Undergraduate Research Course Redesign & Faculty Stipend Application Title V- I-CARE Grant

Undergraduate Research Course Redesign
& Faculty Stipend Application
Title V- I-CARE Grant
Integrating a Culture of Academic and Research Engagement
“I feel students need more information about how to go about applying for graduate school and looking
for more research opportunities at the undergraduate level. I am now a senior and I have no research
experience and don’t know how to go about finding some.” –National Scholarship Seminar Participant
(TAMUK student)
I-CARE Goal: Create a Culture of Change Through Undergraduate Research and Experiential
Overview: The I-CARE grant is seeking applications from innovative faculty or teams of faculty
who will develop and promote undergraduate research and scholarly activities to create active
learning environments that help students develop inquiry and critical thinking skills within the
classroom. Relevant research reveals that more contact between students and faculty, both inside
and outside the classroom, enhances college students’ development and learning outcomes*. One of
the I-CARE grant objectives is to increase the number of faculty who incorporate undergraduate
research components within their course(s) by redesigning their curricula and supporting students in
their pursuit of creativity, scholarship and research.
Competition Info: A yearly competition will take place every spring semester to encourage faculty
innovation and redesign of their course(s) to include a research component. A designated faculty
committee will read, review and select the winners.
Stipend Info: Selected faculty will receive a stipend of a minimum of $2,500 not to exceed $5,000.
The maximum award will be reserved for significant course redesign and/or faculty teams. The
stipend will be divided into two disbursements. The first disbursement will be distributed upon
award notification and the remaining disbursement will be awarded at the end of the implementation
semester where all criteria has been met.
Competition Guidelines:
 Applications will be judged on the perceived value of the project and its impact and benefits
to undergraduate students.
 Faculty may apply once annually. Faculty may reapply in a subsequent year to integrate
research in a different course (not section). Faculty members may not reapply for the same
 Only undergraduate courses will be supported with the lower level courses being given
preference the first two years of the program.
 Faculty or faculty teams that are selected must implement the course redesign by fall or the
following spring. For example: If awarded in spring 2016 the course redesign must be
implemented by fall 2016 or spring 2017.
 Faculty must provide all the required documentation. Failure to provide necessary
documentation will lead to application withdrawal.
 Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
 2-3 page maximum and 500 word limit for descriptive sections.
If funded, the faculty member or faculty team must agree to submit and present project at the
Annual South Texas Student Success Conference.
Award preference will be given to courses serving Sophomore and Junior students this first
year of competition.
Award Winners will be announced on May 02, 2016 and with the first disbursement of the
stipend available June 2016.
The selected faculty will work on course redesign during the summer and begin the
implementation fall 2016.
If funded, the selected faculty will adhere to all grant requirements including all aspects of
the University’s Research compliance program. (ex: IRB)
Faculty Support:
 Annual faculty professional development sessions will be available through the South Texas
Student Success Conference held at TAMUK.
 Undergraduate Research Leaders (URLs) will serve as mentors for the students and may be
available by the professors that are selected for course redesign for large course sections.
URLs will attend each class and provide support to the instructor as well as to the students.
They will also be stationed at the Undergraduate Research Commons area in the library to
provide assistance to students who need guidance in finding undergraduate research
 A Research Pod (specific area within a college or department that is dedicated to research)
Competition not to exceed $10,000 will be held once a year during the second through fifth
years of the I-CARE grant. Faculty that have been selected for course redesign will receive a
preference toward the Research Pod Competition. The I-CARE grant objective is to provide
each college with a Research Pod that will enhance our students’ ability to conduct research
and develop inquiry skills.
Deadline: April 15, 2016 at 5 p.m. Submit your applications electronically to Dr. Nancy
KingSanders: Nancy.KingSanders@tamuk.edu
Undergraduate Research Course Redesign
& Faculty Stipend Application
Title V- I-CARE Grant
Phone No.:______________________
Project Title:_______________________________________________________________
In an attachment, please respond to all questions that follow. Please observe the word limits.
1. Explain how you plan to incorporate research in your undergraduate course (methodology).
Explain what your research components are and how it relates to your course. Include
student demographics and anticipated enrollment. (100 words maximum)
2. Develop Student Learning Outcomes related to your course:
For example: A student will be able to….
Explain what students will be learning and how they will be able to apply their newfound skills
in the world of work. (500 words max)
3. Explain how you will be assessing your redesigned course. Strategies must be designed to
assess how specific changes in your redesigned course have impacted student learning
outcomes. 500 words maximum)
4. Provide a copy of your current syllabus and a copy of your proposed syllabus.
5. Provide a letter of support from your chair and or dean.
* The Title V I-CARE grant will collect data for the redesigned course by tracking student participation, course
grade rates as well as the undergraduate graduation rates to assess the impact of the redesigned course on student
achievement as compared to students who do not participate in courses integrated with undergraduate research
Faculty Member Signature:__________________________
Department Chair and or Dean Signature:___________________
For more information and electronic application submission, please contact:
Dr. Nancy KingSanders