only local
knowledge of alternative paths, its search procedure may discover longer
alternate paths (Figure 5(e))
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
Disjoint Multipaths
In figure 5(e), the sink reinforces A in preference to X, although X is on a
shorter alternate path. Since the sink hears events earlier from A, but does
not consider that these are forwarded to A by B which is on the primary path
The idealized algorithm would choose Q as the alternate disjoint path
(e) Caveat
Figure 5: Construction of Localized Disjoint Paths
Adapted from [Ganesan+ 2002]
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
Braided Multipaths
Alternate paths in a braid are partially disjoint from the primary path, not
completely node-disjoint
The definition of braided multipath can be seen in Figure 6
For each node on the primary path, find the best path from source to sink that
does not contain that node and this path may not be completely node-disjoint
with the primary path
Figure 6: Idealized Braid
Adapted from [Ganesan+ 2002]
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
Braided Multipaths
The resulting set of paths along with the primary path is called the idealized
braided multipath
The links representing a braid either lie on the primary path or close to it
The localized technique for constructing braids is similar to idealized algorithm
for disjoint multipath; however, the local rules are a bit different – sink also
sends an alternate path reinforcement to its next preferred neighbor (i.e.,
node B) apart from sending the primary path reinforcement message to its
most preferred neighbor (i.e., A)
As before, node A propagates the primary path reinforcement to its most
preferred neighbor and so on
In addition, A (and recursively each other node on the primary path) originates
an alternate path reinforcement to its most preferred neighbor – each node
tries to route around its near neighbor on the primary path towards the source
Adapted from [Ganesan+ 2002]
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
Braided Multipaths
When a node not on the primary path receives an alternate path
reinforcement, it propagates it towards its most preferred neighbor; however,
when a node already on the primary path receives an alternate path
reinforcement, it does not propagate it further
Figure 7 shows a localized braid constructed using the algorithm described
Figure 7: Localized Braid
Adapted from [Ganesan+ 2002]
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
Braided Multipaths
In Figure 7, nk+1 sends sends an alternate reinforcement to route around nk
that passes through ai and ai-1 before rejoining the primary path at nk-2
An alternate path reinforcement sent out by nk+1 can follow any sequence of
nodes – can be completely disjoint from the rest of the primary path and join
the primary at nk
The localized braid is different from the idealized braid – idealized
construction algorithm does not prevent an alternate path from being chosen
which is completely node-disjoint with the primary path
Adapted from [Ganesan+ 2002]
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
Qualitative Comparison
The energy cost of alternate disjoint paths depends on the network density,
i.e., at low network densities, alternate disjoint paths are longer and more
costly than the primary path. In addition for a larger k, the energy used to
maintain k-disjoint paths is high
On the other hand, at high densities, possibility of finding node-disjoint
alternate paths of shorter length increases, thus reducing energy used in
In the idealized braid, an alternate path routes around a single primary path
node and the energy consumption of an alternate path in the braid is similar to
the primary path and not much dependent on the density
At lower densities, the difference in energy consumption for multipath
maintenance between disjoint multipath and braided multipath is high; the
difference decreases with increasing density
Adapted from [Ganesan+ 2002]
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
Qualitative Comparison
The paper considers two kinds of failure: isolated and patterned
Isolated failures model independent node failure while patterned failures
model geographically correlated failure
In disjoint paths, any number of nodes can fail on the primary path without
impacting the alternate path; however, the failure of a single node on each
alternate path means the failure of the multipath
In braided multipaths, the various alternate paths are not independent, and a
combination of failures on the primary path could impact all alternate paths;
however, the number of distinct alternate paths through a braid is higher than
the number of nodes in its primary path
Patterned failures affect disjoint and braided paths differently
Adapted from [Ganesan+ 2002]
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
Qualitative Comparison
A failure pattern that affects the primary path is likely to affect alternate paths
near primary path more than paths that are distant
Since braiding encourages geographically closer alternate paths, disjoint
multipaths are likely to be more resilient to pattern failures than braided
The following questions have been explored using simulation:
How much additional energy must one expend in in order to increase
resilience by a fixed amount?
How does the energy/resilience tradeoff vary with density or with the
extent and frequency of patterned failures?
