November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 75th Session of meetings of the IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks November 6-11, 2011 Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, USA Submission Slide 1 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 802.15 Organization Chart 802.15WG Chair Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance 802.15 Vice Chairs Rick Alfvin, VeriLAN Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting Secretary Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting Assistant Secretary Mike McInnis, Boeing To add your name to the WG/TG/SG/IG reflectors please go to New Projects (WNG), Interpretations, Rules Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting Task Groups TG4e 15.4 MAC Enhancements Seong-Soon Joo, ETRI Chair TG4j MBAN 15.4 PHY Ray Krasinski, Philips Chair TG4f Active RFID Mike McInnis, Boeing Chair TG4k Low Energy Critical Infrastructure Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting Chair TG4g Smart Utility Networks Phil Beecher, Consultant Chair TG6 Body Area Networking Art Astrin, Astrin Radio Chair TG4h 15.4 Corrigendum 1 Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting Chair TG7 Visible Light Comm. Eun Tae Won, Samsung Chair Working Group Technical Editor James Gilb Study Groups/Interest Groups Study Groups: Personal Space Communications (PSC) Acting Chair, Myung Lee, CUNY 4TV TV White Space PHY for 15.4 Interest Groups: Key Management Protocol (KMP) Chair: Robert Moskowitz, Verizon Spectrum Resource Use (SRU) Chair: Shoichi Kitazawa, ATR Wave Engineering Laboratories TerraHertz (THZ) Chair: Thomas Kürner, Technische Universität Braunschweig Positive Train Control (PTC) Chair: Jon Adams, unafiliated TG4i 15.4 Roll-up James Gilb Chair Submission Slide 2 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Atlanta Session Objectives November 6-11, 2011 TASK GROUP4e --MAC Enhancements 1. Sponsor Ballot Comment Resolution 2. Seek approval to forward to RevCom TASK GROUP-4f Active RFID 1. Sponsor Ballot Comment Resolution 2. Seek approval to forward to RevCom TASK GROUP-4g Smart Utility Networks 1. Sponsor Ballot Comment Resolution 2. Seek approval to forward to RevCom Submission Slide 3 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Atlanta Session Objectives November 6-11, 2011 TASK GROUP-4j MBAN Phy Amendment 1. Review responses to CFA 2. Update Project Plan/Timeline TASK GROUP-4k Low Energy Critical Infrastructure Monitoring 1. Review responses to CFA 2. Update Project Plan/Timeline TASK GROUP-4m : TVWS PHY for 15.4 (4TV) 1. Review responses to CFA 2. Create project timeline Submission Slide 4 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Atlanta Session Objectives November 6-11, 2011 TASK GROUP 6 –Body Area Networking: 1. Sponsor Ballot Comment Resolution 2. Seek approval to forward to RevCom Study Group: Peer Aware Communications (PAC) (fna: Personal Space Communication (PSC)) 1. Work on Drafts of PAR and 5C 2. Seek revised Study Group status as PAC Key Management Protocol (KMP) Interest Group: 1. Respond to comments on PAR and 5C 2. Seek approval to forward to NesCom Submission Slide 5 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Atlanta Session Objectives November 6-11, 2011 Spectrum Resource Use (SRU) Interest Group: 1. Hear Contributions 2. Discuss future of the Committee THz Interest Group: 1. Hear Contributions 2. Discuss future of the Committee Positive Train Control (PTC) Interest Group: 1. Hear Contributions 2. Discuss future of the Committee Submission Slide 6 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Atlanta Session Objectives November 6-11, 2011 NEW PROJECTS SUBCOMMITTEE 1. Report on WNG progress 2. Hear new presentations Submission Slide 7 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 75th IEEE 802.15 WPAN MEETING Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, USA November 6-11, 2011 R2 The graphic below describes the weekly session of the IEEE P802.15 WG in graphic format. SUNDAY 07:00-07:30 07:30-08:00 08:00-08:30 08:30-09:00 09:00-09:30 09:30-10:00 10:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 802.15 AC MEETING 802 EC MEETING TG4g SUN TG4f RFID TG4j MBAN TG4k LECIM TG4g SUN SG PAC IG SRU TG4e Break SG PAC TG4g SUN TG6 TG4k LECIM Break Break 11:30-12:00 IG -PTC IG KMP TG4j MBAN TG4g SUN SG PAC Break 802.15 WG Midweek TG4j MBAN 802.15 WG Opening TG4k LECIM TG4g SUN SG PAC TG6 WNG Tech Editors Meeting TG4k LECIM TG4j MBAN TG4g SUN SG PAC 12:00-12:30 12:30-13:00 13:00-13:30 13:30-14:00 14:00-14:30 14:30-15:00 15:00-15:30 15:30-16:00 16:00-16:30 16:30-17:00 Lunch on your own TG6 TG4k LECIM Break WIRELESS LEADERSHIP MEETING 17:00-17:30 17:30-18:00 TGm 4TV TG4g SUN Lunch on your own TG4f RFID TG6 Break TG6 TG4k LECIM TGm 4TV 18:30-19:00 TG4k LECIM TG4g SUN IG THZ TG6 Break TG4g SUN TG4f RFID TG6 802.15 AC MEETING 18:00-18:30 TG4e Lunch on your own TG4e TG4k LECIM SG PAC TGm 4TV TG6 TG4k IG THZ LECIM Break TG4g SUN IG THZ TG6 Break 802.22 TG4k IG -PTC IG KMP LECIM Lunch on your own TG4k IG -PTC LECIM TG4f RFID Break SG PAC TGm 4TV TG6 TG4k IG THZ IG KMP LECIM Break Break 802.15 WG CLOSING IG KMP Smart Grid Update 20:30-21:00 21:00-21:30 21:30-22:00 22:00-22:30 SG PAC Dinner on your own 19:00-19:30 19:30-20:00 20:00-20:30 TG4g SUN Social Dinner on your own Dinner on your own Tutorial 3 LEGEND TG4e TG4f RFID TG4g SUN TG4J MBANj TG4k LECIM TG4m 4TV TG6 IG KMP Submission Task Group 15.4 MAC enhancements Task Group 4f-RFID Task Group 4g-SMART UTILITY NETWORKS Study Group on 15.4 Medical Band Amendment WNG TUT EC AC P&P SG PAC 802.15Wireless Next Generation Standing Com m ittee Task Group Body Area Networks IG PTC KEY MANAGEMENT PROTOCOL Interest Group KEY MANAGEMENT PROTOCOL Interest Group IG SRU POSITIVE TRAIN CONTROL INTEREST GROUP IG THZ INTEREST GROUP-TERRAHERTZ Study GROUP - LO W E N E R G Y C R IT IC A L IN F R A S T R UC T UR E M O N IT O R IN G Task Group on a TVWS amendment for 15.4 Slide 8 IEEE 802 Tutorials 1, 2, 3 and 4 802 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 802.15 ADVISORY COMMITTEE Standing Com m ittee on WG Rules Study Group on Personal Space Communication Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Results of Session 75 Submission Slide 9 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 TG4e- 15.4 MAC Enhancements Chair: Seong-Soon Joo CLOSING REPORT Submission Slide 10 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 TG4e PAR Scope of Proposed Standard The intention of this amendment is to enhance and add functionality to the 802.15.4-2006 MAC to a) better support the industrial markets and b) permit compatibility with modifications being proposed within the Chinese WPAN. Specifically, the MAC enhancements are limited to: • TDMA: to provide a) determinism, b) enhanced utilization of bandwidth • Channel Hopping: to provide additional robustness in high