Mr. Gary Matthews Grade Levels I Teach: Subjects I Teach:

Mr. Gary Matthews
Grade Levels I Teach: 9, 10, 11 & 12
Subjects I Teach: Math, Social Studies & Social Skills
Philosophy on Education: I believe teachers who are in regular contact with students,
it is important to be friendly, have a good personality, communicate well, be a good
listener and have a good sense of humor.
In education today a great teacher must be friendly and congenial with his or her
students. It is a plus for a teacher, if his or her students can share their problems,
without being afraid or hesitant.
Think about it; how many teachers did you like who were NOT friendly, rather arrogant
and rude?
I bring to life each day a classroom environment where my students as a group can
share and observe daily life problems and issues among their peers.
A great teacher has a very good personality; and serves as a mentor connecting with
his or her students.
A student is attracted to teachers with a good personality which leads to better
communication, understanding and in turn produces good results.
Student Behavior Philosophy: I define and measure success for myself as a teacher
by creating a good environment for all learners, being committed to be a creative
teacher not delivering scripted instruction.
It is important in my student’s eyes, for them to see the relationships I build with my coworkers and administration.
Most importantly, I define and measure myself by the success my students have
transitioning from a behavioral setting to a regular classroom setting, observing their
growth academically and socially while stressing why it is important for them to work
and strive each day to become productive citizens that can and will make positive
contributions to society.
I define and measure success for my students who have behavioral issues, by
observing Compliance (academic and behavior), Coping Skills (Anger Management),
and Appropriate Social Behavior on a daily basis.