Resource Plan Purpose This document defines the hard resources associated with the project per phase. The purpose of this document is to define what hard resources are necessary per phase and to explain their purpose. Each phase defines new hard resources that are introduced; however it should be assumed by the reader that any hard resource that is used in a previous phase will be used for the same purpose in subsequent phases unless otherwise noted. Although human resources are in integral part of the resource plan, these resources have been addressed in the separate document, Staffing Plan, contained within this SBIR. The reader is referred to the funding plan for any detailed financial information. Phase 0 In this phase the initial SBIR proposal is created along with a proposal presentation and product website. Since this phase only involves research and the proof of concept, no hard resources are required. Phase 1 In this phase a lab prototype will be developed and the SBIR Phase 2 proposal will be developed. Success will be measured by the successful completion of those two deliverables. The following hard resources are needed for Phase 1: Phase 1 Resource Product Queue Server DELL PowerEdge SC1430 Debian Linux Embeddable Predictive Text Library OpenMary MySQL Interface Design Mozilla Debian Administration 25' CAT6 Network Cable Contingency Reserve Software Technical Support Ethernet Cable Contingency Total # Cost/ Unit Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $729 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $25 $5,000 1. Queue Server – This queue server will advertise and distribute iSa related software. In addition the queue server will host iSa’s datacenter. This computer will use Debian Linux. $729 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $25 $5,000 $5,754 2. Ethernet Cable – A network cable used to connect queue server to the Internet. 3. Technical Support – It is necessary to have support for Administrating any OS. 4. Contingency – Project are by nature full of uncertainty. This small contingency reserve would cover small expenses not specifically identified in this plan. Phase 2 In this phase the actual prototype of the product will be developed. The following hard resources are needed for Phase 2: Phase 2 Queue Server Workstation Router Ethernet Cables iTouch Phone USB Speakers Prototype DELL PowerEdge 2950 III Macintosh, Windows, Linux, and UNIX Cisco 2800 Series Router 25' CAT6 Network Cables iTouch iPhone iPhone/iTouch USBs iTouch Speakers iSa used on personal computer Prototype Product Cost 10 4 1 15 10 10 20 10 1 1 $1,299 $1,300 $1,450 $25 $250 $400 $3 $13 $0 $0 Total 1. Queue Server (10) – These are the queue servers that make up a rack in the datacenter. These are setup to relieve the load from the main queue server (DELL PowerEdge SC1430). 2. Workstations (4) – Necessary for beta testing multi-platform porting capabilities. 3. Router (1) – With the increase in office staff, development and test machines a router is required. The router connects the machines to each other as well as the Internet. 4. Ethernet Cables (15) – These are used to patch the PCs into the router. 5. iTouch (10) – Necessary for beta testing. 6. iPhone (10) – Necessary for beta testing. 7. USB (20) – Necessary for beta testing. 8. Speakers (10) – Necessary for beta testing. $12,990 $5,200 $1,450 $375 $2,500 $4,000 $60 $130 $0 $0 $26,705 9. Prototype – The cost of the prototype is detailed above. The prototype will be a personal computer that represents how iSa functions by running its software. Phase 3 This phase is the main rollout of the product. In this phase the warehouse and manufacturer is secured and actual production begins. The marketing campaign also begins in this phase. The following hard resources are needed for Phase 3: Phase 3 Workstation DELL Precision 370 25' CAT6 Network Cables 7 7 $699 $25 Total With the datacenter built out in Phase 2 and the prototype created in Phase 2, we only need to purchase PCs for our new office staff. 1. Workstation (7) - – These workstations will be installed with the default version of Windows. These workstations are for the new staff that is brought on in Phase 3. These include the administrators and developers. Out Years The phase is the functional and support phase of the project. The tasks in this phase are ongoing and are not part of the project. Since Out Years maintains and supports the products that are created in the project, any hard resources needed for that support would have been identified and setup in Phase 3. Therefore there are no hard resources defined specifically for Out Years the Out Years hard resources come from previous phases. $4,893 $175 $5,068