interfering environments and enhance coexistence with other wireless networks • GTS: to increase its flexibility such as a) supporting peer to peer, b) the length of the slot, and c) number of slots • CSMA: to improve throughput and reduce energy consumption • Security: to add support for additional options such as asymmetrical keys • Low latency: to reduce end to end delivery time such as needed for control applications Submission Slide 11 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 TG4e-PAR Purpose of Proposed Standard This functionality facilitates Industrial applications (such as addressed by HART 7 and the ISA100 proposed standards), and those enhancements defined by the proposed Chinese WPAN standard that aren't included in TG4c. This amendment addresses coexistence with wireless protocols such as 802.11, 802.15.1, 802.15.3, and 802.15.4. Submission Slide 12 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 TG4e Meetings This Week Mtg Monday Tuesday AM1 Wednesday Thursday unused AM2 PM1 Opening Logistics, SB result review, Comment resolution Closing Logistics PM2 unused Submission Slide 13 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Meeting Goals and Achievements Review results from Sponsor Ballot Recirc-2 Review comments from Sponsor Ballot Recirc-2 Resolve Sponsor Ballot Recirc-2 comments Resolve 4 comments (15-11-0576-13-004e-802-15-4e-sponsor-ballotcomment-database) TG motion for WG to request unconditional approval from EC to submit TG4e amendment to RevCom Discuss next step Submission Slide 14 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Sponsor Ballot Results • • • • • • Voters 180 (original LB60 pool) Voted 160 (93%) Yes 158 (98%) No 2 (2%) Abstain 8 (4%) Comments 4 (T: 1, E: 1, G:2) Submission Slide 15 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 TG4e Officers Chair: Vice Chair: Secretary: Seong-Soon Joo TBD TBD Technical Editing • Chief Editor: Ludwig Winkel • Liang Li, Wun-Cheol Jeong, Jonathan Simon, Ben Rolfe Ballot Resolution Committee: • Seong-Soon Joo • • Pat Kinney (chair) • • Ludwig Winkel • • Wei Hong • • Jeff King • • Wun-Cheol Jeong • Submission Chang Sub Shin Ben Rolfe Yang Yang Myung Lee Jonathan Simon Kazuyuki Yasukawa Slide 16 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 TG4e Schedule Letter Ballot Start (30-day) Letter Ballot Close Resolve comments Recirculation (15-day) Resolve comments Recirculation II (15-day) Resolve comments Recirculation III (15-day) Sponsor Ballot (30-day) Resolve comments Recirc-1 (10-day) Recirc-2 (10-day) EC approval to go to RevCom IEEE RevCom approval Submission Slide 17 8 Oct 2010 7 Nov 2010 20 Jan 2011 25 Feb 2011 17 Mar 2011 21 Apr 2011 8 May 2011 7 Jun 2011 5 Aug 2011 19 Sep 2011 14 Oct 2011 28 Oct 2011 11 Nov 2011 Mar 2012 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 TG Motion • TG4e requests that 802.15 WG requests unconditional approval from the EC to submit P802.15.4e-D08 draft amendment to RevCom. • Moved by Jonathan Simon • Seconded by Jeff King • Upon neither discussion nor objection the motion carries with unanimous consent Submission Slide 18 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 WG Motion • Move: that 802.15 WG requests unconditional approval from the EC to submit P802.15.4e-D08 draft amendment to RevCom. • Moved by Seong-Soon Joo • Seconded by Pat Kinney Submission Slide 19 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 IEEE 802.15.4f Active RFID Closing Report 18th Meeting as a Task Group Atlanta November 10, 2011 Submission Slide 20 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance Robert F. Heile, ZigBee November 2011 Alliance doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 802.15.4f PAR Purpose Paragraph from 802.15.4f Project Authorization Request (PAR) document. 5.4 Purpose of Proposed Standard: To provide a standard for low cost, ultra low energy consumption, flexible and highly reliable communication means and air interface protocol for Active RFID and sensor applications. The air interface should be able to support a wide range of needs for which active RFID systems can be useful and enable improved performance and flexibility for future mass deployments of active RFID systems around the world. Submission Slide 21 November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 IEEE 802.15.4f Active RFID Meeting Overview 1. Chair: Mike McInnis Vice-Chair: Tim Harrington Secretary: Open Technical Editor: Tim Harrington 2. TG4f meeting time slots reduced from 4 to 2 this week. 3. Administrative meeting documents during this session: 15-11-0732- Agenda-Atlanta-November-2011 15-11-0776- Opening-Introduction-November-2011 15-11-0781- Active-RFID-Minutes-Atlanta-November-2011 15-11-0780- Active-RFID-Mid-Week-Report-Atlanta-November-2011 Submission Slide 22 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 TG4f Meeting Sessions This Week Mtg Monday AM1 08001000 TG4f BRC Meeting AM2 10301230 802.15 Working Group – Opening Meeting PM1 13301530 TG4f Meeting Opening/Agenda/Objective /Approve Sept. 2011 Minutes/Timeline/PAR and goal for this meeting. Preparation for mid-week 802.15 plenary meeting. PM2 16001800 TG4f Meeting Preparation for mid-week 802.15 plenary meeting. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Cancelled Submission 802.15 Working Group – Mid-Week Meeting TG4f Meeting: IF NEEDED. Cancelled Slide 23 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 November 2011 TG4f Meeting Goal • To seek unconditional approval from the IEEE 802.15 Working Group and IEEE 802 Executive Committee to forward the IEEE 802.15.4f Active RFID System draft # 7 standard document to IEEE-SA Review Committee (RevCom) for approval and publication. A Two-Step Goal 1) 802.15 Working Group approval 2) 802 Executive Committee approval Submission Slide 24 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 TG4f Meeting Goals for November 2011 Achieved To seek unconditional approval from the IEEE 802.15 Working Group to forward the IEEE 802.15.4f Active RFID System draft # 7 standard document to IEEE-SA Review Committee (RevCom) for approval and publication. Achieved during mid-week 802.15 Plenary meeting. To seek unconditional approval from the IEEE 802.15 IEEE 802 Executive Committee to forward the IEEE 802.15.4f Active RFID System draft # 7 standard document to IEEE-SA Review Committee (RevCom) for approval and publication. IEEE 802 Executive Committee meeting will be held tomorrow (Friday) afternoon. Submission Slide 25 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 TG4f BRC and TG4f TG Meeting Goals in and before January 2012 in Jacksonville For the TG4f SB BRC, to respond and resolve any issues that the 802.15 EC, IEEE-SA RevCom, or IEEE-SA Editorial Committee may raise between the November 2011 plenary and January 2012 interim meetings. If a TG4f SB BRC telecon is required, I will distribute a notice at least one week prior to the meeting date. For the TG4f TG in January, to respond and resolve any issues that the 802.15 EC, or IEEE-SA RevCom, need the TG4f TG to deal with. Submission Slide 26 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 802.15.4f Timeline PAR and 5C approved Call for Applications (as SG) Task Group Formed Call For Applications (as TG) Technical Requirements Guidance Selection Criteria Discussion of Coexistence Criteria Call for intent to propose Call for Proposals issued Down Selection Mechanism Determine need for, suitability of, Channel Models Prelim proposals heard (CFI Response) Present Final Proposals Baseline proposal selected (selection/merge complete) resolve TBDs Draft Work Draft Ready for 1st letter ballot 1st letter ballot complete Resolution of comments, 1st recirc 1st re-circulation complete Resolve comments, 2nd re-circ apprv 2nd re-circulation complete Resolve comments, 3rd, 4th, and 5th LB re-circ apprv. 