Paso Del Norte Faculty Handbook 2015-2016 1

Paso Del Norte Faculty Handbook
12300 Tierra Este
El Paso, TX 79938
School Motto:
Prowling for success, Fearless of the Rest!
School Cheer:
Strong Minds, Strong Hearts, Strong Bodies!
School Mission:
We are committed to the belief that all students can learn. In
partnership with parents, staff and community, we the teachers and administration at
Paso Del Norte pledge to promote the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes in
our students to help them become lifelong learners and productive individuals who will
have a positive impact in our community.
Important Phone Numbers
Assistant Principal
Assistant Principal
Assistant Principal
James Vasquez
Yvonne Vallejo
Leslie K. Chavez
Herbert Sherwood
In an emergency:
James Vasquez
cell #373-8548
District policy requires written reprimand on failure to adhere to this handbook requirements that limits or endangers our students.
As educators and professionals, we embrace the Socorro I.S.D. directions:
1. Direction One: Safe & Supportive Learning Environment
2. Direction Two: College & Career Readiness
3. Direction Three: Highly Qualified, Effective Faculty & Staff
4. Direction Four: Home, School, Community Partnerships
5. Direction Five: Accountability for ALL
We thank you for your commitment and dedication to the
students of Paso Del Norte.
Have a successful 2015-2016 school year.
Paso Del Norte Administration
District policy requires written reprimand on failure to adhere to this handbook requirements that limits or endangers our students.
School Day
The Socorro I.S.D. designated the school day for students as follows:
Grades 1-8
Morning Bell Schedule:
Dismissal Bell Schedule:
7:40-1st Bell
7:45-Tardy Bell
2:30-Kinder Dismissal
3:15-Dismissal for all students
Teachers’ Regular Duty Hours
Regular duty hours for the professional staff are from 7:30-3:30. All teachers are required to be in
their classrooms by 7:30.All Teachers will be on duty from 3:15 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. Dismissal time
will require that all teachers walk their class out and take their duty stations until 3:30 to help clear
the campus and keep students off campus. Faculty meetings are scheduled in advance. Additional
time may be required for faculty meetings. There will be at least one faculty meeting per month.
Please make arrangements to attend each meeting. Due to the content, the meetings are for
personnel only. Please make arrangements for child care. All faculty meetings are mandatory and a
part of your contract.
Teachers receive a 35-minute lunch period. All teachers are to escort their class to the cafeteria in
an orderly manner. Please reinforce appropriate cafeteria behavior with your students. Please follow
all lunch schedules.
Elementary Students will be lined up by the monitors and picked up by the teachers at the end of the
designated lunch period. Students will not be sent in the building unescorted.
Middle School Students will report to their classes at the end of lunch bell. At that time, teachers
need to be in their classrooms ready to receive students. Middle school students will not be allowed
to go to any classrooms or hallways without a pass.
Time Management
It is important to set a good example for the students by being on time to class. Instruction begins
promptly after announcements. In addition, afternoon instruction should begin at the time designated
at the end of the lunch period. Please expect your students to be on time and set the example for
them with your promptness.
Absences (Teachers/Staff)
Employee Absences SISD Policy DEC (Local) states that all absences in excess of ten (10) days
during a semester shall be investigated by the employee’s immediate supervisor, who shall take
appropriate action as required by District guidelines. District policy DEC (Local) also states that
documentation may be required for any absence at the discretion of the Superintendent or designee.
All teachers and staff members are required to call AESOP System at 1-800-942-3767 or online at no later than 6:00 a.m. when reporting an absence for that day. It is, however,
recommended that you file with AESOP system as much in advance as possible in order to ensure
coverage for that day with the substitute of your choice.
Should the AESOP system be inoperable, please continue trying to get through until 6:00 a.m. of
that day. If you still cannot get through, please call your administrator or the school office as soon as
possible. Please inform immediate supervisor when you will be out for the day. If you are leaving for
remainder of the day, please notify office and immediate supervisor.
District policy requires written reprimand on failure to adhere to this handbook requirements that limits or endangers our students.
All school-related business (everything with the exception of illness, family emergency, and
court subpoena) for which you are intending to call AESOP must have prior administrator
When out on school business please adhere to the following procedures:
*Please fill out the Professional Development Log before going out on school business.
*Please report to the campus before any school related absence.
*Leave detailed lesson plans with schedules for the sub to follow.
*Please be sure your sub-folder is visible for the substitute or office personnel.
Use of Discretionary Leave
A written request for use of discretionary personal leave shall be submitted to the immediate
supervisor or designee 3 days in advance in accordance with administrative regulations.
The reasons for which personal leave may be used shall not be limited by the District. In
deciding to approve personal leave, however, the supervisor or designee shall consider the
effect of the employee’s absence on the educational program, as well as the availability of
substitutes. {See DEC(LEGAL}
If there is evidence of abuse of leave policies, use of personal leave days may be
investigated and/or denied by the Superintendent or designee.
