Improved regional temperature predictions from a minimalist model Karen and Peter McKinnon1 Huybers1 Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Harvard University 1 The general circulation models (GCMs) used to simulate future climate are under-constrained, 1, 2as evidenced by the fact that factor-of-two changes in rates of ocean heat uptake, magnitudes of radiative forcing anomalies3, 4, and the strength of various feedbacks5–7 can be tr a d e d of f a g ai n st o n e a n ot h e r to yi el d r e s ul ts th at al l a g r e e . T hi s in determinacy, although inevitable given finite observations and incomplete theory, prompts the question of whether retaining many of the inherently under-constrained processes represented within GCMs is useful for predicting future climate. Here we present a simple energy balance model (EBM) that is tuned only to the seasonal cycle and driven by the 10, 11same radiative perturbations as each of 18 GCMs, and show that it reproduces the spatial and temporal record of surface temperature between 1850 and 2009 better than any of the GCMs or their ensemble average. A major discrepancy appears in the Arctic, where the GCMs give more warming than observed or produced by the EBM. On the basis of a better fit with the historical observations, and noting that both the GCMs and EBM predict warming patterns that are essentially linear extrapolation of their historical anomaly patterns, we suggest that the EBM’s predictions of surface temperature are more credible. 1 Model complexity can retard predictive capacity when parameters are under-constrained. As an example, consider the case of extrapolating a third-order polynomial from noisy observations. Greater predictive accuracy can often be obtained by fitting and extrapolating a secondorder polynomial to the data, even though the realizations come from a higher-order process, because inclusion of the poorly constrained third-order term leads to larger prediction error (i.e. the bias-variance tradeoff, Fig. S1). In the case of climate models, the predictions associated with more complete models will tend to be more variable because of under-constrained parameters, whereas those associated with simple models will be biased because of missing processes. Although the scope of the climate problem admits for construction of arbitrarily complex models, optimal prediction requires some trade-off between completeness and parsimony. To explore a more parsimonious approach, we posit a simple yet spatially resolved energy balance model (EBM), constrain the small number of free model parameters by fitting to the observed seasonal cycle of surface temperature, and then use the constrained EBM to predict inter-annual surface temperature variability. This approach is unique among applications of simple models for prediction of climate8, because the spatial dependence is 12–14 wholly constrained by fitting to the seasonal cycle. The seasonal cycle has been shown to offer some constraint upon GCM parameters15, 16, but no simple relationship has been deduced between 17how well GCMs fit observations and their climate sensitivity. This situation may arise be- cause of the large number of under-determined processes represented within GCMs, making it interesting to explore constraining parameters using the seasonal cycle in a relatively simple model. 2 Temperatures in each 5◦ ◦x 5 grid box are simulated by four equations representing a single atmospheric layer that radiatively exchanges energy with land and surface ocean endmembers, and where the latter communicates with a deep ocean box (see methods). Only two spatially adjustable parameters are used for fitting the EBM to the seasonal cycle: a heat flux convergence term, F c( x, y ) , and a mixing ratio between land and surface-ocean temperatures, m ( x, y ) , that represents the degree of continentality18. This fit captures the majority of the structure of the climatological seasonal cycle (1961–1990) of Earth’s surface temperature—the spatial average Pearson’s correlation is =0. 82. The seasonal cycle over Northern r2 Hemisphere continents is almost perfectly reproduced, whereas the model fairs more poorly along the sea-ice edge in the Southern Ocean and atop the East Antarctic Plateau, and completely fails in the deep tropics where the relative influence of the seasonal cycle of insolation upon temperature is small compared to the influence of tropical dynamics. One test of the EBM’s predictive skill is to compare the inferred values of the heat flux convergence, F c, against satellite-derived observations19. Summing F c across longitude and then taking the cumulative sum between the poles gives a combined ocean-atmosphere heat flux that agrees within the error of the satellite (Fig. 1a). Furthermore, observations20 whereas the satellite observations only conserve global energy to within 6 W/m2, the model energy fluxes balance to within 