How Valid Are Your Assumptions? A Basic Introduction to Testing the Assumptions of Loss Reserve Variability Models Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar Renaissance Waverly Hotel Atlanta, Georgia presented by F. Douglas Ryan, FCAS, MAAA Philip E. Heckman, ACAS, MAAA, PhD September 11, 2006 Class for Regional Affiliates Schedule 8:30 am Optional Class A – The mathematics of regression Optional Class B - The reserving problem in casualty insurance 10:00 11:45 1:00 1:30 3:00 5:00 Full session 1 Break for lunch and Regional Affiliate business Full session 2 Break out into work groups of four to six persons Full session 3 End of class Participants who do not wish to take an optional early session are expected to travel to the meeting in the morning and return home the same day. Class for Regional Affiliates Who Is It For? The class is designed to be offered by Regional Affiliates to all people interested in the technical side of the estimation of liabilities using data in “loss development triangles”. Regional Affiliates are encouraged to invite students and faculty in actuarial programs, actuaries at all levels of experience with the setting of loss reserves, and senior management. Class for Regional Affiliates The Scope from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm • Introduce triangles of cumulative loss costs and note their obvious features • Algorithms: The “actuarial methods” and Excel instructions viewed as algorithms • BLUE: “Best” Linear Unbiased Estimates • Multiple Models and “The Reserving Problem” • Testing the BLUE Assumptions • Testing a BLUE Model: Validation • Model Design Class for Regional Affiliates The Participant Should Be Able To: 1.1 Participate in a discussion of how two triangles differ 1.2 Contrast the insights gained from two, three or four methods of viewing triangles 1.3 Use Chart Wizard to create “XY Scatter” charts of possible functional relations Class for Regional Affiliates The Participant Should Be Able To: 2.1 Contrast the insights gained from normalizing using exposure rather than premium 2.2 Contrast the uses of price deflators with the uses of time series 2.3 Appreciate the complications introduced by introducing a triangle such as claim counts Class for Regional Affiliates The Participant Should Be Able To: 3.1 Explain to a non-actuary what an algorithm is, why the “actuarial methods” are algorithms, and why Mack and Venter have asked us to think of the chain-ladder method as an algorithm. Class for Regional Affiliates The Participant Should Be Able To: 4.1 Answer questions about how Excel’s functions call on algorithms and, if appropriate, draw an analogy with Russian dolls or some other system of nesting subroutines 4.2 Define in the Excel-user’s style (not as a statistician) the meaning of each function: FORECAST, RSQD, INTERCEPT, STEYX, TREND and LINEST 4.3 Give examples of what the Excel Function Wizard means by “known_y’s” and “known_x’s” 4.4 Use each of these Excel functions for a specific, limited purpose (although not be able yet to assemble them into a more sophisticated algorithm) Class for Regional Affiliates The Participant Should Be Able To: 5.1 Using the acronym BLUE, recall the four aspects of a regression algorithm. 5.2 Examine a triangle of data and note its qualities as a set of “actual” observations. 