How closely do the localized schemes approximate their idealized
Adapted from [Ganesan+ 2002]
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
This paper the use of multipath routing for energy-efficient recovery from node
failures in wireless sensor networks
When a small number of multipaths are available, failures on the primary path
can usually be recovered without invoking network-wide flooding for path
discovery since flooding can reduce network lifetimes
Two kinds of multipath designs are proposed and evaluated: the classical
node-disjoint multipath, and a novel braided multipath that consists of partially
disjoint alternate paths
The energy/resilience tradeoffs of these mechanisms both for independent
and geographically-correlated failures are explored
Adapted from [Ganesan+ 2002]
Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
[Ganesan+, 2002]
The findings of the study are as follows:
For a disjoint multipath configuration whose patterned failure resilience is
comparable to that of braided multipaths, the braided multipaths have
about 50% higher resilience to isolated failures and a third of the
overhead for alternate path maintenance
It is harder to design localized energy-efficient mechanisms for
constructing disjoint alternate paths, since the localized algorithms do not
have the information to find low latency disjoint paths
Finally, increasing the number of disjoint paths also increase the
resilience of disjoint multipaths but with a higher energy cost
Adapted from [Ganesan+ 2002]
Meshed multipath routing (M-MPR) with selective
forwarding: an efficient strategy in wireless sensor
[De+, 2003]
This paper presents a meshed multipath routing (M-MPR) with selective
forwarding (SF) of packets and end-to-end forward error correction (FEC)
coding in wireless sensor networks
Two ways of effecting disjoint multipath routing (MPR) are as follows:
Disjoint (or split) MPR (D-MPR) with selective forwarding (SF):
Each packet is sent along different disjoint routes and the decision of
path selection is made by the source on packet-by-packet basis
D-MPR with packet replication (PR) (or limited flooding):
Multiple copies of a data packet are transmitted simultaneously along
multiple disjoint routes from a source to a destination
M-MPR [De+, 2003]
When A forward error correction (FEC) is used, D-MPR with PR approach
requires minimum code length (least error correction overhead); however, it
may have inefficient resource utilization
The D-MPR with SF approach relies on the end node (i.e., source node) to
choose routes for each packet
The end node may not have up-to-date route information to make routing
decisions and also it is not realistic to exchange whole network information
among all the nodes
The scheme proposed in this paper allows some intermediate nodes to have
more than one forwarding direction to a given destination
Selective forwarding of packets (SF) is proposed where the forwarding
decision is made dynamically, hop-by-hop, based on the conditions of
downstream forwarding nodes
End-to-end FEC is used to avoid acknowledgement-based retransmission
M-MPR [De+, 2003]
Meshed Multipath Routing
A. Multipath searching
In remote sensing applications, the sensor nodes need to communicate with
a common monitoring or control center – can be called a clusterhead or a
controller node
In such applications, the sensors are mostly stationary and their location
information can transmitted during the initial deployment phase by standard
trilateration approach using other GPS-capable nodes or by the directional
beaconing approach
The controller node is location-aware and distribute its location information to
other nodes via broadcast or beaconing
With the above considerations in mind, a meshed multipath is set up in three
steps: (i) acquiring neighborhood information, (ii) route discovery, and (iii)
route reply
M-MPR [De+, 2003]
Meshed Multipath Routing
A. Multipath searching
Acquiring Neighborhood Information
Each active node broadcasts its ID, residual battery power, and location
information to local neighbors
For each active neighbor i, a node maintains the following information in
its database: {IDi, locationi, residual_poweri}
Since the sensor nodes are considered stationary, period update on
neighborhood status is not needed unless the node is entering to sleep
mode or has just woken up
In this case, the node’s status is locally broadcast based on which of the
neighborhood tables of nearby nodes are updated
M-MPR [De+, 2003]
Meshed Multipath Routing
A. Multipath searching
Route Discovery
Each node attempts to form a meshed multipath based on the
neighborhood database and location information of the controller node
Up to now, the intermediate node is allowed to accept multiple discovery
During source-to-destination route discovery process, at most two
copies of a discovery packet are accepted by an intermediate node and
the first arrived packet is forwarded to maximum two downstream
neighbors nodes to ensure the reduction of the receiver complexity and
power consumption of a node (Figure 8(a))
Maximum two forwarding node is chosen since this allows an alternate
