Dissecting Fire Sales Externalities Eduardo Dávila* Harvard University edavila@fas.harvard.edu First Draft: February 15, 2011 This Draft: August 19 2011 This Compilation: August 19, 2011 Abstract This paper analyzes the sources of the externalities generated by fire sales in the simplest Walrasian borrower-lender problem. I identify three different channels and I brand them as the risk sharing, collateral and margin channels. The risk sharing channel may create overor underinvestment; the collateral and margin channels always create overinvestment. Unless transfers are allowed, there are no feasible constrained Pareto improvements. When transfers areallowed,constrainedParetoimprovementsaregenerallyfeasible. Thispaperrecognizesthat government interventions are time inconsistent in this environment and shows how the welfare implicationsoffiresalesmustbedecoupledfromamplificationmechanisms. Moreover,thispaper clearlyidentifiestheeffectscausedbyexogenousandendogenousmarketincompletenessandits interactions. JELnumbers: D62,E44,G18. Keywords: fire sales, pecuniary externalities, collateral constraints, amplification mechanisms,risksharing,margins,timeinconsistency,financialregulation. *IwouldliketothankPhilippeAghion, MariosAngeletos, RobertBarro, JohnCampbell, EmmanuelFarhi, Jordi Galí,OliverHart,GregMankiw,AndreiShleifer,AlpSimsek,JeremySteinandJeanTiroleforveryhelpfulcomments anddiscussions,aswellasparticipantsinHarvardMacrolunch. FinancialsupportfromRafaeldelPinoFoundationis gratefullyacknowledged. Remainingerrorsaremyown. 1 Intro duction 1Firesalesoffinancialorrealassetsarerecurringphenomenainsituationsoffinancialdistress. We expect a fire sale to arise when a shock hits the natural owners of a certain asset simultaneously, forcingthemtoselltheirpositionstolowvaluationuserslessabletoholdtheasset. Thisdescription offiresales,whichcanbetracedbacktotheseminalpaperbyShleiferandVishny(1992),leavesthe followingquestionunresolved: iffiresalesaremerelyduetochangesinprices, whyshouldwecare abouttheirrealeffects? Aren’tchangesinpriceasimpleredistributionofresourcesbetweenparties? Ifwebelievethatmarketsarecomplete,anyobservedchangeinpricesismerelyavisibleexpressionof Walrasianadjustment,whichinducestransfersbetweenagentsthatyieldaParetooptimalallocation and make fire sales irrelevant from a welfare perspective. This is the content of the First Welfare Theoremappliedtoafiresalecontext. Therefore,onlybycarefullyunderstandingthesourcesand implicationsofmarketincompletenesswillwebeabletodeterminetherealeffectsgeneratedbyfire sales. Thisisthegoalofthispaper. This paper analyzes the different mechanisms by which pecuniary externalities induced by fire saleshavefirst orderwelfare implications. Using thesimplest possibleWalrasianmodel, Iamable toisolateanddistinguishamongthreedifferentchannels;Ibrandthemastherisksharing,collateral andmarginchannels. Themainresultsofmyanalysis,whichcontrastwithpartsoftheprevious literature,are: •Therisksharingchannelmaycreateover-orunderinvestmentwhilethecollateralandmargin channelsalwayscreateoverinvestment. 2•When ex-ante lump sum transfers between agents are not allowed, there are no feasible constrainedParetoimprovingpolicies. Ifex-antelumpsumtransfersareallowed,whencredit constraintsbind,therearefeasibleconstrainedParetoimprovingpolicies. Acorollaryofthese resultsisthatsettingasimplecapitalrequirementisnotenoughingeneraltoachieveaPareto improvement: ex-antecompensationisrequired. •Amplification mechanisms are not the source of the pecuniary externalities described in this paper, even though they can be present in this environment and be significant from a quantitativeperspective. Normativeandpositiveimplicationsoffiresalesmustbedecoupled andevaluatedseparately. Ishowhowwecanconstructconstrainedinefficientequilibriawithout anyamplificationandefficientequilibriawithamplificationmechanisms. Thissharpdistinction isnotpresentinpreviousliterature. 1ShleiferandVishny(2011)surveytheexistingliteratureonfiresales. 2This apparently negative result does not necessarily imply that capital regulation is undesirable. It points out, nonetheless,thatthepolicymakermusttakeintoaccountdistributionalconsiderations. 2 •A planner that seeks to implement constrained Pareto improving policies faces a time inconsistency problem. All three channels are subject to this time inconsistency concern. To myknowledge,thisisthefirstpaperthatcharacterizesthetimeinconsistencyproblemofthe constrainedplannerinafiresaleenvironment. •The amount of fire sold asset is the relevant variable to determine the magnitude of the risk sharingexternality;however,thefullamountofcollateralizableassetheld,soldinthefiresale or not, is the pertinent variable to determine the importance of both margin and collateral channels. •Endogenousmarketincompletenesscreatesidenticalexternalitiestothoseimpliedbyexogenous marketincompleteness. Endogenousmarketincompletenessmayalsobethesourceofadditional externalitiesthatdependontheparticularspecificationofthecreditconstraints. 3TherisksharingchannelisduetotheinteractionbetweentheWalrasianroleofpricesandthefact thatmarketsareexogenouslyincomplete. Inthisparagraph,exogenousmeansthattheunderlying financial friction or the particular missing market that originates the incompleteness need not be explicitly determined in the economic environment. The fact that markets are incomplete and that intertemporal marginal rates of substitution across agents are not equalized state by state 4makesitpossiblefortheplannertoinducewelfareimprovingpricedrivenredistributionbychanging allocations. Intuitively, a planner can modify allocations to induce price changes that redistribute wealth at each period/state towards those agents with higher marginal utility of wealth. The risk sharing channel on its own can be understood as a particular case of the generic result shown by Geanakoplos and Polemarchakis (1986) and Dreze et al. (1990), in which exogenously incomplete markets are generically constrained inefficient. I want to make clear that only intertemporal risk sharingplaysaroleinthispaper: evenwhenthereisnouncertainty,therisksharingchannelisfully active. 5Boththecollateralandmarginchannelsarecreatedbyendogenousmarketincompleteness;by endogenousImeanthatfinancialconstraintsareexplicitlymicrofoundedandpricedependent. The collateralchannelariseswhenpricetakingagentsdonotinternalizethattheirdecisionscandirectly modifyprices,reducingtheborrowingcapacityofothers. Themarginchannelworksontopofthe 3Using asset pricing intuition may be helpful here. The Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing (see for instance Duffie(2001)orCochrane(2005))tellsusthat,whenmarketsarecomplete,thereexistsauniquestochasticdiscount factor (SDF) or, equivalently, the marginal rate of substitution across any two states is equal for all agents. When markets are incomplete, many SDF’s price assets, allowing different agents to have different marginal rates of substitution. 4Diamond(1967)andHart(1975)aretheseminalpapersinthisliterature. 5Aproperlymicrofoundedmodelinwhichpricesdonotaffectcreditconstraintsdoesnotgenerateanyexternality ofthiskind. Thekeydistinctionforwelfareforthecollateralandmarginchannelsiswhetherpricesenterexplicitlyin thecreditconstraintsornot. 3 collateralchannelifborrowingconditions(margins)reactendogenouslytoprices,asisthecaseinany modeldrivenbyvalue-at-riskconstraintsorinsituationsinwhichinformationalasymmetriesreact toassetprices. ThecollateralchannelcanbemotivatedalongthelinesofHartandMoore(1994), where, because of commitment problems, the market value of collateral at the time of repayment arisesasthenaturalborrowingconstraint. ThemarginchannelhasthespiritofStiglitzandWeiss (1981),inwhichpricesactasascreeningdevice. Itrelatesmoregenerallytomodelswhereasymmetric informationplaysakeyroledeterminingborrowingconstraints. GreenwaldandStiglitz(1986)derive generalresultsregardingconstrainedParetoinefficiencyintheseenvironments. Thebasicintuition forwhytheselasttwochannelsaffectwelfareisdeceptivelysimple: wheninvestmentopportunities are directly dependent on prices, leaving aside their effects on the budget constraints, price taking behaviorneednotbeconducivetoParetooptimalallocations,sinceeachagentdoesnotinternalize thathisdecisionsdirectlyaffectthechoicesetsofotheragentsinthemarket. Fromthisviewpoint, prices have failed their full Walrasian duty of signaling scarcity through budget constraints, and begin to play a role as drivers of market imperfections. It shouldn’t be surprising then that price movementsinducerealexternaleffects. Inefficiencyofthecompetitiveequilibriumwithendogenous borrowingconstraintsinWalrasianenvironmentsisalsodiscussedbyKehoeandLevine(1993)and KilenthongandTownsend(2010). Eventhoughbothexogenousandendogenousmarketincompletenesshavebeenstudiedbefore, it is not clear in the literature how they relate to each other. This paper is the first to combine both approaches and to tractably isolate how both frictions affect welfare in the fire sale context. I carry out my analysis in the simplest Walrasian borrower-lender problem, the building block for any model in which financial considerations play a relevant role. For instance, my results apply directly to financial intermediation and housing market problems. A critical reading of the most recent literature that tries to apply these concepts to financial environments suggests that many authorsreferverylooselytofiresalesandpecuniaryexternalitiesassourcesofmarketimperfections, without describing their precisenature. Ihope that the holistic framework provided by this paper forcesfuturepolicydiscussionstobeexplicitaboutwhichparticularchannelsarebeinganalyzed. 6All my normative results use the notion of constrained Pareto efficiency. The relevant policy questioninimperfecteconomiesisnotwhetheraplannercanavoidtheimperfectionsandachievean unconstrained first best outcome, but whether, while being subject to the same constraints as the agentsinthedecentralizedmarket,aplannercanengineeraParetoimprovement. Myanalysisshows that,ingeneral,whenaplannerisnotallowedtouseex-antetransfers,therearenopossiblePareto improvementsin a fire sale: the classic Walrasian mechanism, which enters in my model through 6ThereadermaywonderwhythegenericconstrainedinefficiencyresultsshownbyGeanakoplosandPolemarchakis (1986),Drezeetal.(1990)andGreenwaldandStiglitz(1986)donotapplyhereunlessIallowforex-antetransfers. The crucialissueisthat,inmyformulation,thefiresaleoccursinasinglestate,andpricesinotherstatesarefixed. With morestates,itwouldbepossibletomodifyallocationsinsuchawaythatchangesinpricesindifferentstatescompensate 4 the risk sharing channel, is still powerful when fire sales are understood as a single event. Still withoutusingtransfers,thesenegativeresultscanbeoverturnedifborrowersandlendersresources aremerged,ashappensinrepresentativeagentmodels. Stein(2010)orWoodford(2011)arerecent papersthatrelyontherepresentativeagentassumption,followingtheLucas(1990)approach. Those modelsimplicitlyallowforanex-posttransferbetweenbuyersandsellersofassetsthatcompletely eliminatestherisksharingchannel. Ifex-antetransfersareallowed,constrainedParetoimprovements arefeasible. Dependingontherelationbetweenex-anteandex-postinvestmentopportunities,therisksharing channelbyitselfcangeneratebothoverorunderinvestment. Thecollateralchannelbyitselfalways induces overinvestment and, as long as margins are countercyclical (the empirically relevant case), themarginchannelalsopushestowardsoverinvestment. Theeffectthatultimatelyprevailsremains anempiricalquestion. Thispaperrelatestothegrowingliteratureonamplificationmechanismsandfinancialconstraints increditmarkets,shapedbytheworkofBernankeandGertler(1989)andKiyotakiandMoore(1997). Thisliteraturehasnoticeablybeenfocusedonfindingmechanismsabletogenerateenoughbusiness cycle amplification, leaving aside the normative implications of financial constraints. Lorenzoni (2008),theclosestpapertothisone,isanimportantexceptionthatfocusesonthewelfareimplications oftheseconstraints. Hispapershowsthepossibilityofexcessiveborrowingduetotheexistenceof a pecuniary externality; in my decomposition, the externality highlighted in Lorenzoni’s paper is exclusivelyoftherisksharingtype. MycharacterizationoftheexternalitythroughanEulerequation greatlyimprovestheexpositionoftheresults. 