Geography Elective –10 Years 7 Syllabus

Geography Elective

Years 7 –10


June 2016

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Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 4

Geography key ...................................................................................................................... 7

Rationale ............................................................................................................................... 9

The place of the Geography Elective Years 7

–10 syllabus in the K−12 curriculum ...............10

Aim .......................................................................................................................................11

Objectives ............................................................................................................................11

Outcomes .............................................................................................................................12

Content ................................................................................................................................15

Years 7 –10 Life Skills outcomes and content .......................................................................50

Assessment ..........................................................................................................................70

Glossary ...............................................................................................................................73

Geography Elective Years 7 –10 Syllabus


K –10 curriculum

The Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW (BOSTES) syllabuses have been developed with respect to some overarching views about education. These include the BOSTES K –10 Curriculum Framework and Statement of Equity Principles, and the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (December 2008) .

In accordance with the K –10 Curriculum Framework and the Statement of Equity Principles , the Geography Elective Years 7 –10 Syllabus takes into account the diverse needs of all students. It identifies essential knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes. It outlines clear standards of what students are expected to know and be able to do. It provides structures and processes by which teachers can provide continuity of study for all students.

The framework also provides a set of broad learning outcomes that summarise the knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes essential for all students in all learning areas to succeed in and beyond their schooling.

The continued relevance of the K –10 Curriculum Framework is consistent with the intent of the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (December 2008) , which sets the direction for Australian schooling for the next ten years. There are two broad goals:

Goal 1: Australian schooling promotes equity and excellence.

Goal 2: All young Australians become successful learners, confident and creative individuals, and active and informed citizens.

The way in which learning in the Geography Elective Years 7 –10 Syllabus will contribute to the curriculum and to students’ achievement of the broad learning outcomes is outlined in the syllabus rationale.

Diversity of learners

The Geography Elective Years 7 –10 Syllabus is inclusive of the learning needs of all students. The rationale, aim, objectives, outcomes and content have been designed to accommodate teaching approaches that support student diversity as detailed under the sections ‘Students with special education needs’, ‘Gifted and talented students’ and

‘Students learning English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D)’.

Students with special education needs

All students with special education needs are entitled to participate in and progress through the curriculum. Some students may require additional support or adjustments to teaching, learning and assessment activities. Adjustments are measures or actions taken in relation to teaching, learning and assessment that enable a student to access syllabus outcomes and content and demonstrate achievement of outcomes.


Students with special education needs can access the Geography Elective Years 7 –10 outcomes and content in a range of ways. Students may engage with:

 syllabus outcomes and content with adjustments to teaching, learning and/or assessment activities

 selected outcomes and content appropriate to their learning needs

 outcomes from an earlier Stage, using age-appropriate content

 selected Years 7 –10 Life Skills outcomes and content appropriate to their learning needs.

Decisions regarding adjustments should be made in the context of collaborative curriculum planning with the student, parent/carer and other significant individuals to ensure that syllabus outcomes and content reflect the learning needs and priorities of individual students.

Further information can be found in support materials for:


 special education needs

Life Skills Years 7 –10.

Gifted and talented students

Gifted students have specific learning needs that may require adjustments to the pace, level and content of the curriculum. Differentiated educational opportunities will assist in meeting the needs of gifted students.

Generally, gifted students demonstrate the following characteristics:

 the capacity to learn at faster rates

 the capacity to find and solve problems

 the capacity to make connections and manipulate abstract ideas.

There are different kinds and levels of giftedness. Gifted and talented students may also possess learning disabilities that should be addressed when planning appropriate teaching, learning and assessment activities.

Curriculum strategies for gifted and talented students may include:

 differentiation: modifying the pace, level and content of teaching, learning and assessment activities

 acceleration: promoting a student to a level of study beyond their age group

 curriculum compacting: assessing a student’s current level of learning and addressing aspects of the curriculum that have not yet been mastered.

School decisions about appropriate strategies are generally collaborative and involve teachers, parents and students with reference to documents and advice available from

BOSTES and the education sectors.

Gifted and talented students may also benefit from individual planning to determine the curriculum options, as well as teaching, learning and assessment strategies, most suited to their needs and abilities.


Students learning English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D)

Many students in Australian schools are learning English as an additional language or dialect

(EAL/D). EAL/D students are those whose first language is a language or dialect other than

Standard Australian English and who require additional support to assist them to develop

English language proficiency.

EAL/D students come from diverse backgrounds and may include:

 overseas and Australian-born students whose first language is a language other than


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students whose first language is an Indigenous language, including traditional languages

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students whose first language is Aboriginal English, including creoles and related varieties.

EAL/D students enter Australian schools at different ages and stages of schooling and at different stages of English language learning. They have diverse talents and capabilities and a range of prior learning experiences and levels of literacy in their first language and in

English. EAL/D students represent a significant and growing percentage of learners in NSW schools. For some, school is the only place they use English.

EAL/D students are simultaneously learning a new language and the knowledge, understanding and skills of the Geography Elective Years 7 –10 Syllabus through that new language. They require additional time and support, along with informed teaching that explicitly addresses their language needs, and assessments that take into account their developing language proficiency.


Geography key

The following codes and icons are used in the Geography Elective Years 7 –10 Syllabus.

Outcome coding

Syllabus outcomes have been coded in a consistent way. The code identifies the subject,

Stage, outcome number and the way content is organised.

Stage 4 and Stage 5 are represented by the following codes:


Stage 4

Stage 5




In the Geography Elective syllabus, the outcome codes indicate the subject, Stage and outcome number. For example:


Geography Elective Stage Outcome number

Outcome code




Geography Elective, Stage 5

outcome number 4

Geography Elective, Life Skills

outcome number 6

Coding of geographical tools

The syllabus provides opportunities for geographical tools to be incorporated into the knowledge, understanding and skills of the syllabus. These opportunities are identified by codes at the end of the relevant content descriptions.

Geographical tools



Graphs and statistics

Spatial technologies

Visual representations







For example: Examination of a range of landform processes M VR


Learning across the curriculum

Learning across the curriculum content, including cross-curriculum priorities, general capabilities and other areas identified as important learning for all students, is incorporated and identified by icons in the Geography Elective Years 7 –10 Syllabus .

The cross-curriculum priorities are:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures

 Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia


The general capabilities are:

Critical and creative thinking

Ethical understanding

Information and communication technology capability

Intercultural understanding



Personal and social capability

BOSTES syllabuses include other areas identified as important learning for all students:

Civics and citizenship

Difference and diversity

Work and enterprise



Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. It is a rich and complex discipline that integrates knowledge from natural sciences, social sciences and humanities to build a holistic understanding of the world.

Students learn to question why the world is the way it is, reflect on their relationships with and responsibilities for the world and propose actions designed to shape a socially just and sustainable future.

Geography Elective emphasises the physical, social, cultural, economic and political influences on people, places and environments, from local to global scales. It also emphasises the important interrelationships between people and environments through the investigation of contemporary geographical issues and their management. The wellbeing of societies and environments depends on the quality of interactions between people and the natural world.

Geographical inquiry involves students acquiring, processing and communicating geographical information. Through an inquiry approach students explain patterns, evaluate consequences and contribute to the management of places and environments in an increasingly complex world. This process enables them to apply inquiry skills including: asking distinctively geographical questions; planning an inquiry and evaluating information; processing, analysing and interpreting that information; reaching conclusions based on evidence and logical reasoning; evaluating and communicating their findings; and reflecting on their inquiry and responding, through action, to what they have learned. Engagement in fieldwork and the use of other tools including mapping and spatial technologies are fundamental to geographical inquiry.

The study of Geography Elective enables students to become active, responsible and informed citizens able to evaluate the opinions of others and express their own ideas and arguments. This forms a basis for active participation in community life, a commitment to sustainability, the creation of a just society, and the promotion of intercultural understanding and lifelong learning. The skills and capabilities developed through geographical study can be applied to further education, work and everyday life.

The Geography Elective course provides students with the opportunity for additional learning through the engagement with additional Geography content. It provides students with a broader understanding of the discipline of Geography and the processes of geographical inquiry, and enables depth of study through a range of flexible approaches.


The place of the Geography Elective Years 7

–10 syllabus in the K −12 curriculum

Prior-to-school learning

Students bring to school knowledge and understanding developed in home and prior-to-school settings. The movement into Early Stage 1 should be seen as a continuum of learning and planned for appropriately.

The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia describes the opportunities for students to develop a foundation for future success in learning.


Early Stage 1 – Stage 3

Geography History

Years 7 –10

Stages 4 –5

(including Life Skills outcomes and content)

Aboriginal Studies Elective

Commerce Elective

Work Education Elective


Geography Elective


History Elective

Aboriginal Studies

Ancient History

Business Studies


Studies of Religion

Years 11 –12

Stage 6

History Extension

Legal Studies

Modern History

Society and Culture


Work Studies (CEC)

HSIE Life Skills

Work and the Community

Life Skills

Community, other education and learning, and workplace pathways



The aim of Geography Elective is to stimulate students’ interest in and engagement with the world. Through geographical inquiry they develop an understanding of the interactions between people, places and environments across a range of scales and contemporary geographical issues in order to become informed, responsible and active citizens.


Stage 4

– Stage 5

Knowledge and understanding


 develop knowledge and understanding of the features and characteristics of places and environments across a range of scales

 develop knowledge and understanding of interactions between people, places and environments.

 develop knowledge and understanding of contemporary geographical issues and their management.



 apply geographical tools for geographical inquiry

 develop skills to acquire, process and communicate geographical information.

Values and attitudes

Students will value and appreciate:

Geography as a study of interactions between people, places and environments

 the dynamic nature of the world

 the varying perspectives of people on geographical issues

 the importance of sustainability and intercultural understanding

 the role of being informed, responsible and active citizens.