Discretionary leave shall not be allowed on the following days:
1. The day before or after a school holiday or an intersession.
2. Test administration days.
3. Professional or staff development days
4. First and last days of school.
5. Parent conference days.
Discretionary personal leave may not be taken for more than ten consecutive days.
Request to Leave Campus Early
Please try to schedule doctor and dentist appointments at times other than school hours. However, if
you need to leave campus early, you will need to submit a “Request to Leave Campus Early
Form” to an administrator at least 24 hours in advance unless it is an emergency. If your
request is approved, you will then need to sign out in the office with the secretary (Yolanda Padilla).
*Please keep in mind that one hour is the maximum amount of time that can be granted for
an early release (as per district policy). You will be approved for 2 early releases per
semester. Any early release requests exceeding one hour must be called in as a
half-day absence where upon your absence bank will be debited.
Teacher Workroom-Room 309
The materials located in this area are for use by all school employees. Please share in the
responsibility of keeping it clean, neat, and as attractive as possible. Students should not use any of
the equipment in the workroom. This includes the paper cutter, Ellison Dye, and Xerox machines.
Please report any malfunction to Martha or Lucy, in the front office, immediately.
Each teacher has an assigned mailbox. Items of importance will be distributed through your mailbox.
Please check it on a daily basis and do not allow excess materials to accumulate. (Please do not
send students to retrieve your mail.) Correspondence with other schools within the district is sent via
district mail.
District policy requires written reprimand on failure to adhere to this handbook requirements that limits or endangers our students.
Phones should be used for school business. Please limit calls during instructional time. Each
telephone is set up to receive voice mail. Please make sure to set up your voice mail by the first
week of school. Please check your phone messages frequently. Please make sure that students
are not using phones without permission and supervision. Students are not to call their parents
from the classroom or cell phones.
Cellular Phones
Cellular phones are not permitted during classroom instruction, ARD’s, or other important
meetings. Please make sure your phone ringer is turned OFF or set to silent. Social media should
not reflect usage during the instructional day (such as Facebook posting/comments during 7:45am3:15pm).
A copy of your paycheck stub is located online at
Professional Trip Requests
Teachers taking trips must submit a Professional Trip Request from at least one month prior to
departure. Forms are available in the office from Yoli. For Professional Development travel – A travel
request form must be filled out and turned into Yoli after receiving administrative approval by Mr.
Curriculum and Instruction
Paso Del Norte has high academic standards and expectations for its students. The entire team of
professional and support personnel are responsible for the success of the instructional program.
Standardized Tests
Students in grade 3 through 8 will be tested in the Spring of 2016 on STAAR. A plan to prepare
students for this test will be discussed with all staff members in various forums. Although test
mastery is not the basis for our curriculum, we do recognize that the STAAR is part of our report
card to the community and school AEIS report. Knowledge of the test objectives should be
integrated as a natural part of the curriculum
Lesson Plans
TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) - The foundation of the instructional program is
based upon the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). For accountability purposes, you
must note the TEKS covered in each lesson in your 9-week lesson plan.
Each 9-week period, teachers will receive a release day for data team meetings. During this time,
teachers will work with their team to analyze student data, identify areas of need and collaborate on
implementation. At the end of this time, grade levels will submit their unit plan and common
assessment per content area to their administrator. Data team days will be given if funding is
available and are not guaranteed.
Remember, lesson plans provide a road map to guide you through your week and should be
available in the event you are not able to be in the classroom and a substitute is necessary. Lesson
plans must be clear, concise and available at all times. You are responsible for leaving detailed
lesson plans for substitutes when you are absent.
Lesson plans should include the following: (A lesson plan template provided by principal is expected
to be utilized)
1. TEKS citation and ELPS
2. Objective: The goal of the lesson (Big Idea) and Guided Questions
3. Method or Activities: Ex. 5 Es or Balanced Literacy Components, Fundamental Five.
District policy requires written reprimand on failure to adhere to this handbook requirements that limits or endangers our students.
4. Resources (Thinking maps)
5. Differentiation – Sp.Ed., ELL, GT, Tier 2,
6. Work stations and Centers
Substitute Folder
In addition to your lesson plans, please have a clearly labeled folder with up-to-date
information available for a substitute. This folder needs to be on your desk at all times. Please
make sure that your plans are current. Your folder should include the following:
1. Attendance procedures
2. Daily instructional schedule including lunch and duty information.
3. Schedules for any student in a pull-out program. (Special Ed., GT, Speech, etc…)
4. Modification information for students with special needs.
5. The discipline plan complete with necessary forms. Seating charts if needed.
6. Supplementary activities to be used if time allows.
7. Other pertinent student information such as health issues, etc…
8. Fire drill/emergency information and procedures.
Instructional Time
Instruction begins promptly after announcements. Your first activity (Bell Ringers) of the day should
be ready as students finish eating breakfast. Routines and procedures established the first two
weeks of school are the basis for a very successful year. Remember that afternoon instruction
begins promptly after the lunch period, no whole class bathroom breaks.
