MICHELLE L. SCOTT-PIERCE Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University 343 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall, Ithaca, New York 14853 Tel: 607-255-9991, Fax: 607-255-0027 mls63@cornell.edu Professional focus The effective management of compliance issues, assembly, analysis, and reporting for the Food and Nutrition Education in Communities Program. Administration of the data relationship with programs utilizing the WebNEERS (Web-based Nutrition Education Evaluation Reporting System) to ensure standard reports, interfaces and ad hoc needs of FNEC and CCE programming are met. Oversee the submission of budgetary projections and expenditures from CCE association’s offering EFNEP programming, allowing FNEC to complete budgetary reports for the USDA/National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Ensure the compliance of FNEC program staff with the expectations of Institutional Review Board. Coordinate the operations of the FNEC unit to ensure program objectives are achieved. Develop, implement, and evaluate training programs related to the utilization of and reporting through and with WebNEERS. Represent FNEC at the national level, as needed, with USDA/NIFA and other state nutrition programs in the area of evaluation, data quality, and management of related databases, particularly WebNEERS. Education M.B.A May 2007. Business Administration Business School, Binghamton University, Binghamton, New York, USA B.S. January 1996. Major: Community and Human Services; Minor: Management State University of New York, Empire State College, Binghamton, New York, USA Employment 2007 - present: Extension Associate Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Liaison for Web-Based Nutrition Education Evaluation and Reporting System (WebNEERS) between Cornell University and the United States Department of Agriculture, National Institutes of Food and Agriculture, contributing to the development of the system, system testing, and training development. Integrate reporting procedures to capture output and outcome data for the EFNEP and SNAP-Ed program, not captured in WebNEERS. Develop and facilitate staff training for 72 project managers, 78 data entry staff, and 315 front-line educators, increasing knowledge, skills, and abilities in collecting, entering, and utilizing the data from WebNEERS. Generate fiscal projections and recommendations for the allocation of the $3 million dollar Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program, which has included the downsizing and elimination of program offered through New York State. Assure project compliance to the University Committee of Human Subjects (Institutional Review Board) policies 2001-2007: Extension Support Specialist II Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University Administer the Nutrition Education Evaluation and Reporting System (NEERS), including the ML Scott-Pierce February 2014 statistical review of 112 databases representing >150,000 persons engaged in one or more projects for which NEERS is utilized. Develop and implement staff training for project managers, data entry staff, and front-line educators, increasing knowledge, skills, and abilities in collecting, entering, and utilizing the data from NEERS. Provide technical assistance to Cornell University Cooperative Extension Associations on fiscal management, budget development and program implementation, representing a combined annual budget of over $10 million dollars 1998-2001: Extension Support Specialist I Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca Designed and implemented a total quality management process to improve the quality of the quantitative evaluation data collected on over 20,000 low income individuals reached through the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – Education (SNAP-Ed) programs. Develop a user manual for the software used to record the evaluation data on EFNEP and SNAP-Ed programming. 1998: Coordinator of Education Alcoholism Council of Tompkins County, Inc., Ithaca, NY Decreased class size by 60%, implementing a rotating start schedule, increasing the number of persons to receive service by 42%. Developed and implemented operational procedures for the services of the education department; including effective supervision, marketing, case management. 1996-1998: Director The Minorities and Women Business Enterprise Development Center, Inc. Binghamton, NY Increased sales by $1,239,000.00, successfully completing renewable Department of Defense-Request for Proposals/Quotations. Increased client satisfaction rating by 83%. Decreased yearly operations budget by 46%. Developed a teaming relationship between management and staff, increasing productivity by 78% the first year. Contract administrator 5 Department of Defense Contracts Developed and implemented technical training, enhancing staff knowledge and employment satisfaction by 55%. Management consultant for 77 small business, increasing staff productivity and market visibility. 