3rd, 4th and 5th LB re-circulations complete Resolve LB 80 recirc comment, Seek 802 EC approval for Sponsor Ballot Sponsor Ballot 1st 30-day SB comments resolved re-circ sponsor ballot IEEE 802 EC approval to forward to RevCom RevCom Approval Submission 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Next target: IEEE-SA Review Committee (RevCom) approval during January or at next RevCom meeting scheduled for March 27-29, 2011. Slide 27 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 November 2011 802.15.4f Ballot History Initial Sponsor Ballot closed 28 August 2011 • Vote Results (pool of 138 voters) – – – – 124 Responses (89%) 112 Yes, 3 no (97% approval ratio) 9 Abstain (7%) Ballot passes • 97 comments from 15 commenters – 22 Must Be Satisfied (2 accepted, 16 rejected, 4 revised) – 75 Other Submission Slide 28 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 November 2011 802.15.4f Ballot History Recirc-1 closed 7 October 2011 • Vote Results (pool of 138 voters) – – – – 125 Responses (90%) 113 Yes, 3 no (97% approval ratio) 9 Abstain (7%) Ballot passes • 18 comments from 3 commenters – 2 Must Be Satisfied (2 rejected) – 16 Other Submission Slide 29 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 802.15.4f Ballot History Recirc-2 closed 24 October 2011 • Final cumulative vote results (pool of 138 voters) – – – – 127 Responses (92% response ratio) 118 Yes, 0 no (100% approval ratio) 9 Abstain (7% abstain ratio) Ballot passes • 1 comment from 1 (IEEE-SA EC) commenter – – Submission 1 Must Be Satisfied (1 accepted) 0 Other Slide 30 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 TG4f Sponsor Ballot Tally Result Summary Submission Slide 31 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 EC motion for 15.4f • 802.15 requests unconditional approval from the EC to submit the P802.15.4f – D07 draft amendment to RevCom. WG vote ( ) • EC vote – Moved Heile, seconded Gilb – Yes: , No:, Abstain: Submission Slide 32 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Motion to 802.15 WG: Motion: 802.15 WG requests unconditional approval from the EC to submit P802.15.4f-D07 draft amendment to RevCom. Moved by: Mike McInnis Seconded by: Ben Rolfe 802.15 WG Vote: 51/0/3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------TG4f vote: Yes-7, No-0, Abstain-0 Unanimous approval. Submission Slide 33 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 • Next Meeting – January 15-20, 2012 in Jacksonville, Florida Submission Slide 34 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 TG4f Officers Chair: Mike McInnis Vice Chair: Tim Harrington Secretary: Volunteer during meetings Technical Editors: Tim Harrington Submission Slide 35 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Thank You 802.15 ! Submission Slide 36 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 TG4g Smart Utility Networks PHY amendment to 15.4 Phil Beecher, Chair CLOSING REPORT Submission Slide 37 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 TG4g-SUN PAR Scope This Standard defines an amendment to IEEE 802.15.4. It addresses principally outdoor Low Data Rate Wireless Smart Metering Utility Network requirements. It defines an alternate PHY and only those MAC modifications needed to support its implementation. Specifically, the amendment supports all of the following: • Operation in any of the regionally available license exempt frequency bands, such as 700MHz to 1GHz, and the 2.4 GHz band. • Data rate of at least 40 kbits per second but not more than 1000 kbits per second • Achieve the optimal energy efficient link margin given the environmental conditions encountered in Smart Metering deployments. • Principally outdoor communications • PHY frame sizes up to a minimum of 1500 octets • Simultaneous operation for at least 3 co-located orthogonal networks • Connectivity to at least one thousand direct neighbors characteristic of dense urban deployment • Provides mechanisms that enable coexistence with other systems in the same band(s) including IEEE 802.11, 802.15 and 802.16 systems Submission Slide 38 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 TG4g-SUN PAR Purpose To provide a global standard that facilitates very large scale process control applications such as the utility smart-grid network. This amendment supports large, geographically diverse networks with minimal infrastructure. Smart Metering Utility Networks can potentially contain millions of fixed endpoints. The communication range, robustness, and coexistence characteristics required for this class of application have not been met with existing 802 standards (See explanatory notes in Section 8.1 Doc#15-08-705). Submission Slide 39 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 802.15.4g Ballot History (1) Initial Sponsor Ballot closed 1 September 2011 Vote Results (pool of 220 voters) 195 Responses (88%) 175 Yes, 9 No (with MBS) and 1 No (without MBS) (94% approval ratio) 8 Abstain (4%) Ballot passes 262 comments received from 23 commenters 73 Must Be Satisfied (10 accepted, 23 rejected, 40 revised) 189 Other Submission Slide 40 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 802.15.4g Ballot History (2) Recirculation 1 closed 30 October 2011 • Vote Results (pool of 220 voters) – – – – 200 Responses (90%) 188 Yes, 6 No (96% approval ratio) 7 Abstain (3%) Ballot passes • 36 comments from 10 commenters – 2 Must Be Satisfied (2 revised) – 34 Other • Current Status – 189 Yes, 3 No, 7 Abstain Submission Slide 41 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Meeting Goal, achievements etc. BRC completed comment resolutions Comment Resolution Spreadsheet: 15-11-0753-05-004g-tg4g-sb-recirculation-1-comments.xlsx Liaison Request TIA TR51 (Smart Utility Networks) has requested to establish a liaison with 802.15 – details to be determined Submission Slide 42 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Moving forward – pre recirc-2 Draft with comment resolutions applied sent to BRC 14 