– Provided T, December 7th on Blackboard; please return a... Final Examination copy to class on R, December 9

Final Examination – Provided T, December 7th on Blackboard; please return a printed
copy to class on R, December 9th
Question 1: Personality Type: Please tell us your personality type—what each of
the letters stand for as well as the characteristics of your type and temperament that
relate most to you.. You can use all of the external links of Blackboard—even retake
the test if you wish. Go to the site: Team Technology and select your personality
type. Click your type to go the personality type page; choose three points on this
page: personal growth; contributions to a team; recognizing stress and any others
that are of interest to you. Write three sentences on how the bulleted points relate to
you at this point in your academic, career and personal development. Next, click on
the careers section and select the career that you feel is the best match.
Question 2: Find a job: Assuming that you have all of the credentials for your best
match, go to The New York Times jobs section and find three positions that you would
like to apply to for your first professional job. Or, if you don’t have too much luck with
the NY Times, go to your favorite companies’ web sites and apply to these
organizations. Print your three findings and attach them to your exam.
Question 3: Experiential Learning: We have had an opportunity to participate in job
shadowing, as a group at The New York State Veterans’ facility in St. Albans, NY, or
you may have volunteered at an organization. Please write and reflect upon this
experience OR
Prepare a summary of what you have learned from conducting your informational
interview. Provide three points of advice that were provided to you that you think will
be especially helpful OR
Please reflect on our visit to Finding Work at NYU’s Gallatin Galleries—an attachment
to this document can provide information for you OR
If there was any other event, observation or intellectual activity that you engaged in
during the last weeks’ of our course, please summarize this activity and its meaning.
Question 4: Which was your favorite from among these links or podcasts? Write
five sentences on why this is so.
Poet, Joe Brainard - I remember . . .
The Wisdom Book
Marie Ponsot – Celebrating Life at 88
Social Entrepreneurship
New Meaning for Night Class at 2-Year Colleges
Two-Year Colleges, Swamped, No Longer Welcome All
Question 5: Attach a copy of your resume to this exam
Question 6: Reflect upon the work that you have completed on your ePortfolio? How
has it helped you to grow as a student, as a person? How will you use your ePortfolio in
the future? What do you think was the most important learning that evolved as you
developed each section of your ePortfolio? What is the most important point in learning
that you will take away from this class?
Have a wonderful winter break and the best holiday season!!!
Information on Gallatin Galleries: Finding Work
On Thursday of this week, my ESL/CEP class visited The Gallatin Galleries at NYU to see
the exhibition, “Finding Work, Representing Labor in Contemporary Art.” An assistant
curator provided a tour—it’s a small but a great exhibition.
We were introduced to wonderful, very thought-provoking works. Many of the captions
were direct quotes taken from Studs Terkel’s, Working. Among the cited workers were
Mike LeFevre, Steelworker; Beryl Simpson, Airline Reservationist; Sam Mature, Barber;
and Nora Watson, Editor.
There are several small bronze sculptures by Tom Otterness--one named “Farmer on the
Globe” is really beautiful. You’ll have an opportunity to meet “Conrad Carpenter”, an
unemployed astronaut, and to view a video by Karina Skvirsky named, Giocanda.
Gioconda explores the plight of recent immigrants who work long hours doing menial jobs as part
of an invisible economy long after emigration. The video charts Gioconda’s every movement as
she ardently cleans a hotel room. Gioconda metaphorically elevates the banal tasks of cleaning,
exploring the larger philosophical questions often posed by existential literature—how is life
ascribed meaning and what if anything is left behind. The soundtrack mixes cleaning sounds with
sampled tracks from Hollywood border films evoking Gioconda’s own crossing from Mexico into
the US.
Scott Sternbach has a beautiful image of a woman who is a farmer from Delaware County,
NY as well as an image on the show’s poster.
A few of my students are putting together a short piece on the exhibition on YouTube; I’ll
keep you posted. The curator, Keith Miller, would be glad to meet with additional classes.
The show ends on January 13th so hurry to see it!!
Thank you.
Question 1: Personality Type
My personality type is INTJ (The Scientists).
Three bulleted points:
First: “INTJ weakness: may have difficulty communicating their thoughts and feelings
to others”. I believe that communication is to maintain a relationship with someone,
business partners, friends, husbands and wives, or parents and children. However,
sometimes I have difficulty communicating my thoughts to others. I don’t know how to
express my thoughts. If I want to get my career, I must figure this weakness out.
Second: “Assume the Best. Don't distress yourself and others by dwelling on the dark
side of everything. Just as there is a positive charge for every negative charge, there is
a light side to every dark side. Remember that positive situations are created by
positive attitudes. Expect the best, and the best will come forward.” We always are
ready to quit when we feel we cannot endure the difficulties of some work. We
usually become upset and disappointed and lose our self-confidence, although we
virtually can do everything well simply by trying once more. “Assume the Best”
represents a strong and positive life attitude. Therefore, the belief “assume the best” is
really something that we should always bear in mind.
Third: “INTJ Strengths: Good listeners” I am a good listener. I pay close attention to
friends’ need and advice. I believe that the best way to develop my career is to listen to
the advice of friends and family.
I think my best career match is Systems Analysts and Computer Specialists. I had a
Bachelor degree of Science in Computer Engineering, with Honors from China. In the
U.S., it seems that I am short of work experiences and English skills. I think they are
just temporary problems. I definitely work hard to get more work experiences and
improve my English skills, so that I can get my career.
Question 3: Experiential Learning
I have had an opportunity to participate in job shadowing, as a group at The New York
State Veterans’ facility in St. Albans. As I communicated with veterans, I think that
they don’t like living in the Veterans’ facility, even though the Veterans’ facility is
great. The veterans want to live in their home and have more opportunities to
communicate with others. A traditional Chinese culture that I wish that other countries
would adopt is “Respect the old”. What should we do with old people when they can
no longer take care of themselves? Some Western people think that living with one’s
own parents is inconvenient and embarrassing. When Western families’ parents get
old, they would rather send them into nursing homes and retirement home than live
together with them. However, a Chinese family will often have three or four
generations of one family living under the same roof. They love and respect the older
generation, and consider them wise. While there are many excellent lessons that
Chinese people can learn from the West, Western people would do well to learn from
the essential Chinese traditions.
Question 4:
My favorite article: Two-year colleges, Swamped, No longer welcome all
Taking all-mentioned in the article into account, I believe that technology is
expanding at an ever-increasingly rate and computers and the Internet have become an
integral part of our lives. As the world becomes smaller and smaller due to the process
of globalization, I think it becomes more and more important that everyone gets an
education. If one is to keep up with the fast pace of the world, getting an education is
of utmost importance. First, getting an education gives us the opportunity to think for
ourselves. In addition, getting an education is supposed to be useful to success. Being
able to get an education can help us make decisions wisely and prudently. Sound
decision making is essential to success. Pursuing a successful life is nothing more
than getting an education.
Question 6: ePortfolio
What is the ePortfolio? ePortfolios are collections of personal information that
represent accomplishments, goals, experiences and other personalized records. During
the process of completing my ePortfolio, I organized all my information and put them
in order. I think it is useful to be successful in my career. My favorite section of
ePortfolio is “about me”. Writing “about me” help me express and understand myself,
for example, I clearly understand my weaknesses and my strengths. I will use
ePortfolio to apply jobs and track career planning in the future. The most important
point that I learned from ePortfolio: technology is expanding at an ever-increasing
rate. Computers and the Internet have become common in almost all nations in the
world. If one wants to be able to communicate with others using this efficient method
or keep up with the fast pace of the world, one must learn the basic skills of computer.