7Even though amplification mechanisms can be relevant for quantitative reasons, I show that feedbackloops,cyclesorspiralsbetweenpricesandtheamountofassetssoldareneithernecessary norsufficienttogeneratefiresalesexternalities;inotherwords,normativeandpositiveimplicationsof firesalesmustbedecoupled. PreviousworkbyCaballeroandKrishnamurthy(2001)andGromband Vayanos(2002)alsoanalyzesinefficienciesrelatedtopecuniaryexternalitiesinsimilarenvironments butwithadifferentfocus. BrunnermeierandSannikov(2010)discusspecuniaryexternalitiesrelated to the collateral and margin channels. The literature on financial intermediation and markets, for example, Jacklin (1987), Allen and Gale (2004) and Farhi, Golosov and Tsyvinski (2009), is also related to this paper through the risk sharing channel. In that line of work, the possibility of spot retrading in financial markets, together with market incompleteness, reduces risk sharing opportunities,makingregulationdesirable. AcemogluandZilibotti(1997)isanimportantpaperin endogenousmarketincompletenessandGaleandGottardi(2010)isarecentrelatedpaperfocused each other in the right way to induce Pareto improvements. Even though from a purely theoretical perspective my problemcouldseemirrelevantandnongeneric,ifwethinkthatfiresalesaresituationsthathappenonlyinaparticular state,thenmyformulationistheappropriateone. 7Krishnamurthy(2010)providesarecentsurveyoftheliteratureonamplificationmechanisms. 5 onbankruptcy. In order to understand the actual effects of fire sales externalities, the ultimate goal must be 8to analyze the magnitudes of these externalities empirically and guide policy intervention. With thatgoalinmind, anddespitethesimplicityofmyformulation, Ihavetriedtokeepthispaperas closeaspossibletoacanonicalWalrasianframeworkusedinassetpricingandmacroeconomics. My hope is that my model will provide a basis to document empirically or evaluate the effect of these externalities in a full fledged quantitative framework. Some recent work by Bianchi and Mendoza (2010),Bianchi(2010)andJeanneandKorinek(2010),amongothers,triestoexploretheimplications ofcreditconstraintsquantitatively,butthatliteraturehassofaronlyfocusedonwhatIclassifyas collateralexternalities. Thispapershowsthatthatlineofworkhasnoconnectionwhatsoeverwith thegenericresultsofGeanakoplosandPolemarchakis(1986)andDrezeetal.(1990). Pulvino(1998) andBenmelechandBergman(2011)areleadingempiricalcorporatefinancepapersthatalsoanalyze the collateral channel. Consequently, I claim that deeper quantitative work integrating all three mechanismsisstillpending. Section2laysoutthemodelanddiscussestheconvenienceofthevarioussimplifyingassumptions. Section 3 solves the decentralized problem and section 4 analyzes the solution to the planner’s problem, both in the case when ex-ante transfers are allowed and in the case when they are not. Section 5 treats the time inconsistency problem faced by the planner. Section 6 discusses some results and extensions and section 7 concludes. Appendix A contains proofs omitted in the main text and appendix B describes the case with a single noncontingent asset. The online appendix presentsadditionalmaterial. Areadereagertoseethemainequationofthepapershouldgodirectlytoequation(27). 2 The mo del 9Themodelhastwoperiodst= 0,1 andtwostatesatt= 1,denotedasG(goodstate)andB(bad state). TheprobabilityofthegoodstateispGandtheprobabilityofthebadstateispB= 1 -pG. Therearetwogroupsofagentsofunitmass. Irefertothemasentrepreneursandoutsideconsumers, respectively. The entrepreneurs represent the natural holders of capital or high valuation users andaresubjecttocreditconstraints. Theoutsideconsumersareunconstrainedinequilibriumand represent low valuation users or unsophisticated holders of capital. There are two types of goods: consumptionandcapitalgoods. 8Partsofthatliteratureusetheassumptionthattheborrowingcapacityofanassetdependsonitscurrentpriceand Thatformulationdoesnotruleoutdefaultandishardtorationalizewithanymicrofounded model. 9Aversionofthemodelwithoutuncertainty(i.e.,withasinglestate)isenoughtoshowthemostbasicresults. See theonlineappendixforthatformulation. 6 notonitsfutureprice. 2.1 Entrepreneurs Entrepreneursareriskaverseexpectedutilitymaximizerswithdiscountfactor1 (forsimplicity),so theymaximizeU(C0) + pGU(C1G) + pBU(C1B). U(·) isincreasingandconcave: U >0,U<0. C0, C1Gand C1B denote the consumption of the entrepreneurs at t= 0 and at the good and bad state att= 1 respectively. Entrepreneurs haveendowments of theconsumption good,e0, eand e1B. These agents own a technology that transforms capital at t= 0 into AGor AB1Gunits of the consumption good at t= 1 depending on the state. k0and p100respectively denote the amount of capital chosen by the entrepreneurs and its market price at t= 0 . The consumption good can be transformedintocapitalonaone-to-onebasisandviceversaatt= 0,whichimpliesthatp= 1. p1Gand p1B0denote the price of capital in each state at t= 1. Since t= 1 is the last period, the capitalheldfromt= 0 tot= 1 becomesuselessfortheentrepreneurs,sotheyareforcedtosellall theircapitalatt= 1 totheoutsideconsumersinthemarket. Theoutsideconsumersfullyabsorb thecapitalfromtheentrepreneurs,generatingafiresale;theyaregladtoreceiveitbecausetheyare abletotransformcapitalintoconsumptiongoodsinthesameperiod,rightbeforetheworldends. Entrepreneurscantradeatt= 0 intwostatecontingentassets,oneforeachstate. Theseassets havet= 0 pricesq0Gandqanddeliveroneunitoftheconsumptiongoodateachrespectivestate. a0Gand a0B0Bdenote the net position in each asset, i.e., a>0 means that the entrepreneurs are holding the statesasset (saving) anda0s0s<0 means that they are selling it (borrowing). Outside consumers, described below, take the opposite side of these trades. The time subscript for each endogenousvariables,0 or1,denotestheperiodinwhichthevariableisdetermined. Entrepreneursfaceborrowingandlendingconstraintsintheamountsthattheycanbuyorsell ofeachcontingentasset. Foreachstates= {G,B},theirassetholdingsmustsatisfythefollowing constraints: -[ 1 -ξ(p1s)] p1sk0 =a0s = Ls (1) =a 0s 1sk0 Theborrowingconstraint-[ 1 -ξ(p1s)] p1sk0 1s 7 1s 1s 1sk0 10 0 is pledgeable would not modify impliesthatthemaximumamountborrowed by the entrepreneurs depends on the value of the capital in the future, p, corrected by a pledgeability coefficient 1 -ξ(p), which I make explicitly price dependent. We can think of the functionξ(p) ∈[ 0,1] asthemarginrequiredwhentheentrepreneursborrowagainstcollateralwith futurevaluep. Withoutthemargincorrection,i.e.,assumingξ(p1s) = 0,∀p,thisconstraintcan berobustlymicrofoundedthroughacommitmentproblemàlaHartandMoore(1994). Theoutside consumers are only willing to lend up to the market value of collateral p1sk, since entrepreneurs cannotcommittokeeptheirpromisesandtheoutsideconsumerscanonlyrecovertheirinvestmentby seizingthecapital. Thistypeofborrowingconstraintrulesoutdefault. Analternativeformulation in which a portion of the returns in the consumption good Ask0 Thisistheassumptionmade,forinstance,inthebasicversionoftheneoclassicalgrowthmodel. anyofmyresults. NotethatnotallofAsk0couldbepledged, sincethatwouldmakethemarkets effectivelycomplete. A constant margin, ξ(p1s) = ξ, ∀p1s, can be easily microfounded as a fixed transaction cost that an entrepreneur pays if he defaults. There are different theories that justify the existence of price dependent margins ξ(p). By appealing to those, I leave the underlying contractual frictions that determine margins open to interpretation. My formulation is meant to incorporate the ideas developed in models with endogenous margins, such as Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2008),Geanakoplos(2009)andShin(2010),amongothers. Value-at-riskconstraintsorinformation asymmetries,particularlyinadverseselectionproblems,arethenaturalmicrofoundationsforthese endogenous margins. Contagion effects or search related disruptions could also be considered as the source of ξ(p1s1s). I assume that ξ(0) = 1, ξ(1) = 0, which implies that there are no margins when borrowing in the good state, and that margins are countercyclical, i.e., ξ(·) <0 , as shown empiricallybyAdrianandShin(2010). Ihaveoptedforincludingthischannelbecauseofitsrealworld importance. A reader who feels that the margin mechanism lacks an appropriate microfoundation cansimplyignorethischannel,i.e. setξ(p1s) = ξ,∀p1s ,andomitallmyreferencestoitthroughout therestofthepaper. Theconceptualdistinctionbetweenrisksharing/Walrasianexternalitiesand collateral/frictionalexternalitiesremainsunchanged,aswellastherestoftheresults. Inthatcase, thecreditconstraintswouldread: p = =Ls 1 s 1 a s 0 Thelendingconstrain k s tas = ξ 0 L s s and-[ 1 -ξ(p s )] p1sk0 isanaturalmeasureofmarketincompletenessinthismodel. 1 s s s 8 ,whichpreventsentrepreneursfromchannelingtoomuchwealth towards a particular state, reflects commitment problems on the part of outside consumers. If we takeliterallytheassumptionthatonlythecapitalgoodcanbeseized,weshouldexpectL= 0. A positivevalueforLcanberationalizedifitdenotesthestatecontingentamountofstoresofvalue intheeconomy. ThisconstraintcanbeinterpretedalongthelinesofHolmstromandTirole(1998) orHolmstromandTirole(2011),whoemphasizetheimportanceofoutsideliquidity/storesofvalue. Therefore,IassumethatL=0 withoutlossofgenerality. Observethat,inagivenequilibrium,atmostonecreditconstraintforeachstatebinds. Which constraintactuallybindsiscrucialforthepolicyimplicationsofthemodel. Note that missing markets in this environment can be thought of extremely tight credit constraints: if we assume for a state sthat L = 0 and ξ(p1s) = 1 ,∀p1s , the model represents asituationinwhichthereisnocontingentassetforthatstate. Thisisaverynaturalwaytocombine theinsightsoftheliteraturesinbothendogenousandexogenousincompletemarkets. Agraphicalrepresentationofthecreditconstraintscanbeseeninfigure(1). Thedistancebetween L Borrowing Lending 0 Ls - [1 - ξ(p1s)] p1sk0 Figure1: Creditconstraints. 2.2 Outside consumers Theoutsideconsumers,whoarecrucialtosimplifytheanalysisandkeepittractable,areri skneutral, haveadiscountfactorof1 andhavelargeendowmentsoftheconsumptiongoodineachperiodand state. Because they trade frictionlessly in state contingent securities, their prices are pinned down at q0s= ps. In the good state, they run a linear technology that transforms one unit of capital intotheconsumptiongoodandviceversa,whichimpliesthatthepriceofcapitalinthegoo dstate is pinned down, p1G= 1 . In the bad state, the outside consumers use an increasing and concave production technology F kC 1B , with F > 0 and F< 0. Thus, the outside consumers solve maxkC 1BF kC 1B -p1BkC 1B ,implyinganequilibriumpricep1B= F kC 1B ,wherekistheamount ofcapitalthattheoutsideconsumersneedtoholdinequilibrium. Sincetheyabsorballthecapital soldbytheentrepreneursinthebadstate,inequilibriumkC 1B= k0,sop1B= F (kC 1B). Iassumethat p1B= F 0(·) =1 . Theoutsideconsumerssimplyrepresenttheunsophisticatedagentsthatmusthold theassetduringafiresale,providingadownwardslopingdemandcurve. Figure(2)showsasimplifiedrepresentationoftheproblem. pG p1G = 1 =F =1 p 0 p1B pB Fire Sale (k0) = 1 Figure2: Eventtree. 2.3 Remarks ab out mo deling choices Manyoftheassumptionsmadesofarmayseemsomewhatarbitraryandunrealistic;Iwa nttoargue nonethelessthattheyrepresentthesimplestformulationthatencompassestherelevant channelsin 9 as myanalysis: 11•Numberofperiods: theuseofonlytwoperiodshastwoimportantimplications. First,allthe capitalaccumulatedatt= 0 mustbesoldatt= 1 ,sinceithasnootheruselookingforward. Second, it prevents borrowing from the future as a way to reduce a possible fire sale. Both dimensionscaneasilybereintroducedintothemodelatthecostofcomplicatingtheanalysis, so I leave the extension to three periods for the time inconsistency analysis in section 5. A version of the model with three periods must include at least the two following assumptions: a)theentrepreneursarenetsellersofcapitalinthebadstateandb)theamountofresources thatcanberaisedinthefiresalestateislimited(i.e.,someformofslowmovingcapital;see Duffie (2010) for a state-of-the-art review of the literature). Assumption b) guarantees that thefiresalecannotbeavoidedbypledgingfuturereturnsandassumptiona)iscrucialtohave therightdistributionaleffectsoffiresales. Inasimilarformulation,Lorenzoni(2008)andGai etal.(2008)allowformultipleequilibriainthefiresalestateduetoamplificationmechanisms. Iwanttoremarkthatalltheinefficienciestreatedinthispaperaremarginalinefficienciesand do not rely on Pareto ranked equilibria. My formulation will make clear that those feedback mechanisms, although realistic and capable of generating additional amplification, are not at all necessary to analyze fire sales. The normative and positive implications of fire sales have differentsourcesandthispapershowshowtheycanbedecoupled. 