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My Success Plan: Goals, Values, and Future Aspirations

My Success Plan
Tamry Mullins, Period 1 & 8
To me, having a successful life means being
happy and making a comfortable amount of
Interest Profiler Top 3
Interest Areas
Enneagram Type Two
I am generous, selfless and attentive. That’s
because my personality is based on the belief that I
am only as valuable as what I do for others. I try
my best to fulfill everyone else’s needs before
others even ask for it. At the same time, I have a
very hard time asking for what I need myself.
Instead, I unconsciously hope people will give me
what I want if I just do enough for them.
Top Two Work Values
1. Achievement
2. Relationships
I get a tingling feeling in my chest whenever I see
someone who needs my help and am able to offer
them something: my time, my attention, or simply a
bowl of hot soup. When there’s a relationship
crisis, type Two is the first to respond. When
there’s a dinner party, I won’t leave without offering
to do the dishes.
- eat 3 meals a day
- get enough sleep
- limit amount of junk
food intake
- include down time in
daily schedule to relax
- Keep a planner with
important dates
- Set alarms on phone
app with reminders
- Relaxing activity 1
hour before going to
- Make own coffee (not
Starbucks all of the
- Plan times to work out
at least twice a week
1. Where (country, state, city, beach town, mountain
environment,etc.) in the world would you like to settle
down to live?
I think I would like to settle down to live in the
country, or on the outskirts of a town or city. I’m not
exactly sure about which state, but I know I would
prefer warmth, so maybe somewhere south.
2. What type of dwelling (apartment, cabin, condo,
house, etc.) would be the most comfortable for you to
settle down in?
I would like to live in a house or a ranch style house.
I want plenty of room to have a family.
1. Social
2. Artistic
3. Enterprising
Support Team
- Lea (mom): reminds
me I’m not alone,
encouragement to keep
- Haley (friend): makes
me laugh, lets me vent,
gives advice
3. What type of transportation (car, SUV,
motorcycle, etc.) would you want to drive as
an adult?
I would like to drive a car for my single
life, but an SUV when I have a family.
4. What annual income do you need to
earn to maintain the answers above?
I would say at least $75,000
5. What occupation ideas interest you?
Child Life Specialist, mental health
By doing this research, I've been able to really learn about who I am. It's helped me in my
journey of trying to decide what I want to do with my life. I feel like I've learned quite a bit
about my personality. Knowing more about my personality makes it easier to make future
decisions. I am confident that I will be able to make better choices that will benefit me
personally. By knowing more about myself, I can begin to better understand myself.
Additionally, other people can understand me as well. This will help me get along with
others. Also, I will be able have better relationships with others because I better understand