1 W/m2, without having been explicitly constrained to do so. The model’s pattern of heat flux convergence also appears physically reasonable, with the largest losses of heat occurring in eastern oceanic upwelling zones and the largest gains in the vicinity of the northern North Atlantic (Fig. S3). An obvious error again occurs over the East Antarctic Plateau, where heat loss is inferred, resulting from the use of a globally constant albedo and an 3 inability to generate atmospheric inversions. The seasonal fit also affords estimates of continentality and the basic sensitivity to radiative perturbations. The most continental conditions are associated with subtropical arid regions and the western interiors of major continents in Northern mid-latitudes (Fig. 1b), and these regions will respond most rapidly to radiative perturbations. The basic sensitivity to radiative perturbations is diagnosed from the model by specifying a perturbation in downward atmospheric radiative forcing and allowing the ocean and land components to re-equilibrate (Fig. 1c). Radiative sensitivity averages 0.31 21) globally, consistent with that found in GCMs, and K/(W/m2 is larger in cold regions because the magnitude of the negative Planck feedback is smaller22. That is, if the radiation absorbed by the surface is perturbed by d F , the change in temperature needed to reestablish equilibrium, d T , is greater in cold regions, d F = d T 4 s T3, atleast insomuch as blackbody radiation holds and where T is in Kelvin. To apply the EBM toward predicting interannual temperature changes requires the additional prescription of radiative forcing anomalies, feedbacks upon temperature changes, and 23ocean heat uptake, all of which are uncertain. To allow for direct comparison against more complex models, the EBM is run multiple times using the diagnosed radiative forcing and net feedback from each of 18 GCMs10, 11. In addition, heat diffusivity between the surface and deep ocean is estimated by minimizing the mean square error between GCM and EBM global average temperature anomalies. (Fig. S4). Note that the radiative forcing, feedback, and linear diffusivity are each applied as global constants so that the EBM’s spatial patterns of temperature variability are derived solely from terms obtained by fitting to the seasonal cycle. 4 The GCM and EBM estimates of global temperature anomalies are similar, having an average across each model version of 0.82. However, the EBMs produces a better fit r2 with the observed global average temperatures =0. 74) than do the GCMs =0. ( r2 (average r 2 63) , even though the EBM has not been tuned to interannual temperature observations. The fit is also better when assessed using a mean-square-error approach. Note that the EBM and GCMs share some conspicuous misfits with the observations, particularly near 1950, which are likely 24related to errors in the observational record. Model skill can be further assessed with respect to spatial variability, and the EBM consistently outperforms its GCM counterparts in reproducing the observed space-time variability of surface temperature (Fig. 2). In fact, the worst performing EBM still out-performs the best fitting GCM. The discrepancy in performance generally exists over the entire instrumental period, but becomes strongest in the last 30 years when observations are more complete and the anthropogenic warming signal is strongest. The discrepancy also holds whether the fit is assessed using mean square error or Pearson’s correlation, the global average is first removed for each year, or temperature variability is smoothed using 5, 11, or 21 year tapered windows or not smoothed. Finally, although taking the ensemble average across all 18 GCMs improves the fit with the observations, the ensemble EBM average still gives the better fit (Fig. 2). The superior EBM results even after heavy temporal smoothing and ensemble averaging indicates that the discrepancy in performance does not arise merely from the greater internal 25variability generated by the GCMs. Evidently, the EBM better reproduces the observations through suppressing all but a few relatively well-understood energy balance processes, a situation similar to the polynomial fitting example given earlier. There is a parallel in this behavior 5 in that averaging across all the GCMs is expected to suppress processes that vary between models because they are uncertain, and the better performance of the ensemble than any individual GCM again indicates that this suppression improves model performance. The construction and running of multiple GCMs is an enormously complex undertaking, and we note that initial omission of uncertain processes appears advantageous in the present circumstance and is certainly much more efficient. Much of the misfit between the GCMs and observations arises because of discrepancies in Arctic warming. For purposes of specificity, we discuss differences in temperature over the last decade (1999-2009) relative to a base period (1900-1980) and between latitudes above 65◦N and those between North and South (Fig. 3), though other choices give broadly similar 40◦ results. Instrumental observations show 0 . 