12•Numberofstates: asimplermodelwithasinglestateandnouncertaintyisenoughtogenerate most of the results in the paper. I present that simple version in the online appendix. The main drawback of the single state formulation is that, in what I denominate belowas case 3 in equilibrium, entrepreneurs would have to be net savers in equilibrium, which may be counterfactual. The current formulation allows entrepreneurs to borrow at t= 0, by having q0Ga0G+ q0B<0,whileatthesametimearranginginsurancetowardsthefiresalestate, thatis,a0Ba0B>0. •Riskaverseversusriskneutralagents: myformulationwithriskaverseentrepreneursmakesthe problemnaturallyexportabletomorequantitativeenvironments. Analternativedescription, with risk neutral entrepreneurs but endogenous hedging motives due to concave production and imperfect financial markets, along the lines of Froot, Scharfstein and Stein (1993) or Krishnamurthy(2003)isaplausiblealternative. Underthoseassumptions,theentrepreneurs wouldbecomeeffectivelyriskaverse. Thispapermakesclearthat,eventhoughmarginalutility of wealth/investment opportunities can be explicitly dependent on prices, as in, for instance, 11Forinstance,ShleiferandVishny(1992)uselongtermdebttoinducedebtoverhangandLorenzoni(2008)imposes directlyaborrowingconstrainttosatisfythisrequirement. 12That is thesituation in which the entrepreneurs want to arrange insurance for the firesale state. In aone state model,theentrepreneurswouldbenetsavers. 10 Gromb and Vayanos (2002) or Lorenzoni (2008), that dependence is not the direct source of thepecuniaryexternalities. Thefactthattheoutsideconsumersareriskneutralprovidesalot oftractabilitybypinningdownthetimezeropriceofthestatecontingentsecurities. Relaxing thisriskneutralityassumptionwouldinvolveaccountingforriskandinsuranceconsiderations, unnecessarilycomplicatingmyanalysis. •Walrasian versus contracting formulation: this paper is purposely written in a Walrasian setting, since it is the most natural environment in macroeconomics and for quantitative analysis. Unlike Lorenzoni (2008), all trading is carried out in state contingent securities instead of discretionary contracting. Moreover, the Walrasian formulation makes the role of ex-antetransfers, whichcanbehiddenintothetermsofcontractingproblems, explicit. This restrictsthespaceoftransfers,sincetheagentscannotredistributeresourcesbymodifyingthe termsoftradeinthestatecontingentassets,anditmakesthemodeleasiertoscaleuptomore complexenvironments. •Specification of borrowing constraints: there is a clear asymmetry in the way the constraints in(1)arewritten,sincetheamountthattheentrepreneurscanborrowdependsonthecapital they keep, its price, and a margin while, the maximum feasible amount of savings is capped by an exogenous value. The frictions discussed above that support this specification can be rationalized by assuming that entrepreneurs carry out collateralized borrowing against the valueoftheirassets,whileoutsideconsumershaveadiversifiedpoolofresourcesthatseparates their commitment problem from their specific capital holdings. A crucial difference between thispaperandthemajorityoftherecentliteratureisthattheborrowingconstraintdoesnot dependonthecurrentpriceofcapitalp0butonitsfuturepricep1. Thealternativeassumption thattheborrowingconstraintdependsonthecurrentpriceofcapitalisexploitedbyBianchi andMendoza(2010),Bianchi(2010)andJeanneandKorinek(2010). Despiteitsconvenience in terms of generating amplification, their formulation lacks an explicit microfoundation and opensthedoortothepossibilityofdefault,whichisimplicitlyneglectedinallthosepapers. •Linear versus concave technology: I assume a linear technology in the good state for the outside consumers simply to shut down any price fluctuation of capital in the good state. This assumption proxies for the fact that markets for capital are deep in good states, and sellingassetsdoesnotgenerateanypriceimpact. Inanycase,aslongascreditconstraintsdo notbindinthegoodstate,anykindofdemandforcapitalworkswithoutchanginganyresult. Thefactthatthepriceforsoldcapitalisdownwardslopinginthebadstateis,however,crucial for my results. The specific formulation with a concave technology is not necessary and it is used here only for simplicity. An alternative but equivalent formulation could assume that a newgroupofriskaverseagentswholacksdiversificationopportunitiesisforcedtoholdthese 11 firesoldassets,demandingalargerriskpremiumwhentheyareforcedtoholdmorecapital. 3 Decentralized problem I first set up the full entrepreneur’s problem and subsequently analyze the properties of the competitiveequilibriumbyincorporatingthepricesderivedfromtheoutsideconsumers’optimality conditions. It is important to note that in the decentralized problem, each entrepreneur follows price-taking behavior, unlike the planner in the following section. A representative entrepreneur solves: U(C0) + pGU(C1G) + pBU(C1B) (2) max k0,a0G,a0B,C0,C1G,C1B Subjecttothefollowingconstraints13 = e0 -q0Ga0G+ G [ -q0Ba0B] (λ0 (pGλ1G 0G p1G k0+ a 1G =e :U 0 = pBλ1B 1B0G = e 0G 0G 0 0B +[ p1B B] k0 + a0B (pG )] p1Gk0 0B )] p1Bk ( p (pBλ1B 0G 0B) (9) B 1G G B 0G :q0B 0B 0 13 :p0λ 0 = p λ1B (p1B + AB) + pGλ1G (p1G + AG) + pGν0G [ 1 -ξ(p1G)] p1G + pBν0B [ 1 -ξ(p1B)] p1B 1B,C1G 1B 0B 0G 12 0,a0G 0B,C0 : theinitialbudgetconstraint(3);thestate-by-statebudget constraints(4)and(5);andthedoublesetofcreditconstraintsforeachstatecontingentsecurity(6) to(9). + ) (3) C1G+ A) (4) C1B+ A) (5) a= LG(pGη0G) (6) a=-[ 1 -ξ(p1G) (7) a=LB(pBη0Bν) (8) a=-[ 1 -ξ(p1B0ν Theoptimalityconditionsfortheentrepreneursproblemarecharacterizedby: p C 0 0 k 0 C1GC0 :U + p (C1B) = λ1B C1B : U (C ) = λ1G 0G (C0) = λ0 Gη Bη (10) a:qλ= pGλ1G-p0Gν(11) aλ-p0B+ p(12) k0Bν0B ,a,C(13) Acompetitiveequilibriuminthiscontextisasetofallocationskand pricesp,p1G,p,q,qsuchthatbothentrepreneursandoutsideconsumersbehaveoptimally, givenprices,andmarketsclear. The parentheses represent the Lagrange multipliers used for each constraint. The multipliers are defined to be nonnegative. Given the assumptions made about the behavior of outside consumers and the available technologies, the equilibrium prices are pinned down to p0= 1 , p1G= 1 , q0B= pB, q0G= pG 1G 0G(k0). Thefirstorderconditionswithrespecttoa0G,a0B andp1B = F as: 14canthenbewrittenin equilibrium = λ λ1s -η 1s+ ν0G s+ ν0sλ[0 1 -ξ(p1s)] p1s + ν0B 0 andk0 (16 ) λ0 -η + As) 0 0λ0 1s ν0s λ0 14 λ0 1 = E(14) λ= λ1B 0B(pPresentValue CollateralValue Condition(16)isastandardEulerequationforthecapitalgoo d. Avariationalargumentallows ustoderiveit. λrepresentsthemarginalcostatt= 0 ofanadditionalunitofcapital(ifp = 1, thiswouldbep),andinequilibriumitmustbeequaltotheexpectedmarginalbenefit,(p1s0) unit sidetheexpectation,λ0(p1s+ A),representstheclassicalassetpricingcondition and the additional one,[ 1 sof-ξ(p1s)] p1s, represents the collateral value of capital when relaxing the borrowing constraint. wea Conditions (14) and (15) are equivalent Euler equations for the state contingentassets. lthv Equation (16) makes clear that constrained agents in decentralized markets value more assets aluthat relax their borrowing constraints. Note how the dividend generated by the investment, A, eda doesnotcarryanextrapremiumbecauseitisnotcollateralizable. Asimilarideahasrecentlybeen tλ1s emphasizedbyGarleanuandPedersen(2010)inaCAPMenvironment. Moreover,ifwehaddifferent )] tradedassets,andtherewereanex-anteproductionstage,thoseassetswithhighercollateralvalue p1swouldbecreatedtothedetrimentofthosethatdonotincreaseborrowingcapacity. new I now proceed to characterize the 3 different cases that can arise in equilibrium depending on unit which credit constraints bind. Note that the key variables that determine which borrowing s of constraints actually bindarethemarginalutilityofwealth in eachperiod/state,λ0andλ1s; these borr areendogenousobjectsthatdependonendowments,borrowingcapacity,availabletechnologiesand owi assetprices. Rememberthat,atthemargin,anyentrepreneurmustbeindifferentbetweenconsuming ngandinvesting. cap acit IhavepurposelyassignedaleadingroletotheLagrangemultipliers(λ,η,ν)inthepaper,since y theymakemyresultswidelyapplicable. Ifwehadchosenamoregeneralmodel,e.g.,withEpsteinByassumingasufficientlywell-behavedF (·),auniquesolutionisguaranteed. Evenifthereweremultipleequilibria, valu edallofthemmustsatisfy(14)to(16)andmyanalysiswouldbelocallyvalid. at 13 ν, ina dditi ont oth eval uet hatt hen ewu nito fca pital gen erat esw hen rela xing the borr owi ng con stra int, [1 -ξ(p λ1s. The first ter min Zinpreferencesorhabitformation,wewouldonlyneedtolookatthecorrespondingvaluesforthe marginalutilityofwealthtoextrapolatetheresultsofthispaper. Inordertosimplifytheanalysis,Imakethefollowingassumption. Assumption1. a)Inequilibrium,themarginalutilityinthebadstateisstrictlylargerthaninthe good state: λ1B>λ1G. b) In equilibrium, the marginal utility at time t= 0 is strictly larger than themarginalutilityinthegoodstate: λ150>λ1G. Dependingontherestofparameters,adjustingthe endowmentsisenoughtosatisfythisassumption. Assumption 1.a) is innocuous and it just makes the bad state worse than the good state. Assumption1.b)forcestheentrepreneurtoalwayshittheirborrowingconstraintstowardsthegood stateandsimplyreducesthenumberofuninterestingcasestoanalyzeinequilibrium. Combining the first order conditions and making use of assumption 1, an equilibrium can be characterizedinthefollowingway: Proposition 1. Depending on parameter values, there are three different cases that arise in equilibrium: •Case 1: Entrepreneurs hit the borrowing constraint towards both good and bad states: λ0> λ1B> λ1G. Their asset positions satisfy: a0G= -[ 1 -ξ(p1G)] p1Gk0and a1B)] p1Bk0.0B= -[ 1 -ξ(p •Case2: Entrepreneurshittheborrowingconstraintonlytowardsthegoodstatebutnotthe savinglimitortheborrowingconstrainttowardsthebadstate: λ1B= λ. Theirasset positionssatisfy: a0G= -[ 1 -ξ(p1G)] p1Gk0anda0B∈ -[ 1 -ξ(p1B)] p0>λ1Bk01G, LB .•Case 3: Entrepreneurs hit the borrowing constraint towards the good state and the saving limit towards the bad state: λ1B> λ0> λ1G. Their asset positions satisfy: a1G)] p1Gk0anda0B= LB.0G= -[ 1 -ξ(p Controllingforriskaversionanddependingonhowattractiveinvestmentopportunitiesareatt= 0, the entrepreneurs follow a pecking order in borrowing: if the marginal utility of wealth is really largeex-ante,theywillborrowasmuchastheycan,pledgingincomeinbothgoodandbadstates. If investment opportunities are not so attractive ex-ante, i.e., λ0<λ1B, they will start shifting resourcestowardsthebadstate,inwhichmarginalutilityofwealthishigher. Theintuitionfortwo statesextendsnaturallytoamodelwithseveralstates: inthatcase,wewouldfindcutoffssuchthat anentrepreneurborrowsthemaximumpossibleamountagainststateswithlowestmarginalutility, 15Dependingontherestoftheparametersofthemodel,itmaybenecessarytosetanegativeendowmenttoachieve thedesiredvalueforthemarginalutilityofwealthineachstate. Thiscanbeunderstoodasahabitorasubsistence level. 14 stays inside his credit constraints for intermediate states and sends all the savings towards those stateswiththelargestmarginalutilities. 1 andλ1B T 6 0 h e r e l a t i o n b e t w e e n λ 0 G =0 ν ν λ0 andλB,thesetofbindingconstraintsdiffers. = 0 ν0B>0 η0G0B ν willbecruciallaterforthewelfareimplicationsoffiresales. If entrepreneursborrowbecausetheyreallyvaluewealthatt= 0,reducingthesizeofthefiresaleand compensatingoutsideconsumersex-antewillnotbeoptimalfromaplanner’sperspective. Notealso that in case 2 entrepreneurs could be either borrowing or saving in equilibrium, but that will not haveanywelfareimplications. Figure (3) provides graphical intuition for proposition 1. Depending on which regionλ falls withrespecttoλ Case 2 >0 η0G ν0G = 0 η0B 0B =0ν λ1G 0G >0 η0G 0B = 0 η0B Case 3 =0 >0 0G >0 η Case 1 λ1B =0 Figure3: Threetypesofequilibriumcasesdependingthesetofbindingconstraints. Without assumption 1, three more cases could arise in equilibrium: λ0 = λ1B = λ1G an ulere al1 = E [ 1B da quati (p1s n onfor 1B E capit > λ0 = λ1G = = λ1B λ1 0 G , in which no constraint binds and markets become effectively complete; λ>λ, in which the entrepreneurs hit the saving limit towards the bad state but not the saving limit or the borrowing constrainttowardsthegoodsate;andλ1B>λ0,inwhichthesavingslimitisbindingtowards bothgoodandbadstate. Iwon’tanalyzesincethemhere,sincetheyareempiricallylessrelevant. Beforesolvingtheplanner’sproblem,itisinstructivetocharacterizethefirstbestallocation. Whentherearenoborrowingconstraints,aninteriorequilibriumischaracterizedbyλ + As)]. Inthatcase,theoutsideconsumersfullyinsure theentrepreneurs, whocanguaranteeconstantconsumptionsacrossalldatesandstates, whilethe Eulerequationpreventsarbitragebetweenrisk-freelendingandcapitalinvestment. andλB arefixedwhileλ0 15 16MygraphicalrepresentationseemstoimplythatλG varies;ofcourseallthreemultipliers arejointlydeterminedinequilibrium. 