Human Services Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance (HLT32412) Effective from 2013 Date published January 2013 Date updated February 2014 Training Package HLT07 version 5.1 Original published version updated: February 2014 – Training Package reference updated to HLT07v5.1 (no changes to document content) November 2012 – updated to HLT07 version 5 December 2011 – updated to HLT07v4 © 2014 Copyright Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales. This document contains Material prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales. The Material is protected by Crown copyright. All rights reserved. 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Published by Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW GPO Box 5300 Sydney NSW 2001 Australia 2010503 20120034 20121566 20140052 Human Services Curriculum Framework – Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance Contents Introduction to the Human Services Curriculum Framework The Human Services Curriculum Framework and Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance Status of units of competency for the Human Services HSC course and Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance Minimum requirements for Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance (HLT324012) Human Services – Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance (HLT32412) The Human Services Curriculum Framework includes the following documentation: the syllabus associated documents support materials. All of the Framework documentation is available on the Board’s website at This document, Human Services – Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance (HLT32412), should be read in conjunction with the Human Services Curriculum Framework Stage 6 Syllabus. Introduction to the Human Services Curriculum Framework The Human Services Curriculum Framework is based on the national Community Services Training Package (CHC08) and Health Training Package (HLT07) and includes pathways to: Certificate III in Aged Care (CHC30212) Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance (HLT32412) Certificate III in Health Services Assistance (HLT32512). The Framework defines how units of competency are arranged in HSC VET courses to gain HSC credit units. HSC VET courses can only be delivered by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). The Human Services Curriculum Framework contains the following courses (detailed in Section 2 of the Syllabus): Human Services (360 indicative hours) Human Services (240 indicative hours) Aged Care Specialisation Study (60 indicative hours). HSC VET courses are dually accredited. Students can gain credit towards: the NSW HSC an AQF VET qualification, for example Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance. 3 Human Services Curriculum Framework – Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance As a result of the dual accreditation, HSC VET courses are governed by two sets of rules: HSC unit credit requirements determined by: − HSC course requirements (detailed in Section 2 of the Syllabus) − the requirements for satisfactory course completion – outlined in the Board of Studies Assessment Certification Examination (ACE) website AQF VET qualification requirements specified in: − the qualification packaging rules for Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance – defined in the Health Training Package (detailed on pp 10–14 of this document) − RTO policies. It is important to note that the rules and structure of HSC VET courses are not identical to the qualification packaging rules. The Human Services Curriculum Framework and Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance To achieve Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance as a part of the HSC students will generally complete the Human Services (360 indicative hours) HSC VET course from the Human Services Curriculum Framework. To be eligible for the award of the HSC students must satisfactorily complete a pattern of study that includes 22 HSC credit units (refer to the Assessment Certification Examination (ACE) website for further detail). Students undertaking Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance through the Human Services (360 indicative hours) course will be eligible for 6 HSC credit units towards the 22 HSC credit units required for the award of their HSC. Human Services course requirements Refer to pp 7–9 of this document (and Section 2 of the Syllabus). Mandatory units of competency are those that all students must attempt in their study of the HSC VET course. Core units of competency are those required by the Community Services and/or Health Training Packages for a student to be eligible for an AQF VET qualification. For the Human Services (360 indicative hours) course students must undertake: 7 mandatory units of competency for the HSC totalling 180 HSC indicative hours (these are made up of 4 core and 3 elective units of competency for Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance) plus 180 HSC indicative hours worth of units of competency from the HSC elective pool. For students to be able to achieve Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance, the units of competency selected from the HSC elective pool need to include the remaining 6 core units of competency and 2 elective units of competency for this qualification. 