Name:_________________________ Date: ____________Period:_____

Name:_________________________ Date: ____________Period:_____
Agenda Week of 28 Feb – 3 Mar 2011 Unit 5 Evolution Exam 3/25/11
Class website:
Grant Evolution Quiz #1 Score________
Monday 2/28/11
Mississippi Review Sem 1
Standards Review
HW: Ch 15 Study Guide due 3/11/11
Tuesday 3/1/11
Natural selection
Adaptations Bats and Dogs?
HW: Ch 15 Study Guide due 3/11/11
Unit 5 Quiz 2 (3/3/11)
Spraying DDT to kill mosquitoes became less effective each
year the pesticide was used. This decrease in the
effectiveness was probably caused by the fact that
2. When mountain lions prey on a herd of deer, some deer are
killed and some escape and reproduce. Which part of Darwin’s
concept of natural selection might be used to describe this
Wednesday 3/2/11 –Late Start
- Chapter 15 ppt Natural Selection
- Film clip
HW: Ch 15 Study Guide due 3/11/11
3. According to Darwin’s theory of natural selection, individuals
who survive are the ones best adapted for their environment.
Their survival is due to the
Thursday 3/3/11 –
Chapter 15 ppt Natural Selection
Concept Mapping
HW: Study for Quiz
Friday 3/4/11 –
Review Standards
Evolution Video
HW: Review Standards
Parents/Guardian –
 I have reviewed my child’s activities and
homework for the week of 2/28- 3/3.
 I understand that is important for me to
make sure that my child is prepared for
the Quiz on Friday 3/3/11, and has
completed all assignments this week.
 I understand if my child needs to retake a
quiz that the original quiz with corrected
answers, signed by a parent, must be
turned in when the quiz is retaken on
Thursday after school.
Parent/Guardian Printed Name
4. A genetic change will be maintained in a population if the
change _________________________________.
5. Although similar in many respects, two species of organisms
exhibit differences that make each well adapted to the
environment in which it lives. The process of change that may
account for these differences is _____________________.
6. Geographic and reproductive isolation can result in
7. All the genes of all members of a particular population make
up the population’s___________________
8. According to the theory of natural selection, a species that
lacks the variations necessary to adapt to a changing
environment will most likely ______________________.
Genetic Drift
Founder effect
Geographic Isolation
Bottleneck effect
Vestigial Structure (organ)
Reproductive isolation
Punctuated equilibrium
Allopatric speciation
Sympatric speciation
Bell Ringers: Week of 28 Feb – 3 Mar 2011
Monday – When mountain lions prey on a herd of deer, some deer are killed and some escape.
Which part of Darwin’s concept of natural selection might be used to describe this situation?
a. reproductive isolation
c. survival of the fittest
b. acquired characteristics
d. descent with modification
Tuesday - True/False
________ Scientists believe that all living things, including daisies, crocodiles, and humans share a
common ancestor.
________ A great number of species have died out since life first appeared on Earth.
________ The first mammals appeared on Earth at about the same time as the first terrestrial plants.
Wednesday – A field of crops was sprayed with pesticides to control a
population of insects that was eating the crop. Only 1% of the insects
survived. The same amount and type of pesticide was sprayed on the
field each year for the next 4 years. The graph shows the percentage of
insects that survived each year after the pesticide was used.
Why was the pesticide less effective each year in its ability to control
the target population of insects?
Thursday Comparisons are made between two different organisms by finding the place where the two lines
intersect. The number where the columns and rows intersect shows how many amino acids are different in the
cytochrome c of both organisms. For example, the number of amino acids that are different when comparing a
rabbit's cytochrome c with a tuna's cytochrome c is 17. The larger the number, the greater the difference in the
structure of the cytochrome c molecules of the two
What is the relationship between:
turtle and monkey
tuna and rattlesnake
chicken and rabbit
duck and kangaroo
tuna and turtle
rabbit and pig
kangaroo and rabbit
turtle and duck
Which pair of organisms is least closely related?
Which of these pairs of organisms is most closely related?
Friday What is the movement of genes into and out of a gene pool called?
Name:_______________________________ Date:____________________ Period:______
Unit 5 Quiz 2 March 3, 2011
1. Although similar in many respects, two species of organisms exhibit differences that make each
well adapted to the environment in which it lives. The process of change that may account for these
differences is _____________________.