Table of objectives and outcomes – continuum of learning



• develop knowledge and understanding of the features and characteristics of places and environments across a range of scales

• develop knowledge and understanding of interactions between people, places and environments

• develop knowledge and understanding of contemporary geographical issues and their management

Stage 4 outcomes

A student:

GEE4-1 describes the diverse features and characteristics of a range of places, environments and activities

Stage 5 outcomes

A student:

GEE5-1 explains the diverse features and characteristics of a range of places, environments and activities

GEE4-2 describes geographical processes and influences that form and transform places and environments

GEE5-2 explains geographical processes and influences that form and transform places and environments

GEE4-3 explains patterns associated with natural phenomena and human activity

GEE4-4 describes the interactions and connections between people, places and environments that impact on sustainability


GEE5-4 analyses patterns associated with natural phenomena and human activity at a range of scales assesses the interactions and connections between people, places and environments that impact on sustainability

GEE4-5 describes contemporary geographical issues and events

GEE5-5 accounts for contemporary geographical issues and events that impact on places and environments

GEE4-6 discusses perspectives of people and organisations on a range of geographical issues

GEE4-7 examines the management strategies of individuals, groups and governments

GEE5-6 explains how perspectives of people and organisations influence a range of geographical issues

GEE5-7 analyses management strategies and the roles and responsibilities of individuals, groups and governments in response to geographical issues




• apply geographical tools for geographical inquiry

• develop skills to acquire, process and communicate geographical information

Stage 4 outcomes

A student:

GEE4-8 acquires and processes geographical information by selecting and using geographical tools for inquiry

GEE4-9 communicates geographical information using a variety of strategies and geographical tools

Stage 5 outcomes

A student:

GEE5-8 acquires and processes geographical information by selecting and using appropriate and relevant geographical tools for inquiry

GEE5-9 communicates geographical information to a range of audiences using a variety of strategies and geographical tools

Refer to the Introduction for further information about curriculum access for the diversity of learners.

Stage 4 outcomes have been provided to assist the assessment and reporting of student achievement in those schools that choose to begin elective study before Year 9. Teachers are advised to select from the elective course content to target the specific needs of students who commence study in Stage 4.


Stage statements

Geography Elective Years 7 –10 Syllabus

Stage 4

By the end of Stage 4, students describe geographical processes that influence the features and characteristics of places and environments across a range of scales. They explain interconnections within environments and between people, places and environments.

Students discuss strategies for addressing geographical challenges, taking into account environmental, economic and social factors. They describe the influence of individuals, groups and governments.

Students undertake geographical inquiry to build knowledge and understanding of people, places and environments through the collection, collation and analysis of primary data and secondary information. Students propose explanations for spatial distributions, patterns and trends and infer relationships. They propose solutions, and may take action to address contemporary geographical challenges and predict outcomes. Students participate in fieldwork to collect primary data and develop their personal capabilities and workplace skills.

Stage 5

By the end of Stage 5, students explain geographical processes that change features and characteristics of places and environments over time and across scales and explain the likely consequences of these changes. They analyse interconnections between people, places and environments and propose explanations for distributions, patterns and spatial variations over time and across scales. Students assess strategies to address geographical challenges and the role of individuals, groups and governments.

Students undertake geographical inquiry to extend knowledge and understanding, and make generalisations and inferences about people, places and environments through the collection, analysis and evaluation of primary data and secondary information. They propose explanations for significant patterns, trends, relationships and anomalies in geographical phenomena. Students propose solutions, and may take action to address contemporary geographical challenges, taking into account alternative points of view and predicted outcomes. Students participate in relevant fieldwork to collect primary data and enhance their personal capabilities and workplace skills.



Organisation of content

For Geography Elective educational programs are based on the outcomes of syllabuses.

The content describes in more detail how the outcomes are to be interpreted and used, and the intended learning appropriate for the Stage. In considering the intended learning, teachers will make decisions about the sequence, the emphasis to be given to particular areas of content, and any adjustments required based on the needs, interests and abilities of their students.

The knowledge, understanding and skills described in the outcomes and content will provide a sound basis for students to successfully move to the next Stage of learning.

Geography Elective Stage 4 and Stage 5

Students may undertake either 100 or 200 hours of study in Geography Elective in Stage 4 and/or Stage 5. Courses are structured in the following ways:

100 hours with a minimum of THREE topics

200 hours with a minimum of FIVE topics.

The contexts chosen in the Geography Elective topics must not overlap or duplicate significantly any of the contexts studied in the Geography K

–10 Syllabus.


Physical Geography

Primary Production

Australia’s Neighbours

Interactions and Patterns along a

Transcontinental Transect


Global Citizenship

Political Geography

School-developed Option


Geographical concepts

The geographical concepts of place, space, environment, interconnection, scale, sustainability and change are integral to the development of geographical understanding.

They are ideas that can be applied across the subject to identify a question or guide an investigation. They are the key ideas involved in teaching students to think geographically.

The Years 7 –10 Geographical Concepts Continuum provides an overview of when each concept is introduced to students and examples of how students’ understanding of concepts may be developed across Stage 4 and Stage 5.


The concept of place is about the significance of places and what they are like.

An understanding of the concept of place may be developed in the following ways:

 Places are parts of the Earth’s surface that are identified and given meaning by people.

They may be perceived, experienced, understood and valued differently. They range in size from a part of a room or garden to a major world region. They can be described by their location, shape, boundaries, features and environmental and human characteristics. Some characteristics are tangible, for example, landforms and people, while others are intangible, for example, scenic quality and culture.

Places are important to our security, identity and sense of belonging, and they provide us with the services and facilities needed to support and enhance our lives. Where people live can influence their wellbeing and opportunities.

The environmental characteristics of a place are influenced by human actions and the actions of environmental processes over short to long time periods.

The human characteristics of a place are influenced by its environmental characteristics and resources, relative location, connections with other places, the culture of its population, the economy of a country, and the decisions and actions of people and organisations over time and at different scales.

The places in which we live are created, changed and managed by people.

Each place is unique in its characteristics. As a consequence, the outcomes of similar environmental and socioeconomic processes vary in different places, and similar problems may require different strategies in different places.

The sustainability of places may be threatened by a range of factors, for example, natural hazards; climate change; economic, social and technological change; government decisions; conflict; exhaustion of a resource; and environmental degradation.



The concept of space is about the significance of location and spatial distribution, and ways people organise and manage the spaces that we live in.

An understanding of the concept of space may be developed in the following ways:

The environmental and human characteristics of places are influenced by their location, but the effects of location and distance from other places on people are being reduced, though unequally, by improvements in transport and communication technologies.

The individual characteristics of places form spatial distributions, and the analysis of these distributions contributes to geographical understanding. The distributions also have environmental, economic, social and political consequences.

Spaces are perceived, structured, organised and managed by people, and can be designed and redesigned to achieve particular purposes.


The concept of environment is about the significance of the environment in human life, and the important interrelationships between humans and the environment.

An understanding of the concept of environment may be developed in the following ways:

The environment is the product of geological, atmospheric, hydrological, geomorphic, edaphic (soil), biotic and human processes.

The environment supports and enriches human and other life by providing raw materials and food, absorbing and recycling wastes, maintaining a safe habitat and being a source of enjoyment and inspiration. It presents both opportunities for, and constraints on, human settlement and economic development. The constraints can be reduced but not eliminated by technology and human organisation.

Culture, population density, economy, technology, values and environmental worldviews influence the different ways in which people perceive, adapt to and use similar environments.

Management of human-induced environmental change requires an understanding of the causes and consequences of change, and involves the application of geographical concepts and techniques to identify appropriate strategies.

Each type of environment has its specific hazards. The impact of these hazards on people is determined by both natural and human factors, and can be managed but not eliminated by prevention, mitigation and preparedness.


The concept of interconnection emphasises that no object of geographical study can be viewed in isolation.

An understanding of the concept of interconnection may be developed in the following ways:

People and organisations in places are interconnected with other places in a variety of ways. These interconnections have significant influences on the characteristics of places and on changes in these characteristics.

Environmental and human processes, for example, the water cycle, urbanisation or human-induced environmental change, are sets of cause-and-effect interconnections that can operate between and within places. They can sometimes be organised as systems involving networks of interconnections through flows of matter, energy, information and actions.



The concept of scale is about the way that geographical phenomena and problems can be examined at different spatial levels.

An understanding of the concept of scale may be developed in the following ways:

Generalisations made and relationships found at one level of scale may be different at a higher or lower level. For example, in studies of vegetation, climate is the main factor at the global scale but soil and drainage may be the main factors at the local scale.

Cause-and-effect relationships cross scales from the local to the global and from the global to the local. For example, local events can have global outcomes, such as the effects of local vegetation removal on global climate.


The concept of sustainability is about the capacity of the environment to continue to support our lives and the lives of other living creatures into the future.

An understanding of the concept of sustainability may be developed in the following ways:

Sustainability is both a goal and a way of thinking about how to progress towards that goal.

Progress towards environmental sustainability depends on the maintenance or restoration of the environmental functions that sustain all life and human wellbeing

(economic and social).

An understanding of the causes of unsustainability requires a study of the environmental processes producing the degradation of an environmental function; the human actions that have initiated these processes; and the attitudinal, demographic, social, economic and political causes of these human actions.

There are a variety of contested views on how progress towards sustainability should be achieved and these are often informed by worldviews such as stewardship.


The concept of change is about explaining geographical phenomena by investigating how they have developed over time.

An understanding of the concept of change may be developed in the following ways:

Environmental change can occur over both short and long-term time frames, and both time scales have interrelationships with human activities.

Environmental, economic, social and technological change is spatially uneven, and affects places differently.

An understanding of the current processes of change can be used to predict change in the future and to identify what would be needed to achieve preferred and more sustainable futures.


Years 7

–10 Geographical concepts continuum

Place the significance of places and what they are like

Space the significance of location and spatial distribution, and ways people organise and manage the spaces that we live in

Environment the significance of the environment in human life, and the important interrelationships between humans and the environment

Stage 4

● factors influencing people’s perceptions of places

● the special significance place has to some people

● how location influences the ways people organise places

Stage 5

● the effect of local and global geographical processes on tangible places such as a country as well as less tangible places such as a community

● conflicts arising from competing uses of space and resources

Interconnection no object of geographical study can be

viewed in isolation

Scale the way that geographical phenomena and problems can be examined at different spatial levels

Sustainability the capacity of the environment to continue to support our lives and the lives of other living creatures into the future

Change explaining geographical phenomena by investigating how they have developed over time

● processes that form and transform environments across the world

● the aesthetic, cultural, spiritual and economic value of environments to people

● the effect of human activities on natural and human environments

● how people are affected by the environment

● how people affect the environment

● management of geographical challenges across a range of scales from local to global

● responses and actions undertaken by governments, organisations and individuals

● communities operating at local and global scales

● the need to manage environments for a long-term future sustainable management approaches changes to places over time through natural and human geographical processes and events

● the effect of management strategies in reducing the impact of natural and human processes

● the function and importance of the environment

● the quality of the environment

● significant environmental challenges

● the economic, social and environmental factors influencing spatial variations in primary production

● interactions between geographical processes at different scales

● local alterations to environments can have global consequences

● changes at a global level can affect local environments

● management and protection of places and environments at local, regional, national and global scales

● short and long-term implications of environmental change

● the importance of sustainable practices

● sustainable environmental management approaches

● the protection of places and environments as a result of sustainable management practices

● the protection of places and environments as a result of sustainable management practices


Geographical inquiry skills

Geographical inquiry is a process by which students learn about and deepen their understanding of geography. It involves individual or group investigations that start with geographical questions and proceed through the collection, evaluation, interpretation and analysis of information to the development of conclusions and proposals for actions.