4 Human Services Curriculum Framework – Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance Work placement Work placement is a mandatory HSC VET course requirement with minimum hours assigned to each course according to the qualification being undertaken. Non-completion of work placement means the student has not met the HSC VET course requirements and cannot count the HSC credit units for the course towards the award of their HSC. They would still be credentialled for the AQF VET qualification outcome. The minimum work placement requirement for Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance is 105 hours. Students should be at least 16 years old to undertake the work placement for this Framework as they will be in a work environment with vulnerable people and duty of care requires a substantial level of maturity. Any variation of this requirement must be with the explicit approval of the school or college, RTO and host employer. Work placement is to be undertaken in an appropriate community services/health work environment. It is permissible for up to 35 hours of work placement to be undertaken in a simulated work environment. Refer to Section 4 of the Syllabus and the Work Placement in Human Services document for further information, including industry-specific information regarding work placement in community services/health industries and guidelines for work placement in a simulated environment. HSC Content The HSC Content for this Industry Curriculum Framework is organised into focus areas. Each focus area prescribes the scope of learning for the HSC. This is drawn from the common aspects of the associated units of competency (outlined in Table 1 below). The Human Services Curriculum Framework focus areas are: Health and wellbeing Industry context Safety Work. These must be addressed by all students undertaking courses from the Human Services Curriculum Framework. The HSC Content is detailed in Section 3 of the Syllabus. The HSC examination in Human Services is based on the HSC Content and employability skills for the Certificate III qualifications in this Framework (refer to Section 5 of the Syllabus). 5 Human Services Curriculum Framework – Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance Table 1 Focus areas and associated units of competency Associated units of competency Focus area Unit code Unit title Health and wellbeing CHCICS303A HLTAP301B Support individual health and emotional well being Recognise healthy body systems in a health care context Industry context CHCCS411C or HLTHIR301C Work effectively in the community sector HLTFA311A HLTIN301C and CHCWHS312A or HLTWHS200A Apply first aid Comply with infection control policies and procedures HLTHIR403C and CHCCS411C or HLTHIR301C Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers Safety Work Communicate and work effectively in health Follow WHS safety procedures for direct care work Participate in WHS processes Work effectively in the community sector Communicate and work effectively in health HSC examination The HSC examination in Human Services is optional. Students who have completed the Human Services (360 indicative hours) course are eligible to sit for the HSC examination. Students who choose to sit the examination can have the marks from their exam contribute to their Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR). The HSC examination in Human Services is based on the HSC Content (refer to Section 3 of the Syllabus) and employability skills for Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance (refer to pp 13–14 of this document and the Employability Skills in Human Services document). The HSC examination is a written exam independent of the competency-based assessment undertaken during the course and has no impact on student eligibility for the Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance. HSC examination specifications The HSC examination specifications contained in the Assessment and Reporting in Human Services Stage 6 document describe the format of the external HSC examination. 6 Human Services Curriculum Framework – Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance Status of units of competency for the Human Services HSC course and Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance To achieve Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance (HLT32412) the Health Training Package requires students to achieve 15 units of competency including: 10 core units of competency 5 elective units of competency. To achieve Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance as a part of the HSC students will generally do the Human Services (360 indicative hours) HSC VET course. For the HSC students must undertake the following 7 mandatory units of competency (4 core and 3 electives for Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance): Status in Human Services (360 HSC indicative hours) course 7 mandatory plus electives – to bring course total to a minimum of 360 HSC indicative hours HSC indicative hours Unit code Unit-specific prerequisite(s) Unit title Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance 10 core & 5 electives mandatory 35 CHCICS303A Support individual health and emotional well being nil elective mandatory 30 HLTAP301B Recognise healthy body systems in a health care context nil core mandatory 20 HLTFA311A Apply first aid nil elective mandatory 20 HLTHIR403C Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers nil elective mandatory 25 HLTIN301C Comply with infection control policies and procedures nil core mandatory 20 HLTWHS200A