5.3 Discuss the argument that regression is inappropriate for extrapolating into the future. 5.4 Discuss the argument that big differences between actual and expected imply a poor tool for forecasting. Class for Regional Affiliates The Participant Should Be Able To: 6.1 Adjust a triangle of data (e.g., by taking logs or using incremental data) and discuss how the adjusted data is more or less appropriate as a set of “actual” data. 6.2 Give examples of real-world problems for which the linear assumption of regression is clearly inappropriate. [This may be difficult, but if it is, it simply shows the usefulness of linear models.] 6.3 Contrast BLUE models of paid data with BLUE models of incurred data (paid+case reserves). Class for Regional Affiliates The Participant Should Be Able To: 7.1 Explain the differences between accounting summaries of loss costs and the “sufficient statistics” of a statistical approach such as GLM. 7.2 Explain how the “actuarial methods” rely on a subset of the accounting data rather than the entire triangles of paid and incurred. 7.3 Discuss the value of having a number of estimators that reflect a diversity of possible world-views and are independent of one another. Class for Regional Affiliates The Participant Should Be Able To: 8.1. List five ways that patterns in the residuals might indicate that one or more assumptions is not appropriate. 8.2. Create a chart in Excel of a set of residuals and comment about what the chart says about the appropriateness of the BLUE assumptions. 9.1. Give reasons why the fitted values should look like the observations 9.2. Give examples of using subsets of the larger data set to test the reasonableness of a regression estimate Minimum Limits Auto Dataset California Auto Liability Insurance Minimum Statutory Limits Policies (15/30) Claims Screen: Claimant Is Not Represented by an Attorney Data Reflects Only Claims Closed as of the Evaluation Data Used with the Permission of The Qestrel Companies AY 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 1 Cumulative Losses 2 3 4 5 1,549,844 34,691 1,402,761 1,544,751 1,547,344 1,018,092 4,532,796 5,063,937 5,093,082 4,161,397 16,336,148 18,067,843 4,077,332 20,892,524 3,415,880 Data Limitations • To fit on overhead – only 5 years • More stable than “real” data – Only one state – Only closed claims – Only minimum limits Chain Ladder Projections Wgtd Avg f(d) % Reported AY 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 1 to 2 4.6456 3.6456 0.1930 AGE TO AGE FACTORS 2 to 3 3 to 4 1.1080 1.0048 0.1080 0.0048 0.7037 0.0968 4 to 5 1.0016 0.0016 0.0048 CHAIN LADDER METHOD PROJECTED LOSSES 1 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 34,691 1,402,761 1,544,751 1,547,344 1,018,092 4,532,796 5,063,937 5,093,082 4,161,397 16,336,148 18,067,843 18,154,613 4,077,332 20,892,524 23,148,432 23,259,601 3,415,880 15,868,658 17,582,104 17,666,541 5 to Ult 0.0016 4 to 5 1,549,844 5,101,311 18,183,945 23,297,180 17,695,084 Data Adjustment Incremental Losses 1 to 2 2 to 3 1,368,070 141,990 3,514,703 531,142 12,174,751 1,731,695 16,815,192 AY 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 1 34,691 1,018,092 4,161,397 4,077,332 3,415,880 3 to 4 2,593 29,145 AY 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 CHAIN LADDER METHOD FITTED INCREMENTALS 1 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 34,691 126,468 151,466 