4 Planner’s problem We know that in the presence of credit constraints, the decentralized equilibrium is trivially not Paretoefficient. Areasonableyardsticktoevaluatepublicinterventioninsteadisthatofconstrained Pareto efficiency, this is, can a planner improve over the decentralized outcome by using the same instruments as the market? Using this approach, I solve two different versions of a constrained planner’sproblem: inthefirst,theplannerisonlyallowedtomodifytheallocationschosenbythe agents,whileinthesecond,theplannercanalsodesignex-antetransfersatt= 0 betweenthetwo groups of agents. I make the distinction between these two cases because giving the planner the opportunity to redistribute assets ex-ante may be considered by some as giving the planner more resourcesthanthedecentralizedmarket. Notethatwhensolvingtheconstrainedefficientproblem, the planner, unlike the agents in the decentralized market, internalizes the effect that changes in allocationshaveonprices. Note that this paper always uses the notion of ex-post constrained Pareto efficiency, that is, a government intervention is only considered to be a Pareto improvement when both entrepreneurs and outside consumers are (weakly) better off. This is the most demanding welfare criterion. Other authors, for example, Hart and Zingales (2011) in a related environment, implicitly use the less restrictive notion of ex-ante constrained Pareto inefficiency. Under that criterion, a Pareto improvement can be reached by maximizing the sum of the utilities of both types of agents. That criterion is justified by arguing that, ex-ante, there is an equal chance for an agent to be an entrepreneuroranoutsideconsumer. Thatviewoftheworldimplicitlyintroducesex-anteinsurance opportunities between entrepreneurs and outside consumers. Moreover, the ex-ante formulation is implicitlygrantingParetoweightstoeachsetofagents;Ibelievethatthattaskshouldnotbepart oftheeconomicanalysisandshouldsimplybelefttothejudgmentofthepolicymaker. Figure4representsthisargumentgraphically. 16 1 UC 2 UC + 1 UE 2 =U U E Figure4: Ex-postversusex-anteconstrainedPa retoimprovements. 0 Ex-p ost constrained Pareto improvement ◦ 4 5 Comp etitive equilibrium Ex-ante constrained Pareto improvement Constrained planner’s utility p ossibility frontie r Decentralized market utility p ossibility frontie r denotestheutilityoftheoutsideconsumersandUE 4.1 Transfers at t = 0 not allowe d U C Inthiscase,theplannermaximizesthe utilityoftheentrepreneurssubjectthea dditionalconstraint VC P=VC M, where VC Pand Vdenote the indirect utility denotestheutilityoftheentrepreneurs. of the outside consumers under the planner’s dictate (P) and the decentralized market outcome (M) respectively. The utility of the outsideconsumers,VC jC MCforj= {M,P},isgivenbythesumoftheirlargee ndowmentsateachstate eC 0=e+ eC G+ eC Bandtheexpectedprofitsmadeintheb adstateF(k0) -F (k0) k0. Theplanner acknowledges that profits for outside consumers are zero in the good state and that kmust be equaltokC B0inequilibrium. Giventheriskneutralityofoutsidecons umers,anytradingincontingent assetsdoesnotaffecttheirutility. Therefore,theindirectutilityforoutside consumersVC j(k) can bewrittenasafunctionofonlyk0:0 VC (k0) = eC + pB F(k0) -F (k0) k0 j IdenotebyθtheLagrangemultiplierfortheconstraintVC P 17 . Inanequivalentformulation oftheplanner’sprobleminwhichaweig htedsumofutilitiesismaximized,θisse texogenouslyand controlstheweightassignedtotheouts ideconsumers. Imakereferencetothisinterpretationof the problemwhendiscussingmyresults. Theplanner’sproblemcanthenbestat edas: =VC M U(C0) + pBU(C1B) + pGU(C1G) + θ max C + pB F(k0) -F (k0) k0 -VC M e The planner faces the same set of constraints that the entrepreneurs, with the caveat that the effectofallocationonpricesisdirectlytakenintoaccount. =e -p a0G G-pBa] (λ0 (pGλ1G k0+ a 0G k0,a0G,a 0B,C0,C1G,C1B 1G =e 0G =e 00) + F 0G 1 B 0B +A (pBλ1B (pBν0B) (23) k0 + a0B G (k ) k 0 0B 17: 0BG00 C + k ) (17) C1G+ [ 1 + A) (18) C1B (kB) (19) a= LG(pGη0G) (20) a=-[ 1 -ξ(1)] k(p) (21) a= LB(pBη0Bν0G) 0 (22) a=- 1 -ξ F (k0) F0The solution to the planner’s problem without transfers is characterized by the following optimalityconditions (C0) = λ0 C1G : U (C1B) = λ1B C1B : U (C1G) = λ1G +1 p 0G = λ1G -η0G + ν0G Risksharing Externality (26) +ν 0B = λ1B -η0B F k0 0B Margin + (1 -ξ) -ξ F Collater al 0 0s λ + As 17 + ν0 0 B 1 8 C : (24) a:λ0(25) a:λ0 0 U 1= (p1 )+ν s E λ1sλ0 0 [ 1 -ξ(p1s)] p1s λ0 B (λ 1B-θ) (27) Conditions(24),(25)and(26)areidenticaltotheonesarisinginthedecentralizedproblem. The terms that differentiate the Euler condition for k(27) from its decentralized counterpart (13) are thesourcesoftheexternalities. Expression (27) clearly identifies the three channels through which fire sales can matter. As in the decentralized problem (see equation (16)), the first two terms in the right hand side of (27) representtheclassicalassetpricingpresentvalueandthefactthattheagentstakeintoconsideration theadditionalvalueofkrelaxingtheborrowingconstraint. Tosimplifythenotation,IoftenwriteF ,F ,ξandξ forF (k0),F (k0),ξ(F (k0)) andξ (F (k0)). The externality term in the planner’s problem has three parts, which I call the risk sharing, marginandcollateralchannels. TherisksharingchannelcomesfromtheclassicWalrasianfunction of prices; a reduction (increase) in prices generates redistribution from net sellers (buyers) to net buyers(sellers)ofanasset. Theplannerknowsthateachmarginalunitofcapitalreducesthewealth oftheentrepreneursbyF k0inthebadstate,andthattheyvaluethisincreaseinwealthλ. On theotherhand,theoutsideconsumersmakeacapitalgainwiththischange,andtheirgaininutility isθF k0. Ifθisanexogenousweightanditsvalueislowerthanλ1B1B, theplanneroptsforalower amountofcapitalk0,reducingthesizeofthefiresaleinthebadstate. Whenθisendogenous,Ishow inproposition2thatitadjuststomaketheexternalitytermequaltozero. Thecollateralchannel captures the externality that an agent causes to other agents when he doesn’t internalize the fact thatanadditionalunitofcapitaldepressesthedebtcapacityofalltheotheragents. Themargin channelaccountsforthefactthatagentsdonotinternalizethatchangesinpriceschangethedebt capacitydirectlythroughatighteningofmargins. Whichconstraintsbindinequilibriumandhowthethreechannelsinteractdeterminetheoptimal k0fortheplanner. Therisksharingtermoftheexternalityλ-θhasapriorianambiguoussign, but the second part (collateral and margin)ν0B(-ξ F 1B18+ (1 -ξ)) is unambiguously nonnegative. When the whole term that corresponds to the three channels is negative (positive), the marginal social returns of k0are smaller than those assessed privately and the planner wants to choose a smaller(larger)amountofcapitalthaninthedecentralizedequilibrium. NotethatF19<0. Figure (5)showsgraphicallyhowk0 isdeterminedinequilibrium. Theupwardslopinglinerepresentsλ0 (thelefthandsideinequation(27))andthedownwardslopingonesarerespectivelytheprivateand socialmarginalbenefitofanextraunitofk0(therighthandsideinequation(27)). 1918Theseresultsfollowsdirectlyfromtheassumptionmadeaboutthedeterminationofmargins: representation holds under modest conditions about F and ξ 19 . See online appendix for more details about uniqueness. ξ∈[ 0,1] andξThis <0. 0 k RHSM ar k et Mg. U 0 M ar k et 0 LHS(λ0) k RHSP l anner kP l anner 0 Figure5: Overinvestmentcase. Agraphicalanalysisoftheexternalities. Thefirstimportantpolicyimplicationofthispaperiscapturedinproposition2: Proposition2. Ifex-antetransfersarenotallowed,theplannerfindsno Pareto improvements . Proof. SeeAppendixA. Themainintuitionintheproofisthefollowing: inordertoimprovethewelfareoftheoutside consumers, the amount of capital chosen by the planner must be larger than the one in the decentralized market. But this imposes an extra constraint in kfor the entrepreneurs, reducing their welfare unless k00is the same as in the decentralized market. In general, if there is only one stateinwhichweareconcernedaboutafiresale,orinthecaseinwhichfiresalesinduc etransfers in the same direction between agents, the Walrasian effect of prices, which I call the risk sharing channel,issufficienttopreventtheexistenceofconstrainedParetoimprovements. Because this model assumes that the amount of equity is fixed (the initial endowment), any increaseink0canbeimmediatelytracedtocapitalrequirementsorleverageratios. Thisproposition impliesthatonlysetting capitalrequirements, withoutcreatingex-antetransfers, isnotenough to createParetoimprovements. Proposition2differsfromtherecentresultsinStein(2010),Bianchi(2010),Bianc hiandMendoza (2010) and Woodford (2011), in which a reduction of the amount of capital is enough to induce a Pareto improvement. In those models, a representative agent formulation merges borrowers and lenders to allow for implicit ex-post transfers. In other words, the authors neglect the Walrasian effectofpricesandonlyfocusonthecollateralchannel. Thecrucialassumptioninthosemodelsis 20 that the transfers between borrowers and lenders are welfare neutral, since the marginal utility of bothgroupsisidentical. Inmyformulation,thetermλ,becomesexactlyzerowhenθ= 1 and λC 1B= λU 1BC 1B-θλU 1B. In that situation, overinvestment in the decentralized market is the only possible outcome. In general, any model that collapses to a representative agent formulation will face the sameconcern. An interesting alternative environment is the one in which we set θ= 0 exogenously, i.e., the planner just wants to maximize the utility of the entrepreneurs. In that case, the new solution is alwaystoreducecapitalandimplementakplanner 0lessthankmarket 0. Thisprovidesaclearrationalefor aplannerthatcaresmoreaboutentrepreneursthanoutsideconsumerstocurtailex-anteinvestm ent andsettightcapitalrequirements. Some may argue that the representative agent framework, which shuts down the risk sharing channel, is the appropriate one through which to study aggregate models. Note that the same Walrasian mechanism that usually equates marginal rates of substitution to marginal rates of transformation is the one that creates the externality here. Arbitrarily removing that implication would be completely at odds with assuming that competitive markets determine the rest of the variablesinthemodel. 4.2 Transfers at t = 0 allowed If the planner can redistribute resources at t= 0 , the solution to the constrained problem varies considerably. Inthisnewsetup,theplannerisallowedtodesignatransferT20betweenentrepreneurs andoutsideconsumersatt= 0;T00>0 impliesapositivetransferfromentrepreneurstoconsumers andT0<0 viceversa. Withthisnewpolicyinstrument,theproblemtosolvebecomes: Subjecttothefollowingbudgetconstraintatt= 0: U(C0) + pBU(C1B) + pGU(C1G) + θ max k0,a0G,a0B,C0,C1G,C1B,T0 C + k0 + T0 = e0 -pGa0G -pBa0B (λ0) 0 Identicalbudgetconstraintsandborrowingconstraintstothosestatedin (18), (19), (20), (21), (22)and(23)alsoneedtohold. Therefore, theconditionsforoptimalityareidenticaltothosein(24), (25), (26)and(27), with theadditionof: 20TheconcavityofU,theexistenceoftwo-sidedcreditconstraintsandthefactthatentrepreneurs’endowmentsare finiteimplythatT0isbounded. Inasituationwithrisk-neutralityonbothsidesorwithoutborrowingconstraints,it maybenecessarytointroduceconstraintsintheamountofT0tohaveaboundedsolution. 21 U e + T0 + pB F T : λ0 = θ (28) 0 Thisconditionpinsdownthevalueofθ. Intuitively,theplannerequalizesthebenefitofshifting oneunitofconsumptionfromentrepreneurstoconsumers,representedbyθ,tothecostintermsof utilityforentrepreneurs,λ0. Bycombining (28)withtheEulerequationforcapital, wecanfindanequivalentexpressionto market 0Externality (p1 λ1B + As) + ν0sλ0[ 1 -ξ(p1s)] p1s + pB (27): λ0 s Margin + (1 -ξ) F k0 >kplanner 0 λE 1BλE 0 1= E λ1sλ0 λC 0 λC 1B p l a n n e r will be positive when k 0 ; 22 T 0 Riskshari ng Proof. SeeAppendixA. 