关于修订《节约能源法》的初步思考 Preliminary ideas on amending Energy Conservation Law 国家发展改革委环资司司长 赵家荣 Director-general of Department of Environment & Resources Conservation, NDRC 2005年11月18日 北京 Nov.18, 2005 Beijing 节约资源是我国的一项基本国策 Resource conservation as a principal national policy 《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十一个五 年规划的建议》提出:要把节约资源作为基本国策,发展 循环经济,保护生态环境,加快建设资源节约型、环境友 好型社会,促进经济发展与人口、资源、环境相协调。 “The Central Party’s Suggestions on the Development of the 11th FiveYear National Economic and Social Development Plan,” approved by The Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), clearly states that “the government should elevate resource conservation to being a principal national policy, encourage a circular economy, protect the environment, increase resource efficiency, establish an environmentally-friendly society, and balance economic development with population growth, resources use, and environmental protection. 主要内容 Main contents 一、《节约能源法》的实施效果 二、修订《节约能源法》的必要性 三、修订《节约能源法》的几点考虑 Implementation Effects of EC Law Necessity for Amending EC Law Thoughts about Amending EC Law 一、《节约能源法》的实施效果 Implementation Effects of EC Law (一)节能法制建设得到加强 制定和实施节能法及配套法规 颁布实施了地方性节能条例或办法 (1) Legal basis established for energy conservation 及配套法规 颁布实施了一大批产品能效标准、 行业节能设计规范、建筑节能设计 标准等 Many implementation regulations of EC Law have been adopted. The governments of provinces have adopted energy-saving regulations and measures; Benchmarks for energy efficiency standards, industrial energy-saving planning norms, and architectural energy-saving design standards have been developed and adopted. 一、《节约能源法》的实施效果 Implementation Effects of EC Law (二)节能管理制度不断完善 重点用能单位节能管理制度 强制性能效标准和标识制度 (2) The energy-savings management system has been improved. Management Regulations for Key Energy Consumption Enterprises Mandatory Energy-efficiency Standards and labels Energy-efficient-products Certification Government Procurement Programs 节能产品认证制度 节能产品政府采购制度 一、《节约能源法》的实施效果 Implementation Effects of EC Law (三)节能监管体制取得突破 上海、甘肃、云南等省市根据地方法规,建立了节能监察中心,由政 府依法授权开展节能执法监察 浙江、天津等省市政府设专项资金,委托省级节能监测中心对重点耗 能企业进行节能监测 (3) Effective Monitoring and Supervision System Energy Conservation Supervision Centers established in Shanghai, Gansu province, and Yunnan province. These Centers are now responsible for supervising the energy use and energy efficiency of enterprises. Special funds in Zhejiang and Tianjin to support the supervision. 一、《节约能源法》的实施效果 Implementation Effects of EC Law 《节约能源法》实施8年来,我国节能工作取得积极进 展,促进了能源利用效率的提高。2004年,单位GDP能耗比 1997年下降18%;主要产品单位能耗均有不同程度降低,与 国外先进水平的差距逐步缩小。 Since the implementation of ECL, China’s energy saving management has improved. This has resulted in improved energy utilization efficiency. China’s energy consumption per unit GDP in 2004 is 18 percent lower than it was in 1997. Several main products’ energy consumption has been reduced. This has narrowed the gap between China’s energy consumption per unit GDP and that of advanced countries. 二、修订《节约能源法》的必要性 Necessity for Amending EC Law 传统的高投入、高消耗、高排 放、低效率的粗放型增长方式 已经走到了尽头,必须加快转 变经济增长方式,大力节约能 源 实现“十一五”能源消耗降低20% 的目标,必须采取强化节约能 源的措施,这是具有全局性和 战略性的重大任务 《节约能源法》在诸多方面已 不能适应可持续发展对节能的 要求 China’s traditional extensive economic growth mode, characterized by high input, high consumption, high emissions, and low efficiency is no longer tenable. It is necessary to expedite the changing of China’s economic growth mode, conserving energy resources To realize the goal to reduce energy consumption per unit GDP by 20% during the 11th Five-Year period, energyefficiency needs to be dramatically improved. This is an important aspect of socialist modernization in China, central to the fundamental welfare of the people and long-term development of the Chinese nation The Energy Conservation Law does not fit current needs in China’s sustainable development and energy conservation. 三、修订《节约能源法》的几点考虑 Preliminary Thoughts about Amending EC Law (一)基本思路 以科学发展观为指导,以实现经济社会可持续发展对提高能源利用效 率的要求为目标,以建立严格的管理制度、明确各行为主体责任、提 高监管能力、完善体制机制、强化政策激励、加大惩戒力度为重点, 在吸取节能法实施以来的经验教训,借鉴国外成功经验的基础上加以 完善,使节能法成为新时期推进节能工作重要的法律保障。 (1) Fundamentals: Employ a scientific outlook on development for guidance; improve energy efficiency to realize a sustainable economic and social development path; adopt stricter management systems, clarifying responsibilities for each group, improving supervision capability, enhancing systematic operation mechanisms, increasing policy incentive, and strengthening punishment and enforcement; adjust and improve ECL based lessons learned from experiences since its adoption and international best practice; and make the law guarantee energy savings is promoted into the future. 