7,419 1,018,092 3,711,512 489,437 24,319 4,161,397 15,170,600 1,763,925 86,769 4,077,332 14,864,137 2,255,908 111,169 3,415,880 12,452,778 1,713,447 84,437 4 to 5 2,500 4 to 5 2,500 8,229 29,332 37,580 28,543 Severity Exploratory Graphical Analysis Year Exploratory Graphical Analysis: Residual • A residual = Actual value for Yi – Fitted value for Yi • Used to assess fit of model • There should be no pattern, just random points Chain Ladder Method Residual AY 1998 1999 2000 2001 STD DEV AY 1998 1999 2000 2001 CHAIN LADDER METHOD RESIDUALS (INCREMENTAL) 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5 1,241,602 (9,475) (4,825) (0) (196,809) 41,705 4,825 (2,995,848) (32,230) 1,951,055 2,188,000 37,867 6,824 - CHAIN LADDER METHOD STANDARDIZED RESIDUALS (INCREMENTAL) 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5 0.5675 (0.2502) (0.7071) (0.0000) (0.0899) 1.1014 0.7071 (1.3692) (0.8511) 0.8917 Chain Ladder Method Residual -1 AGE 1 T O 2 CHAI N LADDER M ET HOD RESI DUAL VERSUS AGE 1 CUM ULAT I VE ( I N 0 0 0 ' s) 3,000 2,000 1,000 RESIDUAL 0 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 - 1,000 - 2,000 - 3,000 - 4,000 CUMULATIVE LOSS 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 Chain Ladder Method Residual -2 AGE 2 T O 3 CHAI N LADDER M ET HOD RESI DUAL VERSUS AGE 2 CUM ULAT I VE ( I N 0 0 0 ' s) 50 40 30 RESIDUAL 20 10 0 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 - 10 - 20 - 30 - 40 CUMULATIVE LOSS 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 Chain Ladder Method Residual -3 AGE 3 T O 4 CHAI N LADDER M ET HOD RESI DUAL VERSUS AGE 3 CUM ULAT I VE ( I N 0 0 0 ' s) 6 4 RESIDUAL 2 0 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 -2 -4 -6 CUMULATIVE LOSS 4,000 5,000 6,000 Chain Ladder Method Residual -4 CHAI N LADDER M ET HOD RESI DUALS OVER T I M E ( ACROSS ACCI DENT YEARS) 2.0 1.5 STD RESIDUALS 1.0 0.5 0.0 1998 1999 2000 2001 - 0.5 - 1.0 - 1.5 Age 1 t o 2 Age 2 t o 3 Age 3 t o 4 - 2.0 ACCIDENT YEAR Chain Ladder Method Residual -5 CHAI N LADDER M ET HOD RESI DUALS OVER T I M E ( ACROSS DEVELOPM ENT PERI ODS) 2.0 1.5 STD RESIDUALS 1.0 0.5 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 - 0.5 - 1.0 - 1.5 AY 1998 AY 1999 AY 2000 - 2.0 AGE Exploratory Graphical Analysis: Scatterplots • Plot of points of dependent variable vs independent variable • Should suggest the shape of the relationship between the variables – Does it look like a linear relationship? – Does it look non-linear? – Is any relationship suggested: If not – mean of Y is its best estimate Incremental vs. Cumulative - 1 AGE 1 TO 2 I NCREMENTAL VERSUS AGE 1 CUMULATI VE ( I N 0 0 0 's) 18,000 16,000 14,000 INCREMENTAL LOSS 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 CUMULATIVE LOSS 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 Incremental vs. Cumulative - 2 AGE 2 TO 3 I NCREMENTAL VERSUS AGE 2 CUMULATI VE ( I N 0 0 0 's) 2,000 1,800 1,600 INCREMENTAL LOSS 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 CUMULAT I VE LOSS 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 Incremental vs. Cumulative - 3 AGE 3 T O 4 I NCREM ENT AL VERSUS AGE 3 CUM ULAT I VE ( I N 0 0 0 ' s) 35 30 INCREMENTAL LOSS 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 CU MU LATI VE LO SS 4,000 5,000 6,000 Assumes a Linear Function Linear Function Y-Variable Y-VAriable Non-linear Function X-Variable