The Results Agenda: Where Are We? Overview and Progress to Date

The Results Agenda: Where Are We?
Overview and Progress to Date
DAC Development Partnership Forum
December 11, 2002
Table of Contents
Managing for Results : Background
II. Managing for Results : Action Plan
III. Terminology, Abbreviations and Acronyms
I. Managing for Results:
External Context
Building on the Monterrey/Doha/Johannesburg (“MDJ”)
mandates : focus on country outcomes, emphasis on
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)…
June - International Roundtable on Better Measuring,
Monitoring and Managing for Development Results
July - IDA13 Agreement and focus on country results,
including MDGs and related goals
September - Development Committee endorsed Bank’s
overall approach to increasing its results orientation and
urged implementation.
Internal Context
• Country Business Model: Discussed by Development
Committee in Prague; identified four step process—vision
(PRSP); diagnosis (CPIA); programming (CAS); and results.
Much work hitherto on first three.
• Results-Based Management: Bank has been managing for
deliveries and quality. Much work and progress on system
development (for tracking lending and knowledge services) and
on quality.
• Development Effectiveness: OED and QAG analyses provide
basis for accountability and learning; need to strengthen links
to strategy formulation and and day-to-day management.
Bottom line: All point to timeliness of enhanced results focus …
II. Managing for Results:
Action Plan
Managing for Results: Implementation
December 18 : CODE Discussion of Implementation Plan
Support for national strategy development (PRSP…) and
capacity building
 Knowledge accumulation and dissemination
 Bank strategy and instruments
 Staff learning and incentives
 Corporate reporting
PRSP and Capacity Building
 Strengthen support for results-focused PRSPs, with clear linkages.
Publish PRSP Sourcebook with relevant guidance on measurement and
monitoring; and publish guidelines for JSAs on Annual Progress Reports.
Focus staff assessments of PRSPs and Annual Progress Reports focused
on targets and monitoring of results. FY03 Q1-4
 Help countries build statistical systems and analytic capacity to
measure and track outcomes and other results. In consultation with
partners, design and pilot instrument for enhanced sector-wide support for
statistical capacity building. (STATCAP template has already been
developed, as simplified financing instrument.) FY03 Q1-4
 Help countries build results-based public expenditure management
systems, and monitoring and evaluation capacity. Develop/agree Bank
approach across units, as basis for reflecting diagnostic tools and possible
follow-up support to countries via CAS process. FY03
Client-Focused Knowledge Accumulation
and Dissemination
 Support countries’ achievement of MDGs and other development
outcomes through advice and research. Undertake research and
prepare policy notes on actions that lead to the achievement of the
MDGs, as input into country teams preparing outcome-oriented ESW.
(The first deliverables to be based on six country studies—Albania,
Argentina, Bangladesh, Uganda, Vietnam, and Yemen—currently
underway.) WDR 2004 to present lessons learned on how countries can
accelerate progress toward the MDGs by making services work for poor
people. FY03
 Provide clients with a clear and consistent window for accessing
knowledge and best-practice examples across sectors and themes.
Review existing knowledge dissemination mechanisms. Adopt
harmonized approach to dissemination and knowledge management,
making use of Development Gateway. FY03 Q3
Bank Strategy and Instruments
 Establish results-based CAS to show clear results-chain linking
country outcomes to Bank products and services. Launch resultsbased CASs in five countries. Five pilots : Brazil, Cambodia, Cameroon,
Sri Lanka, and Ukraine. FY03
 Develop results-based CAS monitoring and evaluation framework.
Pilot CAS completion report and associated peer-review mechanism.
 Increase feedback from clients on Bank contribution to results.
Revise client survey instrument and align timing with CAS cycle. FY03
 Enhance results focus of products and services, and linkages to
CAS outcomes. As part of the ongoing review of the design of, and
guidelines for, Bank lending and nonlending products, strengthen
respective monitoring and evaluation frameworks to enhance results
focus and alignment with results-based CAS. FY03-04
New CAS Results Framework
Objective is to improve Bank performance by using
intended results to define Bank program design ex ante
and to assess program success ex post.
Starts from country objectives (outcome and outputs) to
set Bank’s country program (inputs), taking into account
what other partners are doing.
Framework includes CAS matrix and M&E Framework,
follow-up in the CAS Progress Report, CAS Completion
Report, QAG peer review CAS exit assessment, and OED
Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE). This is akin to
project cycle M&E framework.
CAS—Results Tracking
Next CAS
CAS Exit
CAS Results Matrix provides links across various reports
CAS Results Matrix
CAS matrix to capture three main areas:
CAS Country Outcomes—selected country goals from
the PRSP (or national strategy), such as the MDGs and
sector-specific issues that contribute to these goals.