November 2011 (by end of day). BRC corrections due 18 November 2011 BRC call (if necessary) 22 November 2011 – 15:00 GMT Release D7 for recirc-2 29 November 2011 Submission Slide 43 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 802.15.4g ballot and meetings schedule 2rd recirculation 29 November 2011 to 9 December 2011 BRC comment resolution teleconference 12 December, 2011, 15:00 GMT 3rd recirculation (if necessary) 13 December to 23 December 2011 BRC comment resolution teleconference 4 January, 2012, 15:00 GMT (if necessary) Submission Slide 44 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 TG Motion Move that Task Group 4g requests the 802.15 WG to request conditional approval from the 802 EC to submit the P802.15.4g-D07 draft amendment to RevCom. Moved by: Steve Shearer Seconded by: John Buffington Approved by unanimous consent Submission Slide 45 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 WG Motion Move that the 802.15 WG requests conditional approval from the 802 EC to submit the P802.15.4g-D07 draft amendment to RevCom. Moved by: Phil Beecher Seconded by: Submission Slide 46 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 IEEE 802.15.4j Task Group Closing Report 6th Meeting of the MBAN Task Group Atlanta, GA Nov 6-11, 2011 Submission Slide 47 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Scope of MBAN Task Group • Draft an amendment of 802.15.4 for MBAN – This amendment defines a physical layer for IEEE 802.15.4 in the 2360 to 2400 MHz band which complies with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) MBAN rules. This amendment defines modifications to the MAC needed to support this new physical layer. Submission Slide 48 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 MBAN Background • GE Healthcare petitioned the US Federal Communications Commission to use the 2.36 to 2.4 GHz band for Medical BAN – Band to be used only for medical applications* – This band is primarily allocated in various parts to aeronautical mobile telemetry and telecommand (AMT), radio astronomy and amateur • MBAN will use band on a secondary basis and must defer to primary users • FCC NPRM on MBAN released in June 2009 • This closed to responses from interested parties in October 2009 * Proposed eligibility & permissible communications: Licenses by rule operations by authorized health care professionals and by any other person, if such use is prescribed by a health care professional. Limited to transmission of data (no voice) used for monitoring, diagnosing or treating patients Submission Slide 49 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 AFTRCC, Philips and GE Proposal for Secondary Use of Spectrum by MBANS • Representatives of AFTRCC, Philips and GE on January 13, 2011 presented a joint proposal for MBANS service rules. – Philips, GE and AFTRCC filed an ex-parte on Sept 13 answering all outstanding questions in an update • Details can be found on FCC filed comment server – Docket #08-59 ( • The process – Next Step: FCC to publish final rules – Expected before end of 2011 Submission Slide 50 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Accomplishments for Nov Meeting • Reviewed detailed technical specification information from proposers • Discussed creation of baseline draft • 2 Proposer groups reached agreement to merge proposals – Work towards merged text for Jan meeting Submission Slide 51 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 TG4J Schedule • Proposal Effort – – – – Call for Proposals Preliminary Proposals Final Proposals Begin Draft Amendment Mar 2011 May 2011 July 2011 Nov 2011 • Drafting – Preliminary draft Amendment – Final draft (ready for WG Letter Ballot) Jan 2012 Jan 2012 • Balloting – Letter ballot – Recirculation I – Sponsor Ballot Submission Jan 2012 May 2012 July 2012 Slide 52 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Plan for Jan Meeting • Review and revise merged amendment text – Text will be developed during interim period between Nov and Jan meeting – Final drafting • Assemble first Letter Ballot – Decide whether Task Group circulation or WG circulation should be next step Submission Slide 53 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 TG4k Low Energy Critical Infratructure Monitoring (LECIM) PHY Amendment to 15.4 Pat Kinney, Chair CLOSING REPORT Submission Slide 54 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 TG4k PAR Scope of Proposed Standard This standard is an amendment to IEEE 802.15.4. It addresses principally those applications such as critical infrastructure monitoring. It defines an alternate PHY and only those MAC modifications needed to support its implementation. The amendment supports: •Operation in any of the regionally available licensed, license exempt, and special purpose frequency bands. •Simultaneous operation for at least 8 co-located orthogonal networks •Application data rate of less than 40 kbits per second •Propagation path loss of at least 120 dB •> 1000 endpoints per mains powered infrastructure •Asymmetric application data flow •Extreme difference in capabilities and performance between endpoint devices and coordinating devices (collectors) – – – Coordinator may support all standardized modulations (MCS) and data rates Coordinator may be required to support antenna diversity or antenna beam steering End point must be able to conserve energy •Reliable operation in dramatically changing environments (no control over environment). This amendment also provides mechanisms that enable coexistence with other systems in the same band(s) including IEEE 802.11, 802.15, and 802.16 systems Submission Slide 55 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Purpose of Proposed Standard The purpose of this amendment is to facilitate point to multi-thousands of points communications for critical infrastructure monitoring devices. The amendment addresses the application’s user needs of minimal network infrastructure, and enables the collection of scheduled and event data from a large number of non-mains powered end points that are widely dispersed, or are in challenging propagation environments. To facilitate low energy operation necessary for multi-year battery life, the amendment minimizes network maintenance traffic and device wake durations. In addition, the amendment addresses the changing propagation and interference environments. Submission Slide 56 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Meeting Goals Hear presentations Mergers Proposal Changes General interest Panel Discussion on proposals Baseline discussion Adopt Baseline Discuss path forward Draft format Subclause assignments Submission Slide 57 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 TG4k Meetings This Week Mtg Monday (Hanover F) Tuesday (Hanover F) Wednesday (Hanover F) Thursday (Hanover F) AM1 FSK Merger presentation(s) Baseline decision AM2 Other PHY presentations Path Forward – Document outline PM1 Opening Logistics, Tutorial presentations (4e) MAC/Fragment Panel ation merger Discussion presentation Path Forward – Subclause assignments PM2 DSSS Merger Presentation(s) Any other Presentations Finish remaining efforts, closing logistics Submission Slide 58 Baseline discussion Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Baseline Adopted Motion: Move that TG4k adopt the following documents as the baseline for drafting the TG4k document: •LECIM DSSS PHY Merger (15-11-795-01) – An additional modulation technique in “O-QPSK Modulation Discussion for TG4K” (15-11-804-00) •Merged FSK Proposal (15-11-774-01) •More MPDU Fragmentation Details (15-11-758-00) & MAC Merge Discussion (15-11-806-03) Moved by Matt Johnson, Seconded by Ben Rolfe Upon neither discussion nor objection the motion carries with unanimous consent Submission Slide 59 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 TG4k Schedule • Proposal Effort – – – – – Technical Guidance Document Call for Proposals Preliminary Proposals Final Proposals Adopt Baseline May 2011 May 2011 July 2011 Sep 2011 Nov 2011 • Drafting – Preliminary draft – Final draft (ready for WG Letter Ballot) May 2012 July 2012 • Balloting – – – – – Letter ballot Recirculation I Recirculation II Recirculation III Sponsor Ballot Submission Sep 2012 Jan 2013 Mar 2013 May 2013 July 2013 Slide 60 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Drafting Guidelines for January 2012 PHY Clause Format: •Based on 802.15.4g – LECIM.1-DSSS – LECIM.2-FSK •Coordinating Editors: – DSSS - Sourav Dey – FSK – Matt Johnson – MAC/Fragmentation – Ben Rolfe/Pat Kinney •Document Format - Word Submission Slide 61 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Logistics Conference Calls •General Call – Tuesday 22 November at 6:00 PST, 9:00 EST, 15:00 CET, 22:00 Beijing, 23:00 Tokyo •Call details are: +1.218.936.4700, participant access code: 802154 •Intent of the general calls is to monitor status of drafting and resolve as many issues as possible Submission Slide 62 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Logistics Sub Group Conference Calls •FSK– Wednesday 16 November at 6:00 PST, 9:00 EST, 15:00 CET, 22:00 Beijing, 23:00 Tokyo – Call details: TBD will be sent out to TG4k reflector •DSSS-Tuesday 15 November at 17:00 PST, 20:00 EST, Wed 16: 2:00 CET, Nov 9:00 Beijing, 10:00 Tokyo – Call details: TBD will be sent out to TG4k reflector •MAC- Wednesday 16 November at 21:00 PST, 24:00 EST, Thur 17 Nov: 6:00 CET, 13:00 Beijing, 14:00 Tokyo – Call details: TBD will be sent out to TG4k reflector Submission Slide 63 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Logistics Ad Hoc Conferences •FSK– Sunday 15 Jan 2012 & Monday 16 Jan 2012 at Hyatt Regency, Jacksonville, FL •DSSS – Monday 16 Jan 2012 at Hyatt Regency, Jacksonville, FL •MAC - Sunday 15 Jan 2012 & Monday 16 Jan 2012 at Hyatt Regency, Jacksonville, FL Submission Slide 64 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 TG4m 4TV TV White Spaces PHY Amendment to 15.4 Chair: Sangsung Choi, (ETRI) CLOSING REPORT Submission Slide 65 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 November 2011 Meeting Goal This Week • Review and discuss Technical Guidance Document(TGD) and finalize it if possible • Hear presentations if any • Discuss future efforts and next steps Submission Slide 66 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Meeting Slots Mtg Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday AM1 AM2 • Opening Logistics PM1 PM2 • Hear Presentations • Hear Presentations • Finalize the TGD • Discuss the TGD •Discuss Next Step Submission Slide 67 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 TG4m Closing Report(1) • Heard 3 presentations for TVWS regulation and functional requirements, and discussed the Technical Guidance Document(TGD) - Functional Requirement Document, Chin-Sean Sum (NICT), DoC #787r0 - Definitions and updates to Regulatory Requirements, Kunal Shah (Silver Spring Networks), DoC #794r0 - TV White Space Related Regulations and Activities for WPAN, Soo-Young Chang (CSUS), DoC #796r0 Submission Slide 68 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 TG4m Closing Report(2) • Heard 2 presentations for TVWS technical issues, scanning and spectrum mask - Scanning issue for TG4m, Suhwook Kim (LG Electronics) , DoC #816r0 - Impact of out-of-band emission limit in TVWS, Shigenobu Sasaki (Niigata University), DoC #820r0 • Discussed the Technical Guidance Document continuously, and provided the draft TGD - The draft TGD Will be posted on the Mentor soon, and final comments are solicited by January meeting Submission Slide 69 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Future Plan/Timeline(1) • Form a New Task Group - Affirm new officers for TG4m - Provide draft TGD September 2011 November 2011 • Proposal Effort - Call for Intend December 2011 - Complete TGD /Call for Proposals January 2012 - Preliminary Proposals March 2012 - Final Proposals May 2012 - Adopt Baseline July 2012 Submission Slide 70 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Future Plan/Timeline • Drafting - Preliminary draft - Final draft (ready for WG Letter Ballot) • Balloting - Letter ballot - Recirculation - Sponsor ballot Submission September 2012 November 2012 January 2013 March/May, July, September 2013 November 2013 Slide 71 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 IEEE 802.15 TG6 Body Area Network Closing Report 24st Meeting as a Task Group 6 Atlanta, GA November 10, 2011 Submission Slide 72 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Since September meeting • Sponsor ballot ended on 3 Nov 2011 at 11:59 pm ET • Started with comments resolution spreadsheet doc. 11/15-11-0763-00-0006-sponsor-ballot-1comments.xls on 4-Nov-2011 . • Formed Ballot Resolution Committee (BRC) Submission Slide 73 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 IEEE802.15.6 BRC Anuj Batra, Clint Chaplin, Hind Chebbo, Mark Dawkins, David Davenport, Igor Dotlić, Jin-Meng Ho, Jung-hwan Hwang, Daniel Lewis, Huan-Bang Li, Marco Hernandez, Omeni Okundu, Ranjeet Kumar Patro, Kaoru Yokoo, and Art Astrin The committee is chaired by Art Astrin. There are 15 members Thank You! Submission Slide 74 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Ballot Resolution Committee (BRC) Teleconferences September Okinawa meeting was from 19 to 22 Sep-11 CIDs left: 79, 95, 99, 115, 118, 128, 162, 177, 178, 179 and 184 So started with rev 11 on 22-Sep-11 with these 11 comments Teleconference 4-Oct-11 resulted in rev 12 Teleconference 13-Oct-11, Left to do: 6 Teleconference 18-Oct-11 resulted in rev 13 Teleconference 27-Oct-11 left 0, started recirc Sponsor Ballot 2 Submission Slide 75 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Sponsor Ballot 2 • • • • • • • • • • • Ballot Open Date: 24-Oct-2011, Ballot Close Date: 03-Nov-2011 Draft #: 5.0, Ballots Received: 8, Vote Changes: 7 Comments: 85, Must Be Satisfied Comments: 31 RESPONSE RATE This ballot has met the 75% returned ballot requirement. 