FARM CROP PRODUCTION MARKETING FROM PRODUCTION TO RETAIL MARKET Earnest Melvin Ausby1*, Michael Thomas1, Vonda Richardson1 Florida A&M University-College of Arts and Agribusiness Department Tallahassee, Florida 32307 *Presenting Author Farm crop producers, produces the worlds’ supply of food, both domestic and abroad. From this fact alone, one would think that farmers are among the wealthiest group of individuals. Farmers only receive between 19% to 20% of the profits generated from fruits and vegetable sales. Direct marketing is a practice being added to the operational structure of fruit and vegetable farms. Our objective is to perform a case study involving value –added processing. This is a method where farm product in its raw form is minimally processed to add value to it. Our farm products used in this study consisted of collard greens and milk. Key Words: Value-added, Direct Marketing