Left and Right Brain

Left and Right Brain
Left Brain
Process information in a linear manner.
List makers
Good spellers
Work in the linear and sequential processing of math
and following directions
• Have no trouble expressing themselves in words
Left Brain
• Persons of the left brain deal with things the way
they are-with reality.
• When affected by the environment, left brain people
usually adjust to it easily.
• Left brained people want to know the rules and
follow them.
• If there are no rules for situations, they will probably
make up rules to follow.
Left Brain Characteristics
Respond to verbal instructions
Controlled, systematic experiments
Problem solves logically and sequentially looking at
the parts of things
Makes objective judgments
Looks at differences
Is planned and structured
Prefers established, certain information.
Left Brain Characteristics
Analytic reader
Primary reliance on language in thinking and remembering
Prefers talking and writing
Prefers multiple choice test
Controls feelings
Prefers hierarchical authority structures
Talks, and talks, and talks
Sees cause and effect
Draws on previously accumulated, organized information.
Right Brain
Process from a whole to a part, holistically.
Given the big picture first.
Color sensitive
See words in context
Hands on activities
Right Brain
• Right brained people may know what they
mean but often have trouble finding the right
• Right brain individuals need to back up
everything visually.
• When giving directions, they use their hands
and give names of places along the way verses
hard north, south, east, west.
• Creative
Right Brain Characteristics
Responds to demonstrated instructions
Open-ended, random experiments
Problem solves with hunches, looking for patterns
Makes subjective judgments
Looks at similarities
Is fluid and spontaneous
Prefers elusive, uncertain information
Right Brain Characteristics
• Synthesizing
• Primary reliance on images in thinking and
• Prefers drawing and manipulating objects
• Prefers open-ended questions
• Free with feelings
• Essentially self-acting
• Prefers participative authority