Interviewer: Meizi Li Interview Assignment Professor Stacy Perry December 3, 2008

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Interviewer: Meizi Li
Interview Assignment
Professor Stacy Perry
December 3, 2008
Interviewee: M. …
LaGuardia Business Department
As a Lawyer
Question1: What do you like most about your job and why?
Answer: going to the court, dealing with the Client, interact with other lawyers.
Question2: What training would you recommend for someone who wanted to enter this
field now? What skills and background are needed to get into this field now?
Answer: finish four-year college, go to law school. Good writing and reading skill is
necessary to be a lawyer. If you know how to type well would helpful too.
Question3: What personal qualities do you feel are most important in your work and why?
Answer: it is good if you can think about others have not think about. You need strong
body to stand for the long hour works.
Question4: What types of stress do you experience on the job?
Answer: to do a lot of stuff in a period of time. In a certain time, you have to think about
the best solution you think for your client and do what judge tells you to do in a limited
Question5: What types of people survive and do well in this field?
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Answer: as there are so many works to do, people need work hard to survive in this field.
People have to know how to be around people. You might need help from you assistance
and you need communicate with your client well, and you might need a good relationship
with the jury and other lawyers and judge to get some professional suggestion if
Question6: What are the opportunities for promotion?
Answer: open your own firm, it is possible to be a part of jury or even a judge.
Additional questions:
Question1: what’s your recommendation for me to choose a senior college and major.
Answer: After finishing paralegal program in LaGuardia, you can transfer to John Jay
College to get bachelor degree. The advantage of choosing paralegal major is you learn
some laws in your college which most of people in the law school don’t know about. And
if the college you chose doesn’t have paralegal major, good majors for attending law
school is those major can improve your writing and reading skill like English major or
History major.
Question2: Is there any difference being male lawyers and female lawyers?
Answer: yes. Normally, female lawyers usually need works harder than male lawyer so
that get the same respect. It is easier go joke around for male lawyer and that helps the
relations with jury and judge or other lawyers.
Queston3: do you reject client?
Answer: yes. I never take over some cases involve with sexual issues.
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Reflective Paragraph
I have learned what the important skills to be a lawyer are: writing and
reading skills and interpersonal skills. The environment of this field is quite stressful
which requires a lawyer to finish the task in a limited time. The most helpful information
I find from this interview is his suggestions of choosing a major in a senior college
because I have seeking for a major related to the law field for a long time, however there
was not so much in a four-year college. Like the favorite parts of the interviewee, going
to the court and dealing with clients, jury or other lawyers are most attractive for me
because of the challenging to deal with different clients with different cases wont let me
feel bored when I am working, and dealing with jury and other lawyers would always
learn something from them which would satisfy my desire of knowledge. This is how the
work environment appeals to me. This experience of interviewing a professional lawyer
influences the determination of being a lawyer. I was very suffered from choosing a
major before, it is wonderful to make a decision, and to have a career and educational
goals which are attending a law school after finishing 4 year college.