0 forentrepreneurs, - 0B Proposition3. Whenex-antetransfersareallowed,aslongas λ1Bλ0-ξ F 0 Collateral λ1B λ0 (29) Thesignoftherisksharingtermdependsonthedifferencebetweentheratioofmarginalutilities ,andoutsideconsumers,equalto1 becauseoftheirriskneutrality. AsIdiscuss withmoredetailinsection6,inthecasewithriskaverseoutsideconsumers,therisksharingterm wouldlooklike. Witharepresentativeagentformulation,marginalutilitiesaretriviallyequalandtherisksharing term disappears. In that case, absent any binding price dependent credit constraint, the planner’s problemhasthesamesolutionasthedecentralizedmarket. Ifmarketsarecomplete,theintertemporal rates of substitution across states are equalized, ν= 0 and the whole externality term vanishes. ThiscomesfromtheFirstWelfareTheoremwithcompletemarkets. ThesignofthetransferTis easily determined after finding kand negative otherwise. = 1 (i.e.,constraintsbindand marketsarenotlocallycomplete)andξ>0 ,theplannercanimproveoverthedecentralizedoutcome. The intuition for this proposition is the following. In case 1, entrepreneurs really value having resourcesatt= 0 ,sotheyarebetteroffbyenjoyingmorefundsex-ante. Therefore,theplanneris temptedtocreateapositivetransferfromoutsideconsumerstoentrepreneursex-anteandinducea largerfiresaleinthebadstatetocompensatetheoutsideconsumers. Inotherwords,entrepreneurs increase their capital kat t= 0, when they value wealth the most, and then compensate outside consumers with an increased fire sale in the bad state. Nonetheless, inducing a large fire sale in thebadstatereducesthedebtcapacityoftheentrepreneurstowardsthatstate,creatingatradeoff for the planner through the collateral/margin mechanism. In general, the strength of both effects willdeterminewhetherover-orunderinvestmentwithrespecttotheconstrainedoptimumarisesin equilibrium. Undertheparticularassumptionsofthispaper,becauseν0B= λ,theexternality termcollapsesto λ1Bλ0-1 [ ξ+ ξ F ]; hence,unless|ξ 1B-λ021|islargeinabsolutevalue,underinvestment would arise. Note also that if margins are set to zero, the risk sharing and the collateral channel exactlycompensate,renderingaconstrainedefficientdecentralizedoutcome;thisisaknife-edgecase thatneednotbetrueinageneralversionwithmoreperiodsordifferenttradedassets. Finally,aplausibleadditionalconstraintontheplannercouldbeT0=0 ,thisis,ex-antesubsidies to entrepreneurs are not allowed. In that case, the Pareto improvements will exist only in case of overinvestment. In case 2, entrepreneurs are locally unconstrained, the planner cannot improve over the decentralizedoutcomeandclassicalParetoefficiencyintuitionapplies. In case 3, ν0B= 0 , so only the risk sharing channel is active. The planner optimally reduces the amount of capital chosen ex-ante by entrepreneurs, dampening the effect of the fire sale and makingentrepreneursbetteroffinthebadstate, wheretheyvaluewealththemost. Tomakethis modification acceptable for outside consumers, a positive transfer from entrepreneurs to outside consumersisdesignedatt= 0. Notethatinthissituation,theentrepreneurs’borrowingconstraint isnotbindinginthebadstate: entrepreneursrecognizethattheyvaluewealthalotinthebadstate andtheyactivelyarrangeinsurancetowardsthatstate. 5 Time inconsistency 22Timeinconsistencyproblemsarecommoninmacroeconomicpolicyenvironments. Tothebestof my knowledge, this paper provides a novel treatment of the time inconsistency problem faced by a planner in an environment with fire sales externalities. I only solve for the constrained efficient allocation,withoutdiscussingitsexplicitimplementationintheformofcapitalrequirementsortaxes. However,inasimpleenvironmentlikethis,thoseinterventionsarestraightforwardtocharacterize. Inordertoproceedwiththisnewanalysis,Imustaddathirdperiodtothemodel. Assumethat t= 0,1,2,withtheneweventtreerepresentingthemarginalutilityofwealthforentrepreneursgiven byfigure6. 21SeeappendixBforanexample. 22TheclassicreferencesfortimeinconsistencyinmonetarypolicyareKydlandandPrescott(1977)andBarroand Gordon (1983). Chari and Kehoe (1999) and Golosov, Tsyvinski and Werning (2007) discuss the time inconsistency problem in the Ramsey and Mirrlees traditions. Chari and Kehoe (2009) have recently studied time inconsistency problemsinanenvironmentwithbymoralhazard. Theusualmoralhazardstoryplaysnoroleinmymodel. 23 λ1G Fire Sale λ2G pG λ0 pB 1B λ2B Figure6: Threeperiodversion;valuesofmarginalutilityofwealth. Iassumethatinperiodt= 2,capitalcanbetransformedagainintotheconsumptiongoodona one-to-onebasis,p2= 1. Nowoutsideconsumersmustabsorbtheamountk0-k1B23ofthecapitalgood inthebadstate. Irestricttheanalysistothecaseinwhichentrepreneursarenetsellersofcapital inthebadstate,i.e.,k>0;thisassumptionimpliesthatthepriceofcapitalinthebadstate isp1B= F (k0-k1B0-k1B) =1 ,withF(0) = 1. Toeasetheexposition,Ieliminatethepricedependence ofmarginsbysettingξ(p1s ) = ξ,∀p1sandIdirectlyanalyzethesolutionfortheconstrainedplanner. As shown in the previous section, in order to allow for feasible Pareto improvements, the planner musthavetheopportunitytouseanex-antetransferT0. Therestoftheoriginalassumptionsstill holdandthenotationisextendednaturally. Note that this formulation embeds some notion of within period amplification: the more the entrepreneursengageinfiresalesinthebadstatebyincreasingk0-k1B,thedeeperthefir esalewill be,reducingtheirnetworthandmakingthemmorewillingtosellevenmorecapitalinorde rtokeep consumptionhigh. Ianalyzeamplificationanditsrelationtowelfarewithmoredetailinsection6. Underthesenewassumptions,theproblemsolvedbytheconstrainedplanneratt= 0 is U(C0) + E [ U(C1s) + U(C)] +θ Ce+ T0+ -k1]) -VC M pB(F(k0-k1) -F (k02s-k1) [ k0 24 max a0G,a0B,a1G,a, C0,C1G,C1B,C2G1B,C, k0,k1B,k1B,T0,2B Withbudgetconstraints: 23 1B Forthistohappeninequilibrium,theendowmentoftheentrepreneursmustbelowinthisstate(perhapsne gative) aswellastheirproductivityA. (30 ) Theymustalsohavesmallborrowingcapacityinthatparticularstate. 1G ) C+ k1G+ [ 1 + A Gλ1G 1B) k1B = e1B + F (k0 ] k1G-k1B) + A1B ] 1B k1B+ a1B = e2B 2B = e2G 1G 2G ) C+ F (k0-k) C+ [ 1 + A2B) C+ [ 1 + A2G+ a Andcreditconstraints: (pBλ1B k0 + a0B -a1B (p Bλ2B (pGλ2G) C 0 ) a0B=L0B(pBη0B) a0B=- 1 -ξ F (k00G-k1G=L1G(pGη1G) a1G=- 1 -ξ k1G(p) 0 (p ν a1B=L1B(pBη1B) a1B=- 1 -ξTheconstrainedplanneroptimalityconditionsare: k1BG(pBν1Gν1B 0 : (C0) = λ0 C1 : (C1) = λ1s,fors= G,B C2s : (C2) = λ2s,fors= G,B s U U U )a C ) B 0B =L (pGη0G) a0G = 1 k (pGν a 0G 0 -ξ 1B) k 0 G k :λ0 = DecentralizedMarketE [ λ1s(p1s+ 0 A1s)] + E [ ν0sp1s ] +pB Externality k0-k1B]Risksharing + ν F (k0-k1B) = λ2G (1 + A2G) + 1 ξ ν1G (3 1) k: λ k1B :F (k0 -k1B) λ1B λ= DecentralizedMarket2B(1 + A2B) + Externality 1 -ξ ν1B -k1B) (k0 Fk 0B 1G 0B (λ1B-θ) [ 1 -ξ k0Collateral 1G 0 - (λ1B-θ) [ k0-k1B]Risksharing + ν a0 : λ0 = λ1G +ν a : λ0 = λ1B G 0G 0B 0B -η0G -η a1 : λ1G = λ2G -η1G + ν1G a1B : λ1B = λ2B -η1B + ν1B G T : λ0 = θ 0 25 1 -ξ 0B (32 ) Collateral +ν ( (λ0 p -a 0G1G-pBa0B] k0+ a -pGa0G = e0 + T0 + = e 1G 1G Thefactthattheexternalitytermenterssymmetricallybutwithoppositesignin(31)and(32) clearly shows that the constrained planner’s optimal policy entails adjustments both in kand in k1B. Notealsothattherisksharingtermdependsontheamountoffiresoldcapitalk0-k0butthe collateralandmargintermsareonlyafunctionoftheamountofthecapitalk01Bheldbetweent= 0 andt= 1. Insteadofdiscussingallthepossibleequilibriumcombinations,Ifocusonthemostrelevantcases bymakingthefollowingassumption. Assumption 2. a) In equilibrium, the marginal utility of wealth in the bad state is strictly larger thanatt= 2: λ1B>λ2B. b)Themarginalutilityatt= 0 islargerthanthemarginalutilityinthe goodstateatperiodst= 1 andt= 2: λ0>λ1G>λ2G. Assumption2.a)impliesthatentrepreneursvaluewealthmoreatt= 1 inthebadstatethanin therecoveryatt= 2. Thisassumptioncanonlyariseinequilibriumiftheentrepreneursborrowing constraintatt= 1 inthebadstatebinds. Assumption2.b)simplystatesthattheentrepreneursare alwayswillingtohittheirborrowingconstraintsinthegoodstateatperiodst= 1 andt= 2. This lastassumptionplaysnoroleintheresultsandcanbeeasilymodified. I consider two particular cases. These are analogous to cases 1 and 3 in proposition 1: a) λ1B, in this case entrepreneurs value wealth the most in the bad state at t = 1 , so they areactivelyarranginginsurancetowardsthatstateandtheborrowingconstraintdoesnotbind;b) λ0> λ>λ1B0,inthiscaseentrepreneurshaveveryappealinginvestmentopportunitiesex-ante,sothey hittheirborrowingconstrainttowardsthebadstate. Sincetheplannerdoesnotinterveneinthegoodstate,thereisnoreasontochangepolicythere. Let’s set up instead the new problem for the constrained planner at t= 1 in the bad state. Note that k0is no longer a control variable and that VC M,1Bdenotes the utility achieved by the outside consumersunderthedecentralizedmarketconditionalonbeinginthebadstateatt= 1. 0B even when a0Bwillchangethemarketvalueofthecolla Observethatchangesink1 U(C1B) + U(C2B) + θ e + eC + F(k0 -k1B) -F C 1 andguaranteepositiveconsumption. (k0 -k1B) [ k0 -k1B ] -VC M,1B 2 max k1B,a1B,C1B,C2B 0B,generating the possibility that entrepreneurs decide not to repay. To simplify the analysis, I have opted for assuming that the entrepreneurs honor their inherited debta under the new allocation. I additionally impose the restriction that entrepreneurs always have sufficientresourcestorepaya0B 26 2B 1B 1B 1B = e1B + F (k0 -k1B) + A1B ] = e2B (η k k1B+ a1B (ν1B) =-=L1B 2B k0 2B + a0B -a1B 1B 1 B (λ + ( ) C+ [ 1 + A2B) a) a1 -ξ1B 1B 1 Theoptimalityconditionsfortheconstrainedplanneratt= k k 1 B 0 1 F (λ1B (33) C inthebadstatearegivenby: B ) k 1 B :U C (C1B) = λ1B k1B :F (k0 -k1B) λ1B C2B : (C ) = λ2B U = λ2B (1 + A2B) + 1 -ξ a1B : λ1B = λ2B -η +ν ν 1B (λ1BExternality-θ) [ k0-k1B] F (k0-k1B) Itis obviousthat thetermcorrespondingtotheborrowingconstraint disappears fromthenew Euler equation for capital for the planner. The intuition is clear: higher prices during a fire sale increaseex-anteborrowingcapacity,sincetheyrelaxborrowingconstraintsbyincreasingthevalueof collateralorrelaxingmargins. Inordertokeephighpricesduringthefiresale,theplannercommits ex-ante to an ex-post inefficiently high level ofk. Once the fire sale state arrives, a planner has noincentivetointroduceadistortioninthespotmarket: thisresultsinatimeinconsistencypolicy. Notethatthiskindoftimeinconsistencyonlyariseswhentheborrowingconstraintsbinds,thatis whenλ0>λ1B1B. What about the risk-sharing term? We have to consider three different cases depending on whetherweallowtheplannertousevarioustransfers: 1. Nolumpsumtransfers: Inthiscase,ananalogousresulttoproposition2forcesθ= λ, whichmakestheexternalitytermequaltozeroandpreventstheplannerfromfindingaPareto improvement. Theplannerdecidestosetanewk1B1Bdifferentfromtheonesetintheex-ante problem. Thisvalueofkcorrespondstothedecentralizedallocationconditionalonagiven choiceofk0,C0,a0G,a0B1BandT0. 2. A new lump sum transfer T1B: allowing for this transfer would also imply θ= λ1B, so the planner would implement the same allocation as that without any transfer. Intuitively, allowingforatransferinthefiresalestateisnothelpful,sincetheplannerwasalreadyableto redistributeresourcesinthatstatethroughpricechanges. 3. Anex-postlumpsumtransferT2B: thistransferwouldimplyθ= λ2B. Withthispolicy instrument,itispossiblefortheplannertofindaParetoimprovementfromat= 1 perspective. Ifλ1B>λ0>λ2Btheplannerwoulddecidetokeepahigherk1thantheoneoriginallychosen 27 andthenintroducealargeex-postcompensationtotheoutsideconsumers. Ifλ, theplannerwouldchooseak11B>λ2B>λ0smallerthantheonechosenatt= 0 butlargerthantheinduced by the decentralized market at t= 1. When λ, the planner always chooses ex-postalevelofk10>λ1Blargerthantheoptimaloneex-ante.