154 eligible people in this ballot group. 118 affirmative votes 8 negative votes with comments, 0 negative votes without comments 11 abstention votes: (Conflict of Interest: 1, Lack of expertise: 2, Lack of time: 5, Other: 3) 137 votes received = 88% returned, 8% abstention Submission Slide 76 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Sponsor Ballot 2 Approval Rate • The 75% affirmation requirement is being met. • 118 affirmative votes • 8 negative votes with comments • 126 votes = 93% affirmative Submission Slide 77 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Meeting Accomplishments Reviewed PAR for KMP recommended practice Resolved 85 Sponsor Ballot 2 comments Reviewed the TG6 web page Continued working on the 802.15.6 tutorial Developed EC package Submission Slide 78 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 WG Motion re 802.15.6 draft to RevCom Move that: Motion: 802.15 WG requests conditional (unconditional) approval from the EC to submit P802.15.6-D06 (P802.15.6D06) draft amendment to RevCom. Moved by _ Art Astrin ___, seconded by _ Clint Chaplin ____ Vote: Y: _______ , A: ________ , N: _________ Submission Slide 79 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Next steps • 2nd recirculation – 14 November 2011 to 24 November 2011 • BRC comment resolution teleconferences – Tue, 29 November, 2011, 06:00 PST – Tue, 6 Dec, 2011, 21:00 PST – Tue, 13 December, 2011, 06:00 PST • 3rd recirculation (if necessary) – 15 December 2011 to 29 December 2011 • BRC comment resolution teleconferences Jan 4, Wed 21:00 PST Jan 10, Tue, 6:00 PST • Comment resolution at January 16, 2012 interim meeting Submission Slide 80 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Teleconferences Will hold teleconferences on: – Tue, 29 November, 2011, 06:00 PST – Tue, 6 Dec, 2011, 21:00 PST – Tue, 13 December, 2011, 06:00 PST Submission Slide 81 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Purpose of Proposed Standard (PAR 07-0575) The purpose of the proposed standard it to provide an international standard for a short range (ie about human body range), low power and highly reliable wireless communication for use in close proximity to, or inside, a human body. Data rates, typically up to 10Mbps, will be offered to satisfy an evolutionary set of entertainment and healthcare services. Current PANs do not meet the medical (proximity to human tissue) and relevant communication regulations for some application environments. They also do not support the combination of reliability (QoS), low power, data rate and noninterference required to broadly address the breadth of body area network applications. Submission Slide 82 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Need for the Project (PAR 07-0575) There is a need for a standard optimized for ultra low power devices and operation on, in or around the human body to serve a variety of applications including medical and personal entertainment. Examples of the applications served by the proposed standard are: EEG, ECG, EMG, vital signals monitoring (temperature (wearable thermometer), respiratory, wearable heart rate monitor, wearable pulse oximeter, wearable blood pressure monitor, oxygen, pH value , wearable glucose sensor, implanted glucose sensor, cardiac arrhythmia), wireless capsule endoscope (gastrointestinal), wireless capsule for drug delivery, deep brain stimulator, cortical stimulator (visual neuro-stimulator, audio neuro stimulator, Parkinson’s disease, etc…), remote control of medical devices such as pacemaker, actuators, insulin pump, hearing aid (wearable and implanted), retina implants, disability assistance, such as muscle tension sensing and stimulation, wearable weighing scale, fall detection, aiding sport training. This will include body-centric solutions for future wearable computers. In a similar vein, the same technology can provide effective solutions for personal entertainment as well.The existence of a body area network standard will provide opportunities to expand these product features, better healthcare and well being for the users. It will therefore result in economic opportunity for technology component suppliers and equipment manufacturers. Submission Slide 83 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Timeline 2011 2011 1 > 2 3 1st re-circulation complete Letter Ballot 66 of draft d02 Comment resolution, 2nd recirculation > > > Draft d03, re-circulation , Letter Ballot 71 > 4 5 > > Submit for MEC (Manadatory Edit Cordination) review > Comment resolution, recirculation > 6 7 > > Sponsor ballot invite (30 days) > Prepare for sponsor ballot / Seek EC Approval for sponsor ballot > Start Sponsor ballot Sponsor ballot Comment resolution 8 9 > > > 10 11 > > 1st re-circulation Sponsor > 2nd re-circulation Sponsor > Seek EC approval for RevCom > Submission Slide 84 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance 12 November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 The light at the end of the tunnel… IEEE P802.15.6™ Draft Standard for Wireless Body Area Network Submission Slide 85 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Study GroupPeer Aware Communications (PAC) Chair: Myung Lee, CUNY CLOSING REPORT Submission Slide 86 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Achievements for PAC 8 time slots this session • In response to the call for presentations 7 responded. • 5 presentations heard (Doc.#: 740r0, 741r1, 743r1, 744r1, 746r1) • Group voted to become a SG-PAC (Y-N-Abs: 15-0-0) • Discussed and drafted a very first PAR and 5C (Doc. #: 824r0, 825r0, 833r0) • Future plan (submission of final PAR and 5C in January meeting) Submission Slide 87 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 WG Motion IEEE 802.15 working group seeks approval from the 802 EC to form a study group to develop the PAR and 5C documents for Peer Aware Communications (PAC). Moved by: Myung Lee Seconded by: Seunghoon Park Yes Submission No ABS Slide 88 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 KMPIG Closing Report Chair: Bob Moskowitz, Verizon Atlanta, GA November 10, 2011 Submission Slide 89 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Scope of KMPIG To provide for a Key Management Protocol for 802.15 – – – Methods for 15.4, .7 KMP Agnostic Support: HIP, IKEv2, 802.1X, ... Provide recommended functionality for KMPs Submission Slide 90 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Accomplishments of November Meeting Reviewed comments to PAR and 5C – – Submission 4 sets of comments, one from individual voter Developed responses and revised PAR and 5C accordingly Slide 91 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Accomplishments of November Meeting Discussed TG process – Call for Officers! • – We have some KMP