QUALITY ENHANCEMENT CELL University of the Punjab, Lahore. Ref. No: 37 / QEC Date: 20-01-2010 To: Dean/Director/Principal/Chairman/Chairperson, Program Team Members, i) Faculty of Science ii) Faculty of Life Sciences iii) Faculty of Oriental Learning iv) Faculty of Pharmacy University of the Punjab, Lahore. Subject: Proceedings for Minutes of the Meeting Held on 07-01-2010 A pre planned meeting was held on Thursday 7th January 2010 at 11:00 am at Institute of Quality and Technology Management (IQTM) under Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC), University of the Punjab, Lahore. In Attendance: 1. Prof. Dr. Aamir Ijaz (Director QEC) 2. Prof. Dr. Zafar Rashid (Professor, IQTM) 3. Prof. Dr. Nasir Saeed Butt (Quality Assurance Advisor, IQTM) 4. Col ® Fazal Ur Rehman (Senior Faculty Member/Program Manager, IQTM) 5. Mr. Abu Turab (Research Scholar, IQTM) 6. Dr. Muhammad Sabir (Department Persian) 7. Dr. Aurangzaib Alamgir (Department of Urdu) 8. Dr. Zahoor Ahmed (School of Biological Sciences) 9. Dr. Muhammad Faisal (Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics) 10. Dr. Nazia Jamil (Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics) 11. Dr. Abdul Rehman (Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics) 12. Ms. Omama Tariq (Department of Psychology & Applied Psychology) 13. Ms. Shahnila Tariq (Department of Psychology & Applied Psychology) 14. Ms. Faiza Safdar (Centre for Clinical Psychology) Institute of Quality & Technology Management, Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore-54590 Phone No. +92-42-9230085-84, Fax No. +92-42-9231159, URL: http//www.pu.eu.pk/qec, Email: info@qec.pu.edu.pk 15. Ms. Fatima Ali Bukhari (Centre for Clinical Psychology) 16. Dr. Saima Dawood (Centre for Clinical Psychology) 17. Dr. Aisha Sitwat (Centre for Clinical Psychology) 18. Dr. Ghazala Nasim (Institute of Mycology & Plant Pathology) 19. Dr. Muhammad Abdul Qadir (Institute of Chemistry) 20. Mr. Munawar Iqbal (College of Statistical & Actuarial Sciences) 21. Dr. Ghazala Akram (Mathematics) 22. Dr. Malik Zawwar Hussain (Mathematics) 23. Dr. M. Aslam Malik (Mathematics) 24. Mr. Muhammad Ayub Faridi (Centre for High Energy Physics) 25. Dr. Munazza Zulfiqar (Physics) 26. Ms. Bushra Haider (Physics) Absent: 27. College of Pharmacy 28. Department of Geography 29. Department of Space Science 30. Institute of Geology 31. Centre for Excellence in Solid State Physics 32. Microelectronics Research Centre 33. Centre for Integrated Mountain Research 34. College of Earth & Environmental Science (CEES) 35. Punjab University College of Information Technology (PUCIT) 36. Department of Arabic 37. Department of Hindi 38. Institute of Iqbaliat 39. Department of Kashmir Study 40. Department of Botany 41. Department of Zoology 42. Department of Sports Science & Physical Education 43. Institute off Biochemistry & Biotechnology 44. Punjab University Seed Centre Institute of Quality & Technology Management, Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore-54590 Phone No. +92-42-9230085-84, Fax No. +92-42-9231159, URL: http//www.pu.eu.pk/qec, Email: info@qec.pu.edu.pk The meeting started with the recitation of Holy Quran by Mr. Abu Turab (Research Scholar, IQTM). The agenda of meeting was the group discussion on implementing self assessment manual (SAM) activities at university of the Punjab, Lahore. Prof. Dr. Aamir Ijaz, Director QEC briefed the program team members of Faculties of Science, Life Sciences, Pharmacy and Oriental Learning about the activities of Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) at University of the Punjab regarding efforts towards implementation of self assessment manual (SAM); while explaining the aims of SAM, he said that in recent years it has become an obligation for institutions of higher education to demonstrate the effectiveness of their academic programs in providing high quality education that positively impact students. Furthermore, most accrediting bodies and others concerned with quality assurance are requesting that institutions to assess students learning outcomes as a means of improving academic programs. This has led the Higher Education Commission (HEC) to develop methods for assessing quality of academic program. He further said that assessment is a systematic process of gathering, reviewing and using important quantitative and qualitative data and information from multiple and diverse sources about educational programs for the purpose of improving student learning and evaluating whether academic and learning standards are being met. The process culminates when assessment results are used to improve student learning. The elements of successful assessment program include the following:1. Purpose identification 2. Outcomes identification 3. Measurements and evaluation design 4. Data collection 5. Analysis and evaluation 6. Decision-making regarding actions to be taken Talking about the importance of SAM he mentioned that only a small number of institutions in the United States were engaged in assessment of educational programs fifteen years ago but now nearly every institution carries out assessment-related projects. The purpose of this document (SAM) is to outline the process of conducting selfassessment (SA) of academic programs. It is HEC that requires universities to conduct periodic self-assessment for its academic programs in order to improve them and ensure Institute of Quality & Technology Management, Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore-54590 Phone No. +92-42-9230085-84, Fax No. +92-42-9231159, URL: http//www.pu.eu.pk/qec, Email: info@qec.pu.edu.pk high academic standards. Self-assessment is an important tool for academic quality assurance and provides feedback for faculty and administration to initiate action plans for improvement. He further said that the purpose of today’s meeting is to get update about the SAM. The aim of SAM is to enhance the educational level to International level and further To bring the courses and syllabi of different disciplines and