X-Variable Linear Regression • A to B incremental against age A cumulative • Use Excel function to model y = mx + b • LINEST(known y’s, known x’s,const,stat) – Result is a 5 x 2 array – Arguments • • • • known y’s – column of incremental known x’s – column of cumulative const – “false” sets b = 0 stat – “true” provides full array Input Data for 1 to 2 Incremental vs. 1 Cumulative AY X Y 1998 1999 2000 2001 34,691 1,018,092 4,161,397 4,077,332 1,368,070 3,514,703 12,174,751 16,815,192 Create Array of Regression Statistics • Select 5 x 2 matrix of cells • Type LINEST function in upper left cell • Keystroke <CTRL><SHIFT><ENTER> m SEm r2 LINEST ARRAY TABLE (1 TO 2) 3.297 809,596 b 0.689 2,038,734 SEb 0.920 2,523,361 SEy F Statistic 22.871 2.000 Degrees of Freedom Reg SS 145,625,078,580,873 12,734,698,887,975 Res SS Statistics Based on Residual • Compute variance of regression as sum of squared residuals divided by the degrees of freedom (the mean square error, MSE) – Its square root, s, is standard error of regression • The R2 or percent of explained variance: 1-R2 = divide MSE by total variance • Standard deviation of constant – Use to test significance of constant • Standard deviation of coefficient – Use to test significance of coefficient Selecting Array Components • INDEX Function in Excel will return array elements • Form - INDEX(ARRAY, ROW #, COLUMN #) – – – – – INDEX(LINEST, 1, 1) = M INDEX(LINEST, 1, 2) = B INDEX(LINEST, 2, 1) =SEm INDEX(LINEST, 2, 2) =SEb INDEX(LINEST, 4, 2) =Degrees of Freedom Test Significance Of Intercept • Calculate Student t statistic, B / SEb • Select Significance Level –Judgment (selected 0.05 for this example) • Excel Function for probability value from Student t distribution - TDIST(ABS(B/ SEb), Degrees Freedom, Tails) - Set Tails = 2 For 2-tail Distribution • Compare result to selected significance level Results Significance of Intercept Intercept: Standard Error T Statistic Degrees of Freedom Student t probability Conclusion 1 to 2 809,596.433 2,038,734 0.397 2.000 0.730 Not Significant From Zero 2 to 3 20,993.037 38,195 0.550 1.000 0.680 Not Significant From Zero 3 to 4 -9,061.620 0 N/A 0.000 N/A N/A The “One Factor Model” • Age-toAged Factor= incrementald loss/cumulatived-1 • Incremental lossd = f(d) * cumulatived-1 • This is equivalent to weighted regression where – – – – – Y is incremental at d X is cumulative at d-1 B, the coefficient, is the (LDF – 1.0) The regression has no constant term Weights are xi/S xj instead of xi2/S xj2 Linear Regression Through the Origin-Statistic Array LINEST ARRAY TABLE (1 TO 2) 3.512073632 0.361831528 0.91324316 31.57940603 144,620,983,575,556 0.000 #N/A 2,139,999.524 3 13,738,793,893,292 Results Linear Regression Through the Origin Slope: Standard Error T Statistic Degrees of Freedom Student t probability Conclusion R Squared: SEy Selected f(d): 1 to 2 3.512 0.362 9.706 3.000 0.002 Significant From Zero 0.913 2,139,999.524 2 to 3 0.107 0.002 51.969 2.000 0.000 Significant From Zero 0.998 34,947.730 3 to 4 0.005 0.001 4.754 1.000 0.132 Not Significant From Zero 0.897 6,023.359 1 to 2 3.512 2 to 3 0.107 3 to 4 0.005 Linear Regression Projections CUMULATIVE LOSSES + MODELED INCREMENTAL LOSSES 1 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 34,691 1,402,761 1,544,751 1,547,344 1,018,092 4,532,796 5,063,937 5,093,082 4,161,397 16,336,148 