Unit 6 Quiz 5 5/6/08

Name:___ ______________ Date: _______Period:_____
Agenda 28 April – 2 May 2008
Unit 6 Physiology Exam 5/13/08
Unit 6 Quiz 5 5/6/08
Class website: www.marric.us/teaching
Cardiovascular system
Monday 4/28/08
Nervous System Sci Notebook
HW: Study for Quiz 4
Tuesday 4/29/08 Leap 2:30-3:30
- Nervous System Concept Map
- Real-World Analysis
HW: Ch 33 Sci Notebook due 5/1
Wednesday 4/23/08 –Late
- Cardiovascular Pulse Lab
HW: Finish Lab Questions
Thursday 5/1/08 – Block Schedule
- Cardiovascular System
- Finish Overview Study Guide
and Diagramming
- Flash card review
HW: Ch 34 Sci Notebook due 5/8 – 5/9
Friday 5/2/08 – Block Schedule
- Collect Ch 33 Nervous System
Sci Notebook
- Cardiovascular System
- Finish Overview Study Guide
and Diagramming
- Flash card review
HW: Ch 34 Sci Notebook due 5/8 – 5/9
1. The part of your brain that connects to your spinal cord is
called the _________________
2. The ________________primarily controls activities such as
speaking, reading, writing, and solving problems.
3. Where are blood cells made?
4. What prevents blood from flowing backward in veins?
5. The close arrangement of alveoli and capillaries allows
6. The cardiovascular system is made up of which organs?
7. __________________ are the smallest blood vessels in
your body.
8. When you exercise, your heart beats faster because
9. Which part of human blood is primarily responsible for
transporting nutrients, hormones and wastes?
10. Identify labeled structures
Parents/Guardian –
 I have reviewed my child’s activities and
homework for the week of 4/28/085/2/08.
 I understand that is important for me to
make sure that my child is ready for
the quiz on 4/29/08 and 5/6/08, and
has completed all assignments this
Parent/Guardian Printed Name
Bone marrow
Nervous system
Vena cava
Bell Ringers: Week of 28 April – 2 May 2008
Monday – Nicotine in cigarettes makes blood vessels become narrower. As a result, the heart _____
a. does not have to work as hard to pump blood.
b. has to work harder to pump blood.
c. becomes weaker.
d. becomes stronger.
The specific type of blood cells that engulf large numbers of bacteria is______________
a. macrophage.
b. antibody
c. platelet.
d. red blood cell.
Tuesday – Lymph nodes create ____________________.
a. macrophages
b. antibodies
c. nodes
d. bacteria
The skin can destroy bacteria because it is ______.
a. sticky
b. poisonous
c. basic
d. acidic
Antibodies bind to _________ on invading bacteria.
a. antigens
b. cell walls
c. cilia
d. DNA
Explain the difference between antibodies against bacteria and against pollen.
Wednesday – Which of the following is a false statement about antibodies?
a. Antibodies are specific in their recognition of antigens.
b. Antibodies are produced by lymphocytes.
c. Antibodies are formed in response to antigens.
d. Antibodies are made of DNA.
Explain why the statement is false
Thursday/Friday – Each B-cell produces ____________________________________________
a. antibodies for many antigens.
c. only one type of antibody.
b. many types of antibodies.
d. antibodies for all antigens.
The production of antibodies following the first injection of a vaccine is a __________________
a. lymph node reaction.
c. primary immune response.
b. suppressor T-cell reaction.
d. secondary immune response.
Explain how the production of antibodies is different when a pathogen is presented after vaccination
against the pathogen has occurred.
Name:_______________________________ Date:____________________ Period:______
Unit 6 Quiz 5
5/6/08 Cardiovascular system
1. Where are blood cells made?
2. The part of your brain that connects to your spinal cord is called the _________________
3. The ________________primarily controls activities such as speaking, reading, writing, and solving
4. What prevents blood from flowing backward in veins?
5. The close arrangement of alveoli and capillaries allows what?
6. The cardiovascular system is made up of which organs?
7. __________________ are the smallest blood vessels in your body.
8. When you exercise, your heart beats faster because
9. Which part of human blood is primarily responsible for transporting nutrients, hormones and wastes?
10. Identify labeled structures
A. _______________________________
B. _______________________________
C. _______________________________
D. _______________________________
E. _______________________________
F. _______________________________
G. _______________________________
H. _______________________________
Extra Credit – Human Brain
A. _______________________________
B. _______________________________
C. _______________________________
Vocabulary Matching
____ Alveoli
____ Capillaries
A. All the nerve cells of an animal;
B. The major artery in blood-circulating systems; sends blood to the other
body tissues from the heart; contains oxygenated blood.
_____ Cerebrum
C. Part of the vertebrate hindbrain (rhombencephalon) located dorsally;
functions in unconscious coordination of movement and balance.
_____ Interneurons
D. A large vein that brings blood from the tissues to the right atrium of the
four-chambered mammalian heart.
_____ Aorta
E. right and left hemispheres, of the vertebrate forebrain; the integrating
center for memory, learning, emotions, and other highly complex functions
of the central nervous system.
_____ Arteries
F. A vessel that returns blood to the heart.
_____ Cerebellum
G. A microscopic blood vessel that penetrates the tissues, consists of a single
layer of endothelial cells that allows exchange between the blood and
interstitial fluid.
_____ Nervous system
H. One of the deadend, multilobed air sacs that constitute the gas exchange
surface of the lungs.
_____ Vena cava
I. A vessel that carries blood away from the heart to organs throughout the
_____ Synapses
J. is the soft tissue found in the hollow interior of bones. In adults, in large
bones produces new blood cells.
____ Bone marrow
K. An association neuron – a go-between; a nerve cell within the central
nervous system that forms synapses with sensory and motor neurons and
integrates sensory input and motor output.
____ Veins
L. The location where one neuron communicates with another neuron in a
neural pathway; a narrow gap between a an axon and a dendrite of another
neuron or effector cell