Students will apply their geographical skills and use geographical tools during an inquiry process to acquire, process and communicate geographical information and form proposals, and where appropriate, act upon them. Inquiries may vary in scale and geographical context.

Fieldwork provides opportunities for students to be involved in an active inquiry outside the classroom.

It is not intended that students would always undertake a complete inquiry process. For example, teachers could provide students with data to represent or analyse rather than have students acquire or collect the information themselves. Throughout the years of schooling, inquiry will progressively move from more teacher-centred to more student-centred as students develop skills and gain experience with inquiry processes.

The stages of a complete inquiry are:

Acquiring geographical information

 identify an issue or problem

 develop geographical questions to investigate the issue or problem

 collect primary geographical data

 gather geographical information from secondary sources

 record information

Processing geographical information

 evaluate data and information for reliability and bias

 represent data and information in appropriate forms

 interpret data and information gathered

 analyse findings and results

 draw conclusions

Communicating geographical information

 communicate the results using a variety of strategies appropriate to the subject matter, purpose and audience

 reflect on the findings of the investigation; what has been learned; the process and effectiveness of the inquiry

 propose actions and predict outcomes

 where appropriate, take action.


Years 7

–10 Geographical inquiry skills continuum

Acquiring geographical information


Processing geographical information Communicating geographical information

 develop geographically significant questions and plan an inquiry, using appropriate geographical methodologies and concepts collect, select and record relevant geographical data and information, using ethical protocols, from appropriate primary data and secondary information sources

 evaluate information sources for their reliability and usefulness represent data in a range of appropriate forms, with and without the use of digital and spatial technologies represent the spatial distribution of different types of geographical phenomena by constructing maps at different scales that conform to cartographic conventions, using spatial technologies as appropriate analyse geographical data and other information using qualitative and quantitative methods, and digital and spatial technologies as appropriate, to identify and propose explanations for spatial distributions, patterns and trends and infer relationships apply geographical concepts to draw conclusions based on the analysis of the data and information collected

 present findings, arguments and ideas in a range of communication forms selected to suit a particular audience and purpose, using geographical terminology and digital technologies as appropriate

 reflect on their learning to propose individual and collective action in response to a contemporary geographical challenge, taking account of environmental, economic and social considerations, and predict the expected outcomes of their proposal

 develop geographically significant questions and plan an inquiry that identifies and applies appropriate geographical methodologies and concepts collect, select, record and organise relevant data and geographical information, using ethical protocols, from a variety of appropriate primary data and secondary information sources

 evaluate information sources for their reliability, bias and usefulness represent multi-variable data in a range of appropriate forms, with and without the use of digital and spatial technologies represent the spatial distribution of geographical phenomena on maps that conform to cartographic conventions, using spatial technologies as appropriate evaluate multi-variable data and other geographical information using qualitative and quantitative methods and digital and spatial technologies as appropriate to make generalisations and inferences, propose explanations for patterns, trends, relationships and anomalies, and predict outcomes apply geographical concepts to synthesise information from various sources and draw conclusions based on the analysis of data and information, taking into account alternative perspectives identify how geographical information systems (GIS) might be used to analyse geographical data and make predictions

 present findings, arguments and explanations in a range of appropriate communication forms selected for their effectiveness and to suit audience and purpose, using relevant geographical terminology and digital technologies as appropriate

 reflect on and evaluate the findings of an inquiry to propose individual and collective action in response to a contemporary geographical challenge, taking account of environmental, economic and social considerations; and explain the predicted outcomes and consequences of their proposal


Geographical tools

Geographical tools are used by geographers during an inquiry to acquire, process and communicate geographical information.

Students are to be provided with opportunities to engage with each of the geographical tools during each Stage of learning. Teachers will make decisions about the specific geographical tools appropriate to support the intended learning for the Stage.

The Years 7 –10 Geographical Tools Continuum provides examples of tools students may use in each Stage of learning.

It is intended that students progressively move from using tools to interpret geographical data and information in earlier Stages of learning, to being able to develop and create tools for representing, synthesising and communicating the findings of geographical inquiry.

Maps –


Maps take many forms and include digital and non-digital mediums. Examples include, but are not limited to, pictorial maps, large-scale and small-scale maps, relief maps, choropleth maps, flowline maps, cadastral maps, isoline maps, land use maps, physical maps, political maps, précis maps, road maps, thematic maps, topographic maps and special-purpose maps. Maps are used to locate, visualise, represent, display and record spatial data.

Fieldwork –


Fieldwork is an integral and mandatory part of the study of Geography as it facilitates an understanding of geographical processes and geographical inquiry. Fieldwork can enhance learning opportunities for all students because it caters for a variety of teaching and learning approaches. The enjoyable experience of active engagement in fieldwork helps to create and nurture a lifelong interest in and enthusiasm for the world students live in.

Fieldwork involves observing, measuring, collecting and recording information outside the classroom. Fieldwork can be undertaken within the school grounds, around local neighbouring areas or at more distant locations. In some instances it may be necessary to use information and communication technology to undertake virtual fieldwork. Where fieldwork is proposed for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander sites, participants should be familiar with protocols ( for working with Aboriginal communities and ensure appropriate consultation with local communities and education consultants occurs. (Further information on these protocols can be found in Working with Aboriginal Communities: A Guide to

Community Consultation and Protocols on the BOSTES website at .)

Fieldwork enables students to:

 acquire knowledge about environments by observing, mapping, measuring and recording phenomena in the real world in a variety of places, including the school

 explore geographical processes that form and transform environments

 use a range of geographical tools to assist in the interpretation of, and decision-making about, geographical phenomena

 locate, select, organise and communicate geographical information

 explore different perspectives on geographical issues.


Fieldwork activities should be carefully planned to achieve syllabus outcomes. Fieldwork activities should be integrated with the teaching and learning program to take full advantage of the enhanced understanding that can be achieved through direct observation, field measurements and inquiry learning. Fieldwork activities may be specific to a topic or may be integrated across the Geography curriculum.

Students must undertake and participate in fieldwork in each Stage of learning. In the early years of learning students should be guided to observe their local area such as weather and vegetation or interviewing family and community members about connections to other places.

There will be an increasing emphasis on independent observation and analysis of data in

Stages 4 –5. There are many opportunities for fieldwork in Stages 4–5 such as investigating geomorphic processes that create local landscapes, investigating the characteristics of a local place or observing aspects of human-induced environmental changes that challenge sustainability in local or regional landscapes.

Graphs and statistics –


Graphs, also called charts, take many forms and include digital and non-digital mediums.

Examples include, but are not limited to, tally charts, pictographs, column graphs, line graphs, pie graphs, weather charts, climate graphs and population profiles.

Statistics also take many forms and include digital and non-digital mediums. Students will begin with basic data tables and progress to complex representations of statistics on common themes.

Graphs and statistics are used to collate, organise, illustrate, summarise and compare patterns, relationships and trends in geographical data and information.

Spatial technologies –


Spatial technologies include any software or hardware that interacts with real world locations. Examples include, but are not limited to, virtual maps, satellite images, global positioning systems (GPS), geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing and augmented reality. Spatial technologies are used to visualise, manipulate, analyse, display and record spatial data.

Visual representations –


Visual representations take many forms and include digital and non-digital mediums.

Examples include, but are not limited to, diagrams, images, photographs, paintings, illustrations, symbols, models, posters, collages, cartoons, multimedia, infographics and mind maps. Visual representations are used to display, visualise, analyse and communicate geographical data and information.


Years 7

–10 Geographical tools continuum



Stage 4

● sketch maps, relief maps, political maps, topographic maps, flowline maps, choropleth maps, isoline maps, précis maps, cartograms, synoptic charts

● maps to identify transects, direction, scale and distance, area and grid references, latitude and longitude, altitude, area, contour lines, gradient, local relief



Graphs and statistics


● observing, measuring, collecting and recording data, developing and conducting surveys and interviews

● fieldwork instruments such as weather instruments, vegetation identification charts, compasses, GPS, GIS

● data tables

● pie graphs

● column graphs

● compound column graphs

● line graphs

● climate graphs

● population profiles

● multiple tables and graphs presented on a geographical theme

● statistics to find patterns and trends

Spatial technologies


● virtual maps

● satellite images

● global positioning systems (GPS)

● geographic information systems (GIS)

Visual representations


● photographs

● aerial photographs

● illustrations

● flow charts

● annotated diagrams

● multimedia

● field sketches

● cartoons

● web tools

Stage 5

● relief maps, political maps, topographic maps, choropleth maps, flowline maps, cadastral maps, thematic maps, isoline maps, land use maps, précis maps, special-purpose maps, cartograms, synoptic charts

● maps to identify transects, direction, scale and distance, area and grid references, degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude, bearings, aspect, altitude, area, density, contour lines, gradient, local relief

● observing, measuring, collecting and recording data, developing and conducting surveys and interviews

● fieldwork instruments such as weather instruments, vegetation identification charts, compasses, clinometers, GPS, GIS or remote sensing

● data tables

● pie graphs

● column graphs

● compound column graphs

● line graphs

● scatter graphs

● climate graphs

● population profiles

● multiple tables and graphs presented on a geographical theme

● statistics to find patterns and trends; and to account for change

● virtual maps

● satellite images

● global positioning systems (GPS)

● geographic information systems (GIS)

● remote sensing data

● augmented reality

● photographs

● aerial photographs

● illustrations

● flow charts

● annotated diagrams

● multimedia

● field and photo sketches

● cartoons

● mind maps

● web tools


Learning across the curriculum

Learning across the curriculum content, including the cross-curriculum priorities and general capabilities, assists students to achieve the broad learning outcomes defined in the BOSTES

K –10 Curriculum Framework and Statement of Equity Principles, and in the Melbourne

Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (December 2008).

Cross-curriculum priorities enable students to develop understanding about and address the contemporary issues they face.

The cross-curriculum priorities are:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures

 Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia


General capabilities encompass the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours to assist students to live and work successfully in the 21st century.