>λ2B Hence,forallthreetypesoftransfers,theex-anteconstrainedefficientpolicyisalsotimeinconsistent duetorisksharingconsiderations. Theintuitionfortherisksharingmechanismwhentheconstrained planner initially wants to have a small fire sale is the following: since the price is given by p1B= F (k0-k1B),aplannercanreducethefiresaleeitherbyreducingtheamountofkheldor byincreasingtheamountofk1B0. Inordertominimizedistortions,weexpecttheplannertoadjust onbothmargins. Oncethebadstatearrives,unlesstheplannercanuseanex-posttransferT,the implicittransferdesignedbytheplannerthroughahighk12Bisoptimallyundonebythedecentralized trading between agents, so the planner finds it optimal to implement the market solution. When anex-posttransferT2Bisallowed, theconstrainedplannercanagainredistributeresourcesamong agentsbyreducingthefiresaleandcompensatingtheoutsideconsumersex-post. Inanycase, the planner’ssolutionatt= 1 inthebadstatewillnotcoincidewiththeex-anteoptimalone. Whenthe constrainedplannerwouldliketoinducealargefiresale,theoppositelogicapplies. Inthiscase,the constrainedplanner’ssolutionasksforalargek0andasmallk1B. Oncethebadstateatt= 1 occurs, thereisnoreasonforentrepreneurstochooselesscapitalk1Bthaninthedecentralizedallocation, makingtheoriginalpolicytimeinconsistent. Wecansummarizetheresultsofthissectioninproposition4: Proposition4.Theoptimalpolicyforaconstrainedefficientplanneristimeinconsistent. Allthree channels,risksharing,collateralandmargin,inducetimeinconsistency. Proof. Itfollowsfromthediscussioninthetext. A natural step after identifying the time inconsistency problem is to characterize the time consistent constrained efficient policy. In this simply environment, the natural way to tackle this problem is by backwards induction: first, the planner solves for its optimal policy at period1 and then takes into account its solution in the ex-antet= 0 stage. In practical terms, the problem to solveisidenticaltotheonediscussedinsection4.2,withtheexceptionthatweneedtoaddequations (33)and(34)asconstraintsintheplannerproblem. Unfortunately,thecharacterizationofthetime consistentpolicyneednotbeparticularlyintuitive. Ithusrelegatethesolutionofthetimeconsistent problemtotheonlineappendix. Themainupshotofthatexerciseisthatthetimeconsistentex-ante policyinthecasethatoriginallyfeaturesoverinvestmentcanimplyaklargerorsmallerthantheone inthedecentralizedmarket. Theintuitionforthisresultisthatk10nowdependsendogenouslyonk, andakeyquantityfortheplanneristhedifferencek0-k1B. Ifk1B0reactsmorethanproportionally withk0,itmaybeoptimaltoallocatemorecapitalex-antetotheentrepreneurs,sincek0-k1Bwill 28 be smaller and the fire sale reduced. In general, the final effects will depend on productivityA1B and A2B, borrowing ability ξand the entrepreneurs’ attitude towards risk. The reverse reasoning canapplywhenthetimet= 0 policypresentsunderinvestment. Finally, how should we interpret these time inconsistency results in actual policy terms? The actual implications for time inconsistency of both the risk sharing and collateral externalities are extremelydifferent. Thereasoningbehindthetimeinconsistencyforthecollateralchannel,although natural inside the model, seems counterintuitive in reality: we don’t see policymakers reducing prices in crisis states because this high prices had already fulfilled their duty of allowing ex-ante borrowing. A compelling reason not to observe this policy behavior is that, by reducing prices in stresssituations,thepossibilityofdefault,whichIhaveassumedaway,mayrisesubstantiallywith negativeconsequencesforotherreasonsunmodeledhere. Fromapolicyperspective,therisksharingmechanismhasamuchmoreappealinginterpretation. Assume that we are in the most realistic situation, which corresponds to case 3 in proposition 1; entrepreneursparticularlyvalueresourcesinthebadstate. Inthiscase,sincetheconstrainedplanner wants to keep high prices in the bad state, he will decide to implement two different measures: a capitalrequirementtoreduceinitialinvestmentkandsomethingequivalenttoalenderoflast resortpolicytoincreasethelevelofk10(i.e., reducingtheamountoffiresoldcapital)duringthe crisis. Once the crisis state actually arrives, if the planner can shift even more resources towards entrepreneursbyraisingpricesandcompensatingoutsideconsumerswithanex-posttransfer,hewill gladlyadoptthispolicy. Thisisthebehaviorthatweusuallyobserveinactualpolicymaking. Ifthis transferisnotavailable,theplannercannotfindParetoimprovementssoheisforcedtoreplicatethe decentralized market solution, which implies a lower k1than the originally expected. In this case, anactualpolicymakerwouldprobablydisregardtheParetocriterion,downweightingthewelfareof outsideconsumersandeffectivelyavoidingthefallinprices. 6 Discussion of the results Table1summarizesthemainresultsofthepaper: Cases λ0 andλ1B k 0 Case1: Maximumex-anteborrowing λ0 >λ1B >λ1G = λ1B >λ1G >λ0 >λ1G kmarket 0 Q kplanner 0 kmarket 0 = kplanner 0 kmarket 0 >kplanner 0 Overinvestmen t 29 Over-orUnderinvestm ent Case2: Constraintsdonotbindlocally λ0NoExternalities Case3: Insufficientinsurance λ1B Table1: Summaryoftheresults Ingeneral,thecollateralandmarginchannelsalwaysworkinthedirectionofoverinvestment,but therisksharingchannelcanworkineitherdirection. Aslongastherisksharingchanneliseliminated, asitiswhenweassumearepresentativeagentformulation,theplanner’ssolutionimpliesareduction intheamountofk0chosen. Observethatintherepresentativeagentcase,thisreductionwilltrivially generateaParetoimprovement,evenintheabsenceoftransfers. An important conclusion of this paper is that Pareto improvements are hard to find in fire sale environments when the planner properly accounts for heterogeneity and lacks the option of arrangingex-antetransfers. PreviousworkinthisliteraturehasemphasizedtheexistenceofPareto improvements,butthispapershowsthatthoseonlyariseunderveryspecificassumptions. However, the lack of Pareto improving policies does not mean that the externalities described here are not important or that capital regulations should be disregarded. My results highlight nonetheless that distributionalconsiderationsshouldbetakenintoaccountbythepolicymakerandthatacost-benefit analysisapproachshouldbeused;thediscussioninDrezeandStern(1987)abouttheParetocriterion directlyappliestothissituation. Togaindeeperintuition,IpresenttheconstrainedplannerEulerequationforcapitalinthethree periodcasewhereanex-antetransferisallowedandwherebothentrepreneursandoutsideconsumers areriskaverseagents. Thisrequiresanendogenouschoiceofk1Bdifferentfromk241B= 0 ,asinthe timeinconsistencysection. Theequivalentexpressiontoequation(29)isnow(35). Themultipliers oftheentrepreneursarerepresentedwithasuperscriptEandthoseoftheoutsideconsumerswitha superscriptC. C 1B 1 = E λE (p1s + As E 0s) + [ 1 -ξ(p1s)] p1s [ ] E 0B+ + λE 1sλE 0 νλE 0 1BλE 0 k 0 νλE 0 0 Externality λC Margin + (1 -ξ) -ξ F 0 1 1B ∆p 1B + pB λ -k1BRisksharing CollateralThe two key differences with respect to (29) are the following: a) the amount of asset fire sold k-kisthekeyvariablethatdeterminestherisksharingexternalitybut,sincekplaysnorole indeterminingex-anteborrowingcapacity,onlytheamountofk0E 1Bheldaffectsboththemarginand collateralchannels;b)thedifferencebetweentheratioofintertemporalmarginalratesofsubstitution of entrepreneurs with respect to outside consumers is the key term that determines the size of the risk sharing externality. (35) clearly shows that when markets are complete, i.e.,E 0and ν0B= 0, firesaleexternalitiesdonotmatter. ξ F =∆ξ/p 1Bλλ,whichdenotesthesemi-elasticityof marginswithrespecttopricesseemstobeaninterestobjectforfutureempiricalwork. AlsoF ,the sensitivityofprices,and1 -ξ,thepledgeabilitycoefficient,areempiricallyrelevantterms. 24Seetheonlineappendixformoredetailsonthederivation. 30 λ Another significant conclusion of this paper is that amplification mechanisms and welfare implicationsareconceptuallytwoindependentphenomena. Thisstatementisnotclearintheprevious literature. Thesimpletwoperiodversionofmymodelpresentsthethreetypesofexternalitiesbut lacksanykindofamplificationmechanism,sincetheentrepreneursarealwaysforcedtosellalltheir capital in any event. When I introduce the three period formulation, both demand and supply of capitalk0-k1B25aredownwardsloping,creatingamplification: alowerendowmentinthebadstate forces entrepreneurs to sell more capital, which reduces its price and makes entrepreneurs poorer, which makes them fire sell a larger amount, reducing prices even more, and so on. However, this amplification mechanism will also exist when credit constraints are not binding and markets are effectively complete in equilibrium (the equivalent situation to case 2 in proposition 1). We know that,inthatcase,theeconomyisefficient: thesetwocasesshowhowassociatingamplificationand welfaremaybeseriouslymisleading. Thisdecouplingresultemphasizesthattheexistenceofa“crisis”withverylowpricesdoesnot justify a government intervention per se: a particular market failure has to be addressed by the policymaker. That said, the quantitative importance of the externalities will be larger if there are amplification mechanisms that generate deeper fire sales. Since p0= 1 is fixed in my model, no dynamic forward looking mechanisms such as those presented in Kiyotaki and Moore (1997) play a role. In that model, a binding price dependent borrowing constraint can simultaneously create amplificationandexternalities. Thisdynamicmechanismwillgenerateamplification,butthesources oftheexternalitieswillbeexactlytheonesdescribedinthispaper. Throughout the paper, I have adopted the assumption that entrepreneurs follow price taking behavior. If some entrepreneurs were aware of their non-infinitesimal size, they would internalize part of their effect on prices, modifying the effect of the externality. The larger the size of those agents, the greater the welfare transfer from the outside consumers. In my model, theθ= 0 case is a monopolist that fully internalizes its impact on prices and doesn’t care about the welfare of others. Therefore, he would always set a smaller k0than in the price-taking case, hurting outside consumers. Ingeneral,othercombinationsofnoncompetitivebehaviorcouldeasilybeexploredinside myframework. In appendix B, I discuss the case with a single risk-free asset, instead of two state contingent securities. That case is closer to reality than the main formulation of the paper in a particular aspect: in that situation, it is possible to have an entrepreneur who hits the borrowing constraint and who also believes that having resources in the crisis state is more valuable than at the initial period (λ1B>λ0). This is possible because now the entrepreneurs evaluate the benefits of riskless borrowingbyconsideringtheexpectedrisk-adjustedreturns,asinλ0= pGλ1G+ pBλ1B-η0+ ν, insteadofmakingthatcomparisonstatebystate,asinλ0= λ1B-η0B+ ν0B0. Underthisparticular 25Section6intheonlineappendixshowsaclarifyinggraph. 31 equilibriumconfiguration,aslongastheentrepreneurshittheirborrowingconstraints,thereisalways goingtobeoverborrowing. Thisresultisveryintuitive: entrepreneursdonotinternalizethatthefire saleinthebadstatedepressesitsborrowingcapacityatthesametimethatitreducestheirwealth inthestatewheretheyvalueitthemost. Twoimportantlessonscanbedrawnfromthecomparisonbetweentheleadingcaseinthepaper andtheonediscussedinappendixB.First,theoverallwelfareeffectsduetopecuniaryexternalities cruciallydependonthesetoftradableassets. Hence,quantitativeworkmustbeparticularlycareful whenspecifyingthesetoftradingopportunities. Second,thefactthatagentslackstatecontingent insuranceinfiresalestatesmakesthedesiredoverborrowingresultmorelikely, sinceboththerisk sharing and collateral/margin channels work in the same direction. This last result is of extreme importance,sincetheremaybeastrongerrationaleforsettingtightcapitalrequirementswhenthere arenoopportunitiestoarrangestatecontingentborrowing. 26Finally, thispaperhasfocusedonlyontherealeffectsoffiresales. Anunexploredandfruitful avenue for future research would be to append a nominal side to the model and to study how a monetaryauthority’sinfluenceonpricesandwagesinteractswithallthechannelsdescribedhere. 7 Conclusion This paper has shown how pecuniary externalities matter for fire sales. Two main mechanisms, pricedrivenredistributionandborrowingcapacity,throughcollateralvalueandmargintightening, determinetheextenttowhichaconstrainedplannercanachieveParetoimprovementswithrespect tothedecentralizedcompetitivemarket. Eventhoughtheultimaterootofallthreechannelsisthe presence of some form of market incompleteness, the way this incompleteness affects decentralized outcomesispatentlydifferent. Thispaperisthefirsttoidentifythetimeinconsistencyproblemfacedbyaconstrainedplannerin anenvironmentwithpecuniaryexternalities. Allthreechannelsaresubjecttothetimeinconsistency concern. Iadditionallyemphasizehowfinancialamplificationmechanismsandpecuniaryexternalities areingeneralindependentphenomena. My results show that a planner cannot improve the decentralized outcome unless he decides to disregard distributional considerations or is allowed to use ex-ante transfers. For instance, the exclusive use of capital requirements is not enough to create Pareto improvements as long as the welfareofthebuyersoffiresoldassetsisproperlytakenintoaccount. A necessary first step to guide the much needed financial regulatory reform is to identify the failuresofthemarketmechanism: Ihopethatthetractabilityandscalabilityofmyresultshelpto focusfuturediscussionsaboutfiresalesandpecuniaryexternalitiesinthiscontext. 