Truman the Road-Builder

Truman the Road-Builder
John A. Truman
Stafford replica visits Truman Library
Stafford replica
Truman Library exhibit
HST and his Stafford car at a picnic
Lieutenant Truman’s car at Camp Doniphan
1922 Jackson County campaign
Auto Club check
Engineer N.T. Veatch
Button supporting Truman’s
bond issue concerning roads
Presiding judge of Jackson County
Truman with fellow judges at Jackson County Barbeque, 1932.
Presiding judge of Jackson County
Map of roads built under Truman’s bond issue.
Report on roads, court houses, c.1933
1934 Senate campaign car
Receipt for Chrysler purchases
1941 Chryslers
HST — Meticulous record keeper
Harry at the wheel in Key West
The Trumans on their 1953 road-trip
HST—a Chrysler fan
Truman the Road-Builder