Life in the 1950’s

Life in the 1950’s
When the G.I.s came home from WWII they found a
country that was very different from the one they left.
• America was a superpower along with the Soviet
• Women had taken jobs during WWII and they
enjoyed working.
• People moved away
from the center of
the cities into the
The G.I. Bill was designed to help soldiers back
into society.
• It gave G.I.s money to go to college or training for a
trade school.
• The G.I. Bill had money for home loans so former
soldiers could buy a house, farm or a business.
• There was an agency
set up to help find work
or help them with
unemployment insurance.
Baby Boom – After the war, the birthrate in the U.S.
skyrocketed. The boom lasts from 1945 – 1964.
• Truman takes over as President in 1945 and finishes
the war.
• 1946 – The Republicans win many elections and
become the majority in Congress. The last time the
Republicans had control was 1930.
• 1948 Election – Truman looked like he was going to
lose the election to Thomas Dewey.
But Truman wins.
• Truman’s main goal was to stop the spread of
Communism around the world.
• Truman Doctrine – The U.S. will provide assistance
to countries who might fall to the communists.