The general capabilities are:

Critical and creative thinking

Ethical understanding

Information and communication technology capability

Intercultural understanding



Personal and social capability

The BOSTES syllabuses include other areas identified as important learning for all students:

Civics and citizenship

Difference and diversity

Work and enterprise

Learning across the curriculum content is incorporated, and identified by icons, in the content of the Geography Elective Years 7 –10 Syllabus in the following ways:


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures

The study of Geography provides valuable opportunities for students to understand that contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities are strong, resilient, rich and diverse. It emphasises the relationships people have with places and their interconnections with the environments in which they live. The study of Geography integrates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples ’ use of the land, governed by a holistic, spiritually based connection to Country and Place, with the Students continuing influence of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples on Australian places, and in environmental management and regional economies. Students learn that there are different ways of thinking about and interacting with the environment and how this can influence sustainable development.

Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia

Students learn about and recognise the diversity within and between the countries of the

Asia region and how this diversity influences the way people perceive and interact with places and environments. They develop knowledge and understanding of Asian societies, cultures, beliefs and environments, and the connections between the peoples of Asia,

Australia, and the rest of the world. Students will recognise Asia as an important region of the world.


The study of Geography Elective enables students to develop the knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes necessary for them to act in ways that contribute to more sustainable ways of living. Students acknowledge that sustainability is focused on environmental protection to create a more ecologically and socially just world and that sustainable living requires environmental, social, cultural and economic considerations, and informed action.

In Geography Elective, students examine the effects of human challenges to sustainability, and strategies to address these. Students evaluate the effects of strategies on environments, economies and societies and recognise that they can contribute to actions that support more sustainable ways of living.

Critical and creative thinking

In Geography, students develop critical and creative thinking as they investigate geographical information, concepts and ideas through inquiry-based learning. They develop and practise critical and creative thinking by using strategies that help them think logically when evaluating and using evidence, testing explanations, analysing arguments and making decisions, and when thinking deeply about questions that do not have straightforward answers. Students learn the value and process of developing creative questions and the importance of speculation. Students are encouraged to be curious and imaginative in investigations and fieldwork and to think creatively about the ways that the places and spaces they use might be better designed, and about possible, probable and preferable futures.


Ethical understanding

Geography Elective supports students to develop ethical understanding as they identify and investigate the nature of ethical concepts, values, character traits and principles, and how reasoning can assist ethical judgement. The investigation of current geographical issues and evaluation of findings against the criteria of environmental protection, economic prosperity and social advancement raises ethical questions that students explore to develop informed values and attitudes. They become aware of their own roles and responsibilities as citizens and an awareness of the influence that values and behaviour have on others. When undertaking fieldwork, students learn about ethical procedures for investigating and working with people and places. When thinking about the environment, students consider their responsibilities to protect other forms of life that share the environment.

Information and communication technology capability

Students develop ICT capability by maximising use of the technologies available to them, adapting as technologies evolve and limiting the risks to themselves and others in a digital environment. Students locate, select, evaluate, communicate and share geographical information using digital and spatial technologies. They explore the effects of technologies on places, on the location of economic activities and on people’s lives and understand the geographical changes produced by the increasing use of technology.

Intercultural understanding

Geography Elective enables students to develop their intercultural understanding as they learn to value their own cultures, languages and beliefs, and those of others and understand the variable and changing nature of culture. Students learn about and engage with diverse cultures in ways that recognise similarities and differences, create connections with others and cultivate mutual respect.

Students learn about the diversity of the world’s peoples, places and environments and investigate interconnections between them. They learn the meaning and significance that places hold, to appreciate how various cultural identities are shaped, to interpret different perspectives and challenge stereotypical or prejudiced representations of social and cultural groups. Through studying people in diverse places, they recognise their similarities with other people, better understand their differences, and demonstrate respect for cultural diversity and the human rights of all people in local, national, regional and global settings.


In Geography, students develop literacy capability as they explore, discuss, analyse and communicate geographical information, concepts and ideas. They use a wide range of informational and literary texts, for example, interviews, reports, stories, photographs and maps, to help them understand the people, places and environments that make up the world. They learn to evaluate texts and recognise how language and images can be used to make and manipulate meaning.

Students develop literacy skills as they use language to ask distinctively geographical questions and use geographical vocabulary. They plan a geographical inquiry, acquire and process information, communicate their findings, reflect on their inquiry and respond to what they have learned. They learn to comprehend and compose graphical and visual texts through working with maps, visual representations and remotely sensed and satellite images.



Students develop numeracy capability as they investigate concepts fundamental to

Geography, including the effects of location and distance, spatial distributions and the organisation and management of space within places. They apply numeracy skills in geographical analysis by counting and measuring, constructing and interpreting tables and graphs, calculating and interpreting statistics and using statistical analysis to test relationships between variables. In constructing and interpreting maps, students work with numerical concepts of scale, distance and area.

Personal and social capability

Students develop personal and social capability as they engage in geographical inquiry, and learn how geographical knowledge informs their personal identity, sense of belonging and capacity to empathise with others, as well as offering opportunities for contributing to their communities. Inquiry-based learning in Geography Elective develops students’ capacity for self-management and independent learning equipping them with the skills needed to apply geographical understanding to decisions they will have to make in the future. Through working collaboratively in the classroom and in the field, students develop their interpersonal and social skills, and learn to appreciate the different insights and perspectives of other group members.

Civics and citizenship

As students engage in learning in Geography Elective, they will develop the knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes for responsible, informed and active participation in Australian society and as global citizens. Students explore ways they can shape their lives, value their belonging in a diverse and dynamic society, and positively contribute at a range of scales. Active citizens support democratic participation, foster individual and group involvement in civil society, critically question existing political institutions and social, economic and political arrangements, and facilitate democratic change. Students examine the role of citizens and learn to participate in decision-making and to exercise critical judgement as Australian and global citizens.

Difference and diversity

Geography is well placed to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of the difference and diversity amongst people within and between communities. They learn to identify and empathise with the varying perspectives of individuals and groups and attempt to understand the actions, values, attitudes and motives of people. Students are encouraged to value difference and to challenge social injustice that is caused by attitudes to difference.

Students are encouraged to investigate how diversity contributes to a sense of community and identity, including national identity.

Work and enterprise

Geography Elective develops students’ knowledge and understanding of employment as a factor contributing to spatial distributions of human activity. Students explore the impact on people, places and the environment on human activities and the environment and the sustainability of human practices. Students also learn how organisations in Australia and overseas have a role in community action, such as environmental protection and conflict over resources.


Content for Stage 4 and Stage 5

Physical Geography

Primary Production

Australia’s Neighbours

Interactions and Patterns along a

Transcontinental Transect


Global Citizenship

Political Geography

School-developed Option

Overview of teaching and learning

In considering the intended learning, teachers will make decisions about the sequence, the emphasis to be given to particular areas of content, and any adjustments required based on the needs, interests and abilities of their students.

Where appropriate, students are to be provided with opportunities to investigate a wide range of places and environments from local to global scales.

An integrated approach to the teaching of geographical content, concepts, skills and tools provides meaningful learning experiences for all students.

All students must undertake fieldwork in Stage 4 and Stage 5.


Physical Geography

(25 –40 indicative hours)

Focus: The geographical processes that form and transform the physical world.


A Stage 5 student:

GEE5-1 explains the diverse features and characteristics of a range of places, environments and activities

GEE5-2 explains geographical processes and influences that form and transform places and environments

GEE5-3 analyses patterns associated with natural phenomena and human activity at a range of scales

GEE5-4 assesses the interactions and connections between people, places and environments that impact on sustainability

GEE5-5 accounts for contemporary geographical issues and events that impact on places and environments

GEE5-8 acquires and processes geographical information by selecting and using appropriate and relevant geographical tools for inquiry

GEE5-9 communicates geographical information to a range of audiences using a variety of strategies and geographical tools

Related Stage 4 outcomes: GEE4-1, GEE4-2, GEE4-3, GEE4-4, GEE4-5, GEE4-8,


Related Life Skills outcomes: GEELS-1, GEELS-2, GEELS-3, GEELS-4, GEELS-5,




Plate tectonics


 investigate the processes involved in volcanic and earthquake activity, folding and faulting, for example:

 location of major tectonic plates and their boundaries M ST

 discussion of evidence of tectonic plate movement VR GS

 explanation of the relationships between plate boundaries and major physical features VR

Physical processes


 investigate the processes of weathering, erosion, deposition and mass movement, for example:

 explanation of physical and chemical weathering processes and the role of weathering in shaping the landscape VR

 description of types of mass movement VR

 discussion of the role played by humans in mass movement

 examination of erosion and deposition including the role of water, wind and ice in transforming the land F



investigate patterns and processes associated with climate, for example:

 explanation of global atmospheric circulations: insolation, pressure, wind, temperature, rainfall M

 description of global climatic patterns M

 examination of factors affecting climate: latitude, altitude, maritime and continental influences VR F

 explanation of issues resulting from climate change ST




 investigate patterns and processes associated with weather and weather events, for example:

 discussion of factors affecting temperature and humidity GS VR

 description of meteorological processes that produce different types of rainfall and extreme weather events: droughts, floods, storms M VR

 assessment of the impact of an extreme weather event on a community

 examination of Indigenous perspectives on patterns and processes associated with weather and climate



 investigate the biogeography of one vegetation community, for example:

 identification of ways vegetation is classified VR

 explanation of soil-forming processes and the relationship between soil and vegetation VR

 examination of the spatial distribution and physical characteristics of one vegetation community M VR F

 analysis of human impact on the selected vegetation community VR

Biophysical environment study


investigate at least one environment produced by biophysical processes and human interactions in a particular location, for example:

 identification of the main biophysical processes in the selected study VR F

 explanation of the processes that create the features of the environment

 description of human interactions with the environment VR

The contexts chosen in this Geography Elective topic must not overlap or duplicate significantly any of the contexts studied in the Geography K –10 Syllabus.



(25 –40 indicative hours)

Focus: The features and importance of the world’s oceans and issues associated with them.