31◦C more Arctic warming than at low latitudes, whereas the GCMs average almost three times this value at 0 . 90 ± 0 . 40◦C. The EBMs are more consistent with 0 . 23 ± 0 . 06◦C of additional Arctic warming. To make the comparisons consistent, model differences are computed masking all model output not corresponding to observational data, but if the full spatial field is considered, the excess Arctic warming in the GCMs and EBMs is 1.07◦C and 0.34◦C, respectively. Existing hypotheses for Arctic amplification include decreased surface albedo, increased heat transport, and increased polar cloudiness26, but in the EBM it results solely from greater continentality (Fig. 1b) and a greater sensitivity to radiative forcing (Fig. 1c). The relative im- portance of these two processes depends on timescale. The instantaneous response to radiative perturbations only depends on effective heat capacity, which is inversely related to continentality, whereas under fully equilibrated conditions the magnitude of warming depends on radiative 6 sensitivity and the strength of feedbacks. These same processes also dictate that greatest warming will occur over land, because of the lower effective heat capacity, and during winter and spring, because of the weaker Planck feedback, which is consistent with the observed pattern 27of warming. Obviously, the GCMs include the same basic physics that gives rise to Arctic amplification in the EBM but apparently also include processes that tend to over-amplify that warming. The EBM gives more accurate simulation of historical patterns of warming, as judged by comparison against instrumental observations, and this has important implications for prediction, particularly because past temperature anomalies simulated by both the EBM and GCM ensembles are almost perfectly linearly related to future anomaly patterns. For instance, the GCM ensemble average warming pattern between 2040-2050 is very nearly the 1999-2009 pattern multiplied by 2.12 (the two patterns have an =0. 96), and a similar multiplicative r2 rela- the EBM ensem ti o n s h i p o f 2 . 1 5 h o l d s f o r worse = at capturing regional trends in surface temperature, all o EBM 0 . 9 predictions are credible. 9 ) . Through the end of this century, the EBM predicts that the T h northern continental interiors, whereas the GCM ensemble pre i s most (Fig. 3b, c). Although both patterns could be incorrect, the e 7 s s e n t i a ll y li n e a r e x t r a p o l a t i o n of temperature anomalies extends over the entire century and indicates that skill in simulating historical warming provides an upper bound on the skill in predicting future temperature changes, where actual skill could be lower insomuch as actual anomalies diverge from linearity. The linearity of the ensemble GCM predictions also suggests that linearized models will be no a better historical representation of surface temperature, particularly in the Arctic. The degree to which the Arctic and/or Northern continental interiors warm in the coming decades has profound societal and environmental implications, and it will be important to better discriminate between these two scenarios through continued observational analysis and model development. Finally, to make a more optimal prediction of future global average temperature changes, the ocean diffusivity parameter, κ , is re-tuned to the global average temperature observations (Fig. S8). Though it has little effect on the spatial pattern of warming, re-tuning κ provides for close agreement between the EBM and the observations in the global average, whereas the GCMs average 0.1◦C warmer during the last decade. By 2050, the discrepancy between the EBM and GCM ensembles grows to 0.2◦C, and although this is much smaller than the intermodel difference, it nonetheless suggests that the GCMs have a slight warming bias (Fig. 3a). Although we have presented several demonstrations of how the EBM better represents surface temperature anomalies, this model is perhaps best thought of as a filter for the physics in the more complete GCMs that only passes some simple processes depending on radiative balance. Ultimately, if we are to confidently predict future climate, our models require a reasonably complete depiction of the relevant climate processes, a parsimony that permits for constraining parameters, and demonstrable skill in reproducing observational data. With regard to the last point, the EBM presented here could be used in a manner like persistence in weather forecasting: predictions using more complex models would be judged skillful insomuch as they outperform this minimalist model. 