Distortion Risk Measures and Economic Capital Discussion of Werner Hurlimann Paper --By Shaun Wang April 11, 2003 1 Agenda Highlights of W. Hurlimann Paper: Search for distortion measures that preserve an order of tail heaviness 2) Optimal level of capital 1) Discussion by S. Wang: Link distortion measures to financial pricing theories 2) Empirical studies in Cat-bond, corporate bond 1) April 11, 2003 2 Assumptions We know the dist’n F(x) for financial losses In real-life this may be the hardest part Risks are compared solely based on F(x) Correlation implicitly reflected in the aggregate risk distribution April 11, 2003 3 Axioms for Coherent Measures Axiom 1. If X Y (X) (Y). Axiom 2. (X+Y) (X)+ (Y) Axiom 3. X and Y are co-monotone (X+Y) = (X)+ (Y) Axiom 4. April 11, 2003 Continuity 4 Representation for Coherent Measures of Risk Given Axioms 1-4, there is distortion g:[0,1][0,1] increasing concave with g(0)=0 and g(1)=1, such that F*(x) = g[F(x)] and (X) = E*[X] Alternatively, S*(x) = h[S(x)], with S(x)=1F(x) and h(u)=1 g(1u) April 11, 2003 5 Some Coherent Distortions TVaR or CTE: g(u) = max{0, (u)/(1)} PH-transform: S*(x) = [S(x)]^, for <1 Wang transform: g(u) = [1(u)+], where is the Normal(0,1) distribution April 11, 2003 6 Distortion Risk Measures Distortion Functions F*(x)=g[F(x)] 1 PH-transform 0.8 TVaR F*(x) 0.6 Wang transform 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 F(x) April 11, 2003 7 Distortion Risk Measures Transformed Probability Weights 0.12 0.1 f*(x) 0.08 PH-transform TVaR 0.06 Wang transform 0.04 f(x) 0.02 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 f(x) --- Uniform(0, 100) Density April 11, 2003 8 Ordering of Tail Heaviness Hurlimann compares risks X and Y with equal mean and equal variance If E[(X c)+^2] E[(Y c)+^2] for all c, Y has a heavier tail than risk X He tries to find “distortion measures” that preserve his order of tail heaviness April 11, 2003 9 Hurlimann Result For the families of bi-atomic risks and 3parameter Pareto risks, A specific PH-transform: S*(x)=[S(x)]0.5 preserves his order of tail heaviness Wang transform and TVaR do not preserve his order of tail thickness April 11, 2003 10 Optimal Risk Capital Definitions : Economic Risk Capital: Amount of capital required as cushion against potential unexpected losses Cost of capital: Interest cost of financing Excess return over risk-free rate demanded by investors April 11, 2003 11 Optimal Risk Capital: Notations X: financial loss in 1-year C = C[X]: economic risk capital i borrowing interest rate r< i risk-free interest rate April 11, 2003 12 Dilemma of Capital Requirement Net interest on capital (i r)C small C Solvency risk Let R[.] be a risk measure to price insolvency X C(1+r) large C See guarantee fund premium by David Cummins Minimize total cost: R[max{X C(1+r),0}] + (i r)C April 11, 2003 13 Optimal Risk Capital: Result Optimal Capital (Dhane and Goovaerts, 2002): C[X] = VaR(X)/(1+r) =1 g1[(i r)/(1+r)] with When (i r) increases, optimal capital decreases! Eg. XNormal(,), i=7.5%, r=3.75%, and g(u)=u^0.5, C[X]=[+3]/1.0375 April 11, 2003 14 Remarks In standalone risk evaluation, distortion measures may or may not preserve Hurlimann’s order of tail heaviness However, individual risk distribution tails can shrink within portfolio diversification We need to reflect the portfolio effect and link with financial pricing theories April 11, 2003 15 Properties of Wang transform F * ( x ) ( F ( x )) 1 If the asset return R has a normal distribution F(x), transformed F*(x) is also normal with E*[R] = E[R] [R] = r (risk-free rate) = { E[R] r }/[R] is the “market price of risk”, also called the Sharpe ratio April 11, 2003 16 Link to Financial Theories Market portfolio Z has market price of risk 0 corr(X,Z) = Buhlmann 1980 economic model F * ( x ) 1 ( F ( x )) , with 0 • It recovers CAPM for assets, and BlackScholes formula for Options April 11, 2003 17 Unified Treatment of Asset / Loss The gain X for one party is the loss for the counter party: Y = X We should use opposite signs of , and we get the same price for both sides of the transaction FX* ( x ) 1 ( FX ( x )) FY* ( x ) 1 ( FY ( x )) April 11, 2003 18 Risk Adjustment for Long-Tailed Liabilities The Sharpe Ratio can adjust for the time horizon: (T) = (1) * (T)b, where 0.5 b 1 where T is the average duration of loss payout patterns b=0.5 if reserve development follows a Brownian motion April 11, 2003 19 Adjustment for Parameter Uncertainty From Normal to Student-t 0.05 Normal(0,1) 0.04 prob density Student(k=5) 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 X April 11, 2003 20 Adjust for Parameter Uncertainty Baseline: For normal distributions, Student-t properly reflects the parameter uncertainty Generalization: For arbitrary F(x), we propose the following adjustment: F(x) Normal(0,1) Student-t Q F ( x ) Q ( F ( x )) * April 11, 2003 1 21 A Two-Factor Model First adjust for parameter uncertainty F(x) Normal(0,1) Student-t Q Then Apply Wang transform: F * ( y ) Q ( F ( y )) 1 April 11, 2003 22 Fit 2-factor model to 1999 Cat bonds Date Sources: Lane Financial LLC Yield Spread for Insurance-Linked Securities 16.00% Yield Spread 14.00% Model-Spread Empirical-Spread 12.00% 10.00% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% o M ic sa 2A M o ic sa 2B a H y al rd Re D tic es om C R e en c on c tri Re t t e d A B A B C R Lt e e e e e l l u R R R E ic ia ag ag s s tE s az d m nt E E s a a a J l l s n l e i 1 2 am ld ld At At id At n o o i n Se N i v es l G G v l R Ke Ke o un R e e lR n ve n ve Transactions April 11, 2003 23 Fit 2-factor model to corporate bonds Bond Rating and Yield Spread 1,400 Model Fitted Spread 1,200 Spread (basis points) Actual Spread 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 AAA AA A BBB BB B CCC Bond Rating April 11, 2003 24