Instructional time is a precious commodity. Relevant, integrated, hands-on learning activities should
fill the school day. A well-planned lesson and a well-managed, student-focused classroom is the
best deterrent to discipline problems. Our goal is bell to bell teaching.
Student Code of Conduct Handbook
Please review the Student Code of Conduct Handbook with your students. Have students and
parents sign and date the form located in the book. When you have all your forms, please turn them
in to your grade level administrator. It is imperative that the school has a copy of this agreement on
file for every student, should he/she become involved in a serious disciplinary situation or a photo
release is needed.
Classroom Supervision
Teachers must supervise students in classrooms at all times. In the event of an emergency,
please call the office so we can cover the class for you. Please ensure that you have all necessary
materials to conduct class before your day begins. Never leave your students unattended for any
reason. Do not ask students to monitor students at any time. If a student does not return to class
from lunch or P.E., do not send another student to look for him/her. Notify the office.
Parent Communication
Keeping parents informed is crucial to the success of the school. Please make every effort to
contact parents on a regular basis. Be sure to document all parent communication through parent
contact log preferably in Eduphoria, as this is part of your appraisal. Before sending
correspondence home to parents, a copy must be submitted to your administrator. Ask your
administrator for assistance if you have any concerns regarding parental contact. Make sure to use
webpage as a means of instructional communication. While parent communication is recommended
for all students, it is mandatory to contact any guardian whose child is failing. Open
communication with parents is vital for the success of the students. Communicate with parents
frequently and encourage them to become partners with you in educating their child. Remember to
communicate the good as well as the bad.
District policy requires written reprimand on failure to adhere to this handbook requirements that limits or endangers our students.
Each grade level or department is required to publish a monthly classroom newsletter that is to be
sent to the parents at the beginning of each month. Please turn in a copy of your newsletter to your
assigned assistant principal. Newsletters must be approved by administration before printing. Please
proof read everything you send home. Newsletters should be uploaded onto your website. Domain 5
of the PDAS is rated based on your written and verbal communication with parents.
Newsletters, website and parent logs will be used to document this domain.
Paso Del Norte uses the district report card. Assigning grades and progress reports will be done in
accordance with SISD policy EIA Local-see below. If you have any questions, please feel free to
talk to an administrator about specific questions. PDN administrators will work with teachers to
develop a comprehensive grading policy.
Records and Reports
Grades should be maintained and grading should be in accordance with Socorro ISD policy. Please
remember that parents have access to your grades through EHAC. Grades should be up to date. At
no time should grades be duplicated. ELAR grades are given for the writing process, reading
assignments, grammar and usage, and spelling. A copy of this policy is included in the handbook.
Grades should include:
 Student’s full name
 A minimum of 2 grades per content area per week
 Dates the grades were given
Report Cards and Progress Reports
Report card grades should be entered by all teachers following the schedule given by Scheduling
Clerk. Report cards must be sent home on the dates indicated on the calendar. Report card
envelopes (elementary) should be signed by the parents/guardians and returned within a reasonable
amount of time. If a report card or progress report is not turned in within 10 days, please report this
to the office.
Progress Reports
Progress reports are sent home every 3 weeks. Refer to the campus calendar for these reporting
dates. In addition, periodic progress reports are to be sent home whenever a student’s grade drops
significantly or the student is not performing up to his/her potential.
The District shall establish instructional objectives that relate to the essential knowledge and skills for
grade-level subjects or courses. These objectives shall address the skills needed for successful
performance in the next grade or next course in a sequence of courses.
Assignments, tests, projects, classroom activities, and other instructional activities shall be designed
so that each student’s performance indicates the level of mastery of the designated District
Student grades shall be based only on academic factors that include the Texas Essential Knowledge
and Skills (TEKS) and other curriculum elements. Noninstructional factors such as misbehavior or
failure to participate in fund-raising activities shall not be used to determine a student’s grade.
District policy requires written reprimand on failure to adhere to this handbook requirements that limits or endangers our students.
A student’s grade shall not be penalized for noninstructional reasons except in the case of academic
dishonesty. [See ACADEMIC DISHONESTY, below]
The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that each campus or instructional level develops
guidelines for teachers to follow in determining grades for students. These guidelines shall ensure
that grading reflects a student’s relative mastery of an assignment and that a sufficient number of
grades are taken to support the grade average assigned. Guidelines for grading shall be clearly
communicated to students and parents.
The District shall permit a student who meets the criteria detailed in the grading guidelines a
reasonable opportunity to redo an assignment or retake a test for which the student received a failing
The District shall issue grade reports/report cards every nine weeks on a form approved by the
Superintendent or designee. Performance shall be measured in accordance with this policy and the
standards established in EIE.
Interim progress reports shall be issued after the third week and the sixth week of each grading
period for all students in prekindergarten–grade 5 and for any student in grades 6–12 whose grade
average in any class is lower than 70, whose grade average is deemed borderline, or whose grade
average has dropped significantly. Supplemental progress reports may be issued at the teacher’s
In addition to conferences scheduled on the campus calendar, conferences may be requested by a
teacher or parent as needed.
