Klajdi Selimaj Essay: Guided Reading Questions 2

Klajdi Selimaj
Essay: Guided Reading Questions 2
Values are equally important to personality type, interests, and skills, to the personal
identity database because they will enable a person to make good career choices. The choices
are likely to be satisfying if we value something, to be good at it. It helps us create a picture of
ourselves, defining who we are. Most importantly the values we have shape the type of career
we will have.
The six parts of Holland's personality types are also known as R.I.A.S.E.C. which
stands for; Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. The
Realistic type prefers to manipulate machines, tools, and things. It values material rewards for
tangible accomplishments. An Investigative type prefers exploration, understanding, and
prediction of natural and social phenomena. It values development or acquisition of knowledge.
An Artistic type prefers literary, musical or artistic activities. It values creative expression or
ideas, emotions, or sentiments. A Social type prefers helping, teaching, treating, or counseling
others. It values fostering the welfare of others, and social services. An Enterprising type prefers
persuading, manipulating, or directing others. It values material accomplishments and social
status. And last a Conventional type prefers establishing or maintaining orderly routines and
applications of standards. It values material or financial accomplishments and power in social,
business, or political arenas.
The preferences associated with each dimension of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are;
Extraversion-Introversion, Sensing-Intuition, Thinking- Feeling, Judging- Perceiving.
Extraverts are energized through their contact with others, like to think out loud, and tend to be
more action-oriented, yet the Introverts reflect on ideas silently and want to know the ideas
behind a project. Sensing people can take in information, rely on their five senses, get all the
details right, and like practical immediately useful information. Intuition people when take
information from the world around, they search for possibilities, they always imagine the future,
speculating on what is possible. People with a thinking preference use logic and analysis to
make decisions, they look at problems objectively, weighing facts and evidence. People with
feeling preference are influenced by how others will feel and consider the effects of their
decisions on other people and on relationships. People who prefer judging live in an orderly
way, planning ahead, organizing, and flowing through. They respect deadlines and do their best
to meet them. They tend to like schedules and lists. People who prefer perceiving live in a more
flexible, spontaneous way, adapting to new circumstances as they arise.