1988-1996: Community Educator Tioga Opportunities Program, Inc., Department of Family Health Services, Owego, NY Developed and implemented an intensive Home Education Learning Program, serving over 200 families over an 8 years period. Developed and implemented a personal safety program, reaching an average of over 7,000 Tioga County youth per year. 2 ML Scott-Pierce February 2014 1991- 1994: Prevention Specialist Tioga County Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse, Inc., Owego, NY Developed and implement a Teen Alcohol Awareness Program, which became New York State Certified and the recommended curricula for the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law, Article 65(c) Violations - Education component. Administered $25,000.00 grant contract to operate the Alcohol Awareness Program. Selected Honors and Awards Certificate of Appreciation for contribution to the development of the WebNEERS Manual, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, 2013 Outstanding Accomplishments in Extension/Outreach Team Award for Navigating for Success: Initial Staff Training Curriculum, 2006 Professional Memberships American Evaluation Association Recent Professional Service USDA/National Institute for Food and Agriculture WebNEERS Testing Committee (advise on national web-based nutrition education evaluation and reporting system), 2011-present. WebNEERS Help Desk subcommittee (lead the development of processes and policies for the development and use of an on-line help desk feature within the system), 2014 WebNEERS Diagnostic Report subcommittee (advise on the development of the tools for use with program participants, produced by the system), 2013 WebNEERS Beta Testing subcommittee (test and advise on the development of the system), 2011 - present Peer-reviewed Publications Dollahite JS, Pijai EI, Scott-Pierce ML, Parker CM, Trochim WM. A randomized controlled trial of a community-based nutrition education program for low-income parents. Under revision for J Nutr Educ Behav. Dollahite, J., Scott-Pierce, M. (2003) Outcomes of individual vs. group instruction in EFNEP. Journal of Extension 41(2). http://www.joe.org/joe/2003april/index.shtml. Dollahite J, Olsen, C, Scott-Pierce M. (2003) The impact of nutrition education on food insecurity among low-income participants in EFNEP. Family Consumer Sci Res J. 32:127-139. Presentations and Abstracts Dollahite J, Paddock JD, Scott-Pierce M. Total Quality Management as a Means of Ensuring Excellence in EFNEP and FSNE. Food and Nutrition Educators in Extension Workshop, Society of Nutrition Education, July 19, 2008. Scott-Pierce M, Dollahite J, Improving the quality of NEERS5/CRS5 databases. J Nutr Educ Behav 2008;40:S52 3 ML Scott-Pierce February 2014 Dollahite JS Scott-Pierce M, Paddock JD, Thomas S. Improved participant outcomes with paraprofessional training in a community nutrition program. J Amer Diet Assoc. 2006;106 (Supplement): A47. Selected Technical, Program, and Research Reports Dollahite JS, Paddock JD, Scott-Pierce M. 2012 Evaluation Report: Eat Smart New York, Federal Fiscal Year 2012. Dollahite J, Scott-Pierce M, Paddock JD. Eat Smart New York: Cornell Cooperative Extension Evaluation Report, Federal Fiscal Year 2011. Dollahite J, Kenkel D, Thompson SC, Scott-Pierce M. Implications of an economic evaluation of projected health outcomes in a community nutrition program for limited resources audiences. Final report for Research Development Grant funded by The Joint Center for Poverty Research, USDA Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Small Grants Program. April 15, 2002. Training Manuals Web-Based Nutrition Education Evaluation Reporting System Manual, 2013 Nutrition Education Evaluation Reporting System; County Reporting System version 5 (CRS5) Manual, 2009 Evaluation Reporting System version 4 (ERS4) Manual, 2000 Extension In-Service Training and Support Policies and Programming; That was then – This is now. FNEC Nutrition Manager Fall Update, November 2013 Program Updates for 2013. FNEC Nutrition Manager Fall Update, November 2012 NEERS5 and WebNEERS Status Update. FNEC Nutrition Manager Spring Update, April 2012 Eat Smart NY Needs Assessment and Project Plan. FNEC Nutrition Manager Spring Update, April 2012 Quarterly Report Process for 2012. FNEC Nutrition Manager Fall Update, November 2011 Creating Elevator Speeches for Nutrition Programming. FNEC Nutrition Manager Fall Update, November 2010 Youth Evaluation Efforts and Expectations. FNEC Nutrition Manager Fall Update, May 2010 4