July 2003 Sorrento: A Self-Organizing Distributed File System on Large-scale Clusters Hong Tang, Aziz Gulbeden and Tao Yang Department of Computer Science, University of California, Santa Barbara Information Management Challenges “Disk full (again)!” Cause: increasing storage demand. Options: adding more disks, reorganizing data, removing garbage. “Where are the data?” Cause 1: scattered storage repositories. Cause 2: disk corruptions (crashes). Options: exhaustive search; indexing; backup. Management headaches! Nightmares for data-intensive applications and online services. 2 A Better World A single repository – virtual disk. A uniform hierarchical namespace. Expand storage capacity on-demand. Resilient to disk failures through data redundancy. Fast and ubiquitous access. Inexpensive storage. 3 Cluster-based Storage Systems Turn a generic cluster as a storage system. Clients LAN Storage cluster 4 Why? Clusters provide: Cost-effective computing platform. Incremental scalability. High availability. 5 Design Objectives Programmability Virtualization of distributed storage resources. Uniform namespace for data addressing. Manageability Incremental expansion. Self-adaptive to node additions and departures. Almost-zero administration. Performance Performance monitoring. Intelligent data placement and migration. 247 Availability Replication support. 6 Design Choices Use commodity components as much as possible. Share-nothing architecture. Functionally symmetric servers (serverless). User-level file system. Daemons run as user processes. Possible to make it mountable through kernel modules. 7 Data Organization Model User-perceived files are split into variable-length segments (data objects). Data objects are linked by index objects. Data and index objects are stored in their entirety as files within native file systems. Objects are addressed through location-transparent GUIDs. 8 Multi-level Data Consistency Model Level 0: best-effort without any guarantee. Possible to reorder I/O operations. Level 1: time-ordered I/O operations. May observe problems of missed writes. Level 2: open-to-close session consistency. The effect of multiple I/O operations within an opento-close session are either ALL visible or NONE visible to others. May lead to abortion when there is a write/write conflict. Level 3: adding file sharing and automatic conflict resolution upon Level 2. 9 System Architecture Proxy Module Server Module Data location and placement. Monitor multicast channel. server proxy server proxy Export local storage. server proxy server proxy LAN Namespace Server Maintain a global directory tree. Translate filenames to root-object GUIDs. Namespace server server proxy server proxy server proxy 10 Accessing a File server proxy server proxy server proxy server proxy 1. Wants to access /foo/bar 2. Ask “/foo/bar”s GUID LAN Namespace server server proxy 3. Get “/foo/bar”s GUID server proxy server proxy 4. Determine the server to contact 5. Ask for the root object 6. Retrieve the data 7. Contact other servers if necessary 8. Close file 11 Project Status Distributed data placement and location protocol. To appear in SuperComputing 2003. Prototype implementation done by summer 2003. Production usage by end of 2003. Project Web page: http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~gulbeden/sorrento/ 12 Evaluation We are planning to use trace-driven evaluation. Enables us to find problems without adding much to the system. Performance of various applications can be measured without porting. Allows us to reproduce and identify the any potential problem. Applications that can benefit from the system are: Web crawler. Protein sequence matching. Parallel I/O applications. 13 Project Status and Development Plan Most software modules are implemented such as: consistent hashing, UDP request/response management, persistent hash table, file block cache, thread pool, and load statistics collection. We are working on building a running prototype. Milestones: Barebone runtime system. Add dynamic migration. Add version-based data management and replication. Add kernel VFS switch. 14 Conclusion Project website http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~gulbeden/sorrento 15 Proxy Module Consists of: Dispatcher: listens for incoming requests. Thread pool: processes requests from local applications. Subscriber: monitors the multicast channel. Stores: A set of live hosts. Address of the Namespace Server. Set of opened file handles. Accesses data by hashing GUID of the object. 16 Server Module Consists of: Dispatcher: Listens for requests (UDP or TCP). Thread Pool: Handles requests for local operations. Local Storage: Stores the local data. Stores: Global block table partition. INode Map. Physical local store. Local Storage Server Dispatcher (UDP / TCP) wait_for_ request Data Run Enqueue Request Create Open Close Read Write Append Remove Server Queue Thread_Pool handleRequest UDP / TCP Respond 17 Choice I: SAN Distributed and heterogeneous devices. Dedicated fast network. Storage virtualization. Volume-based. Each volume managed by a dedicated server. Volume map. 18 Choice I: SAN (cont) Cost Disadvantage Scalability Manageability Handling disk failures: Change the volume map. Reorganize data on the old volume. Exclude failed disks from volume maps. Restore data to spare disks. Conclusions: Hard to automate. Prone to human errors (at large scale). 19 SAN: Storage Area Networks Distributed and heterogeneous devices. Dedicated fast network. Storage virtualization. Volume-based. Each volume managed by a dedicated server. Volume map. 20 Management Challenges of SAN Expanding an existing volume: Change the volume map. Reorganize data on the old volume. Handling disk failures: Exclude failed disks from volume maps. Restore data to spare disks. Conclusions: Hard to automate. Prone to human errors (at large scale). 21