Chapter 16 (Part 1) Lipid Absorption and Mobilization Lipoproteins • Transport water insoluble TAG, cholesterol and cholesterol-esters throughout circulatory system • Hydrophobic core containing TAG and cholesterol-esters • Hydrophillic surface made of proteins (apoproteins) and phospholipids) Lipoproteins • Several different classes of lipoproteins. • Chylomicrons deliver dietary fats to tissues • VLDL, IDL and LDL transport endogenously synthesized TAG and cholesterol to tissues • HDLs remove cholesterol from serum and tissues and transports it back to the liver. • VLDL, IDL, LDL, and HDL named based on their density. Low density lipoproteins have high lipid to protein ratios. High density lipoproteins have low lipid to protein ratios. Lipoproteins • Lipases in capillaries of adipose and muscle tissues degrade TAG in VLDLs. VLDLs become IDLs. • IDLs can then give up more lipid and become LDLs. • LDLs are rich in cholesterol and cholesterol-esters. Apolipoproteins • VLDLs, IDLs, and LDLs all contain a large monomeric protein called ApoB-100. • ApoB-100 forms amphipathic crust on lipoprotein surface. • Chylomicrons contain analogous lipoprotein ApoB-48. • VLDLs and IDLs also possess a number of small weakly associated proteins that disassociate during lipoprotein degradation. • Small apolipoproteins function to modulate the activity of enzymes involved in lipid mobilization and interactions with cell surface receptors. LDL Receptor • Binds to ApoB-100. • Found on cell surface of many cell types • Mediates delivery of cholestrol by inducing endocytosis and fusion with lysosomes. • Lysosomal lipases and proteases degrade the LDL. Cholesterol then incorporates into cell membranes or is stored as cholesterol-esters. High LDL levels can lead to cardiovascular disease. • LDL can be oxidized to form oxLDL • oxLDL is taken up by immune cells called macrophages. • Macrophages become engorged to form foam cells. • Foam cells become trapped in the walls of blood vessels and contribute to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. • Causes narrowing of the arteries which can lead to heart attacks. Plaque Build up in Artery Absence of LDL Receptor Leads to Hypercholesteremia and Antherosclerosis • Persons lacking the LDL receptor suffer from familial hypercholestermia • Result of a mutation in a single autosomal gene • Total plasma cholesterol and LDL levels are elevated. • Homozygous indivdiuals have cholesterol levels of 680 mg/dL. Heterozygous individuals = 300 mg/dL. Healthy person = <200 mg/dL. • Most homozygous individuals die of cardiovascular disease in childhood. LDLs/HDLs and Cardiovascular Disease • LDL/HDL ratios are used as a diagnostic tool for signs of cardiovascular disease • LDL = “Bad Cholesterol” • HDL = “Good Cholesterol” • A good LDL/HDL ratio is 3.5 • Protective role of HDL not clear. • An esterase that breaks down oxidized lipids is associated with HDL. It is possible (but not proven) that this enzyme helps destroy oxLDL Triacylglycerols are Highly Concentrated Energy Stores • Complete oxidation of fatty acids yield 9 kcal/gm while only 4 kcal/gm are generated from carbos and proteins. • Fatty acids are more reduced than proteins or carbos. • Since TAGs are non-polar and anhydrous (lacking hydration shell), can store more than 6 times as much energy per gm than glycogen. Energy Reserves of a 150 lb Man • 100,000 kcal of TAG, 25,000 kcal protein, 600 kcal glycogen, 40 kcal glucose. • 24 lbs of body weight is TAG • Would need 121lbs of glycogen to store the same amount of energy Absorption and Mobilization of TAG • Digestion of dietary lipids occurs in the small intestine. • TAG must be broken down to fatty acids for absorption across intestinal epithelium. • First TAG forms micelles with bile salts (amphipathic molecules drived from cholestrol) • The micelles form to orient ester bonds of TAG towards the hydrophillic surface to allow water soluble lipases to cleave molecule. Bile Salt • Fatty acids and MAG enter mucosal cells where they are used to re-synthesize TAG • TAG is then packaged into lipoprotein transport particles called chylomicrons (lipoprotein). • Chylomicrons are mainly composed of TAG and apoprotein B-48. Also contain fat solubel vitamins • Chylomicrons enter the lymph system and then the blood stream. • Chylomicrons bind to membrane bound lipoprotein lipases at the surface of adipose and muscle cells. Storage of FAT • TAG is delivered to adipose tissue in the form of chylomicrons and VLDLs. • The TAG is hydrolyzed and enters adipose cell as free fatty acid and MAG. • Fatty acids and MAG are re-esterified to form TAG. • TAG coalesce in the cytoplasm of adipose cells to form large globules Mobilization of Fat • Epinephrine, noepinephrine, glucgon and adrenocorticotrophic hormones activate an adipose lipase. • The hormones bind to the 7M receptor on outer surface of the adipose cell plasma membrane. • Induces a G-protein mediated signal transduction pathway. Mobilization of Fat • Free fatty acids are not soluble in blood plasma. • Fatty acids are carried through the blood stream on proteins called serum albumins. • Once fatty acids reach target cell it enters the cell and becomes esterified to CoA-SH and enters b-oxidation pathway • Glycerol generated from fat breakdown is absorbed by the liver it can serve as an intermediate for glycolysis or gluconeogenesis.