Lab 2 – Product Specification Outline

Running Head: Lab 2 – Product Specification Outline
Lab 2 – Product Specification Outline
Team Purple
Old Dominion University
CS 411 - Brunelle
George Calhoun
April 8, 2013
Version: 1
Lab 1 – ELDERS
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Purpose.......................................................................................................................................... 3
Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations.................................................................................... 4
Reference ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Reference ...................................................................................................................................... 5
General Description .............................................................................................................................. 6
Prototype Architecture Description .............................................................................................. 6
Prototype Functional Description ................................................................................................. 7
External Interfaces ........................................................................................................................ 7
Hardware Interfaces .............................................................................................................. 7
Software Interfaces ............................................................................................................... 7
Software Interfaces ............................................................................................................... 7
Figure 1: Major Functional Component Diagram.………………………………………………..6
Lab 1 – ELDERS
The Endangered Languages Documentation Extension and Revival System (ELDERS), is
a product being developed in an attempt to help restore the Nottoway language. ELDERS's
purpose is to store the original documentation, help facilitate the expansion of the language, and
provide help in teaching the language and history of the Nottoway to others. ELDERS will be
different from other restoration methods because it will make use of the language's community to
help make the language grow. (“Product Description Document”)
This is important because there are over 6,000 languages in use in the world today;
however, within the next century, that number is expected to be halved. This would be a loss of
cultures and “important ancestral knowledge” ("Endangered Languages"). This means that
measures need to be taken to preserve endangered languages, such as the Nottoway. (“Product
Description Document”) With ELDERS, an attempt can be made to save these languages, and
help preserve that culture and knowledge.
The prototype of ELDERS will be created with the Nottoway tribe in mind. This means
that ELDERS will not be as easily converted to other language revival efforts in the future.
However, this will allow for the project to obtain the most functionality in the time that has been
given. The main functionality being provided is the documentation and archiving of the
language. Without this functionality, there really is no project. The other functions being
Lab 1 – ELDERS
included are the history viewing, user restrictions, and the language expansion. The prototype
will be put through tests to make sure all these functions work. (“Product Description
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
ELDERS: Endangered Languages Documentation Extension and Revival System
LAMP: Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP
Graphical User Interface (GUI): How the end user will interact with the application.
Linux: A free, widely-available open-source operating system.
MySQL: the worlds most used RDBMS.
Structured Query Language (SQL): Language used to make queries [d1] to a database server.
Tables: Logical collections of data stored on a database server.
RDBMS: Relational Database Management System.
1.4 Reference
Lab 1 -- Product Description Document. Version 2. (2013, March). Endangered Language
Documentation Extension and Revival System. Purple Team. CS411W: George
United Nations. United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. Endangered
Languages. 2012. Web. <>
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Lab 1 – ELDERS
1.5 Reference
The purpose of this document is to outline the hardware and software configuration,
external interfaces, capabilities and features of ELDERS. The document will contain detailed
descriptions of the hardware, software, and external interface architecture of the ELDERS
prototype. The description of the prototype will include the key features of the prototype, the
parameters that will be used to control, manage, or establish those features, and how the
prototype will handle outputs, displays and user interaction.
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Lab 1 – ELDERS
General Description
Prototype Architecture Description
ELDERS major components include its User Interface, Database and Authentication
Controls. The Database consists of multiple tables including the historic dictionary, the
expanded dictionary, the Nottoway Alphabet and the table holding the number of votes words
have to be added to the expanded dictionary. The User Interface consists of the website the user
interacts with to obtain results from searches of the database, add items to the expanded
dictionary, and provides the authentication required to access ELDERS. The Authentication
Controls are implemented within both the User Interface and the Database. The authentication is
done through user accounts with unique user-names and passwords.
Figure 1: Major Functional Component Diagram
Lab 1 – ELDERS
Prototype Functional Description
The prototype for ELDERS will contain a number of features from the product. The
website, dictionaries, and the language expansion capability are the main features that will be in
the ELDERS prototype. The website will be the most accessible section of the prototype. It will
require user registration for the same reasons the full product would need them. It will also be
able to display the history of the Nottoway. The two main sections of the website, however, will
be the dictionary search and the forum sections. (“Product Description Document”)
External Interfaces
2.3.1 Hardware Interfaces
The hardware required for ELDERS is very minimal. A computer with an Internet
connection will be required to access it. This computer can come in the form of a smart-phone,
desktop, or laptop. In addition, ELDERS is going to be stored on a server, so that will also be
required hardware.
2.3.2 Software Interfaces
ELDERS will be set up using a LAMP stack. This means that the ELDERS site will be
using PHP to access the database, which is stored using MySQL. The information obtained this
way will be shown on the viewer used by the user.
2.3.3 Software Interfaces
As mentioned in the hardware section, a user of ELDERS will need to own, or have
access to, a computer with a connection to the Internet. Through that device, the will be able to
Lab 1 – ELDERS
access ELDERS through a website. Additionally, any user of ELDERS will be required to create
an account to ensure access control.
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