CAS Intermediate Outcomes—expected country
outcomes achievable in the CAS period, which Bank’s
interventions support in partnership with other donors.
Bank Inputs and Outputs—planned Bank interventions
supporting these CAS intermediate outcomes (taking
account of partners’ activities) with associated targets to
monitor Bank performance management.
CAS Implementation: Assessing Progress
During CAS implementation, CAS results matrix used to:
• Track priority CAS outcomes
• Assess annual progress towards goals
• Review strategies and actions under way
• Review key indicators
CAS Progress Reports to become more systematic, assessing
progress against results framework—and determining
need for mid-course correction in CAS strategy and/or
CAS Completion and Evaluation of Results
• Self Assessment: At end of CAS cycle, the team prepares
the CAS Completion Report (CCR) using results
framework to assess extent to which results were
achieved. For key areas of Bank involvement, CCR would
compare baseline values, expected outputs and outcomes
as laid out in CAS, and actuals at time of CAS completion.
CCR would be an input into CAS design, annexed to the
CAS provided to Executive Directors.
• Peer Assessment: QAG would assess quality/results at
exit, drawing on CCR and other information.
• Independent Assessment: As at present, OED would
periodically carry out Country Assistance Evaluation,
typically spanning more than one CAS period.
Linking M&E Frameworks
CAS Results
Other Donors’
Lending M&E
Lending M&E
Analytic &
advisory work
M&E Framework for Results-focused
Lending Operations
Existing framework for projects consists of logical framework based on
development objectives that are monitored through self-assessment, peerassessment and independent assessment throughout project cycle.
Framework is broadly appropriate, but results-focus needs to be sharpened
Development objectives that are more outcome-oriented and
More logical links between expected outputs and
development objectives
Monitorable indicators of both outputs and outcome-oriented
development objectives.
New priority is coherence with PRSP and CAS M&E frameworks. This is not
just good architecture; it also provides a motivational key to systematic
Staff Learning and Incentives
 Ensure that staff learning activities, in terms of strategic priorities,
timeliness and specific learning content, are aligned with focus on
sustained development results. Learning Board to proactively
manage staff learning, including in allocation of FY04 resources.
 Make best practice into standard Bank practice in managing for
results. Good Practice Handbook on Managing for Results, with
framework and best-practice examples FY03 Q3-4
 Provide staff with consistent training on results-based
approaches. Assess training needs. Review and rationalize supply of
results-based M&E training. FY03 Q2-4
 Ensure that internal staff incentives are aligned with focus on
sustained development results. Review staff incentives and revise
as necessary to reflect enhanced results focus. FY03
Corporate Reporting
 Report on Results in corporate strategy and budget documents.
Review of corporate planning and budget cycle to assess methods for
integrating results. Pilot test in FY03 for further integration in corporate
reporting in FY04. FY03-FY04
 Enhanced results focus of quality assessments of products and
services. Increase results focus of quality at entry, supervision, and
ESW assessments carried out by Quality Assurance Group. Develop
Annual Report on Portfolio Performance and Results. FY03 Q2-4 FY04
 Design system to report IDA Deputies on IDA-eligible country
results. Develop and refine results measurement system for IDAeligible countries based on country-specific results defined in PRSPs
and supported through CASs and operations. FY03 Q1-4
Calendar of Events
• November 4
: IDA13 Technical Meeting
• November 12
: Informal Board Meeting - “Building Statistical
Capacity to Monitor Development Progress”
• December 11-12
: DAC Development Partnership Forum
• December 18
: CODE Discussion of Implementation Plan
 February 23-25
: Joint High-Level Forum on Harmonization
 April 11, 2003
: IDA Donors Meeting on Results System
(tentative date)
 April 13, 2003
: Development Committee
III. Results :
Terminology, Abbreviations and Acronyms
Definitions: Results Terminology
 Input
Financial, human and material resources used for a
development intervention
 Output
Products, goods and services which result from a
development intervention
 Outcome
Likely or achieved effects or behavior changes resulting
from a development intervention
 Performance Degree to which a development intervention or partner
operates according to specific standards or criteria
 Result
The output, outcome or impact of a development
 Results
The causal sequence for a development intervention,
moving from inputs and activities to outputs, outcomes and
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Country Assistance Strategy
Committee of Development Effectiveness
Country Policy and Institutional Assessment
Development Assistance Committee
Economic and Sector Work
International Development Agency
Joint Staff Assessment
Monitoring and Evaluation
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
Operations Evaluation Department
Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
Quality Assurance Group
World Development Report