26Inthispaper,Ihavenotconsideredproductionandlaborsupplydecisionsorwagedetermination. model,thoseeffectscanpotentiallyinteractwiththeonespresentedhere. 32 Inalargerscale APPENDIX 8 App endix A: Pro ofs 8.1 Pro of of prop osition 2: Proof. Withouttransfers, theindirectutilityoftheoutsideconsumersdependsdirectlyonk. We can therefore write V C j(k0) = -pBF kC 0 kC 00>0 by using the envelope condition. This implies thatinordertofindaParetoimprovement, anecessaryconditioniskPlanner 0. However, weknowthat,atthedecentralizedequilibrium,amarginalchangeink0Market 0=kmodifiestheindirectutility oftheentrepreneursbypBλ1BF (k0) k0<0 inanyofthethreeequilibriadiscussedinproposition1. Thisresultcanbeeasilyderivedusingagaintheenvelopecondition. Therefore,ifk, priceswillbelowerinthefiresale,necessarilyhurtingentrepreneurs. Thus,theonlyfeasiblepolicy fortheconstrainedplannerwithouttransfersistosetkPlanner 0= kMarket 0.Planner 0>kMarket 0 8.2 Pro of of prop osition 3: λ1BProof. Iproceedbyanalyzingtheanalogouscasestoeachofthethreecasesdescribedinproposition 1. Incase1,λ0<1 ,ν0B>0 andη0B= 0. Itisusefultorewrite,bysubstitutingν0B= λ, the externality term in (27) as pB λ1Bλ0-1 [ ξ+ ξ F ] F k0. If margins are fixed and ξ 0-λ1B= 0, or more generally when -, then we would expect the externality term to be negative. If this happens, then kmarket 0ξ F <ξ<k planner 0, T0<0 and the entrepreneurs underinvest in the decentralized market. If we constrain our solution to T0=0, then the solution would imply kmarket 0= kξ F >ξ ,thenkmarket 0<kplanner 0andT0planner 0. When->0. Thecasewithξ= 0 istheknifeedgesituation inwhichtherisksharingandcollateralchannelsexactlycancel. λ1BIncase2,noconstraintsbindtowardsthebadstate,therefore,marketsarelocallycomplete,this is, λ0= 1 andν0B= η0B= 0. Consequently,kmarket 0= kplanner 0andTλ1B= 0. Incase3,λ0>1 ,ν0B= 0,η0B>0. Thisimpliesthatkmarket 0>k0andapositivetransfer T0planner 0>0 isimplemented. ThiscaseisanalogoustotheleadingcaseinLorenzoni(2008). 33 9 App endix B: The case of a single noncontingent asset In this formulation, instead of having two state contingent securities, I assume that entrepreneurs can only use a risk-free bond. The rest of the notation and the assumptions are identical to main case discussed in the paper. Since this bond is traded by the outside consumers and they are risk neutral with discount factor of 1 , both its price and return must be equal to 1 . Using again an argumentàlaHartandMoore(1994),Iassumethattheamountentrepreneurscanborrowex-ante is limited by the maximum amount that can be recovered by the outside consumers in the worst case scenariop1Bk0. I append once again the margin correction1 -ξ(p) to the borrowing limit and appeal to section 2 of the paper to justify its relevance. Sincep1B1Bis always smaller than p1G by assumption, the borrowing constraint can be written as a0 =-min {[ 1 -ξ(p1s)] p1sk0 1s)] p1sk0}= [ 1 -ξ(p1B)] p1Bk0 U(C0) + pGU(C1G) + pBU(C1B) max k0,a0,C0,C1G,C1B = e0 -q0a0+ [ (λ0 +a p 1G =e + AG] k 1G =e +[ p1B (p λ1G (p +a + AB] k 1B 0 ) C 0)] C p1Bk 0 C 0 = λ k λ0 = E [ λ1s (p1s + As)] + ν0 1 0 -ξ ( ) F k F (k0) 0 1B 1B 34 1B 0 0 . Thedecentralizedversionofthisproblemisthen:}, where min {[ 1 -ξ(p 1B ) C1G 0 0 C0 + p0k0 0 0 0 (ν : U (C ) = λ1G G B 1B )λ ) C) a= L (η) a=-[ 1 -ξ(p1B0 Withthefollowingfirstorderconditionsforoptimalityinequilibrium: 0 1G : U (C1B) = λ1B 1B 1G :U (C0 1 0 + ν0 ] -η = E [ a0 :λ0 s :p0 λ As described in the paper, depending on the value of λ0, λ1G and λ >λ or with λ0 <λ1B. This last situation, when λ0 <λ there can be different type of equilibria. The most interesting case to consider here is the one with a binding borrowing constraintν>0 . Notethatwithasinglerisk-freeassetwecanhaveabindingborrowingconstraint at t= 0 with λ, appears to be the mostinterestingonefromanempiricalviewpoint. Inthatcase,theentrepreneursvaluewealththe mostinthebadstate. Hence,iftheyhadaccesstostatecontingentsecurities,theywouldarrange insuranceforthebadstate,however,theystillhittheirborrowingconstraintex-antesincetheycan onlyuseanassetthatisnotstatecontingent. Proceedinginthesamewayasinthesection4inthepaper,wecanwritetheEulerequationfor capitalfortheconstrainedplanneras: 0 0= DecentralizedMarketE [ λ1s(p1s+ B λ0 λ0 p B As)] + ν0(1 -ξ) F p+ ExternalityB(λ1B-ξ) F k0 0,equaltoλ0-λ1B. 0 Let’sthenrewritethe 0 1B Gλ Theotheroptimalityconditionsremainidenticaltotheonesinthedecentralizedmarket. Ifwe allowforex-antetransfers,λ= θ. Thevalueofνinthecasewithstatecontingent assets,nowbecomesν= λ0-pGλ1G-pBλ1B -1 + pG λ1G + p λ1B -1 -ξ F + (1 -ξ) F k λ0 λ1Bλ0 Theimportanceofhavingasinglecontingentassetisthatnowwecanhavethecasewithν>0 and λ0. In that situation, there is always going to be overinvestment. The intuition is thefollowing: theentrepreneursvaluehavingresourcesinthebadstatemorethanex-anteandthan in the good state: λ1B. Nonetheless, they borrow as much as they can and have to repay a= -[ 1 -ξ(p>λ1B)] p0>λ1Bk01Gin the bad state. Why? For this to happen we must have that λ1G+ pBλ1B. 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Inthesenotesthere isasinglestateandthereisnoprice-dependentmarginmechanism. Mostoftheinsightsremainthesame. Therearetwodates, t= 0,1. Therearetwoagents: entrepreneurs(mainactors)andoutsideconsumers (they provide the downward sloping demand for assets in the fire sale). There are two goods: consumption goods (fruit) and capital goods (trees). Entrepreneurs are risk averse, maximize U(C0) + U(C) and have endowmentsofconsumptiongood(fruit)ofe0ande11. Theyhavetochooseconsumption(offruit)C0andC, theamountofcapitalk01toholdbetween0 and1 (thenumberoftreestoplant),andwhethertosaveorborrow a0in a risk-free asset denominated in consumption good. Each unit of capitalk0held by the entrepreneurs producesAunitsofconsumptiongoodsatt= 1. The consumption good is the numeraire, so p0 and p1 00 1 = F = k0), generates p1 = F (k0 kC 1 andthat,inequilibrium(sinceallcapital 1 2 is sold, yielding kC 1 k C1 - p kC 1, with FOC p 1 =F kC 1 . 0 1 2 denote the prices of capital at t= 0 and t= 1 respectively. Iassumethatatt= 0,consumptiongoodsandcapitalgoodscanbetransformedonaone-to-one basis,whatpinsdownthepriceofcapital(trees)att= 0 top= 1. Outside consumers are risk neutral, do not discount the future and have large endowments, so they pin downinequilibriumreturnontheriskfreeassettoq= 1 (netinterestrateis0 ). Inperiodt= 1,theyruna concavetechnologywithcapitalthatimpliesapricep ). Any other assumptions that imply a downward sloping demandcurvewouldalsowork(e.g.,thebuyersoftheassethavelimitedrisk-bearingcapacity). Notethat,in periodt= 0,theoutsideconsumershavenoproductiontechnology,andtheyareonlyrelevanttodetermine theamountaofborrowing/lending. Thetimesubscript0 or1 denotestheperiodinwhichanendogenousvariableischosen. We usually assume this in, for instance, the basic version of the neo classical growth mo del. 1 1 They solve the problem max C1 F k U(C0) + U(C1) (1) max 1.1 Decentralizedproblem ,a0,C0,C1 Entrepreneurssolvethefollowingproblem: k0 Subjecttothefollowingconstraints: 1 0 = e0 -q0a0+ [ (λ0 + a0 = e1 p1 (λ1 atpricep0 0 0 0 p 0 0 k0 ( ν 0,investink0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 p1k0 1 1k 0 p 2 Notethat,ifinsteadofusinga Lagrangian: + p0k0 ) (2) C+ A] C k) (3) a=0 (η) (4) a= 1 ξ1) (5)(2)istheinitialbudgetconstraint. 0 TheentrepreneurscanconsumeC(givenmy assumptions,p= 1)withtheendowmente,saveifa>0 orborrowifa<0. (3)isthebudgetconstraintinperiod1 . Sincetheworldends,allcapitalissold(k= 0). Theentrepreneurs consumetheirendowment,plusthefruitAkandsellthetreesatthepricep. Theyrepaytheirdebtsifthey borrowed(a<0) orconsumetheamountsavedifa>0. (4)impliesthatagentscannotsave. ThisequationcanbemotivatedàlaHolmstrom-Tirolebythelackof stores of value. The outside consumers that provide credit cannot commit and can steal everything. In the paper,Ihavetheconstrainta0= Linsteadofa=0. Lcanbethoughtastheamountofstoresofvaluein theeconomy. (4)isaclassicborrowingconstraintalaHart-Moore94. Thefruitcanbestolen,soisnotpledgeable. Only i default,sotheactualborrowingcapacityis 1 ξ. borretreep0eis owin salloweDependingonwhichconstraint(4)or(5)bindsinequilibrium,wewillhavedifferentwelfareimplications. gupt d. The collateral channel is due to the fact that pappears on the constraint (5), so only when that constraint othe Iassume marthatafra ketvction (5)binds that channel will app ear. However,as long as any of the two credit constraints (4) or (5) ξislostw alue binds, the risk sharing channel will play a role in equilibrium ofthhenther = 1ξ 1k asborrowingconstraint,weusea 1.1.1 Optimality conditions 0 0 =0 (thisis,thetrees cannot be pledged at all by the entrepreneurs), the collateral channel would immediately disappear. That would imply that both borrowing and lending are forbidden (i.e., in that case there are no asset markets). That is exactly the assumption that we would find in the literature on exogenous incomplete markets. In otherwords,exogenouslyspecifiedincompletemarketscanbeunderstoodastheparticularcaseofborrowing constraintsthatarecompletelytight,a= 0 inmyformulation. The main problem of using the one-state version of the model is that in order for (4) to bind, we need tohaveentrepreneursthatsave. Withtwostates, theentrepreneurscouldborrowatt= 0 butstillarrange insuranceatthesametimeforthebadstateatt= 1. L= U(C0) + U(C1) -λ0 FirstsetofFOC’s: :U (C0) = λ0 (C1) = λ1 C0 [ + p0k0 + q0a0] -λ C0 1 [ -[ p1 + A] k0 -a0] -η0a0 C1 + ν0 a+ 1 -ξ p1k0 0 :U C1 a : λ0 = 0 q Imp ortant FOC (Eulerequationforcapital): -η0 + ν0 0 λ 1 (A+ p1) + ν0 1 ξ p1 1.1.2 Optimality conditions in equilibrium p 0 λ 0 Imposingtheequilibriumconditions,thedecentralizedsolutionisfullycharacterized. Thisis: a :λ 0 = λ1 -η0 + ν0 0 C0 :U (C0) = λ0 C1 :U (C1) = λ1 = λ1 (A+ F 1 C (k0)) + ν0 1ξ F 0(k0 0 CM CM Ce NotethatVC M k0,a0,C0,C1,T0 And ) Thislastequationisthecrucialone,anditwillbecomparedtotheplanner’ssolution. 1.2 Constrainedplanner’sproblem Theplannersolvesthesameproblemasthedecentralizedagent,butheaddstheconstraint: λ 0 + (F(k0) -F (k0) k0 0 Utilityforoutsideconsumersindecentralizedproblem 0 + T0 max ) Utilityforoutsideconsumersunderplanner’ssolution = Visagivennumber,sothisconstraintcanbethoughtofasaparticipationconstraintforthe outsideconsumers. Alsonoticehow,giventheriskneutralityofoutsideconsumers,anyborrowingandlending plays no role in their welfare. Let’s define θas the Lagrange multiplier of this constraint, that will bind in equilibrium. Theplannermaximizes: ) + U(C ) + θ e + T0 + (F(k ) -F (k ) ) -V 3 U(C k C e isthelargeendowmentofconsumptiongoodofoutsideconsumers(wecanthinkthateC isapossibleex-antetransfer. T0 >0 impliestransfersforentrepreneurstoconsumers,andT0 < 0 vice vers a. Asdi scus sedi nthe main text,i fexante tran sfers aren otall owe d,th erea reno feasi bleP aret oimp rove men ts. S ub je ctt ot he fol lo wi ng co ns tra int s: 0 0 +[ F 0 F 0 +a (k0) + (ν0 A] k 1 1 0 = eC + eC 1). 0 T0 0 0) k0 λ ( 1 0 N ot et ha tth ep la nn eri m po se st he eq uil ibr iu m pri ce sb ef or e m ax im izi ng . N ot ea ls ot ha tth isf or m ul ati on im pli cit all o w st he pl an +k ) C= e C (λ -a = e + T0 0 =0 (η) a= 1 -ξ 0 0 ) (k ) a ne rto tra ns fer re so ur ce so fth ec on su m pti on go od . If w et ak eli ter all yt he int er pr et ati on th at co ns u m pti on go od s ca nn ot be pl ed ge d, w e ha ve to ad mi t th at w e ar e im pli cit ly gi vi ng th e pl an ne r an ad dit io na la bil ity wi thr es pe ctt ot he m ar ke tp art ici pa nt s. 1.2. 