Carolyn Chan
Quiz 3
Discuss Self-Image and Self -Esteem in relation to your Self -Concept (CH3). Use your
own life as an example as you identify values , attitudes and beliefs .Be sure to discuss
culture and ethnocentrism .
We all know self-concept is our self-ideas. However, it is only imaginary and not
yet proven. In addition, it consists of an organized collection of beliefs and attitudes
about self. Furthermore, self-concept has two subcomponent, these are self-image, which
is the mental picture of our self, and self-esteem is our feelings and attitude toward
ourselves or how we evaluate ourselves. It is a pride and confidence of oneself.
In life, three things people should realize; these are values, attitudes, and beliefs.
Values is a general, relatively long lasting ideal that guides behavior; attitudes is the
evaluative dispositions, feelings, or positions about ourselves, other person, events, ideas,
or objects; and beliefs is the convictions or confidence in the truth of something that lacks
absolute proof. For example, since we were young, our parents try their best to provide as
education, even though education takes a lot of time and money, they still send us to
school, because they know education is important.
In conclusion, self-concept is made up two important subcomponent, these are the
self-image and self-esteem. Self-concept also affects one's culture and ethnocentrism,
because it's this includes how values, attitude, and beliefs of one's person, and how they
see themselves as a whole.