The District shall adopt a grading policy, including provisions for the assignment of grades on
class assignments and examinations, before each school year. The District grading policy:
Must require a classroom teacher to assign a grade that reflects the student’s relative
mastery of an assignment;
May not require a classroom teacher to assign a minimum grade for an assignment without
regard to the student’s quality of work; and
May allow a student a reasonable opportunity to make up or redo a class
assignment or examination for which the student received a failing grade.
Promotion, Retention, and Placement
The promotion or retention of any student will be based on Socorro ISD policy –see below-as
interpreted by the Grade Placement Committee. Students in jeopardy of being retained must have
District policy requires written reprimand on failure to adhere to this handbook requirements that limits or endangers our students.
an RtI in place. Please be familiar with policy regarding grading requirements, minimum grades and
requirements for promotion or placement.
In grades 1–8, promotion to the next grade level shall be based on an overall average of 70 on
a scale of 100 based on course-level, grade-level standards (essential knowledge and skills) for
all subject areas and a grade of 70 or above in language arts, reading, mathematics, science,
and social studies.
A student who is retained due to failing grades shall have the campus grade placement
committee (GPC) review all facts and circumstances. If members of the GPC feel that the
student is likely to be successful in the next grade level, given additional extended instruction,
the GPC may decide to place or promote the student. If the GPC decides to place the student
in the next grade level, the committee shall develop an intervention program for the student.
After successful completion of the prescribed intervention program, the student shall be coded
as placed in the next grade level. If the GPC decides to promote a student, the committee shall
develop an intervention program that follows course recovery guidelines (i.e., minimum of 60
hours per failed course). After successful completion of the course recovery program, the
student’s failing semester course grade shall be replaced with the course recovery grade and
the student shall be coded as promoted to the next grade level. [See EHD(LOCAL) and
Please make sure homework is easily understood and requires materials available to all children.
Homework should be an extension of your class day and should only be used for review and
practice. Ten minutes per grade level is sufficient. (ex. 1st grade-10 minutes, 2nd grade-20 minutes,
etc…). A maximum of 60 minutes of homework should be given. This is to include the twenty
minutes of daily reading.
All classes will be scheduled for 45 minute lessons in the library every other week. Additional time
may be scheduled by the teacher for class projects or programs. The librarian will present a lesson
to each class during the forty-five minute visit. Students may check out books not only during this
class visit, but also before school, after school, and at lunch. The library is a resource for
supplemental teaching materials and lessons. Let her know about concepts or skills you plan to
teach, so her lessons can reinforce your instruction.
Use of Video
Please choose video used during instruction time with great care. Videos should enhance classroom
instruction, directly relate to the lesson being taught, and noted in the lesson plans.
Any rating over G requires parental permission. Send home a permission slip, well in advance,
stating the content of movie to parents as well as the opportunity for the parent to refuse the viewing
for their child. All video presentations require administrative approval. Submit a video requisition
form (available in the office) prior to viewing.
District policy requires written reprimand on failure to adhere to this handbook requirements that limits or endangers our students.
Textbooks will be issued to teachers according to class rosters. Teachers at all grade levels must
ensure that there is a system in place to account for all textbooks. If a book is lost or damaged, the
student will be charged a fine for the full textbook price. Please do not transfer any books from your
inventory without notifying the administrator assigned to textbooks. If you need additional textbooks,
submit a “Textbook Request Form” available in the office and in your handbook.
Field Trips
SISD students are permitted to take one field trip per semester. All field trips must be tied to
instruction. Field trips to movie theaters, restaurants and recreational facilities are discouraged.
Transportation costs are paid from school budgets. Therefore, funds are limited. Field trips should be
planned at least one month in advance and should be designed to enhance the state curriculum.
Pre-K through 2nd grade will use these field trips during STAAR testing.
Planning the Field Trip:
 Teachers call the site to be visited to schedule a day and time for the field trip.
 A Bus Request form is completed and approval obtained from the transportation
department. See Yolie Padilla for the form.
 A cafeteria form must be submitted to the cafeteria at least 2 weeks prior to field
Before Leaving on the Field Trip:
 All students must turn in a signed parent permission slip. (The permission slip should include
a current day time telephone number where parents may be reached in case of an
 Field trip information, class roster and teacher cell phone numbers must be turned into the
office along with the permission slips before leaving on the trip. The roster must be marked
 Who is attending the field trip
 Any students present, but not going on the trip and where they are placed for the day
 Any students who are absent
 A minimum of one adult chaperone for every 10 students is required by district policy. Only
parent volunteers cleared by SISD can attend the field trip. Parent volunteer forms take at
least 3 weeks to be approved. Get forms from front office.
 Bus Assertive Discipline Plans are to be enforced.
 Check roll each time the students get on the bus.
 No student is to leave by other transportation.
Field trips are fun and educational. Pre and Post activities make the field trip more
meaningful. We also encourage thank you letters to the host of the organization.
