Master of Agriculture ‘Wisdoms’ applied in Afghanistan A graduate degree prepares us for

Master of Agriculture ‘Wisdoms’
applied in Afghanistan
A graduate degree
prepares us for
opportunities in the
future. Think beyond
the present.
Robert Martin, Professor
Master of Agriculture 'Wisdoms'
applied in Afghanistan
• President Bush's
National Security
Strategy pledges that
the United States will
provide assistance to
“rebuild Afghanistan
so that it will never
again abuse its
people, threaten its
neighbors, and
provide a haven for
Master of Agriculture 'Wisdoms'
applied in Afghanistan
Master of Agriculture 'Wisdoms'
applied in Afghanistan
Prior to 1979 Soviet Invasion –
1976 had sufficient cereal
1979 to 1992 – Communists
damaged non supporter
agriculture infrastructure.
1996 to 2001 – Taliban damaged
non supporter agriculture
2001 to present – USA and world
community dealing with destroyed
agriculture infrastructure.
Master of Agriculture 'Wisdoms'
applied in Afghanistan
Served country as
• Agricultural Adviser
Volunteer, USDA
contribution to
Operation Enduring
Freedom. 6 mo. tour.
• Member of civilian /
military reconstruction
team. Assigned to
NATO (German and
Dutch) military bases.
Master of Agriculture 'Wisdoms'
applied in Afghanistan
What made the work difficult
• No resources
Mine field entrance to
project site.
• Dependent on everyone for
everything (always had to be
• Travel
• Communication
• Danger
• Cleanliness
Master of Agriculture 'Wisdoms'
applied in Afghanistan
What made the work difficult
Insurgent weapons
• Plenty of available
arms, munitions and
people to hurt you
• Limited/damaged or
Master of Agriculture 'Wisdoms'
applied in Afghanistan
What made the work difficult
Rocket attack damage
(5 hurt)
I.E.D. damage (3 hurt)
•I.E.D. damage (3 dead)
•11 Chinese killed in
separate attack
German funeral
precession (1 dead)
Master of Agriculture 'Wisdoms'
applied in Afghanistan
What made the work difficult – Afghan realities
• Lack of formal education
• Physically and mentally
abused (generations of
• Bad behavior rewarded
• Islam
• Drug production
Master of Agriculture 'Wisdoms'
applied in Afghanistan
Statement of the Problem:
• USDA in Washington DC demanded,
during departure conference, tangible
success examples immediately.
• How does one perform reconstruction with
no resources…including (especially)
funding resources?
Master of Agriculture 'Wisdoms'
applied in Afghanistan
SOC 515 - The Sociology of Technology
• A change agent locates
opinion leaders and
influences them to
ICARDA, ICARDA sponsored
village association, and RAMP
initial, joint meeting (led to
orchard project developed with
RAMP funding)
• Opinion leader’s adoption
creates a “diffusion effect”
that influences others to
adopt like dominoes.
Master of Agriculture 'Wisdoms'
applied in Afghanistan
Methods & Procedures:
Action plan – network, learn and get liked
• Had to get along all
the time.
• Met with opinion
German Embassy
• Met with organizations
that had resources,
including funding.
R.A.M.P. orientation
Master of Agriculture 'Wisdoms'
applied in Afghanistan
Methods & Procedures:
Action plan - be accepted by military
German military
Afghan force protection
Master of Agriculture 'Wisdoms'
applied in Afghanistan
Methods & Procedures:
Action plan - visit, observe, pre qualify
I.C.A.R.D.A. field days
Village association, ICARDA
and RAMP
F.A.O. field days
Master of Agriculture 'Wisdoms'
applied in Afghanistan
Methods & Procedures:
Action plan – develop, nominate, obtain funding
USAID funded
Suspension bridge field
visit (RAMP funded)
USAID funded
US Military radio delivery
Master of Agriculture 'Wisdoms'
applied in Afghanistan
• Developed, nominated and obtained $1,698,000 in
funding for 14 reconstruction projects.
• 10 projects obtained USAID Quick Impact Program
funding. Seven of the ten projects had educational focus.
• 4 projects obtained USAID contractor, Rebuilding
Agriculture Markets Program in Afghanistan (RAMP) $.
• Created and implemented 2 technical assistance
projects – (a) agricultural radio extension monthly
program and (b) field visits and analysis for RAMP and
Master of Agriculture 'Wisdoms'
applied in Afghanistan
Findings - Wisdom 1
Economics 563 - Agricultural and Rural Policy
• Define policy; context;
compare alternatives
and probable
consequences, (what
can be done, in
support, in opposition,
a likely trade-off). Dutch
were the best regarding this.
Master of Agriculture 'Wisdoms'
applied in Afghanistan
Findings – Wisdom 2
AgEdS 561 – Ag Extension Education in Developing
• The role of education
in agricultural
development is
Afghan ‘school’
Professor w/full beard
is Wyoming graduate!
Master of Agriculture 'Wisdoms'
applied in Afghanistan
Findings – Wisdom 3
AgEdS 561 – Ag Extension Education in Developing
US & German civilian
• It is hard for many
specialists to be
flexible because of
complications and
need to work in
teams. Need more
collaboration among
U.S., Dutch, Afghan
military radio delivery
Master of Agriculture 'Wisdoms'
applied in Afghanistan
Findings – Wisdom 4
AgEdS 561 - Ag Extension Education in Developing Countries
• Success, from the intended
beneficiaries viewpoint, of a
recommended change is
directly related to the extent
1. Benefits are high, simple and
2. Costs of practices are low,
3. Practices may be tested by
individuals on a trial basis prior
to complete commitment, and
4. Fit the type of farming system.
Master of Agriculture 'Wisdoms'
applied in Afghanistan
Findings – Wisdom 5
SOC 515 - The Sociology of Technology
• A change agent locates
opinion leaders and
influences them to
ICARDA, ICARDA sponsored
village association, and RAMP
initial, joint meeting (led to
orchard project developed with
RAMP funding)
• Opinion leader’s adoption
creates a “diffusion effect”
that influences others to
adopt like dominoes.
Master of Agriculture 'Wisdoms'
applied in Afghanistan
Findings – Wisdom 6
AgEdS 560 – Role of Agricultural & Extension Education in
Transfer of Technology
• Other cultures
interested first in
getting to know you,
then to business.
• Emphasize people
input into formula.
Coke and cigarettes
are worldwide.
Master of Agriculture 'Wisdoms'
applied in Afghanistan
Findings – Wisdom 7
AgEdS 521 – Leadership Development in Agricultural
• Both task and
relationship goals are
important to the success
of the group. PRT is a 24/7
USDA Deputy Sec.
award to US Military
for radios
Master of Agriculture 'Wisdoms'
applied in Afghanistan
Conclusions / Recommendations:
Steps to obtain reconstruction project funding
German and ICARDA radio
extension program meeting
Understand each
parties needs, wants
and goals;
Build relationships; (no
Link with those who
want to work with us;
Add value to each
participating party.
Master of Agriculture 'Wisdoms'
applied in Afghanistan
Master of Agriculture ‘Wisdoms’
applied in Afghanistan
You are only educated if
you can prove what you
have learned and
demonstrate in some
way that we actually
used it.
Robert Martin, Professor
Master of Agriculture 'Wisdoms'
applied in Afghanistan