DEVELOPEMENT OF THE GEOTHERMAL ENERGY IN TURKEY, STATE OF ART AND PERSPECTIVES 12-15 February 2006 Engine Conferance BRGM Orleans-France Tevfik Kaya (Petroleum Eng. Msc) Orme Jeotermal A.S. Turkey is the seventh richest country in the World in geothermal potential for its direct use and for electricity generation. Most of the country is located on the AlpineHymalayan orogenic belt which constitutes the major factor in having high geothermal potential. orme Geothermal Activity In Turkey, more than 170 geothermal fields which can be useful at the economic scale and about 1500 hot and mineral water resources. Temperatures ranged from 20242oC, have been determined Main neotectonic lines and hot spring distribution of Turkey With the existing springs and geothermal wells the proven geothermal capacity calculated is 3293 MWt The distributions of proven geothermal potential is estimated as 31,500 MWt. Capacities in Geothermal Utilization in Turkey District Heating +Greenhouse Heating :827 MWt Balneological Utilization :402 MWt Total Direct Use :1229 MWt Power Production :20.4 MWe Carbon dioxide production :145.000 ton/year Geothermal Heating History of geothermal district heating systems in Turkey is started the year 1987, in Gönen City, with 1400 residence equivalence. Today, 103.000 residences equivalance* are heated Geothermally in more than 15 different cities. 800.000 tons/year CO2 emission amount is not discharged to the atmosphere. Some Example Geothermal Heating in 2005-2006 Edremit GDHS Project: •7500 residence capacity •1700 residence complated •3,5 km geothermal water transproted •58-60°C, 7 geothermal wells (250-400m) •17500 tons fuel oil and 53.500 CO2 will be saved/year Some Example Geothermal Heating in 2005-2006 İzmir Balçova GDHS Project: • 2.500 residence capacity in 1995 •2 geothermal deep well, max T= 125°C •21.000 residence capacity in 2006 •10 geothermal deep well, max T= 140 °C •52500 tons fuel oil saving/year and 150.000 CO2 is Balneological Usage Because Turkey is located on top of a major geothermal belt and has numerous springs, its thermal spring potential is among the top seven countries in the world. There are over a 1000 springs with temperatures ranging from 20ºC to 110ºC and with a flow ranging from 2 to 500 liters/sec. More than 200 of these springs are feeding thermal facilities. Turkey is one of the rare countries, where combining sea/sun/cultural tourism with thermal tourism and balneological applications is possible. Çeşme etc. The number annually local thermal curists is around 7 million and the number of the foreign thermal curists is around 10,000-15.000 in Turkey. Balcova Hot Springs Hotel and Treatment Thermal Centre in İzmir. Balçova thermal facilities is over 3000 years old, It was used Commander Agamemnon took 1,000 Ships to Troy. Agamemnon was in Troy to stamp Mycenaean 'greek' Male Authority on Anatolian Queens like Beautiful Helen and Wife Clytemnestra. In 10 years of figting Agamemnon sent his wounded soldiers to Balçova Spa for Cures, Rest and Relaxation. Geothermal Greenhouse Heating Application Low-temperature water is used in many localities for greenhouses producing vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, lettuce, etc.) and flowers for the domestic market. More than 700,000 m2 are under glass at present in Turkey. Geothermal Power Production in Turkey Geothermal electricity production is advantageous because of the relatively low installation and operational cost as well as being more environmentally benign, in comparison to the conventional thermic and hydraulic power plants. At present, ten of the geothermal fields of Turkey are of high enthalpy and are appropriate for the geothermal electric energy generation by binary cycle or by flashing cycle. These fields are • Denizli-Kızıldere Field (242 °C) • Aydın - Germencik -Omerbeyli Field (232 ° C) • Manisa –Salihli-Göbekli Field (182 ° C) • Çanakkale- Tuzla Field (174 ° C) • Aydın-Salavatlı Field (171 °C) • Kütahya-Simav Field (162 °C) • Manisa- Salihli-Caferbey Field (150 °C) • Izmir- Seferihisar Field (153 °C) • Izmir-Balçova Field (142°C) • Aydın-Yılmazköy Field (142 °C) Geothermal Power Production in Turkey Kızıldere Power Plant Temperature :200°C (600-800 m) 242°C (1500-2000m) Flow Rate : 1000 m3/h Installed Capacity : 20.5 MWe Running Capacity :12-15 MWe Production : 7580 milyon kWh/year CO2 production from geothermal in Turkey • In Kızıldere Geothermal Field and connected Power Plant • Operating since 1980 • Plant uses 