Participate in WHS processes nil core mandatory 30 HLTHIR301C Communicate and work effectively in health nil core Sub-total HSC indicative hours mandatory units of competency 180 7 Human Services Curriculum Framework – Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance For the HSC students must undertake a total of 180 HSC indicative hours worth of units of competency from the HSC elective pool to meet the requirements of the Human Services (360 indicative hours) course. (To achieve Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance, the units of competency from the HSC elective pool need to include the remaining 6 core units of competency and 2 elective units of competency for the qualification.) Status in Human Services (360 HSC indicative hours) course 7 mandatory plus electives – to bring course total to a minimum of 360 HSC indicative hours HSC indicative hours Unit code Unit-specific prerequisite(s) Unit title 10 core & 5 electives elective 25 BSBFLM303C Contribute to effective workplace relationships nil core elective 20 BSBINM301A Organise workplace information nil core elective 25 BSBMED301B Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriately nil core elective 30 HLTAH301C Assist with an allied health program § nil core elective 20 HLTCSD201D Maintain high standard of client service nil core elective 15 HLTCSD305D Assist with client movement nil core Sub-total HSC indicative hours mandatory + remaining core 315 To achieve Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance, students need to include 2 more elective units of competency To meet the remaining HSC indicative hour course requirements students need to undertake 45 HSC indicative hours worth of units of competency from the list below § Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance elective 20 CHCAD401D Advocate for clients nil elective elective 15 CHCADMIN302D Provide administrative support nil elective elective 30 CHCCS400C Work within a relevant legal and ethical framework nil elective elective 10 CHCORG322B Contribute to implementation of service delivery strategy nil elective Assessment of this unit of competency includes observation of workplace performance (see the Evidence Guide for this unit of competency). In their planning, schools or colleges and RTOs should ensure that sufficient work placement time is scheduled for the development of competence and collection of evidence. 8 Human Services Curriculum Framework – Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance Status in Human Services (360 HSC indicative hours) course 7 mandatory plus electives – to bring course total to a minimum of 360 HSC indicative hours § HSC indicative hours Unit code Unit-specific prerequisite(s) Unit title Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance 10 core & 5 electives elective 20 HLTAH402C Assist with physiotherapy treatments and interventions § HLTAP301B HLTCSD305D HLTAH301C elective elective 20 HLTAH407C Assist with the rehabilitation of clients § nil elective elective 20 HLTAH410C Support the development of speech and communication skills § HLTAH301C elective elective 40 HLTAP401B Confirm physical health status co-assessment required relevant to service delivery elective elective 10 HLTCSD208D Transport clients nil elective elective 15 HLTCSD304D Support the care of clients nil elective elective 15 HLTCSD306D Respond effectively to behaviours of concern nil elective elective 15 HLTFA412A Apply advanced first aid HLTFA311A elective elective 25 HLTHIR404D Work effectively with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people nil elective elective 10 HLTMS206D Perform general cleaning tasks in a clinical setting nil elective elective 10 HLTMS208D Handle waste in a health care environment nil elective elective 20 HLTNA302D Plan and evaluate meals and menus to meet recommended dietary guidelines nil elective elective 25 HLTTH303D Identify and move to maintain a sterile field HLTIN301C elective Assessment of this unit of competency includes observation of workplace performance (see the Evidence Guide for this unit of competency). In their planning, schools or colleges and RTOs should ensure that sufficient work placement time is scheduled for the development of competence and collection of evidence. 9 Human Services Curriculum Framework – Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance Minimum requirements for Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance (HLT32412) The following pages outline the qualification packaging rules for the AQF VET qualification HLT32412. This information is reproduced directly from the Health Training Package (HLT07). It is included so that the minimum requirements for achieving the industry qualification are clear. Students who meet these requirements will be eligible for the relevant AQF VET Certificate, whether or not they have met the additional requirements of the HSC course. A Statement of Attainment will be issued for achievement of single or multiple units of competency. At a later date, a person can undertake further skill development or training and be assessed against additional competencies until they have achieved all the competencies required for an AQF VET qualification. RTOs must recognise and give credit for the competencies recorded on a Statement of Attainment. Please note: HLT32412 Only the shaded units of competency are available in the Human Services Curriculum Framework. HSC course requirements are outlined in Section 2 of the Syllabus. Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance This qualification covers workers who provide assistance to allied health professionals. Workers at this level operate under direct supervision and do not conduct programs or therapeutic interventions. This qualification is suited to Australian Apprenticeship pathways. Occupational titles for these workers may include: Therapy assistant Physiotherapy assistant Occupational therapy assistant Podiatry assistant Speech pathology assistant Allied health assistant. PACKAGING RULES 15 units of competency are required for award of this qualification, including: 10 core units 5 elective units A wide range of elective units is available, including: Group A electives which are recommended for culturally aware and respectful practice other relevant electives listed below units of competency to address workplace requirements and packaged at the level of this qualification or higher in Health and/or Community Services Training Packages where appropriate, to address workplace requirements, up to 3 units of competency packaged at the level of this qualification or higher in other relevant Training Packages or accredited courses where the details of these courses are available on the TGA or other public listing. 10 Human Services Curriculum Framework – Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance Core units BSBFLM303C Contribute to effective workplace relationships BSBINM301A Organise workplace information BSBMED301B Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriately HLTAH301C Assist with an allied health program HLTAP301B Recognise healthy body systems in a health care context HLTCSD201D Maintain high standard of client service HLTCSD305D Assist with client movement HLTHIR301C Communicate and work effectively in health HLTIN301C Comply with infection control policies and procedures HLTWHS200A Participate in WHS processes The importance of culturally aware and respectful practice All workers undertaking work in health need foundation knowledge to inform their work with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients and co-workers and with clients and co-workers from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. This foundation must be provided and assessed as part of a holistic approach to delivery and assessment of this qualification. Specific guidelines for assessment of this aspect of competency are provided in the Assessment Guidelines for the Health Training Package. Group A electives – recommended for culturally aware and respectful practice Where work involves a specific focus on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and/or culturally diverse clients or communities, one or both of the following electives is recommended: HLTHIR403C Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers HLTHIR404D Work effectively with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people Other relevant electives Electives are to be selected in line with the specified Packaging Rules. The following grouping of electives is intended to facilitate selection. Electives may be selected from one or more groups and employers may specify that certain electives are required to address identified workplace needs. Client support CHCAC318B Work effectively with older people CHCCS401C Facilitate responsible behaviour CHCDIS301C Work effectively with people with a disability CHCMH301B or CHCMH411A Work effectively in mental health CHCOHC303A Use basic oral health screening tools HLTAH302D Assist with the application and removal of a plaster cast HLTCOM404C Communicate effectively with clients HLTCSD304D Support the care of clients Work with people with mental health issues 11 Human Services Curriculum Framework – Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance HLTCSD306D Respond effectively to behaviours of concern HLTHIR403C Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers HLTHIR404D Work effectively with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people HLTRAH301C Undertake visits to remote communities First aid HLTCPR211A Perform CPR HLTFA211A Provide basic emergency life support Medical imaging assistance HLTMI301B Contribute to client flow and client information management in medical imaging HLTMI302B Support the medical imaging professional Equipment/environment support HLTIN302C Process reusable instruments and equipment in health work (Note prerequisite HLTIN301C) HLTMS203D Undertake routine stock maintenance HLTMS204D Handle and move equipment, goods, mail and furniture HLTTH303D Identify and move to maintain a sterile field (Note prerequisite HLTIN301C) HLTMS206D Perform general cleaning tasks in a clinical setting HLTMS208D Handle waste in a health care environment HLTGM305D Maintain pool environments Performance BSBFLM312C Contribute to team effectiveness BSBINN301A Promote innovation in a team environment BSBWOR301B Organise personal work priorities and development Administration BSBMED302B Prepare and process medical accounts BSBMED303B Maintain patient records BSBWOR204A Use business technology HLTCOM407B Provide reception services for a practice 12 Human Services Curriculum Framework – Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance Employability Skills summary HLT32412 Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance The Employability Skills Qualification Summary includes all facets listed in the Employability Skills Framework, but has been customised to reflect