8 M et h o ds S u m m ar y T h e E n er gy B al a nc e M o d el (E B M ) co ns ist s of fo ur e q u ati o ns , 4os + sT a l 4l - 4 dT adt = sw + dT ldt = sT 4 a sT -s T 1 dT osdt = sw + T C l , (2) s a - s T4 4 os - κ os - T 1 C 4 a , (1) Fc + s l ), ocean surface (T T (1 - a ) F (1 - a ) F 4 1C od os , (3) T dT dt = κ Tos - Tod + 1C , (4) od d od respectively representing the temperature of the atmosphere ( T a ), os land ( T ), and deep ocean (T ). The seasonal cycle of surface temperature at each grid box, ( x, y ) od , is then simulated by driving the model with the seasonal cycle of incoming solar radiation 2 8 ( y ) ; specifying a heat flux convergence, F c ( x, y ) ; and a defining a linear mixture, m ( x, y ) , between land and surface ocean temperature, T = p mT p l+ r o p ri at e fo r a gi v e n la tit u d e, F s w (1 - m ) T os. The values of m and are determined by finding the combination that Fc minimizes 2 the mean square residual between T and the climatological seasonal 9 for each grid box. cycle All other parameters are held globally constant. E qs . 24 ar e lin e ar iz e d to re pr es e nt int er a n n u al ch a n g es in te m p er at ur e, T os (1 fg ) o d λ ( x, y ) - κ os T od T d T o s dt = = dT l gF g dt , (6 ) d T o d dt = κg T FT os - T 1C l (1 - fg )λ ( x, y ) , (5) 1 C os os , 1 C o d . (7 ) Temperature at each grid box are again represented as a linear mixture, T usin g the valu es of m dete rmin ed from the sea son al cycl e. Also take n from the sea son al cycl e 9 = mTl +(1- m ) T model is the basic sensitivity to radiative perturbations, λ ( x, y ) , as described in the text. The other three terms that require specifying are taken directly from each GCM, g : the net feedback upon changes in 10, f g , anomalies in radiative forcing10, F g , following the temperature A1B ; and the magnitude of the ocean heat diffusivity, κg, which is determined e m minimizing the residual between global average EBM and GCM temperatures between by is 1850 si o 2009. and n s c Bibliography e n a ri1. Wu, Q. & North, G. Climate sensitivity and thermal inertia. Geophysical Research Letters 29, o1707 11 (2002). 2. Schwartz, S. Heat capacity, time constant, and sensitivity of Earths climate system. J. Geophys. Res 112 , D24S05 (2007). 3. Kiehl, J. 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(a) The zonally integrated heat flux inferred from the model (red) agrees with that derived from satellite radiation 19budget (black) to within the satellite standard error (gray observations estimates20 shading). (b) The distribution of continentality, expressed as a land/ocean mixing ratio, m , that varies from zero to one. Note the west-to-east penetration of marine conditions into continents asso30ciated with mid-latitude storm tracks. (c) The temperature sensitivity to radiative forcing in K/(W/m2), which excludes any feedbacks and is larger in colder regions. Figure 2: A measure of the GCM and EBM skill in reproducing historical observations. Correspondence between model temperature variability and all available observations between 18502009 is measured using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Correlations shown here are after smoothing variability at each grid point using an eleven year running average. The dashed black line indicates equal correlation, and in every case the EBM yields a higher correlation than its counter-part (crosses), even after averaging together all the EBM and GCM results (circle). 14 Figure 3: Changes in zonal average temperature from the observations (black), GCMs (green), and versions of the EBM (red). Changes are calculated for 1999-2009 relative to a base period of 1900-1980. Observational uncertainty estimates (black dashed lines) are estimated assuming that average temperatures in the last decade and base period have an uncertainty of 1◦C ( 1 s ) and that errors in each interval and each grid box are uncorrelated. All model output not corresponding to observational data is omitted prior to averaging. Figure 4: Historical and predicted changes in surface temperature. (a) Observed global temperature anomalies (black), and those averaged across the ensemble of EBM (red) and GCM (green) results, where the dashed lines indicate the interval containing 90% of the respective model results. (b) Temperature anomalies for 2040-2050 averaged across the ensemble of 18 GCMs, and (c) the same for the EBM. The EBM predicts less warming than the GCMs, and that the warming will be more localized to the interiors of high latitude continents. Anomalies are with respect to a 1900-1980 reference interval. 