1) Introduction a) Purpose

1) Introduction
a) Purpose
i) Replace static maps with customized, dynamic solution
b) Scope
i) Koffman Mall of ODU
ii) Pre-Programmed Overlays
iii) No kiosk implementation
iv) Simplified Database
c) Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
d) References
e) Overview
2) General Description
a) Prototype Architecture Description
ii) Web Server
(1) MySQL Database
(2) User Interface
(3) Admin Interface
(4) Path finding algorithms
(5) Website
b) Prototype Functional Description
c) External Interfaces
3) Specific Requirements
a) Functional Requirements
i) Route Finding Module
(1) Compute Routes based on node weights
(2) Query database for nodes, paths, overlays, and structures
(3) Transmit routes to user interface
ii) User Interface
(1) Specify start and end locations
(2) Search location information
(3) Query route finding module
iii) Administrative Interface
(1) Authenticate
(2) Add, edit, and delete nodes
(3) Add, edit, and delete paths
(4) Apply Overlays
(5) Test mode
(6) Add, edit, and delete building information
b) Performance Requirements
i) Route-Finding Algorithm
(1) Present full path to user within reasonable amount of time
(2) Be able to find a valid path as long as one exists
(3) Handle multiple concurrent users accessing system at same time
ii) User Interface
(1) Map maintains scale when zoomed in and out
(2) Search returns valid and relevant results
iii) Admin Interface
(1) Measure mouse click to one millionth degree of longitude/latitude (3 inches)
c) Assumptions and Constraints
i) Implementation can be scaled to include entire campus
ii) Route finding algorithm can be optimized for speed
d) Non-Functional Requirements
i) Security: Only administrators can change information
ii) Maintainability
(1) Easy to publish program updates
(2) Updating maps is intuitive and simple
iii) Reliability
(1) All components require 24/7 access
(2) Calculated routes are accurate and consistent
4) Appendix