specific qualification requirements: any facets not required for work to which that qualification may apply have been crossed out (text appears with a line through it) where facets contain inappropriate words they have been crossed out additional or replacement words are added (in bold italics) to existing facets: - where they are more appropriate - in order to clarify how that facet applies for that qualification. EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS FACETS ADDRESSED Industry/enterprise requirements for this qualification include the following facets: Communication 1. Listening to and understanding work instructions, directions and feedback 2. Speaking clearly/directly to relay information 3. Reading and interpreting workplace related documentation, such as prescribed programs 4. Writing to address audience needs, such as case notes and reports 5. Interpreting the needs of internal/external clients from clear information and feedback 6. Applying basic numeracy skills to workplace requirements involving measuring and counting 7. Establishing and using networks 8. Sharing information (eg with other staff, working as part of an allied health team) 9. Negotiating responsively (eg re own work role and/or conditions, possibly with clients) 10. Persuading effectively 11. Being appropriately assertive (eg in relation to safe or ethical work practices and own work role) 12. Empathising (eg in relation to others) Teamwork 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Problem solving 1. Developing practical and creative solutions to workplace problems (ie within scope of own role) 2. Showing independence and initiative in identifying problems (ie within scope of own role) 3. Solving problems individually or in teams (ie within scope of own role) 4. Applying a range of strategies in problem solving 5. Using numeracy skills to solve problems (eg time management, stock rotation, shift handover) 6. Testing assumptions and taking context into account (ie with an awareness of assumptions made and work context) 7. Listening to and resolving concerns in relation to workplace issues 8. Resolving customer concerns relative to workplace responsibilities (ie if role has direct customer contact) Working as an individual and a team member Working with diverse individuals and groups Applying knowledge of own role as part of a team Applying teamwork skills to a limited range of situations Identifying and utilising the strengths of other team members Giving feedback, coaching and mentoring 13 Human Services Curriculum Framework – Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS FACETS ADDRESSED Industry/enterprise requirements for this qualification include the following facets: Initiative and enterprise 1. Adapting to new situations (ie within scope of own role) 2. Being creative in response to workplace challenges (ie within relevant guidelines and protocols) 3. Identifying opportunities that might not be obvious to others (ie within a team or supervised work context) 4. Generating a range of options in response to workplace matters 5. Translating ideas into action (ie within own work role) 6. Developing innovative solutions (ie within a team or supervised work context and within established guidelines) 7. Developing a strategic, creative, long-term vision Planning and organising 1. Collecting, analysing and organising information (ie within scope of own role) 2. Using basic business systems for planning and organising (ie if applicable to own role) 3. Being appropriately resourceful 4. Taking limited initiative and making decisions within workplace role (ie within authorised limits) 5. Participating in continuous improvement and planning processes (ie within scope of own role) 6. Working within or establishing clear work goals and deliverables 7. Determining or applying required resources (ie within scope of own role) 8. Allocating people and other resources to tasks and workplace requirements (only for team leader or leading hand roles) 9. Managing time and priorities (ie in relation to tasks required for own role) 10. Adapting resource allocations to cope with contingencies (ie if relevant to own role) Self-management 1. 2. 3. 4. Learning 1. Being open to learning new ideas and techniques 2. Learning in a range of settings including informal learning 3. Participating in ongoing learning 4. Learning in order to accommodate change 5. Learning new skills and techniques 6. Taking responsibility for own learning (ie within scope of own work role) 7. Contributing to the learning of others (eg by sharing information) 8. Applying a range of learning approaches (ie as provided) 9. Developing own learning pathways 10. Participating in developing own learning plans (eg as part of performance management) Technology 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Being self-motivated (ie in relation to requirements of own work role) Articulating own ideas and vision (ie within a team or supervised work context) Balancing own ideas and values and vision with workplace values and requirements Monitoring and evaluating own performance (ie within a team or supervised work context) 5. Taking responsibility at the appropriate level Using technology and related workplace equipment (ie if within scope of own role) Using basic technology skills to organise data Adapting to new technology skill requirements (ie within scope of own role) Applying WHS knowledge when using technology Applying technology as a management tool 14