Professional and Extra-Curricular Activities
SIT Committee: The Paso del Norte S.I.T. committee will set educational objectives, make
recommendations on the budget, work on staff development activities, monitor district goal
implementation, provide input on rules for students, staff, and advise on ways of gaining community
Response to Intervention (RtI) Team: The team consists of an administrator, the classroom
teacher, a counselor, and a Title 1 Teacher/Instructional Specialist. This meeting initiates the
documentation and intervention strategies for a student who is struggling academically or having
social or disciplinary problems that may need further intervention.
District policy requires written reprimand on failure to adhere to this handbook requirements that limits or endangers our students.
All teachers will meet with their administrator to discuss all of their students and begin to identify
students who might be at-risk based on data from grades or assessment or classroom observation.
Teachers will be asked to document this process with paperwork, Intervention Log and Parent
Contact Log provided by the district. An initial meeting will take place once packet has been
requested and submitted. At that time you will share information about the student. It is imperative
that on-going interventions are implemented and progress monitoring of student performance
continues. Follow-up meetings will be scheduled at initial meeting based on need. The RtI process
must be completed before a referral for any special services can be made. The teacher is a key
participant through this process and will be expected to bring relevant data in the area of concern
such as intervention logs, progress monitoring, assessment information and work samples.
Safety Committee: The safety committee will meet monthly to discuss safety concerns and issues.
The Safety Cabinet will be comprised of an administrator, the nurse, head custodian, and the
cafeteria manager. Grade level representatives will comprise the school safety committee.
LPAC Committee: The Language Proficiency Assessment Committee meets monthly under the
leadership of an administrator to review the placement and progress of all students in the bilingual
program. Timely monitoring of LEP students, exit students is required every 9 weeks.
Book of the Month Committee: Intended to promote reading and writing in all content areas
Attendance Committee: review student’s attendance records that exceed 10% absences each nine
week period. Attendance Plans will be drafted by administrator so students make up missed days.
LMWM Committee: Lean Mean Writing Machine will meet every 9 weeks to select prompt and
review writing strategies to create a vertical and horizontal writing program to include student
samples from math, science, social studies, and fine arts.
AR Committee: Accelerated Reading committee will select strategies to promote and monitor
reading in K-5 and meet to generate ways to get more parental involvement.
Discipline Committee: Committee will meet as needed in the event there are excessive discipline
problems. They will provide suggestions or determine if a student should be permanently removed
from the classroom.
PAWSitive Committee: Promote a culture of teamwork and a positive climate to encourage one
another and make Paso Del Norte a great place to work.
Stipends: Stipends are paid for the following extra-curricular positions:
Annual Stipend
UIL Coordinator
Art Show
Literary Magazine
Destination Imagination
Pep Squad
Safety Patrol
Spelling Bee
ELEM/MS Literary Anthology
Elem/MS Yearbook
Middle School
Art Show
District policy requires written reprimand on failure to adhere to this handbook requirements that limits or endangers our students.
Literary Magazine
Destination Imagination
Odyssey of the mind
One Act Play Director
Science Fair
Science Fair Coordinator
Spelling Bee
Student Council
UIL Coordinator
The campus secretary is in charge of all financial activities at Paso Del Norte School with the
approval of the administration. She writes all receipts and checks. Please see Yolie Padilla if you
have any questions regarding the following procedures.
Fund Raising
Opportunities for grade levels, clubs, or special groups to raise money are available throughout the
SISD Policy FJ). All fundraising requires approval through the business office at the district service
center prior to the starting fundraiser. The signed contract with your fundraising company along with
the fundraising form must be submitted for approval to the business office at the DSC. Once contract
has been approved at the district level, the fund raising activity must be placed on the school
calendar in Mrs. Vallejo’s office; this is important in order to avoid two groups raising money at the
same time. Fundraising through Partners in Education must receive approval by school principal, Mr.
When groups raise money, Yolie will set up an account in the group’s name. Any money collected
must be turned in on the day it is received. (CAUTION: Do not leave any money in your classroom or
desk drawer. Turn in all money in to Yolie immediately: You are responsible for any money left in your
The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that all school-related fund-raising activities are
coordinated and monitored in accordance with District administrative procedures. The sponsoring
group(s) and/or school building administrators shall be responsible for proper accounting procedures
and other fiscal matters. Any funds received and deposits made shall be recorded according to the
established District policies.
Fund-raising projects must be preapproved by the campus principal, the finance services
department, and the assistant superintendent of instruction. Those projects not in
accordance with established federal, state, or local policy shall not be approved.
Student activity funds shall be used for specific club purposes or for instructional purposes.
Expenditures for teacher activities from the student activity account should be limited. In accordance
with procedures set forth in the Financial Accountability System Resource Guide, capital outlay items
that are purchased with club monies become the property of the District and are not the sole
property of the purchasing organization. [See CFD]
District policy requires written reprimand on failure to adhere to this handbook requirements that limits or endangers our students.