experts • – More welcomed Need MAC experts • Submission All positions open 802.15.4 and .7 Slide 92 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Accomplishments of November Meeting Discussed document structure – General technical section • – MAC specific sections • – – Which frames to use and MLME calls General guidelines KMP specific guidelines • Submission IE format and processing state machine If any Slide 93 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Goals for January Election of Officers Develop presentation for other groups Presentations on document content See you in Jacksonville for TG9! Submission Slide 94 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Interest Group- THz Chair: Thomas Kürner, TU Braunschweig CLOSING REPORT Submission Slide 95 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Closing Plenary Meeting report for IG THz Group (1/3) • Meeting was called to order at 1.30pm on November 8 and finished at November 10 on 6pm. • Number of meetings: 4 • Total number of attendees 20 • Six presentations have been made • Presentations on Tuesday PM1 Contribution #1 Al Gasiewski, University of Boulder (USA), “Remote Sensing Applications of THz bands”; (Document 15-11-0765-00-0thz) Contribution #2 Lothar Moeller, Alcatel Lucent (USA), “Data transmission at 2.5 Gb/s with THz and IR Signals through Fog”; (Document 15-11-0777-00-0thz) Submission Slide 96 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Closing Plenary Meeting report for IG THz Group (2/3) • Presentations on Tuesday PM2 Contribution #3 Thomas Kürner, TU Braunschweig (Germany), “Scenarios for the Application of THz Communications”; (Document 15-11-0749-000thz) Contribution #4 Thomas Kürner, TU Braunschweig (Germany), “Call for Applications”; (Document 15-11-0779-00-0thz) Contribution #5 Rick Roberts, Intel (USA), “THz IG Technical Expectations Document (TED)”; (Document 15-11-0745-02-0thz) • Presentation on Thursday PM1 Contribution #6 Josep Miquel Jornet Montana, Georgia Tech (USA), “Joint Energy and Communication Analysis of Wireless Nanosensor Networks in the Terahertz Band”; (Document 15-11-0778-00-0thz) Submission Slide 97 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Closing Plenary Meeting report for IG THz Group (3/3) • Work on the „Technical Expectation Document (TED)“ • Several Use cases identified => may yield to different standards • Current Version (15-11-0745-04-0thz) on SA documents: • Further development of the TED at March 2012 Plenary based on input documents • A “Call for Applications“ has been drafted • more descriptive text to describe both THz communication, its potential use and the required steps in IEEE 802 standardization for the greater pubic is required. • Corresponding paragraphs will be drafted within the next two weeks. • Final document content to be agreed on a follow-up Conference Call • Web Page has been updated and is online Submission Slide 98 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 IEEE 802.15 IG SRU Chair: Shoichi Kitazawa 4th Meeting Closing report Atlanta, GA 10 November, 2011 Submission Slide 99 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Draft plan of IG SRU schedule • Goal: To summarize informative ideas to judge to establish SG. • Meeting Schedule: Every plenary meeting or required based upon contributions. • IG output: Technical documents of Better Use of Spectrum Resources in WPANs. • IG Life time: until March 2012. IG SRU continue discussing this topic until technical interests end. Submission Slide 100 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Agenda Items for the Week • Approve meeting minutes. • Presentations – Smart Antenna Opportunities for Spectrum Resource Usage Improvements (15-11-0871r0) – Performance simulation of DSA system (15-11-0764r1) – Draft plan of IG SRU 1st version of technical document (1511-0813r1) • Other business items – Schedule – Tutorial session in March, 2012 – Call for Contributions • Report on progress to WG Submission Slide 101 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Accomplishment for the meeting • IG SRU 4th meeting was called to order 9 November 2011 at 8:15 and finished at 9:45. – 13 Attendee – Approve meeting agenda (15-11-0713r1) – Approve meeting minutes (15-11-0755r0). • 2 Technical Presentations. – Smart Antenna Opportunities for Spectrum Resource Usage Improvements (15-11-0871r0) – Performance simulation of DSA system (15-11-0764r1) • Discussed Table of Contents of Technical Document – Draft plan of IG SRU 1st version of technical document (15-11-0813r1) – 1st version will be submitted at March 2012 Plenary meeting. • Others – Planning to presentation at WNG meeting at March 2012. – Next meeting will held plenary meeting at March 2012. Submission Slide 102 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Plan for March Meeting • Hearing presentation. • Editing 1st version of Technical document. Submission Slide 103 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Interest Group- Positive Train Control (PTC) Chair: Jon Adams CLOSING REPORT Submission Slide 104 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 November 2011 Meeting Goals • PTC-IG Overview – Goals and Expectations – Demonstration of growing Industry/Regulatory interest • • • • • • Schedule of Activities Chair/Officers IEEE Patent Policy Week’s Schedule Overview of IEEE 802.15.4-2011 Discussion of PAR and 5C draft documents Submission Slide 105 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 PTC-IG Goals and Intentions This standard may be a new IEEE 802.15 standard or an amendment to IEEE 802.15.4. The intention is to standardize the over-the-air radio link for the mandated US Positive Train Control law established in 2008: • • • • • • • • • Enables operation in a variety of radio frequency bands including the USlicensed 216-222MHz spectrum Supports typical data rates from 9.6 to 200 kbits per second Support for multiple simultaneous networks Provides for mobility up to 500km/h (1000km/h closing speeds, train to train) Supports radio ranges up to 70km Shall operate in not-necessarily contiguous channel sizes as small as 5kHz but generally up to 50kHz Requires flexible and robust QoS with attention to connection time, transfer delay, registration delay, and handover time Allows for rapidly changing (several per second) network membership Realizes optimal and power efficient device command and control applications for energy-scavenged end devices Submission Slide 106 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Goals and Intentions 2 • • • • Propagation path loss of approximately 140 dB Potential for dozens of simultaneous wayside and network connections per locomotive Asymmetric application data flow Extreme difference in capabilities and performance between wayside, network access points, and locomotives – • • • – – Locomotive and Network Access Points may support all standardized