A Stage 5 student:

GEE5-2 explains geographical processes and influences that form and transform places and environments

GEE5-4 assesses the interactions and connections between people, places and environments that impact on sustainability

GEE5-5 accounts for contemporary geographical issues and events that impact on places and environments

GEE5-7 analyses management strategies and the roles and responsibilities of individuals, groups and governments in response to geographical issues

GEE5-8 acquires and processes geographical information by selecting and using appropriate and relevant geographical tools for inquiry

GEE5-9 communicates geographical information to a range of audiences using a variety of strategies and geographical tools

Related Stage 4 outcomes: GEE4-2, GEE4-4, GEE4-5, GEE4-7, GEE4-8, GEE4-9

Related Life Skills outcomes: GEELS-2, GEELS-4, GEELS-5, GEELS-7, GEELS-8,




The world’s oceans


 investigate f eatures of the world’s oceans, for example:

 description of the spatial distribution of the world’s oceans and ocean currents M

 examination of the major physical features of the ocean floor VR

 comparison of contrasting ocean ecosystems VR

Value of the oceans


 investigate the importance o f the world’s oceans, for example:

 explanation of the link between ocean currents and global climate M

 examination of El Niño and La Niña and influences on weather and climate VR

 discussion of the value of the ocean as a habitat for marine species GS VR

 analysis of the economic value of ocean resources GS

Ownership and control


 investigate the ownership of and control over ocean waters and resources, for example:

 explanation of patterns of ownership and exploitation of ocean resources M GS

 discussion of the value of oceans as part of the ‘global commons’

 examination of international treaties and agreements that deal with ocean resources

 discussion of Indigenous rights in relation to oceans

Investigative study

Select at least ONE issue relating to the use of oceans, for example: whaling, fishing, waste disposal, nuclear testing, Indigenous rights, oil and mineral exploitation, shipping, tourism.


 investigate the nature and spatial distribution of the issue:

 description of the issue GS

 examination of the spatial distribution of the issue M ST

 explanation of contributing causes to the issue

 investigate geographical processes related to the issue:

 identification of relevant geographical processes VR F

 explanation of the importance of the identified processes to the ocean


 investigate the role of individuals, groups and governments involved in the issue:

 examination of different perspectives on the issue

 description of contemporary management practices and conflict-resolution processes relevant to the issue VR

 evaluation of contemporary management practices in terms of ecological sustainability


Primary Production

(25 –40 indicative hours)

Focus: The patterns, functions and issues associated with primary production.


A Stage 5 student:

GEE5-1 explains the diverse features and characteristics of a range of places, environments and activities

GEE5-4 assesses the interactions and connections between people, places and environments that impact on sustainability

GEE5-5 accounts for contemporary geographical issues and events that impact on places and environments

GEE5-6 explains how perspectives of people and organisations influence a range of geographical issues

GEE5-8 acquires and processes geographical information by selecting and using appropriate and relevant geographical tools for inquiry

GEE5-9 communicates geographical information to a range of audiences using a variety of strategies and geographical tools

Related Stage 4 outcomes: GEE4-1, GEE4-4, GEE4-5, GEE4-6, GEE4-8, GEE4-9

Related Life Skills outcomes: GEELS-1, GEELS-4, GEELS-5, GEELS-6, GEELS-8,




Primary production


 investigate the nature and spatial distribution of primary production, for example:

 identification of different types of primary production and associated characteristics: agriculture (intensive, extensive, subsistence, commercial); mining (open-cut, underground, drilling); fishing (driftnet, longline, aquaculture) and forestry (selective logging, clear-felling, plantation farming) VR

 analysis of global patterns of agricultural, mining, fishing and forestry production


Role of primary production


 investigate the importance of primary production across a range of scales, for example:

 description of the importance of primary production to the local, national and global community

 analysis of current trends in primary production eg the changing role of technology


 examination of the involvement of multinationals in primary production

 prediction of future patterns of primary production at different scales

Investigative study

Select at least ONE example of primary production operating at a local, regional or global scale.


 investigate the nature and characteristics of the selected primary production in operation:

 description of its location at a local, regional or global scale M ST

 examination of the characteristics of the primary production F

 description of the relevant geographical processes VR

 investigate the impact of the primary production:

 examination of environmental, social and economic impacts of the activity F

 discussion of strategies to achieve sustainability

 investigate contemporary issues related to the primary production:

 identification of relevant contemporary issues GS VR

 analysis of one contemporary issue including the perspectives and influence of individuals, groups and governments in relation to the issue


Global Citizenship

(25 –40 indicative hours)

Focus: The role of informed, responsible and active global citizenship.


A Stage 5 student:

GEE5-2 explains geographical processes and influences that form and transform places and environments

GEE5-4 assesses the interactions and connections between people, places and environments that impact on sustainability

GEE5-5 accounts for contemporary geographical issues and events that impact on places and environments

GEE5-6 explains how perspectives of people and organisations influence a range of geographical issues

GEE5-7 analyses management strategies and the roles and responsibilities of individuals, groups and governments in response to geographical issues

GEE5-8 acquires and processes geographical information by selecting and using appropriate and relevant geographical tools for inquiry

GEE5-9 communicates geographical information to a range of audiences using a variety of strategies and geographical tools

Related Stage 4 outcomes: GEE4-2, GEE4-4, GEE4-5, GEE4-6, GEE4-7, GEE4-8,


Related Life Skills outcomes: GEELS-2, GEELS-4, GEELS-5, GEELS-6, GEELS-7,




Nature of citizenship


 investigate citizenship across a range of scales, for example:

 discussion of the roles and responsibilities of Australian citizens

 identification of connections between Australian citizens and the world M GS

 explanation of differences between national and global citizenship

Global citizenship


 investigate the values, attitudes and ideas of global citizens:

 examination of values and attitudes underpinning global citizenship

 discussion of ideas associated with global citizenship eg global awareness, understanding varying perspectives, mutual dependency, intercultural understanding, shared responsibility for the world and reciprocal learning

 explanation of connections between global citizenship and sustainability

 discussion of varying perspectives about global citizenship

Global challenges


 investigate how global challenges are addressed through action at a global scale, for example:

 identification of global environmental, social or economic challenges such as human wellbeing, human rights, conflict, disease and climate change GS

 description of ways the global community addresses these challenges such as treaties, aid, investment, international response and preparedness, community projects and partnerships VR GS

 examination of the roles of individuals, groups and governments in discussing issues of global concern, examining their causes, proposing and planning action, taking action and reflecting on outcomes

Investigative study

Australians as global citizens

Students select ONE environmental, social or economic challenge at a global scale in which

Australians play a global citizenship role.


 investigate the actions of the Australian government in addressing the selected challenge:

 discussion of Australia’s role as a global citizen such as membership of IGOs, multilateral and bilateral treaties and government programs

 examination of ONE Australian government program demonstrating global citizenship M GS


 investigate the actions of individuals, groups and community organisations in addressing the selected challenge:

 identification of NGOs, business and community groups involved in the challenge

 description of the actions taken by one group or community organisation

 assessment of the success of the action for all parties involved VR

 investigate the potential of students to be active global citizens, for example:

 proposal of ways individual students can take action in relation to the issue

 participation in one individual action to demonstrate global citizenship


Australia’s Neighbours

(25 –40 indicative hours)

Focus: The environments of Australia’s neighbours and specific geographical issues within the Asia –Pacific Region.


A Stage 5 student:

GEE5-4 assesses the interactions and connections between people, places and environments that impact on sustainability

GEE5-5 accounts for contemporary geographical issues and events that impact on places and environments

GEE5-6 explains how perspectives of people and organisations influence a range of geographical issues

GEE5-7 analyses management strategies and the roles and responsibilities of individuals, groups and governments in response to geographical issues

GEE5-8 acquires and processes geographical information by selecting and using appropriate and relevant geographical tools for inquiry

GEE5-9 communicates geographical information to a range of audiences using a variety of strategies and geographical tools

Related Stage 4 outcomes: GEE4-4, GEE4-5, GEE4-6, GEE4-7, GEE4-8, GEE4-9

Related Life Skills outcomes: GEELS-4, GEELS-5, GEELS-6, GEELS-7, GEELS-8,




The Asia Pacific Region


 investigate characteristics of the Asia-Pacific Region, for example:

 description of the spatial distribution of countries and major physical features within the region M VR

 explanation of factors shaping diversity in the physical environment

 analysis of human settlement patterns within the region ST

 examination of cultural diversity within the region VR

Investigative study

Select at least ONE country from the Asia Pacific Region.


 investigate the nature of the physical environment, for example:

 location of the country within the region M

 description of features of the physical environment VR

 identification of geographical regions within the country M ST

 investigate the nature of the human environment, for example:

 analysis of demographic features

 examination of settlement patterns M ST

 identification of key economic and cultural characteristics GS

 discussion of contemporary international relations

 investigate ONE contemporary geographical issue in the selected country, for example:

 identification of an issue relevant to the selected country such as population growth, population ageing, modernisation and economic growth, economic dependency, urbanisation, migration, political and human rights, access to resources, the role of transnational corporations, international aid, refugees, gender equality, health, environmental degradation, tourism, social cohesion GS VR

 examination of the roles of individuals, groups and governments in addressing the issue

 assessment of the success of one strategy in addressing the selected issue

 investigate future directions for the selected country, for example:

 analysis of current trends and events GS

 prediction of future directions for the country

 propose action in response to the directions identified


Political Geography

(25 –40 indicative hours)

Focus: The nature and distribution of political tensions and conflicts, and strategies towards effective resolutions.


A Stage 5 student:

GEE5-4 assesses the interactions and connections between people, places and environments that impact on sustainability

GEE5-5 accounts for contemporary geographical issues and events that impact on places and environments

GEE5-6 explains how perspectives of people and organisations influence a range of geographical issues

GEE5-7 analyses management strategies and the roles and responsibilities of individuals, groups and governments in response to geographical issues

GEE5-8 acquires and processes geographical information by selecting and using appropriate and relevant geographical tools for inquiry

GEE5-9 communicates geographical information to a range of audiences using a variety of strategies and geographical tools

Related Stage 4 outcomes: GEE4-4, GEE4-5, GEE4-6, GEE4-7, GEE4-8, GEE4-9

Related Life Skills outcomes: GEELS-4, GEELS-5, GEELS-6, GEELS-7, GEELS-8,




World politics


 investigate key political features of the world, for example:

 identification and location of nation-states M

 discussion of the sovereignty of nation-states

 explanation of different political systems VR

 examination of changing political boundaries and alliances at a global scale including trade blocs M

 discussion of the dynamic nature of political, economic and military power GS

Political conflict and tension


 investigate political tension and conflict across a range of scales, for example:

 identification of causes of political tension and conflict VR

 examination of areas of conflict in the world M

 evaluation of the perspectives of groups involved in areas of political tension and conflict

Conflict resolution


 investigate the roles of individuals, groups and governments in conflict resolution, for example:

 discussion of the responsibility of individuals, groups and governments in creating a better world by promoting intercultural understanding and cooperation and social cohesion

 description of successful conflict management strategies including provision of humanitarian aid and peacekeeping forces, fostering development and creating sustainable environments M GS

 proposal of methods for the resolution to political tensions and conflict

Investigative study

Select at least ONE area of political tension and conflict.


 investigate the location, nature, causes and impact of the political tension and conflict, for example:

 location of the area affected by the political tension and conflict M

 description of the nature of the political tension and conflict

 outline of the events and causes leading to the political tension and conflict VR

 examination of the impact of the political tension and conflict eg environmental, social, cultural and political VR


 investigate perspectives of different groups and resolution of the conflict or tension, for example:

 examination of the perspectives of groups involved in the political tension and conflict

 evaluate the effectiveness of attempts at conflict resolution

 proposal of alternative actions


Interactions and Patterns along a Transcontinental Transect

(25 –40 indicative hours)

Focus: The factors responsible for causing variation in spatial patterns across a continent from one specific location to another.