18,067,843 18,165,559 4,077,332 20,892,524 23,123,108 23,248,164 3,415,880 15,412,702 17,058,235 17,150,490 AY 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 AY 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 MODELED INCREMENTAL LOSSES 1 1 to 2 2 to 3 34,691 121,837 149,765 1,018,092 3,575,616 483,943 4,161,397 14,615,132 1,744,124 4,077,332 14,319,891 2,230,584 3,415,880 11,996,822 1,645,533 4 to 5 1,549,844 5,093,082 18,165,559 23,248,164 17,150,490 3 to 4 8,354 27,387 97,716 125,056 92,255 Residual Results AY 1998 1999 2000 2001 RESIDUALS 1 to 2 1,246,232.8090 (60,912.4134) (2,440,380.5837) 2,495,301.5777 2 to 3 (7,775.2208) 47,199.1589 (12,428.7173) 3 to 4 (5,761.2629) 1,757.4699 STD DEV 2,109,837.6096 33,164.5420 5,316.5470 AY 1998 1999 2000 2001 STANDARDIZED RESIDUALS 1 to 2 2 to 3 0.5907 (0.2344) (0.0289) 1.4232 (1.1567) (0.3748) 1.1827 3 to 4 (1.0836) 0.3306 Graphs Based on Residual • • • • Plot residual versus Y Plot residual versus predicted Y Plot residual versus X Plot residual versus variables not in regression (i.e., age, calendar year) Chain Ladder Model Residual -1 AGE 1 T O 2 CHAI N LADDER M ODEL RESI DUAL VERSUS AGE 1 CUM ULAT I VE ( I N 0 0 0 ' s) 3,000 2,000 RESIDUAL 1,000 0 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 - 1,000 - 2,000 - 3,000 CUMULATIVE LOSS 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 Chain Ladder Model Residual -2 AGE 2 T O 3 CHAI N LADDER M ODEL RESI DUAL VERSUS AGE 2 CUM ULAT I VE ( I N 0 0 0 ' s) 60 50 40 RESIDUAL 30 20 10 0 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 - 10 - 20 CUMULATIVE LOSS 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 Chain Ladder Model Residual -3 AGE 3 T O 4 CHAI N LADDER M ODEL RESI DUAL VERSUS AGE 3 CUM ULAT I VE ( I N 0 0 0 ' s) 3 2 1 0 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 RESIDUAL -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 CUMULATIVE LOSS 4,000 5,000 6,000 Chain Ladder Model Residual -4 CHAI N LADDER M ODEL RESI DUALS OVER T I M E ( ACROSS ACCI DENT YEARS) 5.0 4.0 STD RESIDUALS 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 1998 1999 2000 - 1.0 2001 Age 1 t o 2 Age 2 t o 3 Age 3 t o 4 - 2.0 ACCIDENT YEAR Chain Ladder Model Residual -5 CHAI N LADDER M ODEL RESI DUALS OVER T I M E ( ACROSS DEVELOPM ENT PERI ODS) 5.0 4.0 STD RESIDUALS 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 2 3 4 5 - 1.0 1998 1999 2000 - 2.0 AGE Additional Models • What to do if tests of assumptions underlying chain ladder fail? • Alternative Models – – – – Linear with Constant Additive Model Bornhuetter-Ferguson (BF) Cape Cod-Special Case of BF (CC) Approach to CC and BF • Estimate Ultimate Claim Counts • Parameterize incremental severity by functional form f(d)*h(w), where f(d) varies by development age and h(w) varies by accident year • Fitting accomplished by an iterative approach with constraints (Solver add-in to Excel) • Cape Cod assumes h(w) constant over all accident years (reduces parameters) Claim Count AY 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 AY 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 1 CUMULATIVE COUNT 2 3 4 5 228 11 215 226 227 133 598 684 688 632 2,731 3,004 877 3,577 665 1 11 133 632 877 665 INCREMENTAL COUNT 1 to 2 2 to 3 204 11 465 86 2,099 273 2,700 3 to 4 1 4 4 to 5 1 Chain Ladder Method-Claim Count Wgtd Avg f(d) % Reported AY 