Fundamentals Elements of Network and Cyber Security Hussein Abdel-Wahab, Ph.D. Professor and Graduate Program Director Departmet of Computer Science Old Dominion University General Concepts Players: Alice, Bob and Trudy. How to communicate securely over an insecure medium? Alice should be able to send a message to Bob That Trudy can't understand or modify & Bob is assured that Alice is the sender. Fundamental Tenet of Cryptography If lots of smart people failed to solve a problem, then it probably won't be solved (soon). The time required to break a code should be longer than the time the encrypted data must remain secret. The value of most data decreases overtime. Cryptographic System: Algorithm + Key It is perfectly OK to let everyone know the algorithm. Knowledge of the algorithm without the key does not help unmangle the information. Publishing the algorithm provides an enormous amount of free consulting to uncover weaknesses. Traditional use of Cryptography Plaintext >>> Ciphertext >>> Plaintext (Encryption) (Decryption) Cryptographer: Invent clever secret codes. Cryptanalyst: Attempt to break these codes. Computational Difficulty Example: combination lock Typically require 3 numbers between 1 and 40. If it takes 10 seconds for a good guy, it would take 10*(40**3) seconds or about 1 week for the bad guy. By requiring 4 numbers: If it takes 13 seconds for the good guy, it would take 13*(40**4) seconds or about 1 year for the bad guy. Secret Key Cryptography (Symmetric Cryptography) (encryption) plaintext >>> ciphertext | key | ciphertext >>> plaintext (decryption) Uses of Symmetric Cryptography Transmission Over an Insecure Channel: An eavesdropper will only see unintelligible data. Secure Storage on Insecure Media: Forgetting the key makes the data irrevocably lost! Authentication: Alice authenticating Bob Alice challenge: response: Bob r r= K{c} >>>>>> <<<<<<< r c=K{r} Public Key Cryptography (Asymmetric Cryptography) Each individual has two keys: private key (not revealed to anyone) public key (make it known to everyone) plaintext (encryption) >>>>>>>>>> ciphertext | public key ciphertext private key | >>>>>>>>> (decryption) plaintext Digital Signature (signing) plaintext >>>>>>>>> | private key ciphertext public key | ciphertext >>>>>>>> plaintext (verification) Uses of Public Key Secret Key establishment Public key cryptographic algorithms are much slower than Secret key cryptographic algorithms. Thus they are normally used to establish temporary shared secret key for use during a given session. Alice Bob {K} eB >>>>>>>>> [K] dB K{mB} >>>>>>>>> K{mB} K{mA} <<<<<<<<< K{mA} Uses of Public Key Authentication Alice authenticating Bob: Alice challenge: c = { r }eB response: r Bob >>>>> <<<<< c r = [c]dB Hash Algorithms message-digest, finger-print, one-way-function The hash of a message m, h = H(m) has the following properties: Given m, it is easy to compute h. Given h, it is hard to compute m. Given m, it is hard to find another m' such that H(m) = H(m'). It is hard to find m1 and m2 such that H(m1) = H(m2). Message Authentication/Integrity Code (MIC/MAC) Using Secret Key: Alice m,h, where h = H(m|K) >> Bob m,h , OK if h = H (m|K) Bob is sure that Alice sent m, since she knows K. Bob can NOT prove to any one else that Alice sent him m, since he also knows K! Password Hashing UNIX stores the hash of passwords. For each user U with password P, there is a tuple: <U, h>, where h = H(P) When user U types a password P, UNIX computes: H(P) and the use is allowed to login if H(P) = h The magic of XOR 0 ® 0 = 0 , 0 ® 1 = 1, 1®0=1 & 1®1=0 Note that: a®a=0 & a ® b®b = a (since b ® b = 0) A Simple XOR symmetric algorithm: (P plain, C cipher, K key) Encrypt: C = P ® K* Decrypt: P = C ® K* (since (P ® K) ® K = P) Secret Key Cryptography Principle Secret key cryptographic systems takes: a key K and a data block M and generate a one-one mapping that looks completely random. I.e., any single bit change of K or M result in a totally independent random output. Secret Key Cryptography Transformation Substitution: For small blocks of size k bits, specify for each of the 2k possible values of the input, the k-bit output. Permutation: Specify for each input bit, the output position to which it goes. Example: DES (Data Encryption Standard) Hashes/Message-Digests Principle Major Algorithms: Ron Rivest Message Digest (MD2, MD4 and MD5): 128-bit. NIST Secure Hash Algorithm SHA-1: 160-bit. Both takes an arbitrary-length string and map it to a fixed-length quantity that appears to be randomly chosen. They are easy to compute and are computed in rounds. It is computationally infeasible to find: • A message that has a given message digest. • A different message with the same message digest. • Two messages that have the same message digest. Things to do with a Hash Authentication: Alice challenge: r response: d >> << Bob r d=MD{K|r} Alice computes MD{K|r} and if equal d, then Bob knows K. Computing a MAC: Alice Bob m,d where d = MD(K|m) >> m,d, OK if d = MD (K|m) Encryption using Hash Generating one-time pad: Both Alice and Bob knows he shared secret K and generates: b1= MD(K) bi = MD(K|bi-1), i=2,3, .... Alice ci = mi ® bi Bob >>>> mi= ci ® bi Public Key Cryptography Principle Secret key algorithms & Hash algorithms similar. Public key algorithms are different from each other. What is common among all public key algorithms is: each participant has two keys, public and private, & most of them are based on modular arithmetic: x mod n is the remainder of x when divided by n. Example: 24 mod 10 = 4 Multiplication mod 10 Multiplication by 1, 3, 7 and 9 works as cipher since it performs 1-1 mapping. Each "1" is the intersection of k and k-1, e.g. k = 7, then k-1 is 3. Example: if k = 7, then 1987 is encrypted to 7369 Totient Function What is so special about the set {1,3,7,9} ? These numbers are relatively prime to 10, i.e., they do not share with 10 any common factors other than 1. How many numbers < n are relatively prime to n? This quantity is referred to as Ø(n) and is called the totient function: If n is prime: then {1,2, ..., n-1} are all relatively prime and Ø(n) = n-1. If n = p.q where p and q are two distinct primes, then Ø(n) = (p-1)(q-1). Example: for n = 10 = 2.5, Ø(10) =(2-1).(5-1)=1.4=4, which is the set {1,3,7,9}. Exponentiation mod 10 Examples: 4 2 = 6, 8 8 = 6, 76 = 9 An exponentiative inverse of e is the number d such that: e.d = 1 mod Ø(n) Example: For n= 10, Ø(10)=4: e=3 and d=7 are exponentiative inverses since 3.7=21= 1 mod 4 In public cryptography: <e, n> is public key & <d,n> is private key Encrypt / Decrypt Sign / Verify Encrypt / Decrypt: To encrypt m: compute c = me mod n To decrypt c: compute m = cd mod n Example: encrypt m = 8: c = 83 = 2 decrypt c=2: m = 27 = 8 Sign / Verify: To sign m: compute s = md mod n To verify s: compute m = se mod n Example: sign m = 8: s = 87 = 2 verify s=2: m = 23 = 8 RSA works Encrypt/Decrypt: To encrypt a message m (<n): c = me mod n & To decrypt c: m = cd mod n This works since: cd mod n = (me)d mod n = me.d mod n = m mod n // since e.d = 1 mod Ø(n) =m // since m < n Sign/Verify: To sign a message m (<n): s = md mod n & To verify s: m = se mod n This also works since: se mod n = me.d mod n = m mod n = m Diffie-Hellman: Key agreement Protocol Alice and Bob agree on: p (large prime) & g < p. Alice Bob Pick SA (512-bit random number) Pick SB (512-bit random number) Compute TA = ( gSA) mod p Compute TB = (gSB) mod p send TA >>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<< send TB Compute X = TB SA mod p Compute Y = TA SB mod p X is the same as Y, why? X = TBSA = gSBSA Y = TASB = gSASB No one can compute g (SASB ) by knowing g (SA ) & g (SB ) Email Security Protocols PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail): Add encryption, authentication and integrity to ordinary text messages. MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions): Is a standard for encoding arbitrary data in email (images, video, etc.). S/MIME: Incorporated many principles of PEM into MIME. PEM: MIC-CLEAR From: Alice To: Bob Subject: Colloquium Date: Tue Oct 26, 2005 -----BEGIN PRIVACY ENHANCED MESSAGE----Originator-ID-Asymmetric: <certificate> MIC-Info: RSA-MD5, RSA, <MIC> Dear Bob: I would like to invite you to give a colloquium next Fall, If you accept, let us talk about the details. Alice -----END PRIVACY ENHANCED MESSAGE----- PEM: ENCRYPTED From: Alice To: Bob Subject: Colloquium Date: Tue Oct 26, 2005 -----BEGIN PRIVACY ENHANCED MESSAGE----DEK-Info: DES-CBC, IV MIC-Info: RSA-MD5, RSA, <MIC> Recipient-ID-Asymmetric: <Recipient certificate> Key-Info: RSA, <key encrypted with recipient public key> <encoded encrypted message using DES-CBC> -----END PRIVACY ENHANCED MESSAGE----- SSL/TLS Secure Socket Layer, Netscape Transport Layer Security, IETF Run as a user-level processes on top of TCP/IP. Alice Bob I want to talk, ciphers I support, Ra --------------------- > < ---------------------------- crtificate, cipher I choose, Rb choose secret S, compute K= f (S,Ra,Rb): {S}Bob , {keyed hash of handshake msgs} -------------- > compute K= f(S,Ra,Rb): <------------------------ {keyed hash of handshake msgs} <-- data protected with keys derived from K --> Ra and Rb are 32 octets long, the first 4 are the time This ensures that Rs are always different. Authentication Systems Password-based It’s not who you are, It’s what you know On-line Password attack: Easy to defend, e.g., limit and slow down the number of guesses. Off-line Password attack: Capture a quantity X derived from the password and take your time to guess the password that produces X. (e.g., use a dictionary) Authentication Systems Address-based It's not what you know. It's where you are In Unix /etc/hosts.equiv: Contains a list of computers that have identical user accounts to allow users on these hosts to rlogin without providing passwords. Trusted Intermediaries For N entities, if each keeps N -1 secrets, then adding a new entity involves adding N new secrets. Clearly not practical for large N. KDC (Key Distribution Center): Keeps N keys, and adding one key for each new entity. Alice KDC Bob Need to talk to Bob --------------> generate random R, R= KA[X] <--------- X= KA{R} , Y= KB{R} -------> R= KB[Y] C1 = R{M1} --------------------------------------> M1 = R[C1] M2 = R[C2] <-----------------------------------C2 = R{M2} Disadvantages of KDC: If compromised, all Keys are compromised. Single point of failure Performance bottleneck. CA Certificate Authority Each entity keeps its private key. The CA certifies (sign) that the public key belong to the entity. All public key certificates may be kept in one place or each entity keeps its own. Certifies expire after a reasonable period (1 year). It can be revoked and the CA periodically publish a CRL (certificate revocation list) . Clients should check the latest CRL before trusting a certificate. Delegation It's not who you are. It's who you're working for Sometime it is necessary to have some entity act on your behave. This is achieved using delegation Generate a special message, signed by you (using public key cryptography, or through KDC), specifying: To whom you are delegating the rights, Which rights are being delegated & For how long. Mutual Authentication Shared Secret Alice Bob I'm Alice ---------------------------------------> < ------------------------------------------------ Rb f(K, Rb) ----------------------------------------> Ra ----------------------------------------------> <------------------------------------------ f(K, Ra) Reducing number of Messages Packing more information into each message: Alice Bob I'm Alice, Ra -------------------------------------> <------------------------------------------ Rb, f(K, Ra) f(K, Rb) --------------------------------------------> Reflection Attack! Trudy can impersonate Alice to Bob by opening a second connection to Bob Session1: Trudy Bob I'm Alice, Ra ------------------------------------------------> <------------------------------------------------------ Rb, f(K, Ra) suspend session 1...... Session 2: Trudy Bob I'm Alice, Rb ----------------------------------------------> <------------------------------------------------ Rb', f(K, Rb) abort session 2....... continue session 1...... f(K, Rb) ---------------------------------------------------------> Using Time Stamps We can use time stamps to reduce the number of messages to two: Alice Bob I'm Alice, f(K, timestamp) -------------------------> <-------------------------------------- f(K, timestamp++)