三、修订《节约能源法》的几点考虑 Preliminary Thoughts about Amending EC Law (二)需把握的几个问题 政府宏观管理要与发挥市场机制作用相结合 依法管理要与政策激励相结合 注重源头控制 强化法律责任 制度设计要有可操作性 (2) Principles: Government macro-control should be combined with market mechanisms Management should be combined with incentive policies Pay attention to the control at the beginning Strengthening punishment and enforcement of the Law System design should be able to be put into operation 三、修订《节约能源法》的几点考虑 Preliminary Thoughts about Amending EC Law (三)修订《节约能源法》需调整的重点 • 确立节能的重要地位 明确节能是国家节约资源基本国策的重要组成部分,是经济社会发 展的一项长远战略方针,是保障国家能源安全,保护环境、增强 竞争力,实现可持续发展的重要措施 (3) Key Issues to be Considered: Clearly state that energy conservation is a high national priority. The Law should clearly state that energy conservation is an important element of China’s national resource conservation policy, a long-term strategic guideline for China’s economic and social development, and an important measure to safeguard national energy security, protect the environment, increase national competitiveness, and achieve sustainable development. 三、修订《节约能源法》的几点考虑 Preliminary Thoughts about Amending EC Law (三)修订《节约能源法》需调整的重点 • 强化法律规范的范围。 在继续加强工业节能管理的同时,强化建筑、交通、政府机构及公 用事业等领域的节能管理, 落实相关主体的责任 (3) Key Issues to be Considered: • Expand the scope of energy conservation. Besides enhancing industrial energy conservation, the government should enhance energy conservation in the buildings, transportation, and public utilities sectors, organize bulk procurement of energy-efficient products, and clarify the legal responsibilities of parties involved in the implementation of the Law. 三、修订《节约能源法》的几点考虑 Preliminary Thoughts about Amending EC Law (三)修订《节约能源法》需调整的重点 • 完善节能管理制度。 重大高耗能投资项目节能审查制度 重点行业新建项目、重点耗能产品和新建建筑市场准入制度 重点用能单位节能管理制度 高耗能落后技术、工艺、设备和标准强制淘汰制度 节能评价和考核制度 公众参与制度等 (3) Key Issues to be Considered: • Improve energy conservation administration mechanisms. China should expedite the approval of high-energy-conserving investment projects and market access approval for new energy-conserving projects increasing energy efficiency in energy intensive industries, the efficiency of energy intensive products, and the efficiency of new buildings. China should also improve the energy conservation management of high-energy-consuming enterprises, and improve mandatory phase-out mechanisms, energy conservation evaluation mechanisms, and public participation mechanisms of high-energy-consuming technologies, processes, equipment, and standards. 三、修订《节约能源法》的几点考虑 Preliminary Thoughts about Amending EC Law (三)修订《节约能源法》需调整的重点 • 强化节能激励政策。 建立节能专项资金 实行有利于节约能源的财税政策 能源价格要能够反映能源稀缺程度、供求关系及资源和环境成本 (3) Key Issues to be Considered: • Strengthen energy conservation incentives. Establish a special energy conservation fund. Formulate tax and fiscal policies for the energy conservation incentives. Reform energy pricing to internalize energy scarcity and supply-demand relationship. 三、修订《节约能源法》的几点考虑 Preliminary Thoughts about Amending EC Law (三)修订《节约能源法》需调整的重点 • 明确节能法的执法主体 《节约能源法》实施中的一个突出问题是执法主体不明确,节能监 管制度没有得到很好落实。应明确节能执法机构、权力和责任。 (3) Key Issues to be Considered: • Designate an agency to responsible for executing the Law. The vagueness of which agency should execute the Energy Conservation Law has been a major barrier to its implementation. The Law should be modified to clarify who is responsible for executing it, and specific the scope of that agency’s authority and responsibility. 三、修订《节约能源法》的几点考虑 Preliminary Thoughts about Amending EC Law (三)修订《节约能源法》需调整的重点 • 支持节能新机制的推广 电力需求侧管理 能源审计 能效标识管理 合同能源管理 节能信息传播 节能自愿协议 (3) Key Issues to be Considered: • Support the extensive use of new energy conservation measures. including demand-side management, energy auditing, contract management, energy information dissemination and voluntary agreements. 三、修订《节约能源法》的几点考虑 Preliminary Thoughts about Amending EC Law (三)修订《节约能源法》需调整的重点 • 鼓励发达地区实施更严格的能效标准和市场准入制度 针对标准化领域出现的超前性能效标准的新标准类型,建议赋予地 方人民政府节能行政主管部门可以依据实际情况,规定本区域执 行国家超前性能效标准的指标等级和实施期限的权限。 (3) Key Issues to be Considered: • Encourage the adoption of more stringent energy-efficiency standards and market-access mechanisms in developed regions. Recommend local energy conservation authorities formulate implementation regulations for advanced national “reach standards.” 谢 谢 ! Thanks!