Being a part of the ePortfolio Scholars course has been... experience. This course has greatly contributed to my creative writing...

Being a part of the ePortfolio Scholars course has been both a beneficial and enjoyable
experience. This course has greatly contributed to my creative writing skills as a result of the
multiple reflections that I was required to write about the assignments I’ve done and my
experience from taking the course itself - - ironically the ePortfolio course doubled as a creative
writing course and inadvertently contributed in helping me achieve my educational goal. Finally,
working on my ePortfolio has assisted me in understanding that the quality of the work that I
produce is directly correlated to how I approach my task. If I have a positive demeanor, I’ll have
an overall more enjoyable experience and generate quality work. On the other hand, if I perceive
an assignment as a chore, then I complete it hastily; with little concern to the content and
quality it contains.