Principals may expend student activity funds at their discretion for any legal purpose within the
guidelines established by District policy and the procedures included in the student activity
accounting manual. [See CFD]
Procedures for Purchase Order Requests and Checks
All expenditures of group or club funds must have prior approval from the principal.
Purchase Order Requests
 Get approval from the principal to purchase items
 Fill out Purchase Order Request form
o Ensure that company you are purchasing from is a district-approved vendor;
 Submit to school secretary for processing
Check Requests
 Get approval from the principal to purchase items with a school check
 Get a quote from the district-approved vendor for the items to be purchased
 Bring the quote to school secretary
 Secretary will process the check
*We will no longer provide reimbursements for items purchased
Failure to follow the above procedures will result in disciplinary action.
Announcements will be made at 7:45. Please require your class to listen to the announcements.
No one should be out of the classroom or in the halls at this time. Students should be reminded that
they are to stand at attention when the pledge to the U.S. and Texas Flags are being recited.
Announcement requests are permitted provided that they are turned in to the office ahead of time
and are clearly written on our School Announcement form.
Please check your email several times daily because 99% of our communication will appear in this
format. If you are new to our district, you will need to obtain an e-mail address. Please notify your
assigned administrator if you do not receive an email address in a timely manner and contact Help
Desk at 937-1111. Check with colleagues for pertinent information until your e-mail is set up.
Note: If you have a working computer and an active email address, there is no reason why
you should not be aware of school activities, dates, and times.
School Calendars
All important school/district dates for the entire school year will be kept in the office calendar.
Because dates often change and are subject to SIT and administrative approval, you will receive
updated information via e-mail or school announcements.
Sponsorships and Public Relations
If you are sponsoring a school-wide or individual activity that affects our school, it is imperative that
you communicate what you are doing to administration. If we know the dates and purpose of these
District policy requires written reprimand on failure to adhere to this handbook requirements that limits or endangers our students.
activities we can better facilitate resources for that cause and be better informed to communicate to
outside entities. (i.e. District Service Center spokesperson)
Care of Building
Our custodial staff takes a great deal of pride in maintaining this facility. They often work extra hours
to help with after-school events, evening programs and special requests during the school day. You
can help by teaching our students to clean up the classroom at the end of the everyday and put the
chairs on top of the desks. A weekly cleaning of desks and counters will keep the room looking
orderly and ready for learning.
All custodial services, not provided as routine, should be requested in writing and submitted to Larry,
our head custodian. Complaints should be handled by administration. Tools and cleaning equipment
should not be borrowed from the custodian’s closets.
Students caught defacing school property will face severe consequences stipulated in the Student
Code of Conduct and dealt with in accordance to the district policy.
Anyone wishing to use the school facility after regular hours must have permission from
administration then place it on the calendar to avoid conflicts with other activities. Fees for building
use, for some activities have been established by SISD Policy.
Student Attendance
Daily attendance must be posted by teacher between 9:45-10:15. Attendance must not be taken by
students, classroom aides or clerks. Teachers who fail to report will receive two courtesy reminders
from the Attendance Clerk. Subsequent failures to report attendance will be reported to
Administration. An Administrator will submit your attendance and follow up with a missing
attendance verification form.
Keeping accurate records of student attendance is extremely important. Funding is based on these
reports. Your records are included in the school attendance reports which are part of the district
report to the state. Students are required to be in attendance a minimum of 90% of the school days
per year or they risk losing credit for the year.
Please encourage students to attend school regularly. Encourage parents to make appointments
later in the school day so the child does not miss a full day of instruction. Remember that monitoring
of attendance is one of your responsibilities under PDAS. Make sure you are posting attendance on
TAC by 10:00 a.m. in the elementary and every period in the middle school.
Procedures for Reporting Student Absences
 When students are absent from school they must bring either a doctor’s note or a note from
parents stating reason for the absence within 48 hours.
 This note must be taken to the attendance office (not the front office) on the morning they
return to school promptly at 7:30 a.m.
 Students will then receive an admittance slip to class. Students will not be admitted to class
without being cleared by the attendance office.
 Students who do not bring a note will be considered unexcused. They have 2 days
after returning to class to clear any unexcused absences.
 State Law and Socorro Independent School District policy requires that all students be in
attendance for at least 90% of the time school is in session. Violations could result in legal
action. Teachers are to verify and sign their dailies on the same day of attendance.
 If you have any questions, please feel free to call our attendance clerk, Susie Oliver at 9376218.
District policy requires written reprimand on failure to adhere to this handbook requirements that limits or endangers our students.
Attendance and Tardy Guidelines
 3 tardies / absences per semester- teacher phones parent
 6 tardies / absences - teacher reports to attendance clerk
 10 tardies / absences - teacher refers student to the assistant principal.
 *Please remember that tardies do not add up to absences. Absences and tardies are
handled separately. However, 5 or more unexcused tardies may affect perfect attendance
Jaquar Den
Students in Middle School will be sent to the Jaquar Den after the 3rd tardy to serve detention.