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 1 to 2 4.3079 3.3079 0.2081 AGE TO AGE FACTORS 2 to 3 3 to 4 1.1044 1.0055 0.1044 0.0055 0.6884 0.0936 Chain Ladder Method Projected Count 1 1 to 2 2 to 3 11 215 226 133 598 684 632 2,731 3,004 877 3,577 3,950 665 2,865 3,164 4 to 5 1.0044 0.0044 0.0054 5 to Ult 3 to 4 227 688 3,021 3,972 3,181 4 to 5 228 691 3,034 3,990 3,195 0.0044 Claim Count Incremental vs Cumulative-1 AGE 1 T O 2 I NCREM ENT AL VERSUS AGE 1 CUM ULAT I VE 3,000 2,500 INCREMENTAL COUNT 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 CUMULATIVE COUNT 700 800 900 1,000 Claim Count Incremental vs Cumulative-2 AGE 2 T O 3 I NCREM ENT AL VERSUS AGE 2 CUM ULAT I VE 300 250 INCREMENTAL COUNT 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1,000 1,500 CUMULATIVE COUNT 2,000 2,500 3,000 Claim Count Incremental vs Cumulative-3 AGE 3 TO 4 I NCREMENTAL VERSUS AGE 3 CUMULATI VE 5 INCREMENTAL COUNT 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 400 CUMULATIVE COUNT 500 600 700 800 Claim Count Residual - 1 CLAI M COUNT RESI DUAL PLOT OVER T I M E ( ACROSS ACCI DENT YEARS) 2.0 STD RESIDUALS 1.0 0.0 1998 1999 2000 2001 - 1.0 Age 1 t o 2 Age 2 t o 3 Age 3 t o 4 - 2.0 ACCIDENT YEAR Claim Count Residual - 2 CLAI M COUNT RESI DUAL PLOT OVER T I M E ( ACROSS DEVELOPM ENT PERI ODS) 2.0 STD RESIDUALS 1.0 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 - 1.0 1998 1999 2000 - 2.0 AGE Significance of Intercept-Claim Count Intercept: Standard Error T Statistic Degrees of Freedom Student t probability Conclusion R Squared: 1 to 2 136.181 66 2.079 2.000 0.173 Not Significant From Zero 0.997 2 to 3 6.901 22 0.307 1.000 0.810 Not Significant From Zero 0.981 3 to 4 -0.480 0 N/A 0.000 N/A Not Significant From Zero 1.000 Linear Regression Results-Claim Count Slope: Standard Error T Statistic Degrees of Freedom Student t probability Conclusion R Squared: SEy Selected f(d): 1 to 2 3.168 0.114 27.858 3.000 0.000 Significant From Zero 0.990 123.868 2 to 3 0.102 0.007 14.484 2.000 0.005 Significant From Zero 0.979 19.682 3 to 4 0.006 0.000 13.464 1.000 0.047 Significant From Zero 0.979 0.305 1 to 2 3.168 2 to 3 0.102 3 to 4 0.006 Linear Regression Projections Cumulative Count + Modeled Incremental Count 1 1 to 2 2 to 3 11 215 226 133 598 684 632 2,731 3,004 877 3,577 3,941 665 2,772 3,054 AY 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 AY 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Modeled Incremental Count 1 1 to 2 11 35 133 421 632 2,002 877 2,778 665 2,107 2 to 3 22 61 278 364 282 3 to 4 227 688 3,021 3,963 3,071 4 to 5 228 688 3,021 3,963 3,071 3 to 4 1 4 17 22 17 Observed Severity AY 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 AY 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 1 152 1,480 1,377 1,029 1,112 1 152 1,480 1,377 1,029 1,112 Severity Per File 2 6,152 6,588 5,407 5,272 3 6,775 7,360 5,980 Incremental Severity 1 to 2 2 to 3 6,000 623 5,109 772 4,030 573 4,243 4 6,787 7,403 5 6,798 3 to 4 11 42 4 to 5 11 Initial Seed for f(d) and h(w) Cape Cod H(w) BASED ON THE ULTIMATES FROM THE CHAIN LADDER MODELS (LOSS DIVIDED BY CLAIM COUNTS) 5,943 FOR ALL YEARS F(d) BASED ON THE PAYMENT PATTERN FROM THE CHAIN LADDER MODEL CL Model Final Selections: Cumulative Incremental Starting Values % Reported 1 1.000 1.000 1 to 2 3.512 4.512 3.512 2 to 3 0.107 4.994 0.482 3 to 4 0.005 5.021 0.027 