A Stage 5 student:

GEE5-1 explains the diverse features and characteristics of a range of places, environments and activities

GEE5-2 explains geographical processes and influences that form and transform places and environments

GEE5-3 analyses patterns associated with natural phenomena and human activity at a range of scales

GEE5-4 assesses the interactions and connections between people, places and environments that impact on sustainability

GEE5-5 accounts for contemporary geographical issues and events that impact on places and environments

GEE5-8 acquires and processes geographical information by selecting and using appropriate and relevant geographical tools for inquiry

GEE5-9 communicates geographical information to a range of audiences using a variety of strategies and geographical tools

Related Stage 4 outcomes: GEE4-1, GEE4-2, GEE4-3, GEE4-4, GEE4-5, GEE4-8, GEE4-


Related Life Skills outcomes: GEELS-1, GEELS-2, GEELS-3, GEELS-4, GEELS-5,




Investigative study

Students select ONE transcontinental transect, for example:

Australia from Adelaide to Darwin

Australia from Sydney to Darwin

Australia from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean along the Tropic of Capricorn

Africa along the Equator

 the Nile from source to mouth

North America from Los Angeles to New York

 the Trans-Siberian Railway

India from north to south

China from West to East

Antarctica through the South Pole

Broad continental patterns


 investigate changes in physical and human characteristics along the chosen transect, for example:

 account for changes in the physical environment along the selected transect including climate, topography, vegetation and fauna M VR

 examination of changes in the human environment along the transect, including land use, population, settlement and resource use ST

 identification of natural hazards experienced at places along the transect M VR

Places and events of significance


 investigate places and events of geographical significance along the transect, for example:

 explanation of distinctive landforms M VR

 discussion of the nature of custodianship or human settlement

 examination of places of religious or cultural significance

A geographical issue


 investigate at least ONE geographical issue relevant to the study area such as land degradation, urbanisation, loss of biodiversity, deforestation, resource depletion, hazard preparedness, human wellbeing, Aboriginal land rights, Indigenous land rights GS VR


School-developed Option

(25 –40 indicative hours)

This option provides students with the opportunity to develop their geographical knowledge and understanding of a particular location and/or area of inquiry that caters for their interests, needs and resources. This study also provides an opportunity to investigate a geographical issue in-depth and to undertake fieldwork within the local area or at an accessible location.

Students will use geographical inquiry to investigate the interactions between people and environments and the citizenship aspects of a selected study.

Focus: Ways in which the people and environments interact and the role of informed, responsible and active citizenship in the interaction.


A Stage 5 student:

GEE5-1 explains the diverse features and characteristics of a range of places, environments and activities

GEE5-2 explains geographical processes and influences that form and transform places and environments

GEE5-3 analyses patterns associated with natural phenomena and human activity at a range of scales

GEE5-4 assesses the interactions and connections between people, places and environments that impact on sustainability

GEE5-5 accounts for contemporary geographical issues and events that impact on places and environments

GEE5-6 explains how perspectives of people and organisations influence a range of geographical issues

GEE5-7 analyses management strategies and the roles and responsibilities of individuals, groups and governments in response to geographical issues

GEE5-8 acquires and processes geographical information by selecting and using appropriate and relevant geographical tools for inquiry

GEE5-9 communicates geographical information to a range of audiences using a variety of strategies and geographical tools

Related Stage 4 outcomes: GEE4-1, GEE4-2, GEE4-3, GEE4-4, GEE4-5, GEE4-6,

GEE4-7, GEE4-8, GEE4-9

Related Life Skills outcomes: GEELS-1, GEELS-2, GEELS-3, GEELS-4, GEELS-5,




Area of interest


 investigate a specific area of interest in the field of Geography, and:

 develop geographical questions using appropriate geographical concepts

 conduct research using a variety of appropriate sources of information including primary geographical data and secondary information sources F

 evaluate and represent the data and information collected

 analyse research findings ST

 communicate findings using a variety of appropriate strategies eg information and communication technologies VR GS

 reflect on the findings of the investigation

 propose actions, and where appropriate, take action.

The contexts chosen in the Geography Elective topics must not overlap or duplicate significantly any of the contexts studied in the Geography K –10 Syllabus.


Years 7

–10 Life Skills outcomes and content

The Years 7 –10 Life Skills outcomes and content are developed from the Stage 4 and

Stage 5 objectives of the Geography Elective Years 7

–10 Syllabus


Before deciding that a student should undertake a course based on Life Skills outcomes and content, consideration should be given to other ways of assisting the student to engage with the regular course outcomes. This assistance may include a range of adjustments to the teaching, learning and assessment activities of the Geography Elective Years 7 –10 curriculum.

If the adjustments do not provide a student with sufficient access to some or all of the

Stage 4 and Stage 5 outcomes, a decision can be explored for the student to undertake

Life Skills outcomes and content. This decision should be made through the collaborative curriculum planning process involving the student and parent/carer and other significant individuals. School principals are responsible for the management of the collaborative curriculum planning process.

The following points need to be taken into consideration:

 students are not required to complete all Life Skills outcomes

 specific Life Skills outcomes should be selected on the basis that they meet the learning needs, strengths, goals and interests of each student

 outcomes may be demonstrated independently or with support.

Further information in relation to planning, implementing and assessing Life Skills outcomes and content can be found in support materials for:


 special education needs

Life Skills Years 7 –10.


Years 7

–10 Life Skills outcomes

Table of objectives and outcomes



 develop knowledge and understanding of the features and characteristics of places and environments across a range of scales

 develop knowledge and understanding of interactions between people, places and environments

 develop knowledge and understanding of contemporary geographical issues and their management

Life Skills outcomes

A student:

GEELS-1 recognises features and





GEELS-6 characteristics of places and environments demonstrates an understanding that places and environments change identifies patterns in natural and human environments explores interactions and connections between people, places and environments explores contemporary geographical issues and events recognises perspectives of people and organisations on a range of geographical issues

GEELS-7 explores management of places and environments

Related Stage 4/5 outcomes

A student:


GEE5-1 describes the diverse features and characteristics of a range of places, environments and activities explains the diverse features and characteristics of a range of places, environments and activities


GEE5-2 describes geographical processes and influences that form and transform places and environments explains geographical processes and influences that form and transform places and environments






GEE5-5 explains patterns associated with natural phenomena and human activity analyses patterns associated with natural phenomena and human activity at a range of scales describes the interactions and connections between people, places and environments that impact on sustainability assesses the interactions and connections between people, places and environments that impact on sustainability describes contemporary geographical issues and events accounts for contemporary geographical issues and events that impact on places and environments




GEE5-7 discusses perspectives of people and organisations on a range of geographical issues explains how perspectives of people and organisations influence a range of geographical issues examines the management strategies of individuals, groups and governments analyses management strategies and the roles and responsibilities of individuals, groups and governments in response to geographical issues


Years 7

–10 Life Skills content

The Years 7 –10 Life Skills outcomes and content provide the basis for developing a rigorous, relevant, accessible and meaningful age-appropriate program. Outcomes and content should be selected based on the learning needs, strengths, goals and interests of each student. Students are not required to complete all of the content to demonstrate achievement of an outcome.

Physical Geography

Primary Production

Australia’s Neighbours

Interactions and Patterns along a

Transcontinental Transect


Global Citizenship

Political Geography

School-developed Option


Overview of teaching and learning

Teaching Geography involves the explicit teaching of content, concepts, skills and tools.

The Geography Elective Years 7 –10 Life Skills outcomes and content should be integrated with:

Geographical Concepts presented in the Geography Elective Years 7 –10

Geographical Concepts Continuum

Geographical Inquiry Skills presented in the Geography Elective Years 7 –10

Geographical Inquiry Skills Continuum

Geographical Tools presented in the Geography Elective Years 7 –10 Geographical

Tools Continuum.

Teachers refer to these continuums to identify a student’s current level of learning in relation to concepts, inquiry skills and tools and to plan for their further development through the

Life Skills content.

An integrated approach to the teaching of geographical content, concepts, skills and tools provides meaningful learning experiences for all students.


All students should have the opportunity to participate in fieldwork to develop their understanding and demonstrate achievement of Geography Elective Years 7 –10 Life Skills outcomes. Fieldwork provides students with meaningful opportunities to engage in geographical inquiry processes where they use a variety of strategies to locate, gather, select, organise and communicate geographical information through the application of geographical skills and tools.


Physical Geography

(25 –40 indicative hours)

Focus: The geographical processes that form and transform the physical world.


A student:

GEELS-1 recognises features and characteristics of places and environments

GEELS-2 demonstrates an understanding that places and environments change

GEELS-3 identifies patterns in natural and human environments

GEELS-4 explores interactions and connections between people, places and environments

GEELS-5 explores contemporary geographical issues and events

GEELS-8 collects and uses geographical information for inquiry

GEELS-9 communicates geographical information

Related Stage 4/5 outcomes: GEE4-1, GEE4-2, GEE4-3, GEE4-4, GEE4-5, GEE4-8,

GEE4-9, GEE5-1, GEE5-2, GEE5-3, GEE5-4, GEE5-5, GEE5-8, GEE5-9


Earth’s crust


 recognise that earth’s crust consists of tectonic plates M VR

 share ideas about how tectonic plates move

 identify natural landforms associated with plate boundaries VR

Physical processes


 identify processes that shape the land eg how wind and rain shape coastal headlands, rivers erode valleys VR

 recognise that wind, water and ice play a role in creating landforms VR

 share ideas about the ways people contribute to landform processes

Weather and climate


 recognise that weather and climate are different VR GS

 identify factors affecting temperature, humidity, rainfall and extreme weather events eg droughts, floods and storms VR GS

 investigate global climate patterns such as temperature and rainfall M

 share ideas about the impacts of climate change




 identify different vegetation types VR

 explore how soils form and the connection between soil and vegetation

 investigate the location and physical characteristics of one vegetation community F

 share ideas about human impact on the selected vegetation community

Biophysical environment study


 explore different features of an environment in a particular location

 examine the formation of one of the features identified VR

 share ideas about how people interact with the environment

The contexts chosen in the Geography Elective topics must not overlap or duplicate significantly any of the contexts studied in the Geography K –10 Syllabus.