areas to same level all over the country. To get feed back from different employers through survey forms about our students output standards given in SAM. The main purpose of the meeting is to discuss any problems which program team members are facing during completing SAM and to assure them that QEC is there to sort any problems faced by them. Improving quality of education is an on going process which starts from the top level right from the Chancellor to non-academic staff; until unless, we are all committed for continuous improvement, it can’t be achieved. Through SAM, QEC will highlight the weaknesses/requirements of the departments and after proper auditing of SAM, those weaknesses/requirements would be communicated to Vice Chancellor as well as to Higher Education Commission (HEC). He further added that SAM is required to be updated every 2-year. Among 4-faculties which were invited for this group discussion today, only 6 departments have submitted SAM reports & still there are some shortcomings and even some of standards are missing in these received SAM reports. Minutes of the today’s meeting will be communicated to respective departments through Deans and Directors as well as to Vice Chancellor and Registrar. He then invited the participants to talk about their difficulties in completing SAM. Dr. Nasir Saeed Butt (Quality Assurance Advisor, IQTM) said that if you want to bring the minor changes in self assessment manual (SAM); you can do it with positive reasons and further added that QEC would not be able to implement activities of quality assessment without the commitment from the top management. He also emphasized that training of Deans, Directors and Heads of Department is very important for the implementation of SAM perspective. He also introduced about the Quality Management System (ISO 90012000) so it would be helpful for the implementation of SAM. Institute of Quality & Technology Management, Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore-54590 Phone No. +92-42-9230085-84, Fax No. +92-42-9231159, URL: http//www.pu.eu.pk/qec, Email: info@qec.pu.edu.pk Dr. Zafar Rashid (Program Manager B.Sc. I.E.M & Professor, IQTM) reiterated the suggestion which he mentioned in the previous meeting as well with regard to quality enhancement of academic programmes:i) Preparation of a comprehensive course outline / course objectives and its provision to the students. ii) Emphasis on the analytical contents of the course and its applied nature. iii) Holding of seminars from professional resource persons in the respective fields for promotion of university-industry interaction. iv) Introduce course modules on research methodology to encourage independent research. Dr. Aisha Sitwat (Centre for Clinical Psychology) pointed out that it is very difficult to understand SAM and suggested that SAM should be simple and easily understandable and there is a need to train the program team members. She further said that there should be a regular monitoring and feedback of the progress about implementation of SAM. Dr. Zahoor Ahmed (School of Biological Sciences) said that what is the level to assess the students and faculty members to get the quality of education. Dr. Aamir Ijaz answered this query that you can assess students and teachers through survey forms which are given in the self assessment manual (SAM). Mr. Munawar Iqbal (College of Statistical & Actuarial Sciences) pointed out that QEC should involve the Head of Departments (HODs) and senior faculty members in SAM exercise and suggested to decrease the teaching load on teachers who are involved in SAM and further that program team members should be given incentive in some form of remuneration. Col ® Fazal ur Rehman highlighted that SAM and its implementation should not be considered something separate from the routine processes of educational system being followed in the University. As a matter of fact SAM supports the ongoing processes in each department to be implemented as per documented procedures for the following important areas of the educational system:i) Design and development of respective educational programme and their curriculum ii) Admission Processes and related formalities iii) Execution of academic programs iv) Attendance and related activities Institute of Quality & Technology Management, Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore-54590 Phone No. +92-42-9230085-84, Fax No. +92-42-9231159, URL: http//www.pu.eu.pk/qec, Email: info@qec.pu.edu.pk v) Examination and assessments of students vi) Publication of results and issue of degrees / certificates vii) Evaluation and assessment of each programs viii) Measures for improvement for the next academic cycle. On the request of program team members present in the meeting, Director, asked Deputy Director of QEC to email audited SAM report of Institute of Quality and Technology Management to all the departments for their reference. He further told the house that Mr. Muhammad Abdullah (Deputy Director, QEC) will visit the PT’s of each department in future and try to solve their queries on spot with the help of Director, QEC. The meeting concluded by a unanimous agreement that there should be a training / awareness call for Dean and Director by Vice Chancellor and QEC to improve quality of education; so they should start taking more interest in SAM activity. The meeting ended with the vote of thanks from the Director, QEC. Prepared by: Mr. Muhammad Abdullah (Deputy Director) Approved by: (Prof. Dr. Aamir Ijaz) Director, QEC Cc: Vice Chancellor Registrar Institute of Quality & Technology Management, Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore-54590 Phone No. +92-42-9230085-84, Fax No. +92-42-9231159, URL: http//www.pu.eu.pk/qec, Email: info@qec.pu.edu.pk Quality Enhancement Cell, Institute of Quality & Technology Management, University of the Punjab, Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore-54590 Ph. No. +92-42-9230344, 5867114, Fax No. +92-42-9231159. URL: http//www.pu.eu.pk/qec, Email: info@qec.pu.edu.pk.