4 to 5 0.000 5.021 0.000 19.92% 69.95% 9.59% 0.54% 0.00% Iterative Process Results-CC F(d) Fitted h(w) 6,507 6,507 6,507 6,507 6,507 15.86% AY 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 74.50% 9.65% FITTED INCREMENTAL SEVERITY 1 1 to 2 2 to 3 1,032 4,848 628 1,032 4,848 628 1,032 4,848 628 1,032 4,848 628 1,032 4,848 628 0.00% 0.00% 3 to 4 - 4 to 5 - Fitted Ultimates and Projected Development-CC AY 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 AY 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 1 1,032 1,032 1,032 1,032 1,032 FITTED CUMULATIVE SEVERITY 2 3 5,880 6,507 5,880 6,507 5,880 6,507 5,880 6,507 5,880 6,507 ULT CLAIMS 4 6,507 6,507 6,507 6,507 6,507 5 6,507 6,507 6,507 6,507 6,507 228 688 3,021 3,963 3,071 ULT LOSS 1,483,663 4,477,018 19,659,486 25,789,508 19,984,231 PROJECTED LOSS DEVELOPMENT 1 2 3 4 5 34,691 1,402,761 1,544,751 1,547,344 1,549,844 1,018,092 4,532,796 5,063,937 5,093,082 5,093,082 4,161,397 16,336,148 18,067,843 18,067,843 18,067,843 4,077,332 20,892,524 23,380,324 23,380,324 23,380,324 3,415,880 18,303,297 20,231,087 20,231,087 20,231,087 Initial Seed for f(d) and h(w) Bornhuetter-Ferguson H(w) BASED ON THE ULTIMATES FROM THE CHAIN LADDER MODELS (LOSS DIVIDED BY CLAIM COUNTS) 1998 6,798 1999 7,403 2000 6,013 2001 5,866 2002 5,585 F(d) BASED ON FINAL PATTERN FROM CAPE COD MODEL Starting Values % Reported 1 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5 15.86% 74.50% 9.65% 0.00% 0.00% Iterative Process Results-BF F(d) Fitted h(w) 7,666 6,895 5,484 5,663 7,570 AY 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 14.69% 1 1,126 1,013 806 832 1,112 75.60% 9.71% FITTED INCREMENTAL SEVERITY 1 to 2 2 to 3 5,795 744 5,212 669 4,146 532 4,281 550 5,723 735 0.00% 0.00% 3 to 4 - 4 to 5 - Fitted Ultimates and Projected Development-BF AY 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 1 1,126 1,013 806 832 1,112 AY 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 FITTED CUMULATIVE SEVERITY 2 3 6,922 7,666 6,225 6,895 4,952 5,484 5,113 5,663 6,835 7,570 1 34,691 1,018,092 4,161,397 4,077,332 3,415,880 4 7,666 6,895 5,484 5,663 7,570 ULT CLAIMS ULT LOSS 228 688 3,021 3,963 3,071 1,747,831 4,743,672 16,569,195 22,443,025 23,249,242 5 7,666 6,895 5,484 5,663 7,570 PROJECTED LOSS DEVELOPMENT 2 3 4 1,402,761 1,544,751 1,547,344 4,532,796 5,063,937 5,093,082 16,336,148 18,067,843 18,067,843 20,892,524 23,071,364 23,071,364 20,992,140 23,249,250 23,249,250 5 1,549,844 5,093,082 18,067,843 23,071,364 23,249,250 Summary of Projected Ultimates AY 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Total Dev 1 2 3 4 5 CL Method 1,549,844 5,101,311 18,183,945 23,297,180 17,695,084 65,827,364 CL Method 19.30% 70.37% 9.68% 0.48% 0.00% Ultimate Losses (Age 5) CL Model 1,549,844 5,093,082 18,165,559 23,248,164 17,150,490 65,207,139 Cape Cod 1,549,844 5,093,082 18,067,843 23,380,324 20,231,087 68,322,181 FH 1,549,844 5,093,082 18,067,843 23,071,364 23,249,250 71,031,383 % Reported (incremental) CL Model Cape Cod 19.92% 15.86% 69.95% 74.50% 9.59% 9.65% 0.54% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% FH 14.69% 75.60% 9.71% 0.00% 0.00% Cape Cod and FH Model are driven by AY 1998, Dev 1 loss amount Comparison of Prediction of Incremental Loss SSE (000,000's) DF MSE (000,000's) CL Model 13,741,273 11 1,249,207 Cape Cod 13,213,917 11 1,201,265 BF 2,818,248 7 402,607