Module 5 – Radiation and Matter I. Sources of Electromagnetic Radiation Electromagnetic radiation is produced when a charge accelerates. II. Bremsstrahlung (German for Breaking) X-Rays A. Bremsstrahlung x-rays are the electromagnetic radiation produced when a charged particle slows down due to collisions with the atoms in the material. B. A continuous distribution of wavelengths due to the statistical nature of the interaction between the incoming charged particle and the atoms of the target material. Intensity Characteristic X-rays Cut-off Wavelength c Wavelength C. The minimum wavelength (maximum frequency) occurs when ALL of the particle's Kinetic Energy is given off in a single photon. D. Sharp x-ray peaks may also be visible. These are from characteristic x-rays (xrays emitted when bound electrons move from a high energy state to a lower energy state in the target. These are atomic finger prints. We will talk more about this later in the course. E. X-Ray Machine Equation V Target q KEi = 0 J From PHYS1224 and PHYS2424, we know that ΔKE KEf KEi q Δ V KE f q V For the cut-off wavelength, we have that all of the particles energy is given off to one single photon KE f hc Using Einstein's energy-wavelength relation for a photon, we obtain the final equation that λ min h c 1240 eV nm qV qV III. Linear Momentum of a Photon Because a photon has no rest mass (energy), you CAN NOT use the formula pMv Mo 1 v c 2 v This is true for all particles with zero rest mass!! A. Linear Momentum and Energy Formula p E c Proof: E o p c E 2 “Einstein’s Energy-Momentum Relation” p c2 E 2 “Since Eo is zero” 2 2 pcE p E c Q.E.D. B. Linear Momentum - Frequency p hν c Proof: E c p Eh ν “From part A” “Einstein’s Energy Relation for Photons” hν c p Q.E.D. C. Linear Momentum - Wavelength p h λ Proof: p hν c νλc ν c λ p hc cλ p h λ Q.E.D. “Form Part B” “Frequency-Wavelength Relationship for a wave” “Substituting for frequency” D. Linear Momentum - Wave Number p k where 2π h and k {from PHYS2424} 2π λ This formula is the key to quantum mechanics. Louis de Broglie says that it applies to everything including you! Proof: p h λ p h 2π λ 2π p h 2π 2π λ “Result from part C” p k IV. Compton Effect A. The elastic collision between a photon and a free electron. B. The classical wave picture of light fails to explain the Compton effect. C. The Compton effect provides experimental evidence for Einstein's particle nature of light assumption and relativity. D. All collisions conserve linear momentum and angular momentum E. Elastic Collisions also conserve energy. F. Experiment E', p', ', and ' E, p, , and - x KE Linear Momentum Equations: x: p p e Cos θ p Cos y: 0 p e Sin θ p Sin Energy Equation E E K The following equation can be obtained from the energy and linear momentum equations after a lot of algebra (see the Textbook): h λ λ λ c 1 cos where λ c 2.46 pm mo c If we divide both sides of the equation by hc, we can rewrite the equation in the following useful form 1 1 1 1 cos E E E o where Eo is the rest energy of an electron. G. Useful Facts 1. λ λ "always" 2. E E "always" 3. K E - E 4. "energy difference of photons is gained by electron" Maximum energy is transferred to the electron when the photon is scattered 180 degrees. λ λ λ c 1 cos (180) 2 λ c λ max λ 2 λ c also 1 1 1 (1 cos(180) ) 2 Eo E E E o 1 1 2 2E E o E Eo E E E o E E E o 2 E Eo Eo E 2 E 2 EE o - E o E 2 E2 K max E - E E 2 E Eo 2 E Eo 2 E Eo V. Pair Production and Annihilation Einstein's famous energy equation E = mc2 states that energy and mass are equivalent. Thus, a photon can also be converted into mass! This process is called pair production. Pair Production Positron Heavy Nucleus Electron Recoils 1) A positron (antiparticle of electron) and electron are created. They require a rest energy of 2 x 0.511 MeV = 1.022 MeV for their creation. Any excess energy is carried off as kinetic energy. 2) The process can only occur near a heavy nucleus. This is because the nucleus is required to conserve conservation of linear momentum. The nucleus carries away momentum but no appreciable energy. 3) The positron and electron are emitted at 180 degrees with respect to each other. The energy of the positron is slightly different than the energy of the electron due to the different Coulombic interaction with the heavy nucleus. Annihilation An electron can also combine with a positron to convert matter into energy. In this process the electron and positron are converted into two 0.511 MeV photons that are emitted 180 degrees apart. Although it is possible for more than 2 photons to be emitted, statistically 2 photons dominate the process (see Eisberg and Resnick). Positron Electron It is difficult to obtain and trap antimatter in a laboratory. When a positron is created through pair production in a gamma detector, it will soon lose its kinetic energy due to electromagnetic interactions. The positron will then annihilate with an electron inside the detector creating two annihilation gamma rays. By using ingenuity, physicists have successfully trapped anti-particles. Rubia and Van de Meer won the Nobel prize for finding intermediate vector bosons that mediate the weak nuclear force using the collision of a proton and anti-proton beam. PAS (positron annihilation spectroscopy) is a powerful materials analysis technique for studying defects in semiconductors using positron sources. VI. Gamma Ray Spectroscopy Using a Scintillator Detector Electrical circuits deal with three four physical quantities: voltage, current, charge, and time. Thus, it is necessary for us to convert other physics quantities like energy if we are to take advantage of modern electronics for analysis and detection. Let us consider the problem of detecting a 4.4 MeV gamma ray emitted from a carbon nucleus as shown below: Voltage Out Photomultiplier Scintillator Crystal Photocathode High Voltage Input Photocathode: The photocathode converts very low energy light photons to electric currents by the photoelectric process. However, the incoming gamma ray has a very poor probability of interacting with the photocathode. Scintillator Crystal: To improve the detector's detection efficiency, a crystal containing a high Z element like I or Bi is used to convert the high energy photon into lower energy photons. The incoming photon can give energy to the electrons in the crystal in one of three ways: photoelectric, compton, or pair production. The electrons and positrons will then give their energy to the atoms of the crystal through electromagnetic interactions. The atoms of the crystal then release their energy as low energy photons to the photocathode. Photomultiplier: As described in the book, the photomultiplier is used to amplify the electron current from the photocathode so that it will be large enough to distinguish from electrical noise. Carbon Gamma Ray Spectrum (NaI Detector) Intensity VII. Energy X-rays & Gamma Rays Interacting With Matter 1. An x-ray is a short wavelength photon emitted by an electron or charges particle. A gamma ray is a photon emitted from the nucleus of an atom. Generally gamma rays are more energetic, but this doesn’t have to be the case. 2. X-rays generally interact with matter through the photoelectric effect if the energy is a few keV or less. The probability for this interaction (cross section) depends 5 on the atomic number of the target to the fifth power. σ Z 3. X-rays and gamma rays with energies from 10 keV to a few MeV primarily interact with matter through Compton scattering. 4. Gamma rays and x-rays with energies more than a few MeV primarily interact with matter through pair production. 5. The intensity of a beam of photons passing through a material decreases exponentially with thickness of material. I I o e x x Io I Because the photons interact with a greater probability at the surface, they are less efficient for fighting deep tumors and cause more side effects.