270 l/s of 242°C water with high gas content • Annual production 145.000 tones CO2 and 13.000 tones dry ice used for soft drink production and industry. Some Historical use of geothermal events: •1963: First Geothermal Well was drilled in Balçova,İzmir •1964 First Geothermal Heating System in Hotel Balıkesir(Gönen). •1968: Kızıldere Geothermal Field was explored and drilling was started •1974 First power production 0,5 MWe was realized by Orhan Mertoglu •1983: First Downhole Heat Excahanger Application for heating in Balçova İzmir. •1984: First power plant is opened (20.4 • MWe) Kızıldere, •1987: First Geothermal District Heating System started operation Gönen Balıkesir Comparison of Geothermal Utilization between 2000 and 2005 in Turkey; Applications (Install capacities) 2000 2005 Space Heating (Residences + Thermal facilities) 392 MWt 605 MWt 54 ↑* Greenhouse Heating 101 MWt 202 MWt 100 ↑ Bathing and Swimming 327 MWt 402MWt 23 ↑ Total Direct Use 820 MWt 1229 MWt 50 ↑ Mineral recovery 120.000 t/year 145.000 t/year 21 ↑ Installed capacity 20,4 MWe 20,4 MWe - Generation 90 GWh 108 GWh 20 ↑ 2600 MWt 3293 MWt 27 ↑ Electricity Production Existing proven capacity of Wells and Natural springs Change in % Finance System of Geothermal District Heating in Turkey The portion of the consumers financial contribution (non return as grant) in each geothermal district heating investment is 50-60% in Turkey. This finance model is called as “Turkish Finance Model”. The meaning of this model is; 1500-2500 US$/100m2 residence contribution and connection fee (non return as grant) is paid by the consumers (customers) to the company formed by local government and municipality in order to get connected to the geothermal district heating network. (Privite Co. also) Contributions of the Loan consumers and the own capital The distribution of Geothermal District Heating Investment Incomes Investment In ve 20% st m 15% en 10% t 5% (As a general informative example) Own capital (in cash) 0% First (25%) Second (25%) Third (25%) Fourth (25%) Consumers (contribution and connection fee, non return as grant) Loan Years It can be seen explicitly from the figure that the amount of investment financed by consumers increases while the amount financed by loan decreases during the years of investment period. Investment Amount Finance Model (Income percentages of the total investment) %10-20 Own Capital % 30-40 Loan + % 50-60 Financed by Consumers (like grant) = While 100% of the investment is completed, the total amount of investment financed by consumers is 50-60%, by loan is 30-40% and by own capital is 10-20%. Comparison of heat selling prices Geothermal, Natural gas, Fuel-oil in Turkey 4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 between 3-4 cent/kWh (heat) 0,5 - 1,0 cent/kWh (heat) Geothermal Natural Gas or Fuel-oil The geothermal heating fees which are determined in October-November remain the same for the whole year in Turkish Lira basis. One residences (100m2) pays 40-50 YTL/month heating+hot water 1 Euro=1,6 YTL Conclusions... • • • Direct-indirect electrical energy and heat energy saving is provided due to the geothermal heating in Turkey.Electricity demand for heating is decreased by geothermal heating, especially in the Western Anatolia where big energy consumption and less power plant exist. With Turkey's total geothermal potential, it is possible to meet 5 % of the electricity needs and 30 % of the heat energy demand of Turkey. By heating 1 million residences by geothermal energy, 8 million tons/year CO2 emission amount will not be discharged to the atmosphere. Thank you.. Thank you for your attention... photo tevfik kaya Geothermal Power Production in Turkey Temperature : 170°C Flow Rate : 600 m3/h Capacity : 7,9 MWe? Production : 56 Million kwh/h ? TOE : 30.000 Ton/yıl Construction Period : 33 months Under test production in January 2006 Current Geothermal Situation and Projections in Turkey 8200 MWt 1 Million R.E. 3800 MWt 500 Thousand R.E. 1000 MWe 500 MWe 750 MWt 103 Thousand R.E. 20 MWe 2006 2010 2025 Geothermal Electricity Generation (MWe) R.E.= Residences Equivalance 2006 2010 2025 Geothermal Heating (MWt) Total Geothermal Heat Potential Of Turkey 31500 MWt* EQUALS TO = 5 Million residences heating or 150 Million m2 greenhouse heating = More than 1 Million spas bed capacity = 9,3 Billion USD/year Fuel-Oil (30 Million tons/year) = 30 Billion m3/year natural gas *State Planning Organisation, 8th 5 Year Development Plan, Geothermal Energy Report, 2001