route with minimum possible extra control overhead
M-MPR [De+, 2003]
Meshed Multipath Routing
A. Multipath searching
Route Discovery
The route packet has the following fields: {source_ID, source_location,
intermediate_node_ID, next_node_ID1, next_node_ID2, destination_ID,
destination_location, TTL} where the IDs of forwarding nodes
(next_node_IDi, i = 1, 2), intermediate_node_ID, and TTL values are
updated at each intermediate stage
Figure 8 (a): a source-to-destination meshed multipath
M-MPR [De+, 2003]
Meshed Multipath Routing
A. Multipath searching
Route Discovery
Each intermediate node maintains the following information in its routing
database: {previous_node_IDi,…, previous_node_IDn, next_node_ID1,
Since several nodes is targeting the same destination, an intermediate
node can have more than two “previous_node” entries in its routing
table although there will be no more than two “next_nodes” (Figure 8(b))
The list of “previous_node” is bounded since the number of local
neighbors are finite and no entry is created in the routing table for
discovery packets coming from an upstream neighbor which is already
listed in the list
If an intermediate node that has already forwarded a discovery packet
receives another discovery packet, it updates the “previous_node” list in
its routing table and drops the packet
M-MPR [De+, 2003]
Meshed Multipath Routing
A. Multipath searching
Route Discovery
Figure 8 (b): Meshed topology formed by many-sources-to-a-destination routes
M-MPR [De+, 2003]
Meshed Multipath Routing
A. Multipath searching
Route Discovery
Entry in the routing table at each node is maintained as a soft-state that
is deleted after a time out unless a reply is received from a controller
Since most sensor applications are data-centric, delay differences (jitter)
between packet arrivals is not a big concern
No other resource reservation apart from storing and maintaining
upstream and downstream nodes’ information is made during this phase
Therefore, the route discovery phase can be considered as a topology
construction process
M-MPR [De+, 2003]
Meshed Multipath Routing
A. Multipath searching
Route Reply
Route reply message identifies the nodes comprised the meshed path
The controller node, upon receiving the discovery packets from a single
source, selects the first two and sends a route reply following the
original links by the route discovery packets in reverse direction with the
following fields: {source_ID, source_location, intermediate_node_ID,
previous_node_ID1, previous_node_ID2}
Each intermediate node changes the states of its corresponding entries
from soft to permanent for the duration of its active participation,
updates the fields of the reply packet other than the source information
and forwards the reply packet to its upstream node
When forwarding the route reply message, the node does not require
the knowledge of source information
M-MPR [De+, 2003]
Meshed Multipath Routing
A. Multipath searching
Route Reply
In case of the discovery packets arriving to controller node from several
sensor nodes, multicast reply is used
If an intermediate node is out of service or goes to sleep mode, the
upstream nodes select necessary neighbors to sustain connectivity
Intermittent “link breakage” will not trigger reconfiguration of meshed
multipath, instead it is handled using selective forwarding (SF)
In the constructed meshed topology, the number of downstream links is
no more than two, whereas the number of upstream nodes can be more
As can be observed from Figure 8(b), node n has three upstream
nodes: a, b, and c; and two downstream nodes: x and y
M-MPR [De+, 2003]
Meshed Multipath Routing
B. Multipath routing
After the mesh multipath is constructed, the packets are forwarded to
the destination via the meshed multipath using either packet replication
(PR) or selective forwarding (SF)
In PR, a source packet is copied along all possible paths to its
A node receiving more than one correct copy of the packet from
upstream nodes selects one successful packet to forward to the
downstream nodes – helps to reduce power consumption due to the
transmission of multiple copies of the same packet
In SF, if multiple downstream nodes are available either at the source or
at an intermediate node, the packet is forwarded along only one
downstream link based on local conditions – if all outgoing links are
good, random selection is made
M-MPR [De+, 2003]
Meshed Multipath Routing
B. Multipath routing
In addition to fault tolerance objective, selective forwarding approach
along meshed multipath offers more efficiency than PR in terms of
resource utilization and and congestion avoidance
Generally, the signal transmitted by a sensor node is broadcast to all its
The main difference between PR and SF is that in PR, the packet is
intended for multiple neighbors in which each of them will receive and
forward the packet whereas in SF, only one receiver will receive and
forward the packet
Due to broadcast nature, M-MPR requires less transmission energy than
D-MPR; MPR provides more flexibility in selective forwarding decisions
than D-MPR, resulting in more successful packet delivery rate
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