15 M et h o ds S e as o n al m o d el: T h e E n er gy B al a nc e M o d el (E B M ) co ns ist s of fo ur e q u ati o ns , 4os + sT a l 4l - 4 dT adt = sw + sT 1C l , (9) 4 sT a dT ldt = dT osdt = s T sw + T s a - s T4 4 os - κ os - T 1 C 4 a , (8) Fc + s l ), ocean surface (T T (1 - a ) F (1 - a ) F 4 1C od os , (10) T dT dt = κ Tos - Tod + 1C , (11) od d od respectively representing the temperature of the atmosphere ( T a ), os land ( T ), and deep ocean (T ). The seasonal cycle of surface temperature at each grid box, ( x, y ) od , is then simulated by driving the model with the seasonal cycle of incoming solar radiation 2 8 ( y ) ; specifying a heat flux convergence, F c ( x, y ) ; and a defining a linear mixture, m ( x, y ) , between land and surface ocean temperature, T = p mT p l+ r o p ri at e fo r a gi v e n la tit u d e, F s w (1 - m ) T os. The values of m and are determined by finding the combination that Fc minimizes the mean square residual between T and the climatological seasonal 2 for each grid 9 cycle box. Al l ot h er p ar a m et er s ar e h el d gl o b al ly c o n st a nt , a s fo ll o w s: al b e d o, a = 0. 3 ; at m o s p h er ic emissivity, C land =0. 8 ; and heat capacities, 1 0 = C atm =2m × 4 . 2 × 10 6J/(K m), C = os 0m × 4 . 2 × 106J/(K m), and C od performed = at daily resolution 3 9 a seasonal equilibrium is reached, after which results are averaged to monthly until 0 resolution. 0 m × earized about their mean annual temperatures, allowing for more rapid simulation and for 4 ap16 . κ , is set to zero for the purposes of simulating the seasonal cycle, making arbitrary the offset between surface and deep ocean temperature, d . Model runs are Interannual model: To represent interannual changes in temperature, Eqs. 2-4 are lin- 2 × 1 0 6 J / ( K m ) . O c e a n h e a t d i f f u s i v i t y , pending the net feedback terms estimated elsewhere, dT T os (1 - fg ) od λ ( x, y ) - κ os dt = = FT os - T 1C l (1 - fg )λ gF g ( x, y ) dT l os T T od C os , (12) 1 dt , (13) dT od dt= κg T1 Cod . (14) Temperature at each grid box are again represented as a linear mixture, T = mT l +(1- m ) T os , using the values of m determined from the seasonal cycle. Also taken from the seasonal cycle model is the basic sensitivity to radiative perturbations, λ ( x, y ) , which is deduced by specifying a perturbation in downward atmospheric radiative forcing and allowing the ocean and land components to re-equilibrate. The other three terms that require specifying are taken directly from each GCM, g . Specifically, the net feedback upon changes in temperature, f g , and anomalies in radiative forcing inclusive of the effects of aerosols, F g , are those diagnosed by m a g ni tu d e of th e o c e a n h e at di ff u 10; and the sivity, κg , y minimizing the residual be global is average EBM and GCM temperatures between 1850 and 200 possible d to et e r m in e d b spatially modify f g according to the values of λ ( x, y ) but here a single global average is applied. Radiative forcing follows from the changes in greenhouse gas inventories specified by the A1B emission scenario11. All 20 GCM results for which forcing and feedbacks were diagnosed are included, except for the MIROC3.2 medium resolution model, whose temperatures greatly differ from the historical observations, and FGOALSg1.0, whose diagnosed radiative forcing is difficult to distinguish from noise. Errors in diagnosing GCM radiative forcing pected to degrade EBM results, which further distinguishes the EBM’s superior representation of surface temperature variability. 17 1 0 are ex- Gridding and normalization: Each GCM result is placed onto the same × 5◦ grid 5◦ used for the CRU observations by first interpolating to × 1◦ resolution and then averaging. 1◦ For purposes of interpolation, longitude is wrapped and persistance is specified at latitudes poleward of the highest reported grid points. Each model and observational temperature time-series is normalized to be zero mean between 1900-1980 and averages are area-weighted. This longer 29and earlier interval than the standard 1960-1990 interval used by the Climate Research Unit gives a more stable estimate and decreases the magnitude of negative temperature anomalies that otherwise generally appear prior to 1960. Nevertheless, the EBM similarly out-performs the GCMs if the 1960-1990 standardization interval is used. All model results are masked to only have entries corresponding to observations in the interval between 1850-2009, making the normalization equivalent for model and observational results. Annual averages are computed from the CRU observations only when data from all 12 months are present. 18 (a) 4 2 0 2 4 6 50 0 50 6latitude (b) W 120 oW 6 0 0 ( c ) 60N 30oo 30N oS 0 o 60S o o oW 6 0 oW 180 180 0.8 0.6 l o n g i t u d e 0.4 0.2 0 0.45 60N o o oE o E o 120 0.4 30oS 0 30N o o 60S Fig. 1 180oW 60o 120oW W 0 o 60longitudeoE 180oW 120oE at transport (petta Watts) 0.35 0.3 uared cross correlation temperature anomaly (°C) 2.5 (a) 2 1.5 1 0. 5 1950 2000 2050 0year (b) o 60N o 30N W 120 oW ( c ) oW o o oE 180 oW 6 0 4 6 0 0 3 0o o 30S o 60S o 2 180 1 3 o 60N o 30N o 5 E 120 2.5 2 0o 30S W 120 W 60 W 0 o 60 60S 180o E 120 o E o 180 W o o o o ° C) 1.5 1 perature anomaly ( Fig. 4