(25 –40 indicative hours)

Focus: The features and importance of the world’s oceans and issues associated with them.


A student:

GEELS-2 demonstrates an understanding that places and environments change

GEELS-4 explores interactions and connections between people, places and environments

GEELS-5 explores contemporary geographical issues and events

GEELS-7 explores management of places and environments

GEELS-8 collects and uses geographical information for inquiry

GEELS-9 communicates geographical information

Related Stage 4/5 outcomes: GEE4-2, GEE4-4, GEE4-5, GEE4-7, GEE4-8, GEE4-9,

GEE5-2, GEE5-4, GEE5-5, GEE5-7, GEE5-8, GEE5-9


The world’s oceans


 locate the world’s oceans and ocean currents M

 examine major physical features of the ocean floor

 compare two different ocean ecosystems VR

Value of the oceans


 recognise the link between ocean currents and global climate

 examine El Niño and La Niña and influences on weather and climate M VR

 share ideas about the value of the ocean as a habitat for marine species

 investigate of the economic value of ocean resources GS

Ownership and control


 share ideas about the ownership and exploitation of ocean resources VR

 recognise the value of oceans as part of the ‘global commons’ GS

 explore international treaties and agreements that deal with ocean resources

 demonstrates understanding of Indigenous rights in relation to oceans


Investigative study

Select at least ONE issue relating to the use of oceans, for example: whaling, fishing, waste disposal, nuclear testing, Indigenous rights, oil and mineral exploitation, shipping, tourism.

Location and nature of the issue


 recognise the location and nature of the issue M

 explore the causes of the issue VR

 identify relevant geographical processes VR

 share ideas about the importance of the identified processes to the ocean

Management of the issue


 explore different perspectives on the issue

 explores contemporary management practices and conflict-resolution processes


 share ideas to about the ecological sustainability of management practices VR


Primary Production

(25 –40 indicative hours)

Focus: The patterns, functions and issues associated with primary production.


A student:

GEELS-1 recognises features and characteristics of places and environments

GEELS-4 explores interactions and connections between people, places and environments

GEELS-5 explores contemporary geographical issues and events

GEELS-6 recognises perspectives of people and organisations on a range of geographical issues

GEELS-8 collects and uses geographical information for inquiry

GEELS-9 communicates geographical information

Related Stage 4/5 outcomes: GEE4-1, GEE4-4, GEE4-5, GEE4-6, GEE4-8, GEE4-9,

GEE5-1, GEE5-4, GEE5-5, GEE5-6, GEE5-8, GEE5-9


Primary production


 identify different types of primary production and associated characteristics: agriculture

(intensive, extensive, subsistence, commercial); mining (open-cut, underground, drilling); fishing (driftnet, longline, aquaculture) and forestry (selective logging, clearfelling, plantation farming) VR

 explore global patterns of agricultural, mining, fishing and forestry production M

Role of primary production


 recognise the importance of primary production to the local, national and global community GS

 examine the involvement of multinationals in primary production

 share ideas about the future of primary production

Investigative study

Select at least ONE example of primary production operating at a local, regional or global scale.

Location and nature of the selected activity


 recognise the location of the selected activity at a local, regional or global scale M

 examine characteristics of the primary production F VR

 share ideas about the relevant geographical processes


Impacts of the activity


 recognise environmental, social and economic impacts of the activity

 share ideas about how to reduce negative impacts of the activity and make it sustainable



 identify relevant contemporary issues

 investigate one contemporary issue including the views of individuals, groups and governments


Global Citizenship

(25 –40 indicative hours)

Focus: The role of informed, responsible and active global citizenship.


A student:

GEELS-2 demonstrates an understanding that places and environments change

GEELS-4 explores interactions and connections between people, places and environments

GEELS-5 explores contemporary geographical issues and events

GEELS-6 recognises perspectives of people and organisations on a range of geographical issues

GEELS-7 explores management of places and environments

GEELS-8 collects and uses geographical information for inquiry

GEELS-9 communicates geographical information

Related Stage 4/5 outcomes: GEE4-2, GEE4-4, GEE4-5, GEE4-6, GEE4-7, GEE4-8,

GEE4-9, GEE5-2, GEE5-4, GEE5-5, GEE5-6, GEE5-7, GEE5-8, GEE5-9


Nature of citizenship


 share ideas about citizenship

 explore the roles and responsibilities of Australian citizens

 identify differences between national and global citizenship VR

 share ideas about the values and attitudes of global citizenship

Global challenges


 identify global challenges such as human wellbeing, human rights, conflict, disease and climate change M VR

 explore ways of addressing global challenges such as treaties, aid, investment, community projects and volunteerism

 share ideas about the responsibilities of individuals, groups and governments to make the world a better place


Investigative study

Australians as global citizens

Students study ONE environmental, social or economic challenge at a global scale.


 recognise that action is taken by the Australian government and other non-government groups to address the global issue

 investigate ONE example of action taken by a government or non-government group to address the issue and the success of those actions

 share ideas about the actions of individuals to address the issue

 identify one way they can act as a global citizen


Australia’s Neighbours

(25 –40 indicative hours)

Focus: The environments of Australia’s neighbours and specific geographical issues within the Asia –Pacific Region.


A student:

GEELS-4 explores interactions and connections between people, places and environments

GEELS-5 explores contemporary geographical issues and events

GEELS-6 recognises perspectives of people and organisations on a range of geographical issues

GEELS-7 explores management of places and environments

GEELS-8 collects and uses geographical information for inquiry

GEELS-9 communicates geographical information

Related Stage 4/5 outcomes: GEE4-4, GEE4-5, GEE4-6, GEE4-7, GEE4-8, GEE4-9,

GEE5-4, GEE5-5, GEE5-6, GEE5-7, GEE5-8, GEE5-9


The Asia –Pacific Region


 explore the spatial distribution of countries and major physical features M VR ST

 identify factors responsible for diversity in the physical environment

 investigate human settlement patterns within the region ST

 share information about cultural diversity within the region

Investigative study

Select at least ONE country from the Asia –Pacific Region.

Natural environment


 examine the location of the country within the region M

 investigate features of the physical environment M VR

 identify geographical regions within the country ST

Human environment


 examine population features and settlement patterns GS ST

 identify key cultural and economic characteristics

 explore the relationships between the selected country and other countries in the world



Contemporary geographical issue


 identify a contemporary geographical issue in the selected country such as population growth, political and human rights, health, economic growth, tourism, environmental degradation

 examine the roles of individuals, groups and governments in addressing the issue

 share ideas about the success of one strategy in addressing the selected issue

The future


 explore current trends and events GS VR

 share predictions about the future of the country

 propose an action in response

The contexts chosen in the Geography Elective topics must not overlap or duplicate significantly any of the contexts studied in the Geography K

–10 Syllabus.


Political Geography

(25 –40 indicative hours)

Focus: The nature and distribution of political tensions and conflicts, and strategies towards effective resolutions.


A student:

GEELS-4 explores interactions and connections between people, places and environments

GEELS-5 explores contemporary geographical issues and events

GEELS-6 recognises perspectives of people and organisations on a range of geographical issues

GEELS-7 explores management of places and environments

GEELS-8 collects and uses geographical information for inquiry

GEELS-9 communicates geographical information

Related Stage 4/5 outcomes: GEE4-4, GEE4-5, GEE4-6, GEE4-7, GEE4-8, GEE4-9,

GEE5-4, GEE5-5, GEE5-6, GEE5-7, GEE5-8, GEE5-9


World politics


 identify the world’s nation-states M

 recognise that nation-states have sovereignty within their borders

 recognise that the world has a number of different political systems VR

 recognise that the political, economic and military power of nation-states and groups of nation-states changes over time

Political conflict and tension


 identify causes of political tension and conflict

 recognise areas of conflict in the world M

 demonstrate understanding that political tension and conflict involves people and groups with different perspectives

Conflict resolution


 explore the responsibility of individuals, groups and governments in creating a better world by promoting intercultural understanding and social cohesion

 investigate successful conflict management strategies including provision of humanitarian aid and peacekeeping forces, fostering development and creating sustainable environments


 propose methods for the resolution to political tensions and conflict

Investigative study

Select at least ONE area of political tension and conflict.


 identify and locate ONE area affected by political tension and conflict M

 examine the nature of the political tension and conflict VR

 outline events and causes leading to the political tension and conflict M

 recognise the perspectives of groups involved in the political tension and conflict

 explore attempts at conflict resolution and their effectiveness

 propose an alternative action


Interactions and Patterns along a Transcontinental Transect

(25 –40 indicative hours)

Focus: The factors responsible for causing variation in spatial patterns across a continent from one specific location to another.


A student:

GEELS-1 recognises features and characteristics of places and environments

GEELS-2 demonstrates an understanding that places and environments change

GEELS-3 identifies patterns in natural and human environments

GEELS-4 explores interactions and connections between people, places and environments

GEELS-5 explores contemporary geographical issues and events

GEELS-8 collects and uses geographical information for inquiry

GEELS-9 communicates geographical information

Related Stage 4/5 outcomes: GEE4-1, GEE4-2, GEE4-3, GEE4-4, GEE4-5, GEE4-8,

GEE4-9, GEE5-1, GEE5-2, GEE5-3, GEE5-4, GEE5-5, GEE5-8, GEE5-9


Investigative study

Students select one transcontinental transect, for example:

Australia from Adelaide to Darwin

Australia from Sydney to Perth

Australia from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean along the Tropic of Capricorn

Africa along the Equator

 the Nile from source to mouth

North America from Los Angeles to New York

 the Trans-Siberian Railway

India from north to south

China from West to East

Antarctica through the South Pole

Broad continental patterns


 investigate changes in the physical environment along the selected transect including climate, topography, vegetation and fauna M VR

 explore changes in the human environment along the transect, including land use, population, settlement and resource use GS ST


 identify natural hazards experienced at places along the transect

Places of significance


 identify distinctive landforms VR

 explore custodianship or human settlement at places along the transect M

 identify places of religious or cultural significance

A geographical issue


 investigate at least ONE geographical issue or event relevant to the study area


School-developed Option

(25 –40 indicative hours)

This option provides students with the opportunity to develop their geographical knowledge and understanding of a particular location and/or area of inquiry that caters for their interests, needs and resources. This study also provides an opportunity to investigate a geographical issue in-depth and to undertake fieldwork within the local area or at an accessible location.

