Welcome to the Food Guide Pyramid Your Guide to Healthy Eating

Welcome to the
Food Guide Pyramid
Your Guide to
Healthy Eating
Rate Your Plate
© 2004-2005 www.BeaconLearningCenter.com
Dev. 06.09.04
Bread, Cereal, Rice, Pasta
1. All the foods from grains.
2. Provide fiber and carbohydrates for energy.
3. 6-11 servings of foods from this group each
4. Serving sizes in this group are one slice of
bread, one ounce of ready-to-eat cereal, or 1/2
cup of cooked cereal, rice, or pasta.
5. These servings may seem smaller than what
you normally eat, but that's okay! You can just
count it as two servings instead of one!
Rate Your Plate
© 2004-2005 www.BeaconLearningCenter.com
Dev. 06.09.04
1. Contain a lot of the vitamins and minerals every
2. Contain fiber.
3. 3-5 servings from this group each day.
4. Serving sizes in this group are basically one cup
of raw leafy vegetables, 1/2 cup of cooked or
canned vegetables, or 3/4 cup vegetable juice.
Rate Your Plate
© 2004-2005 www.BeaconLearningCenter.com
Dev. 06.09.04
1. Contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
2. 2-4 servings of fruits each day.
3. Serving sizes for fruits are one medium-size
piece of fresh fruit (like a banana, orange or
apple), 1/2 cup of chopped, cooked, or
canned fruit, or 3/4 cup of fruit juice.
4. Fruits and vegetables are naturally low in
fats and sugars, so they make great snacks!!
Rate Your Plate
© 2004-2005 www.BeaconLearningCenter.com
Dev. 06.09.04
Milk, Yogurt, Cheese
1. Contains foods that mostly come from
2. Provides calcium and protein as well as
other vitamins needed.
3. A bit higher in fat and is not needed in
large quantities.
4. 2-3 servings each day.
5. Serving sizes for this group are one cup
(8 ounces) of milk or yogurt or 1 1/2
ounces of natural cheese.
Rate Your Plate
© 2004-2005 www.BeaconLearningCenter.com
Dev. 06.09.04
Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry
Beans, Eggs, and Nuts
Mostly from animal products and supplies
protein, iron, and zinc.
2. 2-3 servings are recommended from this
group daily.
3. Serving sizes are 2-3 ounces of cooked lean
meat, poultry, or fish; 1/2 cup cooked, dry
beans; one egg; or two tablespoons of peanut
Rate Your Plate
© 2004-2005 www.BeaconLearningCenter.com
Dev. 06.09.04
Fats, Oils, Sweets
1. Eat sparingly (in very small amounts).
2. Provide calories but not much other nutritional
3. Include salad dressings, oils, cream, butter,
margarine, sugars, soft drinks, candies, and
sweet desserts.
4. There are no recommended serving sizes for
this group because we should only eat them in
very small amounts, sparingly.
Rate Your Plate
© 2004-2005 www.BeaconLearningCenter.com
Dev. 06.09.04