Students will be picked up the last 5 minutes of their 4th period class. They will serve 30 minutes of
detention for the first 5 minutes they are late and the amount of time will increase 5 minutes for a
maximum of time of 60 minutes. The SAC aide will be monitoring the Den during that time.
Lock – Outs
In order to decrease the number of students who are tardy in the morning, there may be
unannounced periodic lock-outs. During a lock-out, teachers will close and lock their classroom
doors as soon as the tardy bell rings. Any student in the hallways after the tardy bell rings is to report
to the cafeteria to receive a tardy slip and will be assigned detention. You will be informed on a daily
basis via an announcement if we will be conducting a lock – out. * All Middle School Teachers are
expected to be standing outside of their door between 7:40 and 7:45 a.m. monitoring
hallways/traffic flow. Middle School Teachers are to stand outside their doors during the
transition period. Please note that students are not allowed to stand around and hold a
conversation with each other. If you notice that one of your colleagues hasn’t shown up for
work and students are unsupervised, please contact the front office immediately.
Permanent Record Folders (Cumulative Folders)
Each student’s Cumulative Record is kept in the attendance office and is maintained by the
attendance clerk. You may check out your folders for one child or your entire class from Susie for
use in the attendance office only. These are official records which must be accurately maintained.
Please treat them with care and make sure that records do not get misplaced or lost. Once signed
out, they may not leave the offices. *** CUMS should be viewed by the teacher by the end of the
first three weeks to familiarize yourself with your students.
Keys will be issued by Lucy Regalado/Martha Melendez. A replacement fee of $25 will be
charged if a key is lost. Remember that school keys can only be duplicated by the district’s
maintenance department.
Teacher’s Lounges
The lounge is available for use by all school employees. Children/students are not allowed in the
lounge. Please share in the responsibility of keeping it neat, clean, and as attractive as possible.
Lunch applications and ticket concerns will be handled by the cafeteria. Please adhere to the lunch
schedule. Teachers should pass out lunch cards each day. Please escort your class all the way
into the cafeteria and line them up. You should leave your classroom at the assigned time and
not any earlier. For example: If your lunch starts at 11:03 a.m., you should leave your
classroom at 11:03 a.m.
District policy requires written reprimand on failure to adhere to this handbook requirements that limits or endangers our students.
Student Dress Code / Uniform Compliance
Dress Code / Uniform compliance is now tied in with our discipline plan. It is the classroom teacher’s
responsibility to monitor and ensure that students are adhering to the Dress Code / Uniform policy.
Any student out of compliance should be written up with an office referral. Send ONLY the discipline
referral to the office, an administrator will call the student out as soon as possible. Dress Code
Violations will result in the student calling their parent for the appropriate clothes and/or assigned
Fire Prevention and Training
We will conduct one fire drill per month. Please familiarize students with proper procedures for
exiting the building during a fire drill. During a fire drill evacuations and re-entry should be done in
an orderly and quiet manner. Upon exiting, the following steps should be taken:
1. Close all classroom doors (do not lock them).
2. Exit in an orderly manner.
3. Take Safety Backpack/attendance rosters.
Inclement Weather
During inclement weather, elementary students (K-5) students will line up in the hallway beside their
classroom door. Middle school (6-8) will report to the gym and remain there until the bell rings.
AV Equipment
All audiovisual equipment must be checked out of the library. Please make sure that AV equipment
is stored in a safe place and locked whenever necessary. AV equipment should be checked
regularly to be sure that it functions properly. If it needs repair, be sure to notify the librarian.
Withdrawal of Students
Students are withdrawn through the attendance office only. Parents are to be directed to attendance
office to begin withdrawal procedures. Please ensure your grade book is updated online. If you
should hear of a student who has moved and the student is still in your class, please inform the
attendance clerk.
Requests for Student Information
If you receive a request for information on a student, please notify the office. We need to be very
careful to whom we give information due to FERPA. If you receive a request for written information
notify the office, we must adhere by the FERPA guidelines. Most agencies are aware of this. Check
with the office before you fill out these forms
The nurse is the only person authorized to dispense medicine on campus. If a parent or a child
brings medicine to you, send that person to the nurse. Please do not keep any medicine in your
room, this includes aspirin or inhalers. If you have a concern about child abuse, the law requires you
to call and make a report to CPS. When in doubt, call CPS anyway and then let them tell you that
you should or should not report. You must notify an administrator immediately. The nurse is the
only person that can determine whether the student is ill and should go home. Students should not
be allowed to call their parents so that they can go home.
ID Badges
All staff members, visitors and students are to wear their ID badges while on campus.
All visitors and parent volunteers must show identification and obtain a visitor’s pass at the front
entrance. Parents must be registered as a parent volunteer with the district before being
allowed to volunteer in your classroom.
District policy requires written reprimand on failure to adhere to this handbook requirements that limits or endangers our students.
