Unit 5 Test Review

Unit 5 Test Review
1. The goal of the Articles of Confederation was to have a central government
that kept the states strong.
2. The government could not carry out laws under the Articles of Confederation.
3. Shays’ Rebellion took place because farmers who didn’t pay debts and taxes
lost their farms, Massachusetts farmers found it hard to pay debts and taxes,
and Shays led a movement against taxes.
4. Delegates met at the Constitutional Convention to review the Articles of
5. The Virginia and New Jersey Plans presented different proposals for state
6. The Great Compromise occurred because states with smaller populations
wanted equal representation.
7. The Federalists wanted a strong national government.
8. The Bill of Rights is ten freedoms added to the Constitution.
9. The three major goals of the Constitution are to establish justice, defend the
nation, and protect the people’s well-being and liberty.
10. Washington organized his Cabinet by dividing the work of the executive
branch into departments and using the head of each department as an
11. Two political parties emerged because people had different ideas about how the
government should be run.
12. Pierre L’Enfant was chosen to design the city of Washington D.C.
13. Daniel Boone, Lewis and Clark, and other pioneers are associated with
western expansion.
14. The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States.
15. On their expedition, Lewis and Clark were supposed to pay attention to the soil
and land, establish relationships with the Native Americans, and bring
information about the west to President Jefferson.
16. The U.S. hoped to gain freedom at sea from the War of 1812.