2. The idea that evolution takes place at one point in time, followed by a long period without
change is
3. When mountain lions prey on a herd of deer, some deer are killed and some escape and reproduce.
Which part of Darwin’s concept of natural selection might be used to describe this situation?
4. _____In order for a species to survive, it must be able to _________________
a) consume a wide variety of food
c) maintain a constant body temperature
b) reproduce successfully
d) destroy competing species
5. _____Which animal species has a better chance of surviving an extreme change in temperature?
One with no fur.
One with different colors of fur and the same length of fur.
One with the same color of fur and the same length of fur.
One with different colors of fur and different lengths of fur.
6. Spraying DDT to kill mosquitoes became less effective each year the pesticide was used. This
decrease in the effectiveness was probably caused by the fact that
7. According to Darwin’s theory of natural selection, individuals who survive are the ones best adapted
for their environment. Their survival is due to the_______________________
8. A genetic change will be maintained in a population if the change
9. Geographic and reproductive isolation can result in ____________________________.
10. All the genes of all members of a particular population make up the population’s____________
11. The idea that evolution takes place at a continuous but very slow rate is known as
12. _____According to the theory of natural selection, a species that lacks the variations necessary to
adapt to a changing environment will most likely —
A become dormant
B mutate
C become extinct
D fossilize
A. Two populations are isolated if their members are unable to
interbreed and produce fertile offspring. Structural,
behavioral, and biochemical features can prevent
interbreeding and thus isolate populations as distinct species.
B. a branch of biology dealing with embryos and their
C. An evolutionary process that does not require large-scale
geographic distance to reduce gene flow between parts of a
population. Occurs rarely.
D. The separation of populations by barriers such as rivers,
mountains, or bodies of water.
E. A type of homologous structure that is rudimentary and of
marginal or no use to the organism.
F. An effect of genetic drift attributable to colonization by a
limited number of individuals from a parent population.
G. An effect of genetic drift attributable to a temporary
reduction in population size.
H. An evolutionary process in which one species divides into two
because 1)the original population is separated 2)both groups
diverge from each other and 3) reproduction isolation occurs.
I. Changes in the gene pool of populations due to chance.
J. A theory of evolution advocating spurts of relatively rapid
change followed by long periods of stasis.
Punctuated equilibrium
Founder effect
Genetic Drift
Vestigial Structure
Geographic Isolation
Bottleneck effect
Reproductive isolation
Allopatric Speciation
Sympatric Speciation
Extra Credit
________In the early stages of development, the embryos of dogs, pigs, and humans resemble one another. This
observation suggests that these animals may have _______.
a. the same blood components
c. similar habitat requirements
b. a common ancestry
d. a similar number of chromosomes
________The Haleakala silversword is plant found in only one volcanic crater on the Hawaiian islands
of Maui. Species like the silversword, which are found only on one or a few small islands are ___.
a) unrelated to other species
b) at high risk for extinction
c) tolerant of a broad range of termperature
d) highly resistant to disease
________Which of these would most likely cause a mutation?
a. the release of messenger RNA from DNA
b. the placement of ribosomes on the endoplasmic reticulum
c. the movement of transfer RNA out of the nucleus
d. the insertion of a nucleotide into DNA
Name:_____________________________ Date:___________________ Period:______
Unit 5 Quiz 2 March 3, 2011
Spraying DDT to kill mosquitoes became less effective each year the pesticide was
used. This decrease in the effectiveness was probably caused by the fact that
2. According to Darwin’s theory of natural selection, individuals who survive are the ones best
adapted for their environment. Their survival is due to the_______________________
3. A genetic change will be maintained in a population if the change
4. Geographic and reproductive isolation can result in ____________________________.
5. All the genes of all members of a particular population make up the
6. The idea that evolution takes place at a continuous but very slow rate is known as
7. Although similar in many respects, two species of organisms exhibit differences that make
each well adapted to the environment in which it lives. The process of change that may account
for these differences is _____________________.
8. The idea that evolution takes place at one point in time, followed by a long period without
change is
9. When mountain lions prey on a herd of deer, some deer are killed and some escape and
reproduce. Which part of Darwin’s concept of natural selection might be used to describe this
10. _____In order for a species to survive, it must be able to _________________
a) consume a wide variety of food
c) maintain a constant body temperature
b) reproduce successfully
d) destroy competing species
11. _____Which animal species has a better chance of surviving an extreme change in
a. One with no fur.
b. One with different colors of fur and the same length of fur.
c. One with the same color of fur and the same length of fur.
d. One with different colors of fur and different lengths of fur.
12. _____According to the theory of natural selection, a species that lacks the variations
necessary to adapt to a changing environment will most likely —
A become dormant
B mutate
C become extinct
D fossilize
A. a branch of biology dealing with embryos and their
B. Two populations are isolated if their members are
unable to interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
Structural, behavioral, and biochemical features can
prevent interbreeding and thus isolate populations as
distinct species.
C. An evolutionary process that does not require largescale geographic distance to reduce gene flow between
parts of a population. Occurs rarely.
D. A type of homologous structure that is rudimentary
and of marginal or no use to the organism.
E. The separation of populations by barriers such as
rivers, mountains, or bodies of water.
F. An effect of genetic drift attributable to colonization
by a limited number of individuals from a parent
G. An evolutionary process in which one species divides
into two because 1)the original population is separated
2)both groups diverge from each other and 3)
reproduction isolation occurs.
H. An effect of genetic drift attributable to a
temporary reduction in population size.
I. Changes in the gene pool of populations due to chance.
J. A theory of evolution advocating spurts of
relatively rapid change followed by long periods of
Punctuated equilibrium
Geographic Isolation
Reproductive isolation
Founder effect
Allopatric Speciation
Genetic Drift
Bottleneck effect
Sympatric Speciation
Vestigial Structure
Extra Credit
________In the early stages of development, the embryos of dogs, pigs, and humans resemble one
another. This observation suggests that these animals may have _______.
a. the same blood components
c. similar habitat requirements
b. a similar number of chromosomes
d. a common ancestry
________The Haleakala silversword is plant found in only one volcanic crater on the
Hawaiian islands of Maui. Species like the silversword, which are found only on one or a few
small islands are ___.
a) unrelated to other species
b) at high risk for extinction
c) tolerant of a broad range of termperature
d) highly resistant to disease
________Which of these would most likely cause a mutation?
a. the release of messenger RNA from DNA
b. the insertion of a nucleotide into DNA
c. the movement of transfer RNA out of the nucleus
d. the placement of ribosomes on the endoplasmic reticulum
There are two types of modern whales: toothed whales and baleen whales. Baleen whales filter
plankton from the water using baleen, plates made of fibrous proteins that grow from the roof
of their mouths. The embryos of baleen whales have teeth in their upper jaws. As the embryos
develop, the teeth are replaced with baleen.
Which of the following conclusions is best supported by this information?
A. Primitive whales had teeth as adults.
B. Toothed whales descended from baleen whales.
C. Baleen whales are evolving into toothed whales.
D. Descendants of modern baleen whales will have both teeth and baleen as adults.
Evolution is the idea that all existing animals and plants are descended from some one ancestor
many millions of years ago or at least a small number of ancestors many millions of years ago.
It is “descent with modification” according to Charles Darwin. Existing organisms evolved
from a common ancestor. In a modern view, evolution is change in genetic frequencies between
Evolution Theories
Two major theories to explain the evolution process: Darwin’s natural selection theory and
Sewell Wright’s synthetic theory of evolution. The key point about natural selection theory is:
more individuals are produced each generation that can survive; phenotypic variation exists
among individuals and the variation is heritable; individuals with heritable traits better suited
to the environment will survive; when reproductive isolation occurs new species will form. The
key points about synthetic theory are: a species evolves when gene frequencies changes and
the species moves it to a higher level of adaptation for a specific ecological niche; mutation of
alleles and migration of individuals with those new alleles will create variation in the population;
selection will then chose the better adapted individuals and the population will have evolved.
This theory attempts to explain evolution in terms of changes in gene frequencies.
Natural Selection
Natural selection is the process by which the organisms with the best or most favorable
genetic adaptations out-compete other organisms in a population, tending to displace the lessadapted organisms. If the fitness and selection coefficient is known, the allele frequency
after selection can be calculated. If a heterozygote has higher fitness than the homozygotes,
both alleles are maintained in the population because both are favored by the heterozygote
Species and Speciation
Speciation is the rise of new species. The two main modes of speciation: allopatric, and
sympatric; two major causes: geographic separation and reduced gene flow. Two theories are
used to explain how quickly speciation occur: gradualism and punctuated equilibrium.
Molecular Evolution and phylogenetic tree
Evolution can be dated to nucleotide sequence change in DNA. Mitochondria and chloroplasts
evolve faster than nuclear genome. Evolution can be described by phylogenetic trees which
depict the genetic distance and relationships among the species.