modulations (MCS) and data rates May be requirements to support antenna diversity or antenna beam steering Wayside equipment may be required to conserve energy Reliable operation in dramatically changing environments (no control over environment) This amendment also provides mechanisms that enable coexistence with other systems in the same band(s) including IEEE 802.11, 802.15, and 802.16 systems, assuming those networks exist in set of bands Because of its nature, the standard developed here may be broadly applicable to other monitoring and control Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) functions. Submission Slide 107 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 PTC-IG Meetings This Week Mtg Monday Tuesday Wednesday AM1 Overview of IEEE 802.15.4 PAR and 5C Draft Discussion (Auburn) AM2 802.15 Mid-Week Plenary PM1 Presentation(s) Discussion (Hanover B) PM2 Presentation(s) PAR and 5C Draft Discussion (Hanover B) Submission Slide 108 Thursday Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 November 2011 PTC-IG Officers (Interim) Chair: Jon Adams (Independent) Vice Chair: Dr Mark Hartong (Federal Railroad Administration) Secretary: TBD Technical Editor TBD (Not needed until in editing phase) Submission Slide 109 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 PTC-IG Schedule • Interest Group – – – • Aug 2011 Oct 2011 Nov 2011 Study Group – – – – • Establish group, discuss process Establish regular meeting schedule Request promotion to Study Group Call for Contributions Draft Project Authorization Request and 5C Request PAR/5C approval Request promotion to Task Group Nov 2011 Nov 2011 Jan 2012 Mar 2012 Task Group – Proposal Effort • • • • • – Preliminary draft Final draft (ready for WG Letter Ballot) May 2013 July 2013 Balloting • • • • • Submission May 2012 May 2012 July 2012 Sep 2012 Nov 2012 Drafting • • – Technical Guidance Document Call for Proposals Preliminary Proposals Final Proposals Adopt Baseline Letter ballot Recirculation I Recirculation II Recirculation III Sponsor Ballot Sep 2013 Jan 2014 Mar 2014 May 2014 July 2014 Slide 110 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Presentations Made 811-0 PTC-IG Opening Report for November 2011 Session Jon Adams GEN 484-1 IEEE_802-15-4-2011_&_TG4e_Overview Pat Kinney GEN 812-0 Positive Train Control Mandate and Technology Kevin Nichter GEN 819-3 PTC Spectrum Overview John Notor GEN 821-0 Draft PTC PAR Jon Adams GEN Submission Slide 111 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Logistics from Atlanta to Jacksonville Conference Calls • Near weekly calls – Wednesday at 1600 EDT – November 16, 30; December 7, 14, 21; January 4, 11 • Call details are: +1.530.881.1000, participant access code: 646359# • Topics – Further work to finalize PAR and 5Cs – Call for contributions – Continue to increase industry participation Submission Slide 112 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Motion • Motion: The 802.15 Working Group seeks approval from the 802 EC to form a Study Group to develop the PAR and 5C documents for a wireless communications standard supporting US-mandated Positive Train Control systems. • Moved by Clint Chaplin • Seconded by Clint Powell • Approved 49Y/0N/0A Submission Slide 113 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Standing Committee- WNG Chair: Pat Kinney CLOSING REPORT Submission Slide 114 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Interpretation Request The following interpretation request concerns IEEE 802.15.42006, subclauses and While the BPSK PHY and the ASK PHY of the 868 MHz specifications use raised-cosine and root-raised-cosine pulse shape filtering to represent the baseband chips, the O-QPSK PHY uses half-sine pulse shaping for baseband-chip representation (see Furthermore, subclause specifies that, using the 868 MHz band, "the signal shall be filtered" with a raised-cosine filter. Does this mean that the baseband chips are first half-sine filtered and then additionally raised-cosine filtered? Or is the raised-cosine filtering optional? Submission Slide 115 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Interpretation Request Resolution • Does this mean that the baseband chips are first half-sine filtered and then additionally raised-cosine filtered? – “Yes”. This filtering is for pulse shaping purposes. • Or is the raised-cosine filtering optional? – “No, this is mandatory”. This filtering is for spectral emissions purposes. Submission Slide 116 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Interpretation Request Resolution • SCWNG Motion: move to approve slide 3 of 15-11-0773-01 as resolution to the request for interpretation as stated on slide 2. • Moved by James Gilb , seconded by Phil Beecher • Following neither discussion nor opposition, the motion carries Submission Slide 117 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Interpretation Request Resolution • Motion: move to approve 15-11-0837-00 as the IEEE 802.15 WG resolution to the request for interpretation. • Moved by Pat Kinney, seconded by Phil Beecher • Following discussion, the vote was taken with the results of / / . Submission Slide 118 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Challenges on Chinese Wireless Medical Monitoring networking Applications by Liang Li (15-11-766-01) • Question: does the 402-425 MHz band have other uses that could conflict with this application? – Reply: Yes, coexistence would need to be analyzed • Do the other bands have uses that could conflict with this application? Yes • Straw poll of attendees supporting the formation of an MBAN Chinese Study Group yielded a result of 30/0/10. Submission Slide 119 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Challenges on Chinese Wireless Medical Monitoring networking Applications by Liang Li Motion: that the 802.15 Working Group seeks approval from the 802 EC to form a study group to develop the PAR and 5c documents for a PHY amendment to 802.15.4 to take advantage of newly available unlicensed spectrum for medical applications in China. • Moved by • Seconded by • Vote was taken with the result of / / Submission Slide 120 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11-0852-00 Upcoming Sessions • January 15-20, 2012, Hyatt Regency, Jacksonville, Florida, USA, 802 Wireless Interim • March 11-16, 2012, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island, HI, USA, 802 Plenary Session • May 13-18, 2012, Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, USA, 802 Wireless Interim Session • July 15-20, 2012, Grand Hyatt Manchester, San Diego, CA, USA, 802 Plenary Session. • September 16-21, 2012, Hyatt Grand Champion, Palm Springs, CA, USA, 802 Wireless Interim Session • November 11-16, 2012, Grand Hyatt San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA, 802 Plenary Session. Submission Slide 121 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance