

1. ? is due to the removal of “overburden pressure” on rocks. A.abrasion B.bioturbation C.frost wedging D.exfoliation E.spheroidal weathering

2. Oxidation involves the ? of electrons. A.loss B.gain C.oxidation may involve either the loss or gain of electrons

3. Salinization is often due to A.abrasion B.bioturbation C.frost wedging D.exfoliation E.irrigation misuse

4. The greater the relief, the ? the mass wasting. A.less B.greater

5. ? often have the consistency of newly-mixed concrete. A.mudflows B.talus C.creep D.solifluction


6. ? often form “hardpans” at the top of the B Horizon. A.laterites B.pedocals C.pedalfers

7. ? environments include rivers and streams. A.lacustrine B.eolian C.fluvial D.transpiration


8. ? often results in the production of sheet-like structures on granite domes. A.abrasion

B.bioturbation C.frost wedging D.exfoliation E.spheroidal weathering

9. ? are the areas that contribute water to a single river system. A.drainage basins B.distributary systems C.both drainage basins and distributary systems contribute water to a single river system

10. Older stream terraces are situated ? newer stream terraces. A.below B.above

11. Stream piracy is often due to A.headward erosion B.bioturbation C.frost wedging D.exfoliation

E.spheroidal weathering

12. ? is decomposed organic matter in the soil. A.humus B.bioturbation C.talus D.exfoliation

E.spheroidal weathering

13. When base level is lowered, rivers tend to A.erode B.alluviate C.rivers may erode or alluviate as base level is lowered

14. The process of salt cracking is most similar to that of A.abrasion B.bioturbation C.frost wedging

D.exfoliation E.spheroidal weathering

15. ? streams have a high base flow. A.intermittent B.perennial C.intermittent and perennial streams both have a high base flow

16. ? often form nutrient-poor soils; they often form in tropical climates. A.laterites B.pedocals


17. Rock abrasion is due to the action of A.water B.wind C.glacial ice D.rock abrasion may be due to the action of all of these

18. The hydrogen ion concentration defines A.pH B.Eh C.hydrogen ion concentration includes both of these

19. ? involves chemical weathering along the corners and edges of angular blocks of rock. A.abrasion

B.bioturbation C.frost wedging D.exfoliation E.spheroidal weathering

20. ? is movement of earth material downslope. A.abrasion B.bioturbation C.frost wedging

D.exfoliation E.mass wasting

21. During ? there is an expansion of freezing water in rock fractures. A.frost wedging B.exfoliation

C.frost wedging and exfoliation are due to the expansion of freezing water in rock fractures

22. Which of the following is not a depositional feature of a river? A.natural levee

C.floodplain D.cutbank E.point bar

23. Slump would occur due to ? slope angles. A.less steep B.steeper

24. Superposed streams are created where streams cut through bedrock A.from the side B.from above

25. Deltas form ? river patterns. A.rectangular B.radial C.trellis D.distributary E.dendritic

26. Which of the following is an agent of erosion? A.wind B.gravity C.water D.glaciers E.all of these are agents of erosion

27. The angle of repose for boulders is ? than that for sand. A.less B.greater

28. Point bars are developed on the ? of meander bends. A.inside B.outside depends upon the type of point bar

29. During mechanical weathering there is a A.size reduction of particles B.change in rock chemistry

C.during mechanical weathering there is both a size reduction of particles and a change in rock chemistry

30. Soil erosion is influenced by A.water B.wind C.vegetation D.soil erosion is influenced by all of these

31. Divides separate A.deltas B.glaciers C.sand dunes D.drainage basins E.divides separate all of the above

32. Entrenched meanders are created where base level is A.lowered B.raised C.entrenched meanders may be developed where base level is lowered or raised

33. Oxbow lakes are created within A.crevasse splays B.on natural levees abandoned meanders

D.on cutbanks E.on point bars

34. In the ? Soil Horizon clay and nutrients are removed. A.A B.B C.C D.R

35. Stream deposition typically occurs where streams have ? gradient. A.lower B.higher

36. Talus slopes often result due to A.abrasion activity C.salt cracking D.frost wedging

E.all of these may produce talus slopes

37. ? river patterns often develop along faults. A.rectangular B.radial C.trellis D.distributary


38. Soil layers are typically thicker where slope angle is A.less B.greater C.slope angle has nothing to do with soil formation

39. ? is the downward and outward movement of earth materials traveling as a unit. A.mudflows

B.talus C.creep D.solifluction E.slump

40. Deltas have ? subsidence rates. A.low B.high

41. The most important criterion for intense chemical weathering is the presence of A.water

B.increased temperatures C.nitrogen D.argon E.all of these are important for intense chemical weathering

42. Soil erosion may be reduced by A.contour farming B.strip cropping C.agroforestry D.gully reclamation E.all of these may be utilized to reduce soil erosion

43. The ? the water the more the mass movement; the ? the amount of vegetation the greater the mass movement. A.less; less B.more; more C.less; more D.more; less

44. Eutrophication often results due to A.abrasion B.bioturbation C.frost wedging D.exfoliation

E.nutrient pollution

45. ? river patterns resemble a branching tree. A.rectangular B.radial C.trellis D.distributary


46. ? is a surface accumulation of weathered rock and organic matter. A.abrasion B.bioturbation

C.frost wedging D.soil E.spheroidal weathering

47. Streams with higher gradient typically have ? flow rates. A.lower B.higher C.gradient has nothing to do with flow rate

48. A classic “birds foot” delta is primarily due to the action of A.rivers B.waves C.tides D.all of these are equally important

49. ? rivers often form in semiarid regions or in mountains. A.meandering B.braided C.meandering and braided rivers form in semiarid regions or in mountains

50. ? is the slow down-slope movement of surficial material. A.mudflow B.talus C.creep

D.landslide E.slump

51. ? form in arid climates. A.laterites B.pedocals C.pedalfers

52. ? Age streams have V-shaped valleys with broad divides. A.youthful B.mature C.old age

53. ? rivers have sinuous channels. A.meandering B.braided C.meandering and braided rivers both have sinuous channels

54. Deltas are constructed by A.rivers B.waves C.tides D.deltas are constructed by all of these

55. ? would tend to produce more clay-rich soils. A.granite B.basalt C.granite and basalt would both produce clay-rich soils

56. Acid rain is often produced due to the presence of A.sulfur dioxide B.nitrogen oxide C.acid rain may be produced by either the presence of sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxide

57. ? stream patterns often develop between elongate mountain ridges. A.rectangular B.radial

C.trellis D.distributary E.dendritic

58. ? is the decomposition of rocks and minerals at the Earth’s surface. A.erosion B.weathering

C.this describes both erosion and weathering

59. ? river patterns often form outward from mountains or volcanoes. A.rectangular B.radial C.trellis

D.distributary E.dendritic
