• North American culture embraces youth. • Our society responds to situations only when they are problems - when someone is in need. • Older people in North America are often segregated. • Our perception on aging shapes the way we treat elders. What is the Eden Alternative? • Founded in 1994 by Dr. William Thomas • International not-for-profit organization • Believe that aging is a continued stage of growth and development Mission To improve the well being of Elders and those who care for them by transforming the communities in which they live and work. Vision To eliminate loneliness, helplessness and boredom. Values The 10 principes Principle One Loneliness Boredom Helplessness These 3 plagues account for the bulk of suffering among our elders. Principle Two An elder-centered community where life revolves around close and continuing contact with… Principle Three, Four and Five Loneliness Companionship Helplessness Give care Boredom Spontaneity Principle Six Meaningless activity corrodes the human spirit. The opportunity to do things we find meaningful is essential to human Health. Principle Seven Medical treatment should be the servant of genuine human caring, never its master! It is alright to use medication to help elders: – think more clearly – do more for themselves (energy) – relieve pain It is NEVER okay to use medication to address the 3 plagues. Principle 8- An elder-centered community honors its elders. Principle 9-Human growth should never be separated from human life. Principle 10- Wise leadership is the lifeblood for any struggle against the 3 plagues. www.edenalt.org