Students will use geographical inquiry to investigate the interactions between people and environments and the citizenship aspects of a selected study.

Focus: Ways in which the people and environments interact and the role of informed, responsible and active citizenship in the interaction.


A student:

GEELS-1 recognises features and characteristics of places and environments

GEELS-2 demonstrates an understanding that places and environments change

GEELS-3 identifies patterns in natural and human environments

GEELS-4 explores interactions and connections between people, places and environments

GEELS-5 explores contemporary geographical issues and events

GEELS-6 recognises perspectives of people and organisations on a range of geographical issues

GEELS-7 explores management of places and environments

GEELS-8 collects and uses geographical information for inquiry

GEELS-9 communicates geographical information

Related Stage 4/5 outcomes: GEE4-1, GEE4-2, GEE4-3, GEE4-4, GEE4-5, GEE4-6,

GEE4-7, GEE4-8, GEE4-9, GEE5-1, GEE5-2, GEE5-3, GEE5-4, GEE5-5, GEE5-6, GEE5-7,

GEE5-8, GEE5-9


Area of interest


 identify a geographical area of interest

 conduct research using appropriate primary geographical data and secondary information sources F

 explore the usefulness of relevant material

 share ideas about their research findings

 communicate findings using appropriate strategies eg information and communication technologies

 propose an action, and where appropriate, take action.


The contexts chosen in the Geography Elective topics must not overlap or duplicate significantly any of the contexts studied in the Geography K –10 Syllabus.




The Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW (BOSTES) K –10 Curriculum

Framework is a standards-referenced framework that describes, through syllabuses and other documents, the expected learning outcomes for students.

Standards in the framework consist of three interrelated elements:

 outcomes and content in syllabuses showing what is to be learned

Stage statements that summarise student achievement

 samples of work on the BOSTES Assessment Resource Centre (ARC) website which provide examples of levels of achievement within a Stage.

Syllabus outcomes in Geography Elective Years 7

–10 contribute to a developmental sequence in which students are challenged to acquire new knowledge, understanding and skills.


Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning. Well-designed assessment is central to engaging students and should be closely aligned to the outcomes within a Stage.

Effective assessment increases student engagement in their learning and leads to enhanced student outcomes.

Assessment for Learning , Assessment as Learning and Assessment of Learning are three approaches to assessment that play an important role in teaching and learning. BOSTES syllabuses particularly promote Assessment for Learning as an essential component of good teaching.


Further advice on programming and appropriate assessment practice in relation to

Geography is contained on the BOSTES website. This support material provides general advice on assessment as well as strategies to assist teachers in planning education programs.

Assessment for students with special education needs

Some students with special education needs will require adjustments to assessment practices in order to demonstrate what they know and can do in relation to syllabus outcomes and content. The type of adjustments and support will vary according to the particular needs of the student and the requirements of the activity. These may be:

 alternative formats for responses, for example written point form instead of essays, scaffolded structured responses, short objective questions or multimedia presentations

 adjustments to assessment activities, for example rephrasing questions, using simplified language, fewer questions or alternative formats for questions

 adjustments to the assessment process, for example additional time, rest breaks, quieter conditions, or the use of a reader and/or scribe or specific technology.

It is a requirement under the Disability Standards for Education 2005 for schools to ensure that assessment tasks are accessible to students with a disability. Schools are responsible for any decisions made at school level to offer adjustments to course work, assessment tasks and in-schools tests.

Further examples of adjustments to assessment for students with special education needs and information on assessment of students undertaking Life Skills outcomes and content can be found in support materials for:


 special education needs

Life Skills Years 7 –10.



Reporting is the process of providing feedback to students, parents and other teachers about student progress.

Teachers use assessment evidence to extend the process of Assessment for Learning into their A ssessment of Learning .

In a standards-referenced framework, teachers make professional judgements about student achievement at key points in the learning cycle.

These points may be at the end of a Year or Stage, when schools may wish to report differentially on the levels of knowledge, understanding and skills demonstrated by students.

Descriptions of student achievement in Geography Elective Years 7 –10 provide schools with a useful tool to report consistent information about student achievement to students and parents, and to the next teacher to help plan the next steps in the learning process.

The A –E grade scale or equivalent provides a common language for reporting by describing observable and measurable features of student achievement at the end of a Stage, within the indicative hours of study. Teachers use the descriptions of the standards to make a professional, on-balance judgement, based on available assessment information, to match each student’s achievement to a description. The Common Grade Scale (A–E) or equivalent is used by teachers to report student levels of achievement from Stages 1 to 5.

For students with special education needs, teachers may need to consider, in consultation with their school and sector, the most appropriate method of reporting student achievement.

It may be deemed more appropriate for students with special education needs to be reported against outcomes or goals identified through the collaborative curriculum planning process.

There is no requirement for schools to use the Common Grade Scale (A –E) or equivalent to report achievement of students undertaking Life Skills outcomes and content.


bearing biodiversity cadastral map cartogram characteristics choropleth map climate climate change climate graph clinometer contour lines



aerial photograph altitude aspect augmented reality cultural groups

Image taken from the air showing characteristics of an area. It may be at an oblique angle (slanting angle) or a vertical angle (straight down).

Height of a feature above sea level.

The direction a slope faces.

An enhanced image or environment as viewed on a screen or other display, produced by overlaying computer-generated images, sounds or other data on a real-world environment.

A compass point measured in degrees from 0 to 360.

The variety of living organisms and the environments they form.

A map showing property boundaries.

A map in which the size of countries is adjusted to illustrate the distribution of a feature or statistic eg population size, hunger, poverty.

The tangible and intangible elements of a place or environment.

A map with shading to provide quantitative information about different areas or regions eg population density.

The average types of weather, including seasonal variations, experienced by a place or region over a long period of time.

A long-term change in regional or global climate patterns eg annual precipitation, frequency of weather events.

A graph showing average monthly temperature (by a line) and precipitation (by columns) for a location.

An instrument for measuring inclination or slope.

Lines on a map that indicate altitude.

Country is a space mapped out by physical or intangible boundaries that individuals or groups of Aboriginal Peoples occupy and regard as their own. It is a space with varying degrees of spirituality.

Place is a space mapped out by physical or intangible boundaries that individuals or groups of Torres Strait Islander Peoples occupy and regard as their own. It is a space with varying degrees of spirituality.

People belonging to or identifying with a nationality, ethnic group, religion or social group with a distinct culture.


culture development environment ethical protocols

The customs, habits, beliefs, social organisation and ways of life that characterise different groups and communities.

Economic, social and political changes that improve the wellbeing of people.

The living and nonliving elements of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere. Where unqualified, it includes human changes to the Earth’s surface eg croplands, planted forests, buildings and roads.

The application of fundamental ethical principles when undertaking research and collecting information eg confidentiality, informed consent, citation and integrity of data. features field sketches

The tangible elements of a place or environment.

Annotated line drawings created to record features of an environment during fieldwork activities. flowline map Map showing the flows of people, goods, information or ideas between places. geographic information systems (GIS)

Systems for storing, managing, analysing and portraying spatial data. geographical challenges

Issues and problems arising from interactions between people, places and environments that threaten sustainability eg biodiversity loss, food insecurity, inequality. geographical data Quantitative or qualitative information about people, places and environments. geographical processes The physical and human forces that work in combination to form and transform the world eg erosion, the water cycle, migration and urbanisation. Geographical processes can operate within and between places. geographical questions Questions that inquire into the spatial and environmental dimensions of places and environments. global positioning systems (GPS) gradient

Navigation systems that provide location and time information anywhere there is a line of sight to GPS satellites.

The steepness of a slope. grid reference isoline map landform

A six-digit reference, using easting and northing grid lines, to locate the exact location of a place or feature on a topographic map.

A map which has lines joining places having the same value of any selected element eg rainfall.

The individual surface features of the Earth identified by their shape eg dunes, plateaus, canyons, beaches, plains, hills, rivers, valleys.


landscape latitude local relief longitude nation-state natural hazard perception pictograph pictorial map political map précis map primary data quantitative methods relative location

A landscape is an area, created by a combination of geological, geomorphological, biological and cultural layers that have evolved over time eg riverine, coastal or urban landscapes.

Distance from the equator measured in degrees north or south.

The difference in altitude between the highest and lowest points in a small geographical area.

Degrees east or west of Greenwich.

The political unit of people living in a defined territory, with government authority over their economy, political organisation and external security.

When the forces of nature combine to become destructive and have potential to damage the environment and endanger communities eg bushfires, tropical cyclones, floods, earthquakes.

People’s assessment of places and environments.

A graph using picture symbols to represent statistical information.

A map using illustrations to represent information on a map.

A map showing territorial boundaries between or within countries eg states and territories.

A simple sketch map, drawn from a topographic map or photograph, showing the key patterns and features of an area by omitting minor details.

Original materials collected by someone eg field notes, measurements, responses to a survey or questionnaire.

Statistical and other methods used to analyse quantitative data.

Location relative to other places eg the distance of a town from other towns. relief map remote sensing

A three-dimensional map showing the shape of the land and distinctive landforms (terrain) or a two-dimensional map representing 3D terrain.

The collection of information about a geographical feature from a distance eg via aircraft or satellite. scatter graph A graph which plots the relationship between two variables eg rainfall and height above sea level. secondary information sources

Sources of information that have been collected, processed, interpreted and published by others eg census data, newspaper articles, and images or information in a published report. settlement pattern The spatial distribution of different types of human settlement eg isolated houses, towns, cities.


sketch map spatial distribution spatial variation synoptic chart thematic map topographic map topography transect urbanisation vegetation identification chart weather

A labelled drawing outlining the main geographical features of a place.

The location and arrangement of particular phenomena or activities across the surface of the Earth.

The difference or variation in natural and human features over an area of the Earth’s surface eg water, population, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), life expectancy.

A map showing atmospheric conditions at the Earth’s surface at a point in time eg air pressure, winds, precipitation. Also known as a weather map.

A map portraying a specific type of information eg rainfall, transport routes, climatic zones or population distribution.

A detailed, largescale map of part of the Earth’s surface which illustrates the shape of the land and selected natural and human features from the surrounding environment.

The relief and configuration of a landscape, including its natural and human features.

A line or path across the earth’s surface along which observations are made or measurements taken.

The process of economic and social change in which an increasing proportion of the population of a country or region live in urban areas.

A pictorial resource used to identify plant types and biomes during fieldwork.

The condition of the atmosphere at a point in time eg temperature, humidity.