Record Keeping
All teachers should keep on file parent signatures acknowledging receipt of Dress Code,
Classroom Management Plan, and receipt of SISD handbook (This will include internet use and
photo release)
Faculty/Staff Dress Code
You are professionals and your attire should reflect your commitment and dedication to your
vocation. A college shirt may be worn on Thursday’s with either slacks or khaki pants. On
Fridays you may wear jeans only if you wear a school shirt. Shorts, sweats or wind suits are not
to be worn during school hours. Professional attire does NOT include low cut blouses, short skirts, or
any article that could be deemed provocative. No excessive piercing or tattoos should be visible.
Equipment and Supplies
Teachers are responsible for taking proper care of and accounting for all equipment issued to them –
computers, software, textbooks, and classroom materials. All of these materials are meant to be
used by the students, so please allow them to use all materials and allow for normal wear and tear.
Everyone cleans up after themselves. Please teach your students about manners and eating
etiquette on a regular basis.
Discipline Plan and Expectations
Students at Paso Del Norte School are expected to behave well and in a respectful manner to all adults
as well as each other. It is our philosophy that we are producing future law-abiding citizens that are selfdisciplined, and caring toward others and who are growing toward the goal of internalized self-discipline.
If a teacher feels he/she is in need of help in this area, it is imperative that he/she speak to an
experienced colleague or visit with their administrator as soon as possible. Remember, foundational
norms and classroom culture are established within the first weeks of school—you cannot obtain this
without establishing rituals and routines.
Teachers must follow the Paso Del Norte discipline plan in their classrooms. Teachers are to develop the
discipline plan in conjunction with their students. Have the plan approved by your administrator and then
send your plan home to parents to be signed and returned. The plan should be discussed with the
students and conspicuously posted in the classroom on a larger poster. All Level one and two discipline
referrals should be addressed by the teacher first, conference with student, contact parent, hold a
conference with parent before forwarding it to the administration. All discipline referrals that are not
properly documented will be returned to the teacher.
When determining consequences for your discipline plan, parental contact should be part of the second
or third consequence and each subsequent consequence. Remember to treat children the way you want
your own children to be treated. Keep parents informed! Remember that after a discipline plan is
reviewed by the administrator and receives parental signatures, it becomes a contract. You and the
student are held responsible and accountable for following the plan. Keep your documentation (Call logs,
memo sent, and email)
Use discretion when sending students to the office. Unless it is a level 3 or 4 offense (student is in
immediate danger or putting others in danger) send only referrals to the office. An administrator
will call out students as soon as possible. Do NOT send students to wait in the office,
administration may not be available and students are losing instruction. If you handle your own
discipline you will strengthen your position and fewer problems will arise.
Non-Negotiables Regarding Discipline
1. The following are not permitted:
District policy requires written reprimand on failure to adhere to this handbook requirements that limits or endangers our students.
Sitting students in the hallway
Sending a student to another teacher’s classroom
Having students stand in a corner
Placing them out of your view within the classroom
Withholding snacks as a punishment
Withholding PE or any other specialty class
Administering a repetitive written assignment (i.e. I will not….)
Denying the opportunity to attend a field trip without prior consent by
2. You may not assign lunch detention in the office or cafeteria unless it has been assigned
by an administrator.
3. Procedures as outlined in the handbook must be followed before sending students to the
4. Teachers and administrators must be thorough and consistent.
Discipline must be modeled, taught, and re-taught to students. Do not assume that they will
remember the procedures after one discussion. Remember that the social dynamics at home are
quite different from those at school. Review and adjustment of the discipline plan should be an
ongoing process. A copy must be on file with your administrator so that the plan may be available
should a parent call with concerns.
*Note: We encourage positive phone calls to parents about the wonderful activities and
accomplishments their child is achieving.
When referring a student to the office, use a Student discipline Referral form stating the reason for
the referral in detail - be specific on language used and actions. Make sure all student information is
filled out including time and date of incident. Document the dates of parent contact (phone and
conference) were made for level 1 and 2’s (or it will be returned). Send the referral to the
appropriate administrator’s office as soon as possible. Call the office for incidents requiring
immediate action (fights, drugs, and weapons). Please ONLY use the name of the student that
committed the infraction- do not write the names of other students involved on the referral.
Remember a copy of the referral goes to the parents. Once a child is sent to the office, you have
fully turned the problem over to the administrator who will determine subsequent action. If incident
was handled by the teacher in the classroom and consequences were already given a referral is not
needed to avoid duplicate consequences.
District policy requires written reprimand on failure to adhere to this handbook requirements that limits or endangers our students.
Paso Del Norte
I, _____________________, have received a refresher
and reviewed the Paso Del Norte faculty handbook.
I am aware that the Faculty handbook is posted on the
PDN webpage and that I am responsible for everything it
addresses whether it was covered in the refresher or not.
______ Initial
On July 20, 2015, I attended a staff
development given by Campus Assistant Principal
reviewing the faculty handbook.
Employee Printed Name
___________________________ ______________
Employee signature
District policy requires written reprimand on failure to adhere to this handbook requirements that limits or endangers our students.
District policy requires written reprimand on failure to adhere to this handbook requirements that limits or endangers our students.