Document 17794488

The Articles placed limits on Congress that kept it from
effectively enforcing its laws and policies.
 Using your forward backward foldable, list some weakness in the
Articles of Confederation.
Fearing the power of the king, the Articles made no provision
for a king, thus no strong executive.
 Why would the colonist fear the power of a king?
Each state would retain “every power, jurisdiction, and right
which is not by this confederation expressly. delegated to
the United States, in Congress assembled.”
 How much power did states have under the Articles of Confederation?
War debts, sluggish economy, uncooperative
states and civil unrest
War debt is biggest problem- cannot pay back
foreign creditors, wealthy Americans who
made loans, and soldiers who fought
Shays’ Rebellion
Step 1- Create a Four tab foldable (you will end up with four doors)
Step 2- Each door must have the following question: (Door 1) Describe the economy
of the nation under the Articles of Confederation; (Door 2) What do governments
usually tend to do when economies are sluggish?; (Door 3) This is what happened
to Daniel Shays and people like him when state governments raised taxes.; (Door
4) How did Daniel Shays’ and others like him react to higher taxes?
Step 3- Answer each of the questions to the doors in the area behind the doors using
factual information. You may need to refer to pages 24-26 for factual information.
Step 4- Answer the following question on a separate sheet of people for homework: To
what extent did the weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation create people
like Daniel Shays? Remember that you must always try use, when appropriate,
the vocabulary you have learned.