1 Opti mali ty/E quili briu m con ditio ns Fu llL ag ra ng ia n: L= U(C0) + U(C -λ0 [ C0 )+ θ e+ q0a0C ] -λ1 0 + p (F(k B -V 0 ) -F CM 0 ) (k k StandardFOC’s: C0 :U (C0) = λ0 C1 :U (C1) = λ1 FOCforT0: In tu iti o n: in or de rto ha ve an int eri or so lut io nf ort he tra ns fer s,t he m ar gi na lc os tof m ov in g w ea lth fro m en tre pr en eu rs 0 a a :λ 0 = λ1 -η0 + ν0 0 θ = λ 0 0 +T 0 10 (k ) k 0a] -η -a ) + A] k (k0 -[ F [ + p0k0 C1 λ0 m us tb ee qu alt ot he m ar gi na lb en efi tof th ee ntr ep re ne ur θ( si nc et he ya re ris kn eu tra l). Im p or ta nt F O C (E ul er eq ua tio nf or ca pit al) : = DecentralizedTerm 1(F (k0 (λRisk-Sharing +) λ0 k0F (k0 4 C oll at er al λ) + A) + 1 ξ ν0F (k0) + Externality1-θ) 1 -ξ ν0k0F (k) 0:0 S ub sti tut in gθ = λ Collateral Twointerestingcasesariseinequilibriumdependingonwhichconstraintbinds: •Case 1: Only savings constraint binds (ν0= 0 ) - OVERINVESTMENT - ONLY RISK SHARING CHANNEL Entrepreneurswanttosavefrom0 to1 . Theyhittheirsavingsconstraint,therearenostoresofvalueinthe economy. Since they want to save, this means that they value wealth more at t= 1 than at t= 0, this is λ>λ0. Thefirstorderconditionsinthatcaselookslike ) k0F (k0 + Externality1-λ0) = λ 0 DecentralizedTerm 1(F (k0 λ) k 0F (k (λ) 1-λ 00 + A) + 1 ξ ν0p1 0 0) + A) + 1 -ξ ν0p1 k0F ν 1 λ 0 = DecentralizedTerm 1(F (k0 λ) + A) + 1 -ξ ν0F (k0) + Externality1-λ0) k0F (k0 (λ) Risk-Sharing + 1 -ξ ν0k0F (k0) λ0 1 Risk-sharing Sincetheexternalitytermisnegative,rememberthatF<0 andλ>0,theplannerwantstoreduce investmentex-ante,thereisoverinvestment. Intuition: entrepreneursreallyvaluehavingresourcesinthefuture,buttheylackstoresofvalue. Since they do not internalize their effect in prices, they fire sale too much in t= 1 . A planner would reduce k, reducingthefiresaleandtransferringwealthviathispricechangetotheentrepreneursint= 1. Tocompensate theoutsideconsumers, wholosewiththisincreaseinprice, aplannerwouldgivensomepositivetransferT ex-ante. •Case 2: Collateral constraint binds (ν>0) - OVER OR UNDERINVESTMENT - BO TH RISK SHARING AND COLLATERAL CHANNELS <λEntrepreneurs want to borrow at t= 0 and repay at t= 1. They hit the borrowing constraint due to their limited commitment. Since they want to borrow, this means that they value wealth more at t= 0 than at t= 1,thisisλ0. Thefirstorderconditionsinthatcaselookslike: = DecentralizedTerm 1(F (k λ+ Externality1-λ0 (λ) Intuition: theexternalitytermhastwoparts. 1. Now the risk sharing term is positive, since λ1Risk-sharing +-λ0< 0 and F 1 -ξ0(kCollateral (6)) (k00) < 0. This term leads to underinvestment. This is natural, since agents are borrowing constrained and really would like to investmoreex-ante. Theplannerwouldgiveatransferex-antetoentrepreneursandthencompensate theoutsideconsumersex-postwithaverylargefiresale. 2. Thecollateraltermisalwaysnegative,sinceν0>0 andF (k0) <0. Thistermleadstooverinvestment. Theintuitionhereisthattheentrepreneursdonotinternalizethefactthatbyreducingpricestheyworsen theborrowingcapacityoftheotherentrepreneurs,whowillbeabletoborrowless. 5 Inthisparticularcase,wehavethatν0 = λ0 DecentralizedTerm 1(F (k0 λ0 C0 + V= + A) + 1 -ξ ν0p1 C1 -λ1. Bysubstitutingin(6): λ) + Externality1-λ0 (λ) -ξ k0F (k0 1- 1 ) Inthiscase,giventheassumptionsabouttradedassets,theexternalitytermbeco mesalwayspositive,that is,therewouldbeunderinvestment. AswecanseeinappendixBinthetext,thisconclusioncruciallydepend onthesetofavailableassetstraded. Note: IfIhadallowedforarepresentativeagent,orsomekindofex-postrisksharingmecha nismbetween theparties,therisksharingchannelcanbeshutdown. Mostmacropapersthatstarttousetheseideasassume that,butthisisworrisome. DoingthisisshuttingdownthestandardWalrasianmechanism. Aren’ttheoutside consumers buying cheap assets making a great deal? A different question is whether we (the planner) care aboutthem. 2 Riskaverseoutsideconsumers The model is identical to the one described above, with the exception that outside consumers are now risk aversewithutilityV ˜ ˜outsideconsumers. Theirbudgetconstraintsare: ,insteadofbeingriskneutral. Iuseatildetodenotechoicevariablesof = eC 0+ T0 -q0˜a0 ˜λ0 0 ˜1 0 0 C0 ˜ C0 ˜C ˜ = eC + F(k C 1 ) -p1 Bk + ˜a λ 1 Notethatwedon’thavetospecifyborrowingconstraintsforoutsideconsumers. Theequilibriumconditionsforoutsideconsumersaregivenby: 0 : C ˜1 ˜ V = λ0 ˜ 0 0: = ˜ →q0 = ˜˜ a q λ1 λ1 1 : ˜ λ1 ˜ V λ ˜ = 0 C ˜ λ 0 The conditions for the entrepreneurs are identical. The problem to solve for the constrained planner becomesnow: V e + T0 -q0˜a0 + V e + F(k0) -F 10,00C,C,akmax, ˜a0, ˜ C0, ˜ U(C0) + U(C1) + θ C1,T0 C0 (k0λ) + Externality1-θ ˜ (k0 λ1 k0F (k0Risk-Sharing +) 1 ξ ν0k0F λ0 6 Therefore,theconstrainedplanneroptimalityconditionforcapitalbecomes: = DecentralizedTerm λ Collateral) 1 (F (k0) + A) + 1 -ξ ν0F (k0) k0 + ˜a0 -VC M C1 SubstitutingthefirstorderconditionforT0: λ0 =θ˜ λ0: ν0F (k0 1 = D e c e n t r a l i z e d T e r m 1 ( F ( k 0 λ ) + A ) + 1 ξ 3.1 Decentralized 3 I nSubjecttothefollowing t r o d u c i n g a t h i r d p e r i o d λExternality λ10˜λ˜ λ10 k0F (kRisk-Sharing0) ξ ν0k0F (kCollateral0) 0 + 1 -k -k1 + p0k0 = e0 -q0a0+ [ p (λ0 + a0 -q1a1( (λ1 λ2 + p1k1 = e1 p1 1] k0 + a1 1 (ν0 + [ p2 2] k1 2 0 0 = e2 0 1 k0 1 Astraightforwardchangeofnotationyieldsequation(36)inth epaper. Themodelisexactlythesameasbefore,butnowweintroduceathird periodt= 2. Iassumethatinperiod 2capitalcanbeeatenagain,sop= 1. In this case outside consumers run the concave technology on the amountk01, this is the amount of capitalsoldbytheentrepreneurs. Icouldassumethatwhenk<0,thenthepriceisone(transforming consumptiongoodsincapital). Iwillassumethatweareinthecasewithk0-k1>0,sotheentrepreneur s arefiresellingassets. U(C0) + U(C1) + U(C2) (7) C ) (8) C+ A) (9) C+ A) (10) a=0 (η) (11) a= 1 ξ1) (12) a=0 (η) (13) a1 0 1 (k0 (ν1) (14) In equilibrium, q0 = 1, q1 = 1 , p0 = 1 ξ= 1, p1 p2k= min {F -k1) ,1}, p2 = 1 so the optimality conditions become: C : (C0) = λ0 C : (C1) = λ1 C : (C2) = λ2 0 1 2 U U U k0) k1:p1λ1= λ2(1 + A211 -k (k0 -k1) + A1) + 1 ξ ν0F a :λ0 = λ1 -η0 + ν0 a) + 1 -ξ1: -η1 + ν1 0 λ ν1= λ2 7 (k0 (F= λ1 0:λ 3. 2 C o n st ra in e d pl a n n er ’s pr o bl e m max U(C0) + U(C 1) + U(C2) + θ eC + T0 + (F(k0 -k1) -F (k0 -k1) [ k0 -k1]) -VC M k0,k1,a0,a1,C0,C1,C2,T0 1 C0 C0 + k0 + T0 = e0 2-a0+ [ (k0 (λ0 F 1) k1 = e1 + a1 (λ2 1 (ν0 0 1 0 = e2 0 0 1 1 1 11 0 0 1 2 =0 (η) a= 1 ξ F=0 (η) a1 ) C+ F (k-k 0) a ) C+ [ 1 + A2] k) a (λ -a + a ) + A1] k -k ) -k (k0 k 1 = 1 -ξ k (ν1) Withoptimalityconditions: :U (C0) = λ0 C : (C ) = λ1 C : (C2) = λ2 1 U U k0 :λ0 = DecentralizedTerm 1(F (k0-k1) + A1 λ) + 1 -ξ ν0F (k0-k1) + Externality(λ1-θ) [ k0-k1 ] + 1 -ξ ν0k0 F (k0-k1) ) a0 :λ0 = λ1 0+ ν1: λ= λ1 + ν0 -k 1 T :λ0 = θ 0 k1 :F (k0 -k1) λ1 -η 0 a = DecentralizedTerm 2(1 (λ1Externality-θ) [ k0-k1 + A2 λ) + 1 ξ ν1 ξ ν0k0 F (k 1 2 -η 1 ]+ 1 3. 3 Ti m eI n c o n si st e n c y Pr ob le mt ha tth ep la nn er so lv es att = 1. ma x k1,a1C1,C2 = e1 + 1 F ) + U(C C 1U(C 2) k -k1 + A1 k1+ a1(λ2 + + θ e F k0] + a0 -a1 k -k1 -F 0 k -k1 k0 -k1 -VC M 0 (λ1 02 = e2 2 1 C +F k -k1 k1 + T1 ) C+ [ 1 + A) a=0 (η) a1 = 1ξ k Withoptimalityconditions: 8 1 0 1 (ν1) C1 :U (C1) = λ1 C2 :U (C2) = λ2 -θ) k0-k1 F k0-k1 : 1= + (λ1 = η Decentraliz a λ 1 Notethatthecollateralexternalitytermclearlydisappears. Notealsothatgivenk 0,nowfixed,aplanner λ ν λ 2 cannotinduceanewconstrainedParetoimprovement,evenifhehadthechancetousetransfersinperiodt= 1. Ifhehadthechancetoarrangeex-postredistribution,att= 2 theremaybeanewpossibleimprovement,but thereisstilltimeinconsistency. Theagentthatwassupposedtobecompensatedbythepriceredistribution willlose. 4 Timeconsistentpolicy This section of the online appendix analyzes the same case as in the paper, with 3 periods and 2 states. It characterizesthetimeconsistentproblemforaconstrainedplanner. Forsimplicity,Ionlydiscussthecaseof a planner who can just use an ex-ante transferT. This assumption implies that at t= 1 in the bad state, theplannerwillnothonorthepredeterminedk10; hewillreplicatethesamesolutionasthemarket. Wecan combinetheoptimalityconditionsfromat= 1 perspectivetoyieldequation(15)andthenfindtheex-ante time consistent solution. If we allow the constrained planner to use an ex-post transfer T2, there would be additionaltermtakingthatintoaccount,butthereasoningwouldbeidentical. F (k0-k1 BFromequations(33)and(34)inthetext,theadditionalconstraintthattheplannerfacesatt= 0 is: ) 1 ξ λ1 BOrsubstitutingthemarginalvalueofwealth:= λ2 B A2 B+ 1 1 ξ (pBψ) (15) 0(e1 B + A1 Bk0 + F (k0 -k1 B) [ k0 B-k1 B] + a0 Bψ)-a1 B + a1 B (C0 (k0 -k1 B) (C2 1 -ξ U F 0 1s 2s C :U (e2 B+ [ A2 B+ 1] k1 B) -U) A2 B+ 1 1 -ξ = 0 ( :U pTherefore,theex-anteproblemfortheconstrainedplanneryieldsthefollowingoptimalityconditions: C1 s (C1 ) = λ ,fors= G,B C2 s:U ) = λ,fors= G,B 9 ) =λ a0 G :λ0 = λ1 G -η0 G + ν0 G -η +ν :λ = λ :λ0 = θ a0 ) (16) a1 B2 B1 B1 B+ ψ a1 G : λ1 G η λ 1 2 F 1B 0= 0 + ν1 G +1 1 -ξ 1B U G (C1 B) U (C2 B) A2 B G -(k-k1 B) (C 1 1 -ξ(17) T 1 G (As ) B B + p1 s)] + E [ ν0 sp1 s] + pB 1ξ U Externality (λ1 B-θ) [ k0-k1 B] + ν0 B 1 ξ k0 F (k0-k1 B) 1 B01 B = E [ λ1 s 2G F (·) λ1 + (·) 1 ξ U B F :λ = λ k0 :λ0 (18) + p 1 k1 ψ (A2 G + 1) + 1 ξ ν B (C )[ F (·) [ k -k ] + F (·) + A1 B] G G (·) λ:F k1 (·) λ1 1 B B + 1) + 001 B1 B0 B001 B B + ψ -F (C (λ1 B -θ) [ k -k ]+ν 1ξ k (k -k ) ) F F (·) 1ξ U Bysubstitutingv1 B Ex ter na lit y (λ 1 B- θ) [ k0 -k 1 B] + ν0 B 1 -ξ k0 F (k 0k1 B) ] + F (·)] A2 B + 1 1 -ξ (·) [ -k F k from(17)into(19)andimposing(15),wecanfindthat: 1 B) [ U 2 B + 1] (19 1ξ ν 1 B Ext = ψ -F (·) λ1 F (·) 1ξ U B +ψ 1 ξ Thus : Ex ter na lit y F (·) (C1 B) [ F 1 -ξ U (·) [ -k1 B] + F (·)] A2 B + 1 1 -ξ k0 (C1 B) + A2 + 1 1 -ξ U (C2 B B) U (C2 B) [ A2 + B 1] (λ 1 B- θ) [ k0 -k 1 B] + ν0 B 1 ξ k0 F (k 0k1 B) = ψ -F (·) λ1 F (·) 1ξ U B A nd th en su bs tit uti ng ba ck int o( 18 ): (As F λ0 = E [ λ1 sSubstitutingnow(15): (C1 B) F (·) [ k0 -k1 B] + F (·) 1 -ξ 1 (C B ψ + p1 s)]+E [ ν0 sp1 s]+pB A2 B A2 B (·) 10 +1 1 -ξ U (C 1ξ U (C2 B) A2 B ) A2 B 1 B) 1 -ξ + A +1 1ξ U λ0 = E [ λ1 (As + p1 s)] + E [ s (λ0 ψ A2 B F λ0 + 1 -λ1 s + η1 s) p1 s] + (20) U (C2 B ) +pB Bψ 1 B) 1B U (C 1 -ξ U (C1 B ) (As U 0) 2 B(C(C2 B) A2 B 1 -ξ + A 1 s) )U - (C ) A2 B p1 s A = E [ λ1 Ifν0 B s )A -λ ispositive,weneedtosubstituteν0 Bfrom(16)into(21)tohavetheappropriatecomp + p1 s)] + E [ (λ 2 B U ] + +p(C1 B1 B-F Substitutingback(15): ) λ0 = E [ λ1 (As + p1 s)] + E [ s (λ0 0 1 (·) - 2 B (·) 1 -ξ 1 -ξ -λ1 s) p1 s] + (21) 1 0 1 B(C(C1 B) 0 B 1 -ξ + A-F 1 (·) 0 A+ p B ψ W hen wear einth eove rinve stme ntca se,ψ isne gativ ean dpos itive othe rwis e. Hen ce,fr 2 B +1 1 ξ U +A ( C 2 B U) U isafunctionofk )U - U (C2 B (C2 B 2 B +1 1 -ξ U omei ther( 20)o r (21)i tisno tobvi ous whet hert hepl ann erisg oingt ocho osea klarg eror smal lerth anint hed ecen traliz ed mar ket. Thei ntuiti onfo rthis resul tsist hatk, andt heco rrect ionte rmfo rthe cons train ed plan nerd epe ndso nk-k 1(k0) . Eve nifw eare inthe situa tion with overi nves tme nt,it may beth ecas etha t an incre ase in kincr ease s end oge nous ly k(·) mor e than prop ortio nally , redu cing the fire sale and crea ting thed esire dins uran cee ffect thro ugh price s. 5 U n i q u e n e s s I sh o w ho w to fin d su ffi ci en t co nd iti on s for un iq ue ne ss in th e de ce ntr ali ze d pr ob le m. Fo r si m pli cit y, I fo cu s on th e si m pl es t ca se de sc rib ed in thi s ap pe nd ix, wi th on ly tw o pe rio ds , on e st at e an d no t pri ce de pe nd en t m ar gi ns . Si mi lar re su lts ca nb efi nd int he m or eg en er al ca se s. 1 = e0 -q0a+ [ (λ0 + a0 p1 + A] k0 = e1 (λ1 0 0 0+ C 0 p0k ) (22) C) (23) a=0 (η) (24) a0 0 ) bi nd s, th e w or st ca se in pri nc ipl e to sh o w un iq ue ne ss , th e eq uil ibr iu m ca pit al ch oi ce k0i sd et er mi ne db y: e0+ 1 ξ0 F0 (k0) k0 -k0 1 -0 11 U Assuming that a 0 = 1ξ 1 0 1 ξ F0 (k0) = 1 ξ0 p1k = (26)0 0(νk (ν0) (25) p =U 1 e+[ F (k ) + A] k 1 -ξ p1k A+ F (k ) 1 -ξ F (k ) Thelefthandsidederivativewithrespecttok0 (·) 1 <01 -ξ F (k0) 0 0 U 0 0 0 isgivenby: <0 -U (·) <0 1 -ξ F (k >0 0 ) Thisshowsthatthelefthandsidein(26)isincreasingink ) ] in(26)isgivenby: 1 A+ ξ[ F (k ) + F (k0)] + U (·) ξ (k ) k0 F ,asdepictedinfigure5inthetext. Therighthandsidederivativewithrespecttok U<0 (·) A ( ) + ξF k 0 Thistermmustbepositive0 0 Thisshowsthatasufficientconditionfortherighthandsidein(26)toben egativeisthat: ( )] >0 (k ) k0 + k 0 F A+ ξ[ FIn practical terms this implies that F 0 1 2 cannot be too large, this is, small changes in the amount of fire sold assets cannot depress prices too quickly. Once kis determined, the rest of the variables are uniquely determinedtoo. Ananalogousapproachcanbeusedtoderiveconditionsfortheconst rainedplanner’sproblem. Usingthe samereasoning,wecanalsoprovidesufficientconditionsforuniquenes sforthemoregeneralcasesdiscussed inthepaper. 6 Illustratingthelackofamplification Figure1clearlyshowshowthetwoperiodformulationlacksanykindof amplificationinthebadstate. When theamountofcapitalsoldisfixedinthebadstate,astheinelasticsupply ofcapitalkrepresents,thereisno roomforamplification. However,whenthesupplyofcapitalbytheentrepreneursisdecreasin ginprice,there isroomforspiralsandcyclesinwhichlowpricesinducemoresalesofas sets,whichdepresspricesandsoon. ObservethatIhaveassumedawaymultiplicityproblems,whichcanpo 0 ( + k F ) ( k 1 k -ξ [ tentiallyexistintheseenvironments. Myanalysiscanbeeasilyadaptedtothosesituationsbyusinglocalarg uments. p1B p1B = F (·) Supply of capital Capital sold 0k0 Figure1: Showingthelackofamplification. 13